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Walking... Fact or Myth ?

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OK ... Walking. I know its a good thing. I know it helps. :confused:

My question is this : Does it really make a difference?? I mean, can you really lose weight just from walking? :redface:

Doesn't it depend on how FAST you go ? And how FAR you go ?? :ohmy:

I have crappy knees, and exercise just isn't in my vocab. But some days I could handle walking. Just not for an hour at a time walking so fast i can hear the wind in my ears!! :cursing:

Any thoughts to share??? Thanks :-)

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Well I can tell you this… when I’m walking at least 2 miles a day I’m losing. When I’m not walking, I’m not losing.

However, walking isn’t the only workout I do. I also go home and do an extra hour of workout.

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Anything is going to help.

But, sorry to break the news, but to get real benefit longer term from walking, it does need to be for an hour and it does need to be so fast you can hear the wind whistle in your ears. You just dont get something for nothing, anything worth having takes effort and all those cliches apply double to exercise.

However, if you're overweight and sedentary, then starting off with walking is PERFECT. At your level. It will make a difference. And over time, you build up to more strenuous exercise. And if you dont, walking will always keep you out of the cardiac ward, it will always have health benefits, it just wont make you very fit or very in shape the way other exercise like running and strength training can.

But not everyone wants that anyway. So walk and enjoy it.

But will walking make the weight fall off you for months and months and get you right down to a low BMI?. Probably not. Running, circuit training, spinning, stuff like that probably will.

Dont discount how you may be able to build over time. A BMI of 37 may not seem hight, but I was a 36 myself when banded and moving my bulk aroumd was SO difficult compared to now. Losing weight makes hard exercise much much easier.

Edited by Jachut

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We all know that to lose weight we must eat less and move more.

After banding, I couldn't wait to do something other than walking. I joined Curves and I love it. There are many exercises that can be done with bad knees at Curves or at any gym for that matter.

I really enjoy bicycling. I have a really good stationary bike at home that I use as a "clothes rack" lol but, I love to actually cycle outdoors. I began cycling when I weighed 300 pounds. It gets easier and easier each time I ride. I work in an office all day Monday through Thursday and can't wait to do something physical outdoors. I sit at work dreaming of a bike ride on a sunny day.

If you join a gym with a pool there are a number of calorie burning things that can be done with bad knees in a pool.

You can also use 5 pound weights at home for toning and strenght training. There are a number of exercises I do with weights at home and it really doesn't take a lot of time.

You can get some work-out DVD's. Many of which are made for larger people who aren't in the best physical condition. Richard Simmons has some good ones that will get you moving/dancing.

Any kind of movement is good as long as you get your heart rate up.

Edited by happy2lose

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I have lost over 60 pounds by walking so I am a big believer in it. :ohmy: I walk for at least 30 min. but think it's better to do at least 45 to 60 min. when I can. I walk at least 6 days a week, sometimes 7. I love using my pedometer. It is worth the money to help keep track of the steps I take. The faster the walk, the better because it increases the heart rate. I cannot afford going to a gym and walking is always free. I use Z-Coil shoes to help with my planter fasceitis and ankles and have had them for about 18 months. I no longer have any pain because of them and continue to wear them, especially when I am walking for excercise. They are pricey but well worth it. I am not a professional when it comes to excercise, and with your knee problems, I would consult your doctor before starting any excercise program.

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I walk an hour a day, 7 days a week at a comfortable pace; have only cut my food intake down a little and am losing 3-4 pounds a week.

If you like gadgets you can get a cheap pedometer to record how many steps you take every day and set goals. Or go all out and spend $100 or so on a Garmin Forerunner which tells you how fast you are moving and how far you've traveled.

That stuff about whistling wind and walking not keeping you fit in the long run is bull and a deterrent to some people looking for an excuse not to walk! There are billions, yes billions of people in this world that are in great shape and have never done a strenuous work out in their lives.

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I dont think there's any need to call someone else's opinion bull.

With all due respect, you're at the start of your journey. Losing 3 to 4 lb a week at your stage and BMI is not going to take strenuous exercise or a large reducation in food. Revisit this thread when you've got 30 lb to go to a normal BMI and THEN tell us that its a waste of time to do any more than walk.

It also is entirely dependent upon what you call "in shape". There's no absolute regarding this, it means different things to different people.

What is true is that the amount of effort you exert usually influences the result you get. Show me a bandster who's lost 100% (or more) of their excess weight, and no doubt, you're also showing me someone who considers walking a great active past-time but spends time on a lot more strenuous activity.

I think being in shape means being at the very least, able to go and enjoy a spin class, doing a boxing class, or heading out for a nice 4km gentle run. If you cant do that sort of thing then cardiovascularly speaking, I would say you're not very fit. To me, someone who's in shape has low body fat, visible musculature and flat, toned abs.

You may think being in shape means getting through your day without getting tired, getting to a size 14 and being able to shop in normal stores. You can be perfectly healthy at that stage there's no rule saying you have to do more. But not everyone wants to settle just there. And if you dont, then some extra effort is going to be required.

Those are two entirely different goals which will affect your exercise choices.

So one is not right or wrong and calling my opinion on walking bull is unnecessarily rude. Not to mention anywhere you'll look, you'll find the experts saying the best way to lose fat and maintain muscle is to do things like interval training, circuit training and strength training and that hours of long slow cardio are not the best use of your time becuase a) your body adapts to it very quickly and :ohmy: it tends to may you skinny-fat without a lot of muscle.

but I really think the best exercise is one you will DO and one you enjoy. Walking fits the bill for many many people. So do it. All I'm saying is dont expect a BMI of 18 and a hollywood body as a result.

Edited by Jachut

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I called it bull because I don't want to see it deter anyone from walking. When I am looking for an excuse to not do something and that is more often than it should be; I get into the mindset like, "ah, it won't help me in the long run. Why bother?"

By "in shape" I was speaking in broad terms. Meaning below a BMI of 25. The only thing these billions of people have in common is that they all walk.

No matter how long you've been walking, it will always burn calories. It will be less as you lose weight and as your metabolism improves but it will always burn calories.

If you are consistent with walking and with your calorie consumption, your weight loss will slow down but it will persist. Eventually you will reach your weight goal. It just may not be as fast as some would like.

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Ok, so basicaly what you're all telling me that NONE of you is the exercise fairy and are planning a trip to ND any time soon to tap me on head with a magic wand to make me lose weight without having to exert myself what so ever?? BOOOOOO !!! :-( ( LOL )

SO walking is good. No matter what. Got it ! I agree that Water aerobics is the POO !!! I love it! However,

None of the Gyms around my area have pools, except for the Y , and its got really dumb hours that dont work with my work schedule. Figures, right?

So I need a good pair of shoes, my pedometer and some Pain reliever for my knees, and I'm good as gold, correct?? :-)

I really appreciate all of the responses ... Thank you for your time and support !

I love this site !!! :ohmy:

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Ok, so basicaly what you're all telling me that NONE of you is the exercise fairy and are planning a trip to ND any time soon to tap me on head with a magic wand to make me lose weight without having to exert myself what so ever?? BOOOOOO !!! :-( ( LOL )

SO walking is good. No matter what. Got it ! I agree that Water aerobics is the POO !!! I love it! However,

None of the Gyms around my area have pools, except for the Y , and its got really dumb hours that dont work with my work schedule. Figures, right?

So I need a good pair of shoes, my pedometer and some Pain reliever for my knees, and I'm good as gold, correct?? :-)

I really appreciate all of the responses ... Thank you for your time and support !

I love this site !!! :ohmy:

Do not worry too much about the knees. I have bad knees as well and I can walk anywhere from 3 – 4 mph pretty comfortably. However, the heavier you are and less “in-shape” you are the more difficult it will be. Take your time with it, there really is no rush. If that means only a half-mile at 1.5 mph then so be it. So long as you’re doing it. You will know when you’re ready to bump that up with speed, distance or endurance.

I’m wearing the Skechers Shape-Ups and the soles are really soft and rounded. They seem to be great with knee issues. Not the reason I bought them either so it was a pleasant surprise.

Also, bicycling and the elliptical are really good calorie burners and easy on the knees too. I definitely agree with trying to find something you’ll enjoy. The main focus right now should be that and starting slow. Don’t burn yourself out, for that also becomes a very bad excuse… “I’m tired!”

There is one main constant, regardless of what your goal is you will need to have some kind of workout routine. Plan it out and make it a part of your day, like a work schedule or eating schedule.

Best wishes!

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Thank you so much for the suggestions ! :-)

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My knees and the soles of my feet hurt bad when I start walking but after about 15 minutes or so the pain is gone.

I've dropped over 100 pounds in the past and know for a fact that the pain lessens as I lose weight.

Just grin and bear the pain for a little while and before long it will be gone. :thumbup:

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Walking has so many benefits. You get fresh air. You get rid of stress. You burn calories. If you are walking at a fast pace and holding in your stomach muscles it works out your muscles too. Another benefit is that you can't take your fridge with you :thumbup:.

I started at 324 pounds and let me tell you my feet hurt every day. I walked during all of my breaks at work. Twice for 15 to 20 minutes and then during my hour lunch. I also walked after work too. I made sure I walked at least 5 miles six days per week. It really helped me to lose 125 pounds in the first year of my new life. I used to walk because I had to. Now I walk because I like to. I found another exercise I love. It's called trikking. You can check it out at www.trikketalk.com I started trikking when I got down to about 225 lbs. It's a fair weather type of sport that I enjoy very much. I did a 24 mile trikke this past summer that was the most I've ever worked out. I found that listening to my MP3 player with fast music helps me keep my pace. I use a pedometer. Two days ago I walked 20,800 steps. That's almost 10.5 miles!

I hope you and your band become friends with an exercise because it makes loosing the weight much easier.

I wish you well.


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Another benefit of walking outside is you get a natural dose of Vitamin D from the sunshine. Something we all need, right? Before surgery I would workout at Curves, then pick up a 12-15 inch pizza on the way home and eat the entire thing for dinner. When I decided to have surgery I knew I needed to bump up my exercise program. A coworker told me about a public park near where I live, and told me to be sure and take peanuts for the squirrels. I started walking the nature trail (a little less than 2 miles around) and feeding the squirrels. I walk briskly but stop when the squirrels show up for their treats, so it is more like interval walking. I get some passive weight lifting from carrying a large tote bag of peanuts, and I try to do a mininmum of twice around the trail.

On days when it is nice and I have time I will do more laps, up to 3 or 4. One weekend day recently I made 5 laps, my personal best. Now that it is dark after work (EST) I am back at Curves and walk on weekends/holidays/days off. I also joined the rec center fitness room (costs $2 a month) as a back up for when I can't walk outside (my preference), and I have a Water aerobics class that I attend now and then. Mostly I love walking outside. I bundle up in the winter and go too. By date of surgery I had lost 25 pounds, and since surgery (3/25/08) I have lost 107-110 lbs.

I feel much more fit (for an old geezer) and my arthritic knees feel almost normal. Flat abs, however, are only going to come from plastic surgery. The loose skin left from massive weight loss may snap into place if you are 20 something, but we older folks need a bit more than crunches and weight lifting to have the toned body described. I keep playing the lottery, and walking, and Curves will keep me going until then. I for one think walking is an excellent way to exercise. A good pair of sneakers is pretty much all you need. In my case a 25 lb box of peanuts helps too.

Good luck on your respective journeys.

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Hey Sue !! How are you ? I think about you often! I still have you on my Buddy list here. So many people come and go ... Glad to see you're still around here :-)

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