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Another xcited & scared newbie

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I am brand new to this forum. I have just sent in all my paperwork to the Bariatric Coordinator RN who will schedule all the pre-op Dr visits. I am 54 yrs old, will have surgery done by Dr. Sufficool in Rapid City, SD. At first I was so excited, now I'm terrified. I have had 8 other surgeries (not weight related) in my life & get more scared with each one. I keep thinking about how I will feel, all the things I'll be able to do, all the health problems I can kiss goodbye when I lose the weight. I'm just flat scared of the surgery (will it go right? will I throw up? will I be allergic to the band? will I be able to stick to the various diets?). What a worry wart I am! :thumbup:

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Hey Mama I am right there with you I am 33 yrs old and been overweight all my life I have had surgery a number of times including an elective csection meaning I wanted it done I just cant understand why I am so scared of this I am scheduled on january 7th, and have benn working towards this for some time I cant believe its coming so soon in the blink of an eye I feel so lost confused and terrified but everyone on this forum has been soooooooo wonderful continue to read and and post feel free to message me at anytime we can compare notes. Good luck on everything and I am definately here for you if you need to chat ...........

congratulations ...................

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I am brand new to this forum. I have just sent in all my paperwork to the Bariatric Coordinator RN who will schedule all the pre-op Dr visits. I am 54 yrs old, will have surgery done by Dr. Sufficool in Rapid City, SD. At first I was so excited, now I'm terrified. I have had 8 other surgeries (not weight related) in my life & get more scared with each one. I keep thinking about how I will feel, all the things I'll be able to do, all the health problems I can kiss goodbye when I lose the weight. I'm just flat scared of the surgery (will it go right? will I throw up? will I be allergic to the band? will I be able to stick to the various diets?). What a worry wart I am! :thumbup:

I think it is normal to be excited and scared!

- Val

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I know what you are feeling. My surgery is January 14, 2010 and one day I am confident and excited--then I almost ready to change my mind the next. I remember that I am doing this surgery for me--I have abused my body long enough. You will be fine--there is a lot of support here!

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Hey Mama I am right there with you I am 33 yrs old and been overweight all my life I have had surgery a number of times including an elective csection meaning I wanted it done I just cant understand why I am so scared of this I am scheduled on january 7th, and have benn working towards this for some time I cant believe its coming so soon in the blink of an eye I feel so lost confused and terrified but everyone on this forum has been soooooooo wonderful continue to read and and post feel free to message me at anytime we can compare notes. Good luck on everything and I am definately here for you if you need to chat ...........

congratulations ...................

Yes, I can really identify with feeling lost & confused. I am trying to exercise some control over the situation by looking over recipes for this & getting geared up for cooking post surgery. I have a family & worry about keeping the food coming to them while I'm struggling with this new way of eating for me. Then I think, lots of folks have been through this & done just fine.

So, excuse my ignorance, but how do I "message" you? I am not computer illiterate in general, just when it comes to social stuff like these forums, blogging, Facebook, stuff like that I don't have a clue.:thumbup:

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I know what you are feeling. My surgery is January 14, 2010 and one day I am confident and excited--then I almost ready to change my mind the next. I remember that I am doing this surgery for me--I have abused my body long enough. You will be fine--there is a lot of support here!

Hey, that's great! Yes, enough is enough. I need to focus on that fact that this is something good for my body.

This forum will definitely help me gain some confidence!!

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I just got my band done on 12/3. I was really scared and nervous. We are all human and I think the older we get, the more knowledge we have of the medical field. If you were not scared, I would have to ask why. These feelings you are having are totally normal feelings.

My surgery was about 45 minutes long. When I woke up in the recovery room, they asked me how I felt and if I could take a few sips of Water. I did not feel sick at all. I did however, feel a little pain where the port was placed. They gave me some medicine for that.

I went home the same day. I did take a couple doses of pain releif. I was more sore the day after surgery. By the third day, I was up and cleaning my house (with limitations).

If I could give any advise to someone who is going to be getting the surgery is, get up and walk around. Don't sit down all day long or lay in bed. Get up and pace around your house, walk to the mail box daily. It will help with any possible blood clotting and it also helps with the healing process. :sneaky:

I am so excited for you! Congrats on taking the steps on living a healthy life!!:thumbup:

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        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Congrats on the surgery!

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