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December Delights 2009

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Happy Birthday to the last poster! What an accomplishment.

I have tons of ?s for everyone. I only started at 200 so to lose 40 has been great for me but I always intended to lose about 70. I have had so many problems eating.

I haven't been out to eat with friends in two years. I cannot in any way shape or form eat in front of others. Even my 8 year old daughter asks what my problem is when Im eating.

Maybe I've just been WAY too tight for too long. I cannot eat meat at all so the Protein thing is out the window. Doesn't matter how small - ten minutes later I am throwing up.

I find myself eating fattening stuff so I dont starve. I make alfredo sauce and put it on fresh veggies like red/orange/yellow peppers only to get it to slide down.

So my question is to everyone?

Are you able to eat in public without people knowing you have the band? Maybe I'm just too tight?

What exactly do you eat?

Did you give up sweets entirely to get to this type of goal?

What type of exercise did you do?

Did you follow a complete under 20 carb diet which is basically Adkins?

Please anyone reply.... I have been miserable for over a year because I can't eat. I really thought when I got this it would just allow me to eat and because my stomach was smaller I would be full much faster. I can't get full because I can't eat anything without throwing up. I would say at least once a day I throw up something that has gotten stuck!

Any comments/advice wanted! Thanks

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Hello Curiousinoh,

I have alot of the same problems you are having. I go out to eat, but always have to check out where the bathrooms are at. I usually vomit atleast once a day. I am down 65 pounds and feel great even though I am still not at my goal. I just can't seem to get the fill at that perfect spot even 2 years later.

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I had similar problems last year. Sometimes I just needed to have my band loosened, but the problem never really went away. I ultimately ended up having to have an endoscopy and it turned out that my esophagus was a bit swollen and wasn't functioning as well as it should. The doctor explained to me that sometimes with lap-band patients, because we stop eating certain textured foods and don't eat the way we used to, the mechanism of our esophagus weakens, so what was happening is that I was eating and my esophagus wasn't pushing the food down to my stomach with a strong enough push and it was getting stuck, causing me to vomit and causing GERD. They emptied my band completely so my esophagus could heal and then slowly refilled it. Now I know how important it really is to eat slowly and chew VERY carefully. I feel so much better, haven't vomited in a long time, and am still losing weight. Good luck!

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Happy Birthday to the last poster! What an accomplishment.

I have tons of ?s for everyone. I only started at 200 so to lose 40 has been great for me but I always intended to lose about 70. I have had so many problems eating.

I haven't been out to eat with friends in two years. I cannot in any way shape or form eat in front of others. Even my 8 year old daughter asks what my problem is when Im eating.

Maybe I've just been WAY too tight for too long. I cannot eat meat at all so the Protein thing is out the window. Doesn't matter how small - ten minutes later I am throwing up.

I find myself eating fattening stuff so I dont starve. I make alfredo sauce and put it on fresh veggies like red/orange/yellow peppers only to get it to slide down.

So my question is to everyone?

Are you able to eat in public without people knowing you have the band? Maybe I'm just too tight?

What exactly do you eat?

Did you give up sweets entirely to get to this type of goal?

What type of exercise did you do?

Did you follow a complete under 20 carb diet which is basically Adkins?

Please anyone reply.... I have been miserable for over a year because I can't eat. I really thought when I got this it would just allow me to eat and because my stomach was smaller I would be full much faster. I can't get full because I can't eat anything without throwing up. I would say at least once a day I throw up something that has gotten stuck!

Any comments/advice wanted! Thanks

If you feel that bad and can't keep stuff down u need an unfill. why wold u go that long without it. How much do u eat before u throw up? how big bites do u throw up. do u throw up eating Soup.< /p>

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I would suggest getting a slight unfill. I go out to eat with friends, but it usually takes me a while to eat.

I haven't completely cut out sweets, I just have them in moderation. But I am also at the gym 5/6 days a week. I do 20/30 mins on the ARC trainer and then about 30/40 mins of weight lifting.

Good luck

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I haven't been out to eat with friends in two years. I cannot in any way shape or form eat in front of others. Even my 8 year old daughter asks what my problem is when Im eating.

If your band was filled correctly, eating out should be a treat and well tolerated.. You may not eat as much as everyone else, but, as long as you eat slow and in moderation, you should be able to tolerate any foods.

Maybe I've just been WAY too tight for too long. I cannot eat meat at all so the Protein thing is out the window. Doesn't matter how small - ten minutes later I am throwing up.

It appears that your band is wayntoo tight. I am not saying to empty it completely, but backing off .5cc's at a time is a great start to getting the proper fill. You have to be conscientious about getting this right. One side effect of having it too tight that Drs need to be aware of is esophageal reflux. That can damage your esophagus to the point of erosion. I assume you are on something like Prilosec/medium for this also.

I find myself eating fattening stuff so I dont starve. I make alfredo sauce and put it on fresh veggies like red/orange/yellow peppers only to get it to slide down.

You are using high fat foods to allow the food to slide through the band. That means it is way too tight.

So my question is to everyone?

Are you able to eat in public without people knowing you have the band? Maybe I'm just too tight?

What exactly do you eat?

Did you give up sweets entirely to get to this type of goal?

What type of exercise did you do?

Did you follow a complete under 20 carb diet which is basically Adkins?

I eat in public and have no issues. I don't eat just salads either. Anything in moderation is the key. I hit my goal weight late last year and have no issues with feeling like I am in danger of gaining it back.

I eat sweets also, the nutritionist in my group wants me to not limit any foods. That is just not a sign of eating NORMALLY. That really is the key to keeping it off!!!

I chase an 18 month daughter all day. That's plenty of exercise for me, but I'm sure that isn't for everyone (LOL).

I did in the beginning after the three weeks of only liquids that jump started my weight loss. The Atkins type diet after that gave me some structure initially. Then, after that, moderation of all foods was the key!

Please anyone reply.... I have been miserable for over a year because I can't eat. I really thought when I got this it would just allow me to eat and because my stomach was smaller I would be full much faster. I can't get full because I can't eat anything without throwing up. I would say at least once a day I throw up something that has gotten stuck!

Throwing up every day is a sign of a problem with the band being too tight. I only throw up when I overdo it or when the foods/medicine that I took prompts me to do,so.

Stay with it !!! You went this far and you should do what you have to In order to get the result you want. Keep exercising also, but you need to get the nutrition that your body requires to get the results you deserve! Hang in there and if you need anything else from me or the rest of the group, please keep posting so you can get some validation/support.


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If you feel that bad and can't keep stuff down u need an unfill. why wold u go that long without it. How much do u eat before u throw up? how big bites do u throw up. do u throw up eating Soup.< /div>

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tmaiello, I have had similar problems. My band is too tight but I am putting off having it loosened. I was inflammed last year and my doc opened it up for a month and I gained two pounds. If I don't pay attention to what I'm doing and eat too fast it makes me miserable. I don't usually have to throw up but I get a lot of mucous and cough that up. My nose even runs when I eat too much!

I also have GERD so I don't eat anything within 4 hours of laying down at night or I will wake up choking. I also limit liquids a couple hours before bed.

I have lost 121 pounds so far and have another 30 to go. I am going to try to behave and stay away from those foods that cause trouble. For example, I recently learned that avocados make me vomit almost immediately. Guacamole is just fine.

On a few occasions, I have been eating with friends and not paying attention to my stomach signals. (That's how I became fat in the first place, right? ) I've overdone it and hurt myself. If I end up vomiting, I go on a liquid diet again for a couple days and maybe even soft for a couple days to be safe.

Most meats are out of the question for me, too, unless I cut them so small I get tired of eating it. I can eat crumbly foods and soft foods and try to pay good attention to getting plenty of Protein. I eat peanuts, greek yogurt and drink kefir. I eat tiny amounts of soft meat - never dry chunks of pork chops. Salads and steamed veges are good and I drink vegetable juice.< /span>

If I am getting home from work too late to eat dinner I'll have a McDonalds ice cream cone on the way. And nothing tastes better than a glass of ice Water for some reason.

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Since my fill on friday I'm doing the same thing as you aretalking about. My band tends to get tight though when I get a fill. I go to liquids most of the time when i feel like that. This time i didn't and when i go to the bathroom and pb like you i swell more. when i go out to eat I to find a seat close to the bathroom just in case I go over my limit there is nothing to be ashamed about. But my husband to knows when i'm at the dinner table at home or at restraunt and get up what that means. He thinks its gross too but oh well hell get over it its the band life. I always loosen up though after awhile. I only have 2cc in my band and am doing what your talking about. I can feel it when its to much and i back off. Do you drink while you eat? They say not to but I could never handle that so I still take little sips. I have learned when I feel like my food is backing up to slow down wait awhile. Sometimes I can have more and sometimes not. So don't be ashamed of how you feel. But if u are missrable have a tad taken out sometimes thats all you need to do the trick. With the band some days are rough but the good days make up for it. I could always lose weight but never keep it off the band helps me keep it off. This week I have actually took 1/2 cup prego spagetti sauce added little garlic salt. Crushed about 5 croutains put ontop. When you go from liquids to that it taste awsome. yes it is fatning but it will pass and when i losen I will go back to healthy. meats i have to be so careful with my band does not like them. roast is a no can do barbaque meat. weird how that texture is out of the question. I can do steak, chicken, stew meat. but it must be cooked in crock pot so it kinda melts in your mouth. Hamburger must be chopped with my chopper after cooked for taco or anything for it to go down. I chop it before putting it in chili too. I just eat it slower though. bread i haven't had in two year which is fine when i need it i use the wraps. I just try and add crunch to my food. tuna i eat with crakers instead of bread. I do not do low carb or adkins I use old weight watcher books. when i don't do that i just keep my calories about 1000. I worked out till i had surgery four months ago and haven't since. In about two weeks I will be released from dr and can workout and i can't wait. I love zumba, hate the video game and videos but i love to go to the gym and do zumba. I can't dance have no rithum but zumba you can do at your own pace and no one cares if your off step. I walk at the park. Good luck and don't be ashamed of the band life just go with it. don't be scared to have some taken out cause you can always have it put right back. but if your don't twig the band a little u will never know what your sweet spot is.

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Great job on your weight loss! I too have been experiencing the acid reflux. The nights are no fun at all. I sleep with a few pillows and still it wakes me up feeling like acid went down my airway. I am thinking it might be that I have a cup of coffee in the morning and I was noticing my Dr. has a no caffiene rule in his book. Also I might be eating too late at night before going to bed. How did your esophagram go? My last fill was about a year ago. so I find it odd that this is just now a problem.

I have the same problem and can't eat anything past 4 pm and don't drink within two hours of bedtime. I sleep with a few pillows and still sometimes wake up coughing. I'm sure my band is too tight and plan to have it opened a tiny bit soon.

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Since my fill on friday I'm doing the same thing as you aretalking about. My band tends to get tight though when I get a fill. I go to liquids most of the time when i feel like that. This time i didn't and when i go to the bathroom and pb like you i swell more. when i go out to eat I to find a seat close to the bathroom just in case I go over my limit there is nothing to be ashamed about. But my husband to knows when i'm at the dinner table at home or at restraunt and get up what that means. He thinks its gross too but oh well hell get over it its the band life. I always loosen up though after awhile. I only have 2cc in my band and am doing what your talking about. I can feel it when its to much and i back off. Do you drink while you eat? They say not to but I could never handle that so I still take little sips. I have learned when I feel like my food is backing up to slow down wait awhile. Sometimes I can have more and sometimes not. So don't be ashamed of how you feel. But if u are missrable have a tad taken out sometimes thats all you need to do the trick. With the band some days are rough but the good days make up for it. I could always lose weight but never keep it off the band helps me keep it off. This week I have actually took 1/2 cup prego spagetti sauce added little garlic salt. Crushed about 5 croutains put ontop. When you go from liquids to that it taste awsome. yes it is fatning but it will pass and when i losen I will go back to healthy. meats i have to be so careful with my band does not like them. roast is a no can do barbaque meat. weird how that texture is out of the question. I can do steak' date=' chicken, stew meat. but it must be cooked in crock pot so it kinda melts in your mouth. Hamburger must be chopped with my chopper after cooked for taco or anything for it to go down. I chop it before putting it in chili too. I just eat it slower though. bread i haven't had in two year which is fine when i need it i use the wraps. I just try and add crunch to my food. tuna i eat with crakers instead of bread. I do not do low carb or adkins I use old weight watcher books. when i don't do that i just keep my calories about 1000. I worked out till i had surgery four months ago and haven't since. In about two weeks I will be released from dr and can workout and i can't wait. I love zumba, hate the video game and videos but i love to go to the gym and do zumba. I can't dance have no rithum but zumba you can do at your own pace and no one cares if your off step. I walk at the park. Good luck and don't be ashamed of the band life just go with it. don't be scared to have some taken out cause you can always have it put right back. but if your don't twig the band a little u will never know what your sweet spot is.[/quote']

I cannot drink for 20 minutes before or an hour after I eat. That is a sure recipe for vomiting. If I sip even a tiny bit too soon it feels like a jackhammer in my stomach. No more bread for me, either. I bring chicken salad and crackers to work for lunch. Also, meats in the slow cooker - no grilled, dry meats.

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I just want to thank everyone for replying to my post. I have decided to get an unfill next week. I figure if I can get food in me I wont be forced to eat junk. I only have 20 pounds to go so I know I can do it if I could just eat without getting sick at every meal. Thank you all so much! Everyone keep posting here!

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HELP! I am not sure what is going on. I was doing really well until a few weeks ago. Now, I have gained nearly 10 pounds and I feel hungry all the time. Today, I did pretty well all morning...ate sensibly for Breakfast and went to lunch and ate my normal lapband portion of food. But when I came back from lunch, I was starving...ate the rest of the lunch and topped it off with 4 calorie-expensive fig bars. I just went over my calorie limit for the day and I still feel hungry.

Three things have changed in the past few weeks: I started a new anxiety medicine, Prestiq, and I had a hormone-laced IUD removed. I also started working out again. I think my lapband is still tight enough but I'm not sure. Up until this point, controlling food was the easiest part of my journey. Now, I am having trouble controlling myself. I am hungry all the time and feel ravenous in the afternoon. I have an appointment for a fill on Monday but I am worried about the damage I am doing in the meantime. And what if I don't even need a fill? Anyone else experience anything like this?

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Hey Electricwoman and everyone,

We are going to have times when our weight will fluctuate. My dietician told me it is perfectly normal for my weight to vary 10 lbs in either direction so, this seems perfectly normal. I also think that a new medication could be the cause. Does this medication cause Water retention, or increased appetite? This could be another reason. If water weight is a side effect, then a low dose water pill could help. If increased appetite is a side effect, then this should subside after your body adjusts. In either case, its just a matter of adjusting. So, no need to panic, just give your body what it needs and don't panic!!!

I hope all is well with everyone and just keep the course! We've gotten this far and I hope we all feel so much better after the life changing surgery we all had!!

Good luck to all


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I got a fill today. PA said that the antidepressants will, indeed, make me hungrier but I still should not have been able to eat as much as I was. I told her to lock me up tight and she did. I was able to swallow a pill and from what I can tell so far, that may be about it. Good. I feel better now. She also said I'm still doing great and that is always refreshing to hear. I know so many people who have had barisurg and gained weight back. I don't want to be one of them, especially since I haven't even reached my goal yet!

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