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December Delights 2009

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Thats awesome.....Sometimes we just don't see ourselves the way we truly look...We are used to so many failures I thinks sometimes we forget to see the small successes like muscle tone! Keep up the great work! You will be a beautiful bride in October

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Everyone I talk to says that is a sign that you need another fill....I am suffering from the same thing and am scheduled for another fill tomorrow....I'll let you know how it goes! GOOD LUCK!

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Hi Jani,

I am sorry for your loss of your sister.

Please, don't beat yourself up, you have been and are going through a lot of emotional things at the moment. You have had wonderful weight loss and have done so well! I too had not lost anything for two months, until last week when I got another fill. The pounds are moving again, so that may be all you need to kick-start the needle on your scale. Joining the gym is a great move and you will be motivated once you start and get into a routine of going. I found setting aside a certain time just for my exercise helped me stick to it. So now, put yourself first, even just a couple of hours a day - make those hours yours. Try not to buy the junk food and bring it into the house (I know that is hard with kids around). You have just had a little hiccup in your great weight loss and now you can get back on track. I know you will be fine!

Hugs, Viv

PS - I lived in Littleton and up at Crystal Lakes, so would pass thru Fort Collins all the time - a great place to live.

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Hello everyone!.. I missed you! I think its been 3 or 4 months since last I posted. I'm just popping-in to tell you all - fast losers and slow losers - that you're doing GREAT! You really are. Be proud of yourselves.

A lot has happened in my life since I was last here.. emotionally difficult and tragic things - my son was in a horrible car accident in May (we didn't know if he was going to make it... and if he did, we didn't know if he would keep his leg... it was terrible). But he's alright now and his leg (two surgeries, pins and 39 staples later) is improving... he even started walking some recently. What a blessing. And then last week, my sister-in-law who lived with us following surgery, passed away (at age 50 - way too young). She had been in poor health - morbidly obese and diabetic. She had to have her bladder removed as a result of bladder cancer and the surgery was ultimately too much for her heart and lungs. Those are the two main events, but there were others as well. Needless to say, my band and my weight loss have not been at the forefront in my mind - not at all, which is as it should be for now. The fact that I - and all of you - have taken major steps to improve our health (and potentially save our lives) is something to be proud of, no matter how slowly or quickly the weight comes off... because it will come off. It has to. Who isn't eating significantly less than they were in the months and years prior to surgery?

For awhile there, I was working-out (somewhat) regularly and losing a lot quicker. Then when hell broke lose, I actually gained some weight back... though not a ton (5 or 6 pounds). If I hadn't had the band, I'm certain that I would have packed-on a whole lot more. So I'm grateful for that. Right now I'm at 40 pounds down and I think I look pretty good... a whole lot better than I did! :biggrin: Sure, I'm 'behind schedule' but I'm alright with that. I'm not morbidly obese anymore AND I'm nearly half-way to goal. So I'm a success story!... even though my weight loss has been slow. And so are all of you. I'm really proud of you guys. :thumbup:

Take Care,


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Dear Karyn,

I am so sorry to hear about your son's accident - what an awful thing to go through, for your young son and for the family. Thank goodness he is alive and that his leg was saved. I am also sorry about the loss of your sister-in-law. You have really been through a lot emotionally in just a short period of time.

You are doing just fine with your weight loss (you are not on anybody's schedule but your own!) and your attitude is great. YES - you are a success story!

Keeping you and your family in my thoughts - Viv

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Thank you, Viv... I appreciate your thought ful reply. And you're right, of course, about everything. I am blessed. And I'm not on anyone's schedule but my own. Congratulations on your wonderful success! You are a true inspiration.

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Just checking in! We are approaching our one-year and I am still losing. Slow. But that is okay because I am comfortable with what I am eating, etc. I can keep this up long term.

I have found that I can go weeks without losing anything and then one day,boom! 5 lbs gone. But I have always been weird that way. Sometimes, I can count like clockwork, 1 lb per week and other times, nothing or even a gain of a pound or two.

I also notice that every couple of weeks, there may be a few days in a row where I can't eat much at all from constant PBs and a disinterest in food. On those days, I drink or eat soft foods. I seem to be going through one of those today.

PBs are slowing down but increase when I am stressed out. I absolutely cannot eat on the run or in a stressful environment. I am trying to teach my husband and son that mealtimes are to be quiet and relaxed. :thumbup:

I try to resist the urge to say, HEY! It's been a year, you should be further along! Because the truth is, I am better off than where I was when I started and, as long as its coming off, I am proud.

When I first got my band, one of the first things I noticed was the nearly-instant relief from the guilt I had been carrrying about the damage I had done to my body by being so fat. I had a running dialogue in my head of arguments about my weight, imagining what people were saying about me and how I would respond. It's a lot quieter in my head now and, even if I never lost another ounce, that would be reward enough.

I still haven't gotten on a good exercise program. Recently, I bought a BodyBlade but am so tired all the time, I have only used it once. Its pretty cool though.

Meanwhile life goes on. My husband has been gone for most of our marriage and is leaving on another deployment soon. We moved. And my son is growing like a weed. I am working again and that has done wonders for my depression and attitude.

I am still shopping in the Plus Size section. I had told myself I would not buy another plus sized outfit but things change. I am kind of a fashion whore and finally gave in because I like to wear cute clothes. I am faithfully rotating them out when they get too big, however.

That reminds me, I was able to shop in Old Navy and can wear 1X in stretchy pants and 1 or 2X in most shirts. Before surgery, I was edging up to the 26-28 3-4X section. I am also wearing a size 16 jean right now....they are DG2 stretch jeans, but still..I consider it a victory especially since I had not worn jeans at all in decades.

All in all I am still very pleased with my band and think it was the best thing, I ever did for myself.

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Hi all,

It's been a while since I've been to lapbandtalk. The layout has changed.

I'm holding at a plateau since about July, right about 221 pounds. I just got an adjustment today so I'm hoping that will help things along. Friday is my 1st bandiversary.

Hope everyone is well.

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Hello all,

We have made it to 1Yr post surgery. And I see I am not alone in the Plataeu boat. In all I have lost 50 pounds and holding. But I will admit this is partially my fault because I havent exercised the way I should. I havent had a fill since August due to scheduling and my job but I have an appointment on Tuesday. I am very nervous about this appointment because I am not sure of what the Doctor may say or do.

For those who are having similar issues, what were the comments from your doctor? And for those being successful, what advice to you have for little ole me:( ?

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Hello everyone!.. I missed you! I think its been 3 or 4 months since last I posted. I'm just popping-in to tell you all - fast losers and slow losers - that you're doing GREAT! You really are. Be proud of yourselves.

A lot has happened in my life since I was last here.. emotionally difficult and tragic things - my son was in a horrible car accident in May (we didn't know if he was going to make it... and if he did, we didn't know if he would keep his leg... it was terrible). But he's alright now and his leg (two surgeries, pins and 39 staples later) is improving... he even started walking some recently. What a blessing. And then last week, my sister-in-law who lived with us following surgery, passed away (at age 50 - way too young). She had been in poor health - morbidly obese and diabetic. She had to have her bladder removed as a result of bladder cancer and the surgery was ultimately too much for her heart and lungs. Those are the two main events, but there were others as well. Needless to say, my band and my weight loss have not been at the forefront in my mind - not at all, which is as it should be for now. The fact that I - and all of you - have taken major steps to improve our health (and potentially save our lives) is something to be proud of, no matter how slowly or quickly the weight comes off... because it will come off. It has to. Who isn't eating significantly less than they were in the months and years prior to surgery?

For awhile there, I was working-out (somewhat) regularly and losing a lot quicker. Then when hell broke lose, I actually gained some weight back... though not a ton (5 or 6 pounds). If I hadn't had the band, I'm certain that I would have packed-on a whole lot more. So I'm grateful for that. Right now I'm at 40 pounds down and I think I look pretty good... a whole lot better than I did! :biggrin: Sure, I'm 'behind schedule' but I'm alright with that. I'm not morbidly obese anymore AND I'm nearly half-way to goal. So I'm a success story!... even though my weight loss has been slow. And so are all of you. I'm really proud of you guys. :thumbup:

Take Care,


Karyn, I am so sorry about your son. Your words was something I really needed to see today and I wanted to thank you.

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Hello there gang,

I'ts hard to believe that a year has already gone by (mine is on Thursday). We are all doing well and figuring this thing out one step at a time.

For me one of the hardest things has been my mind. At 84 pounds lost, I am wearing jeans that I have not been in since highschool......so why

am I not excited? I get on the scales and think of a new goal rather than celebrating that I reached the last one. Deep down I think I am afraid. When

you live a life where you struggle with weight, you put on and take off weight constantly. It feels like I have done this a million times before and I wonder

if my lack of excitement is out of fear that it's only temporary. Is anyone else going through this?

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I just passed my 1-year bandiversary, and overall I'm very happy with how the year has gone. Though I didn't lose weight as fast as I thought I would, I did end up reversing 10 years of weight gain in one year. As of this morning, I was down 68 lbs. My goal for next year is to lose 38 lbs, which would take me to my college graduation weight. I am angry at myself that I didn't establish an exercise regimen until October, which forced me to depend upon the band adjustments to jump start my weight loss. I am now at 9cc's on a 10 cc band, so my options there are pretty limited. Once I started going to the gym, the weight loss did speed up a little. I am starting off this year by going on a liquid diet for a week, followed by puree for 2 weeks to mimic the post surgery period. Hopefully this will shock my system and I'll drop some quick weight. I think the thing that has really helped is having a wife that has supported me and whipped me into shape when I was down or discouraged. She also supported me by going on a diet of her own. She lost 50 lbs without surgery, and her body fat percentage dropped even more than mine. We are loving the effects that has had on various areas of our lives.

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I just passed my 1-year bandiversary, and overall I'm very happy with how the year has gone. Though I didn't lose weight as fast as I thought I would, I did end up reversing 10 years of weight gain in one year. As of this morning, I was down 68 lbs. My goal for next year is to lose 38 lbs, which would take me to my college graduation weight. I am angry at myself that I didn't establish an exercise regimen until October, which forced me to depend upon the band adjustments to jump start my weight loss. I am now at 9cc's on a 10 cc band, so my options there are pretty limited. Once I started going to the gym, the weight loss did speed up a little. I am starting off this year by going on a liquid diet for a week, followed by puree for 2 weeks to mimic the post surgery period. Hopefully this will shock my system and I'll drop some quick weight. I think the thing that has really helped is having a wife that has supported me and whipped me into shape when I was down or discouraged. She also supported me by going on a diet of her own. She lost 50 lbs without surgery, and her body fat percentage dropped even more than mine. We are loving the effects that has had on various areas of our lives.

So how is/did the liquid to pure go for you? Im up to 7.5 cm on a 10 cm band and have lost 48 pounds.

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I just passed my 1-year bandiversary, and overall I'm very happy with how the year has gone. Though I didn't lose weight as fast as I thought I would, I did end up reversing 10 years of weight gain in one year. As of this morning, I was down 68 lbs. My goal for next year is to lose 38 lbs, which would take me to my college graduation weight. I am angry at myself that I didn't establish an exercise regimen until October, which forced me to depend upon the band adjustments to jump start my weight loss. I am now at 9cc's on a 10 cc band, so my options there are pretty limited. Once I started going to the gym, the weight loss did speed up a little. I am starting off this year by going on a liquid diet for a week, followed by puree for 2 weeks to mimic the post surgery period. Hopefully this will shock my system and I'll drop some quick weight. I think the thing that has really helped is having a wife that has supported me and whipped me into shape when I was down or discouraged. She also supported me by going on a diet of her own. She lost 50 lbs without surgery, and her body fat percentage dropped even more than mine. We are loving the effects that has had on various areas of our lives.

So how is/did the liquid to pure go for you? Im up to 7.5 cm on a 10 cm band and have lost 48 pounds.

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Hey all. I was banded on December 5th of 09 and am currently down 67 pounds. It's been a struggle and I've had to be unfilled slightly a couple times but otherwise things have been good. Its not magic and I have had to put a lot of concious effort into making this work for me. The biggest boost was once I started working out at the gym on a regular basis in June 2010. I still plateau for weeks at a time but then usually following a plateau I will lose steadily for a few weeks. Swimming and cycling seem to be the two best things and in Jan 2011 I began running. Funny thing, I hadn't lost any weight since early December and still haven't according to the scales, but everyone at work has been commenting that I'm getting thinner or losing more weight since I started running. Haha.... I think its a change in my posture. My running coach was really helpful in teaching me better posture so I can breath more efficiently and I feel like I am standing straighter and taller. I started out on 21jan11 being able to slowly run/walk/walk/walk/run for barely a quarter of a mile but I am now up to 5 miles! That's less than a month. I've always hated running until now. Tonight I go to my first meet with the local running club. Tuesday nights is interval training so maybe I can pick up some speed. Oh, I run barefoot and my knee and everything feels great. I had reconstructive knee surgery the same month I was banded and thought Id have problems all my life. I guess learning to run and being able to go the distance has been my biggest and proudest NSV! Good luck to everyone and feel free to email me anytime. I'm always happy to receive of offer support. JensGems1217@gmail.com


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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