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Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

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i was banded yesterday before noon. they kept me overnight (standard procedure at a military hospital). every staff member was very friendly, and an absolute pleasure. im home today and incredibly sore. its not gas, its my incisions. they hurt so freaking bad. also, for some reason my surgeon told me that my band is very snug. he didnt put a fill in. its just...really tight on my stomach. so i unintentionally have a lot of restriction already. all liquids i swallow sit in my pouch and then trickle thru the stoma. i can feel it. makes me wonder how my transition to mushies will go.

anyway, im at the point now where im wondering just what in the heck i did to myself. the pain is really bad.

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I was banded today 2/26/2001. Surgery went pretty well. I was there at 7:30am and back home by 2:15pm. I'm not having to much gas pain at the moment, but I don't want to speak to fast. I'm ready to start this new journey and begin the new chapter in my life.

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i was banded yesterday before noon. they kept me overnight (standard procedure at a military hospital). every staff member was very friendly, and an absolute pleasure. im home today and incredibly sore. its not gas, its my incisions. they hurt so freaking bad. also, for some reason my surgeon told me that my band is very snug. he didnt put a fill in. its just...really tight on my stomach. so i unintentionally have a lot of restriction already. all liquids i swallow sit in my pouch and then trickle thru the stoma. i can feel it. makes me wonder how my transition to mushies will go.

anyway, im at the point now where im wondering just what in the heck i did to myself. the pain is really bad.

I was banded today 2/26/2001. Surgery went pretty well. I was there at 7:30am and back home by 2:15pm. I'm not having to much gas pain at the moment, but I don't want to speak to fast. I'm ready to start this new journey and begin the new chapter in my life.

Congrats to both of you on your bands! Harliquinn, perhaps when the swelling around your stomach goes down you'll feel a bit less restricted? My first few days the swelling kept me feeling very tight, but it wore off after a while.

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I started with fish, tuna and Beans - very small bites and chewed more than I thought I had to. I just made beef stew - slow cooked the beef all day and it fell apart. Kinda scared me to eat it but again I took small bites, etc... Heated it up for lunch today and after one bite I knew it was too tough and I stopped - I was a chicken :cursing:

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I guess the next few months will be "trial and error" with some success thrown in. At a support meeting, someone said you just have to get to KNOW YOUR BAND. Each of us is different. I'm on Day 5 of Post-op and will start full liquids tomorrow.

JC in KC

I started with fish, tuna and Beans - very small bites and chewed more than I thought I had to. I just made beef stew - slow cooked the beef all day and it fell apart. Kinda scared me to eat it but again I took small bites, etc... Heated it up for lunch today and after one bite I knew it was too tough and I stopped - I was a chicken :cursing:

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I guess the next few months will be "trial and error" with some success thrown in. At a support meeting, someone said you just have to get to KNOW YOUR BAND. Each of us is different. I'm on Day 5 of Post-op and will start full liquids tomorrow.

JC in KC

My breakfasts are cream of wheat or oatmeal w/ Protein powder (1/2 scoop) and my lunch is primarily a blended/cream Soup still - dinner is where I try to add the different textures in. I'm still cautious but I know I have to do it. I'm craving salad but for some reason it scares me.

I remember going on the full liquids and thinking everything tasted great! The best sugar free pudding ever, the greatest yogurt ever, etc.... LOL!

I can finally say my shoulder pain is getting less and less painfull by the day - I was in a panic once two weeks hit and I was still in terrible pain. I'm breathing easier now.

Good luck and Yay for full liquids!

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i was banded yesterday before noon. they kept me overnight (standard procedure at a military hospital). every staff member was very friendly, and an absolute pleasure. im home today and incredibly sore. its not gas, its my incisions. they hurt so freaking bad. also, for some reason my surgeon told me that my band is very snug. he didnt put a fill in. its just...really tight on my stomach. so i unintentionally have a lot of restriction already. all liquids i swallow sit in my pouch and then trickle thru the stoma. i can feel it. makes me wonder how my transition to mushies will go.

anyway, im at the point now where im wondering just what in the heck i did to myself. the pain is really bad.

I completely understand what you are goin through. I seemed to have more pain than any of the other patients on the unit that had the banding, or any of the other people i know. Some people were talking about being back to work in a week, I on the other hand am 8 days post op, still feeling incision pain and just generally wiped out, and had my first meltdown yesterday. Wondering what I did to myself, wishing i hadn't done it, crying from the stress of it all. Ugh! But today I woke up with a little less pain and a lot more clarity. I just had to remind myself that I couldnt do this on my own. I was out of control and needed an intervention. I made a decision, its done and I had to start dealing with it. It has been a better day and it definitely gets easier with each day that passes. Hang in there!:wink2:

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I completely understand what you are goin through. I seemed to have more pain than any of the other patients on the unit that had the banding, or any of the other people i know. Some people were talking about being back to work in a week, I on the other hand am 8 days post op, still feeling incision pain and just generally wiped out, and had my first meltdown yesterday. Wondering what I did to myself, wishing i hadn't done it, crying from the stress of it all. Ugh! But today I woke up with a little less pain and a lot more clarity. I just had to remind myself that I couldnt do this on my own. I was out of control and needed an intervention. I made a decision, its done and I had to start dealing with it. It has been a better day and it definitely gets easier with each day that passes. Hang in there!:wink2:

Well, I'm glad to know that I'm not alone. I've been reading everyones posts about how great they feel and it made me feel like I was all alone, hence I didn't want to post.

My banding was on Wed. 2/24 and I am defintley more uncomfortable than I expected...gas pain, burping, port pain. I hope I get used to all of it....I hope I don't burp this much forever. I have felt alot of regret the past few days, wishing I had none done this to myself, wishing I would have been able to loose the weight on my own.

I really hope this gives me the kick start to get this going.

I can't wait to move off the liquids and onto the soft foods in a week!

I am going to try to get to a support group meeting next week so I can make sure I get into the right frame of mind because I need to move past my fear of failure and embrace this as an opportunity.

Good Luck, and thank you for sharing!!

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I guess the next few months will be "trial and error" with some success thrown in. At a support meeting, someone said you just have to get to KNOW YOUR BAND. Each of us is different. I'm on Day 5 of Post-op and will start full liquids tomorrow.

JC in KC

That sounds true, I was asking about portion size and the RN said each person is different and you need to get to know your band....I am a little worried about the error part of the trial...I have never been known to take anything slowly...ugh..

just had yummy strained French Onion soup.:wink2:

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Ok - I was at a little get together with friends tonight and had a half a glass of wine - boy, I immediatly got a head ache :wink2: that will teach me. And no..... it's not allowed per my doctor - I just wanted a little and am now paying for it. I was good with everything else - yay!

I'm 20 days out and feeling great - just minor twinges in the shoulder now. I wish I would've known that the "gas" pains could last a lot longer than a week or two. Oh, and I feel as if I could eat a lot more now that the swelling is down - I'm hoping my will power lasts and I dont gain anything back! Nurse said I may gain some during this healing time - Yuck!

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"My banding was on Wed. 2/24 and I am defintley more uncomfortable than I expected...gas pain, burping, port pain. I hope I get used to all of it....I hope I don't burp this much forever. I have felt alot of regret the past few days, wishing I had none done this to myself, wishing I would have been able to loose the weight on my own.I can't wait to move off the liquids and onto the soft foods in a week! "

Hi Nikki,

I was banded on 2/22. I've felt much like you but it does get better each day. I bet you're about to turn a corner on much of that. Now 7 days out I still ocassionally feel a tight painful feeling in the middle of my chest. It feels like I need to burp but can't. It also feels a bit like acid indigestion so I might be having some reflux. I think what we're feeling is normal and will eventually go away.

I have also asked "what have I done to myself?" It's not just because of the discomfort but also from feeling a profound loss. I daydream about the way I used to be able to eat. In two more days my doc says I can move onto mushies and I hope that will help. I try to keep in mind that in a few weeks I'll be able to eat more normally again, just in much smaller portions.

I too wish I wouldn't have had to be banded, but after many failed attempts at weight loss over the years this tool may be my last chance to get healthy again. The band will help me conquer my sleep apnea, high cholesterol, borderline high blood sugar, bad knees, and GERD. So, I'm telling myself to be patient and that this sacrafice will be worth it. So, hang in there girl! :wink2:

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Hi! I was just banded on Friday 2/26 at 8AM. I am feeling pretty good. My gas pain is more in my chest than my shoulders and I feel like I have to burp, but I just end up hicupping and feeling pain. I am starting full liquids today, per my Dr. instructions. I had some yogurt and I am now trying a Protein Shake and that's going down ok. I was hoping to be back to work on Tuesday, but I don't know now. I have been trying not to take the pain meds very often, but I have taken just a couple.

Can't wait to puree some real food.... 2 weeks from now. LOL Never thought I would be excited to have pureed chicken... LOL

I definately went through the "oh my God, did I do the right thing?" in the hospital but I think once we get back to "normal" we will all look back at this with no regrets! Keep up the great work everyone! We will get through this together!


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#1. Surgery date? Feb 22, 2010

#2. State you live in? PA

#3. Doctor/Surgery Center? Dr Hamad/Magee Womens Hospital

#4. Insurance or self pay? Insurance

#5. Age and height 25 5'6

#6. Current weight and goal weight? My stats are 281/266/170

#7. What was your deciding factor for having this surgery? I have been overweight since having kids and I've had the worst time trying to get it off. I'm too young to be this heavy. My husband and I would also like another child but I am not in any shape to get pregnant right now

#8. Do you have the support of family and friends? I do. And I have found so many wonderful guys and gals on here who are just so amazing

#9. Concerns and questions? Nope, just glad to have people to walk this road with :biggrin:

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Hi everyone:

Date of Surgery: Feb 10, 2009

Where: Tijuana Mexico, Dr. Lopez-Corvala

Cost: around 7,000 Self pay

Live in Ottawa, Canada

Pre Surgery Weight: 198

Weight Today 186

Rate of loss 1.5 lbs. a day

This forum has been my only form of surgical aftercare so far.

I was banded in Tijuana Feb 10. All was fine but in the second week I developed increasingly severe ulcer like pain.

I have stopped eating dairy but I am also taking ulcer medication and this has (almost) disappeared. Since there was little about this on the forum I went to my GP who has found me aftercare.

It was intereresting to hear what NorthernMist has been eating because it has been exactly what I have been eating -cream of wheat with Protein Powder for one meal, and cream Soup for the next.

I am worried that I can eat up to two cups before I feel full and thats enough for me to gain weight. IN fact I have gained a few of the pounds I lost initially after surgery (15)

I don't feel much restriction at all but can't eat solid food and I'm hungry.

But I tried swallowing some soft macaroni and it seemed to get stuck in my esophogus or somewhere and it really really hurt before I could feel it slide down finally. I definately could not eat anything close to solid food. Whats that ?

I notice that there are many people worried about failure. Interesting because I guess, like me, this surgery represents a bit of a desperate measure to lose weight. I too am afraid of failure. I hope so much to be slim and will be soooo disappointed if this fails. And, my personal experience with weight loss has been regardless of temporary successes, inevitable failure.

But the evidence is that this works and it works for those of us who have not had success dieting so perhaps we can dare to think positively!


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Congrats to both of you on your bands! Harliquinn, perhaps when the swelling around your stomach goes down you'll feel a bit less restricted? My first few days the swelling kept me feeling very tight, but it wore off after a while.

i can tell the swelling has gone down a bit since surgery. i hope the swelling goes down a bit more! i almost couldnt get down my teeny bites of Jello last night. and thank you! now that im in less pain, im definitely happy and excited about my band! :biggrin:

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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