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Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

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Day 5 post-op here. Doing well. Still sore and still have this dam gas, but other than that things are going pretty smoothly. Having trouble getting the fluids in. Sigh. I was hopeful to go back to work tomorrow, but I think I may just take ONE more day off to rest. I sit all day at my job and when I sit for an extended period of time, my insides feel compressed. :) I have lost 3 lbs since surgery, so I am happy about that, but I am also not eating very much. Yesterday was the first day I was actually HUNGRY! It felt good actually. Like I knew my insides were still working. I can't wait to get back to normal, get back to the gym and kiss my old @ss goodbye! :mad2: I have found that I am a lot happier too, even with the pain! I had seemed to had lost my happiness and I feel like I am finally gaining it back. :smile: I just hope I can continue to lose.

Next Wed. is my Dr. post op apt. so hopefully all goes well with that. Then, from what I understand, 5 weeks until my first fill. Hopefully will be sheding pounds left and right. I also have to start shopping for my wedding dress!!! :scared2:

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and keep up the great work! :thumbup:

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Checking in....

How is everyone doing? Chime in....

I can't believe I am finally 7 days post op. I feel worlds better, starting to almost feel like myself again.

I am taking my journey 1 day at a time. I aim to make it through each day as prescribed.

Granted Sat. can't come soon enough so I can move to mushies.

Anyone using scar cream on their incisions? My Dr. said not for 3 weeks, which seems like a long time.

Have you seen your Dr.? My 1st post op isn't until 4 weeks post op. Seems like a long time....hmmm

Spring is almost here:)

I'm doing great have no pain at all. I'm riding my stationary bike 35 minutes and walking 2 miles a day. Never thought I would say this I'm ready to go back to work. Starting to get a little bored. Me being a guy I don't worry about the scars from the incisions. I will wear them like badges of honor.LOL I have my first post-op appointment tomorrow. Hope everybody else is doing good.

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#1. Surgery date? - Feb. 25th 2010

#2. State you live in? - Texas

#3. Doctor/Surgery Center? - Dr. Fox/Richardson Surgery Center

#4. Insurance or self pay? - Self Pay

#5. Age and height - 48 / 6'3"

#6. Current weight and goal weight? 272 / 200

#7. What was your deciding factor for having this surgery? Tired of being overweight

#7. Do you have the support of family and friends? Just spouse and this forum. Not too chatty about this yet.

#8. Concerns and questions? :(

Edited by Deuces

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Hi, everyone!

I am on postop day 6 today! It seems hard to believe that I'll be a week out tomorrow. What a journey it's been so far!

I am still on Clear Liquids only at this point; after tomorrow, I can progress to full liquids. I have a bunch of different Protein options in stock here at home, so I'm really looking forward to trying some of them. I'm not having much discomfort- discontinued the pain meds 2 days ago- except for the gas, which is better now than it had been (that first night home was wicked!). I've been wearing a trail in the carpeting up and down the hallway inside the house, walking back and forth. The weather's a little better here today, so I'm going to go outside after a while and walk.

Put in 5 hours of work from home yesterday, then my body said, OK, girl, that's it! I have plenty of leave saved up, so I'm taking my time in this recovery stage. Since my commute to work is 2 hours in each direction, I'm not in a huge hurry to start that again if the company is OK with me working from home. My surgeon said that I can drive again as of the 15th, so we'll see from there, but I had told work I'd be out for 4 weeks, so there's no real rush.

Still off my Metformin- the surgeon told me not to restart until my fasting sugar levels hit 150- I'm not there yet, but shoot, I'm not putting in a lot of calories at this stage, either! My guess is, once I start full liquids, I'll need to restart meds. I am taking my blood pressure meds.

First post-op check is Monday morning, so I'm looking forward to that!

Best to everyone!


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hi all

please could you share what you are eating?

i'm definitely eating less than i was 3 weeks ago, but i seem to be consuming way more than anyone else!


Started Mushies today! I am strictly following the diet given to me by my surgeons office. For Breakfast I had 2 tablespoons of cheerios with 1/2 cup milk, and 1 scrambled egg. You would think I was eating a steak for goodness sake the way i was eating it, lol. Then for a snack i had 6 crackers, 1 tbsp LF Peanut Butter and sugar free jelly...that was also delicious. For lunch was 4 tbsp chicken salad with 2 tbsp sweet potato. Tonight for dinner is 4 tbsp turkey meatball and 2 tbsp butternut squash. The caloric intake for this phase is about 800 which includes a Protein Shake thrown in the day at some point. What a difference a day makes! My spirits are lifted. It was definitely worth the wait. I dont know what it is, but I am craving really healthy foods. I don't even want junk/fast foods. I was told I can also have hummus (in place of a carb) which is my absolute fav so that was good news. So all of you bandsters who are approaching the mushie stage -hang on! You will get there and it will be very rewarding! Also a big congratulations to all of those recently banded! We are actually doing it~WE ROCK!

Much Love <3

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I had my surgery done on 2/24/2010...one week and one day past.

I live in Las Vegas, Nevada and also live part time in southern Indiana, but the surgery was done in Nevada.

My surgeon was Thomas Umbach with the Blossom Bariatrics in Henderson, Nevada

Surgery was done at the Desert Springs Hospital in Las Vegas, NV. I have to say, I am not impressed with the hospital, nor some of the staff members, it left a lot to be desired!! I personally would not recommend this hospital to any one.

I have Humana Insurance and they paid for everything. I did have all the documentation that was necessary for their approval. I cannot say enough good things about Humana...they even called to see how I am doing..WHEN IS THE LAST TIME AN INSURANCE COMPANY CALLED YOU TO SEE HOW YOU WERE FEELING??!! I am still in awe of it.

I am 61 years young and 5'5" tall

My starting weight the day of surgery was 257 lbs. and today I weigh 246 and my goal is 130...so 116 lbs to go.

I had to have this surgery to save my knees, hips, and ankles. I want to get off all my medications and off the V-PAP breathing machine. I want to walk without PAIN.

I told my daughter and she is supportive, I have also told only 2 friends and they are supportive. My husband is not really supportive, he is afraid that it will change how he eats...I keep telling him, for the first time, I put me first and it is not about him...time will tell.

My major concern is getting the "right fill" and being able to have a "normal" life while still loosing weight. I realize I didn't get this way overnight, but sure would like to loose it overnight. I am not "trying" to loose weight....I "am going to" loose weight!!!

Are you having surgery in February? Lets start a thread and keep in touch!

Answer the questions you are comfortable with and we will get to know eachother a little better.

#1. Surgery date?

#2. State you live in?

#3. Doctor/Surgery Center?

#4. Insurance or self pay?

#5. Age and height

#6. Current weight and goal weight?

#7. What was your deciding factor for having this surgery?

#7. Do you have the support of family and friends? #8. Concerns and questions?

.......................and anything else you would like to add!

We all know this is going to be a long road and we will all handle things differently so let's be there for eachother and make this journey a little easier!

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Started Mushies today! I am strictly following the diet given to me by my surgeons office. For Breakfast I had 2 tablespoons of cheerios with 1/2 cup milk, and 1 scrambled egg. You would think I was eating a steak for goodness sake the way i was eating it, lol. Then for a snack i had 6 crackers, 1 tbsp LF Peanut Butter and sugar free jelly...that was also delicious. For lunch was 4 tbsp chicken salad with 2 tbsp sweet potato. Tonight for dinner is 4 tbsp turkey meatball and 2 tbsp butternut squash. The caloric intake for this phase is about 800 which includes a Protein Shake thrown in the day at some point. What a difference a day makes! My spirits are lifted. It was definitely worth the wait. I dont know what it is, but I am craving really healthy foods. I don't even want junk/fast foods. I was told I can also have hummus (in place of a carb) which is my absolute fav so that was good news. So all of you bandsters who are approaching the mushie stage -hang on! You will get there and it will be very rewarding! Also a big congratulations to all of those recently banded! We are actually doing it~WE ROCK!

Much Love <3

thank you thank you for your input... your diet makes sense to me :smile2:

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Had my first post op appointment yesterday, everything went fine. I was down another 6 lbs from surgery weight. Got cleared to go back work Monday night. Only one problem I caught a bug or something. Woke up in the middle of the night freezing and had a headache and body aches. I had a low grade fever of 99.9. Took some Tylenol and my fever broke. Still have this headache though. I have to see the company Doctor today maybe I can get him to write me a prescription.

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Had my first preop yesterday and moved into the soft foods phase of my diet. So I ate my first dinner last night which took me about a hour to eat 1/2 c of cominbation of some mushed green Beans, a vienna sausage and bake potato without the skin. Thought I did really well chewing and eating slowly to only become nauseated two hours later. I vomitted a couple of different times, but it wasnt the food that I had consumed, just clear liquid? Has anyone else experienced this?? This really seems to be my issue, during the evening I get nauseated and want to vomit? Otherwise I feel great, have no trouble with consuming during the day and went back to work on Tuesday with little issues.:w00t: My first fill is scheduled for the 23rd of this month! I hope everyone else is progressing along! :smile2:


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I am so JEALOUS, it sounds like everyone else is able to eat already! I am going to be 4 weeks post-op on Monday and then I can move to mushies! I am so hungry, I was so good on this diet, until now, but I feel like I want to cheat. :) I am having alot of low blood pressure readings (96/53) and that makes me feel sluggish. Also I think my blood sugar is low, I'm depressed sometimes and dizzy! So I tried to add a little applesauce (so yes I did cheat) and that helped, and some V8 juice made me feel alot better. :smile2: I am worried about the PB's with adding mushies, is there any mushies that would be good to stay away from? (my Dr. says no dairy, no sugar, and no caffiene EVER):smile2: Thanks to you all for being here to lean on, this really is a life changing experience and sometimes that scares me. Good luck and Great health to you all!

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I have zero restriction and can do all foods - I'm thinking this isn't a good thing and hoping my will power holds out until the 24th - first fill. I have not gained but I have not lost in the last week. It seems as if my body is hanging on to all those calories! (1,000 - 1,300) I'm exercising 3 times a week and as soon as my second job starts in April I'll be physically active 5-6 days a week so that should help.

Good luck to everyone!

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Miss See_Ann - I just started mushies. Mashed potatoes are great and go down very easily. Believe they call them sliders. KFC has them, so does the grocery store - premade.

Many have said, few problems until the fills begin. Good luck to you.

Joyce in KC

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I was hoping some of you who are a little further along then I could offer me some information.

I am 6 days post op and have developed a "cramping" on my left lower side. It almost feels like the kind of cramp you would get after drinking Water and running....

Did anyone experience this?

Granted I do have diarrhea 3+ times per day.

I guess I am just a little concerned about band slippage since I read so much about it here.

I do also have sharp pains about 1 inch below the port incision but I am guessing that is the actual port rubbing against my inside making it home. ??

Besides that I am having trouble getting comfortable sleeping on my right side, port center left and am looking forward to sleeping on my stomach again.

How long before you could sleep on your stomach?

Thank you for your input and advice!!

Hello Nikki,

Just hang in there girl as each day goes on it gets better, the first couple of days I wasn't sure if I made the right choice. I was banded 2/19 I'm feeling great had a lot of problems with gas,gas,gas it was bad. How are you feeling now? Take a little pain medicine see if that helps. I'm 2 weeks out & went walking with my husband & dogs not to far. My stomach above my belly buttom is still a little sore I have a 2 inch cut there my port doesn't bother me at all. If you are not feeling better each day call the doctor & see what he has to say. No diarrhea I did at first & I would get it after my Protein Drinks, but now I'm fine go to the bathroom about every 3 days. We just have to remember that this is a life style change & I don't want to be fat anymore. Keep in touch if you want to e-mail me personal for support I will try & help you band sister. Be strong & it does get better



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#1. Surgery date? Feb. 17

#2. State you live in? California

#3. Doctor/Surgery Center? Dr. Peter Leport--Orange Coast Memorial Hospital

#4. Insurance or self pay? Insurance Out of Pocket: 450

#5. Age and height 30, 5'2

#6. Current weight and goal weight? 308 goal 150

#7. What was your deciding factor for having this surgery? Family and health

#7. Do you have the support of family and friends? Absolutely:biggrin:

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Hey group hope everyone is doing well.

It is time to share my great news. As of this morning I have lost a total of 30 lbs!!!!! I started counting calories Feb 1st. I started my pre-op diet Feb 18th and surgery on the 25th. I lsot 15 lbs pre surgery an 15 lbs post surgery.

Disclaimer I am a guy and yes I know it comes off faster. (Sorry Ladies) Time to update my ticker.....

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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