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Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

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"All of my beliefs ARE God's beliefs. He guides what I believe in my life. His word is true and the Only truth as far as I'm concerned."

I thank you Pattygreen for your response. I guess it just became extremely clear to me that you think you know what God would want and the rest of us should just go fly. But I have one more question. What makes you know, not think, God does not approve of Obama and what he is doing? See, I would never, ever think that I knew what God's plan was. I am humble that way. After you answer the above question. Ask yourself, who the hell are you to think YOU know GOD and what he may or may not want?


I don't think I know what God would want, I know I know what God would want. You , and anyone else, can know also. He gave us his words in the bible to read so we can understand him and know what he wants.

God does not keep his children in the dark about who he is and what he desires.

Isn't it true that if someone asks you "what do you think your mom would say about this or that?" You could give her exact answer. Or if your child, someone you were close with and knew very well, was asked a question you would know how to answer for them? Well, that's how I know what God would think about an issue. I have gotten to know him over the past 27 years of my life very well. He's my Father and I know what he would approve of and what he wouldn't approve of. His answers to every dilemma is in the book.

What is Obama's stand on abortion? It's not the same as Gods, for God says it is wrong.

What is his stand on homosexuality? It's not the same as Gods, for God says it is a sin for 2 people of the same sex to have sex together.

What is his stand on economics? God says that those who don't work shouldn't eat, yet Obama loves to give away our money to those who wont work. (I'm not talking about the handicapped or disabled here, I'm talking about the lazy)

I could go on, but you get it. This is how I know.

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There is a difference in self proclaiming to be a Chritian and really being one. "by their fruits you shall know them."

I am very happy with the "fruits" that Pres. Obama has come to bear, so to speak. I think given the mess he inherited, he is addressing some very difficult problems that were ignored by bush and doing the best he can.

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Basically what you have been saying from what I can read of your other posts is God does not like what Obama is doing. That your communication with God is so pure, purer than most, that you can say with complete and utter confidence that he does not like what Obama is doing? That he has placed you, and you alone in the care of what he wants for this world? That none of us have that same communication that you do since we support our POTUS and thus must not be worthy of this sacred confidence? Pattygreen, you need to get a good grip on yourself. You have gone beyond quoting the bible. You have ran, not walked, into the realm of blasphem. God's will is your will...........sheesh. Lots of people do things in God's name, like sacrafice and martyrdom as in 911 hijackers!!!

No one is disputing the fact that you know God more than many others. But that does not give you the right to call people wrong because they don't take the bible as literal as you!!! We never said you were wrong, we said you were misguided in using the bible to justify this blasphem, Sarah's idiocy and Fake Noises rhetoric, which you happily spew. What is in dispute is the fact that you say you know what his wishes are today regarding Obama. I say shame on you for saying his name in vain and saying he is judging other people and it is actually you doing it. Shame on you..........

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82% of America is Christian. That means they believe in Jesus. When we began this nation, we were Christian. We allowed any one from any religion to join us here without prejudice. The founding father's never expected for that allowance to drive God out of the government.

This is an english speaking nation. We allow french and spanish and other languages to be spoken here, but we are not going to accomodate those languages with every road sign or on every product sold here or every telephone operator speaking in 50 languages. No. English is the American language, you can live here and speak it, or another language of your choosing, but we're not changing our language for everyone that comes here. Same for our Christian heritage. This is a Christian nation. You can come here and be a christian, or any other religion of your choice, but we should not be expected to get rid of God everywhere because a few don't believe him. The majority here believe in the God of Christianity, Jesus.

The last time I checked all places of worship were free to worship at will and the christian ones were free to display God/Jesus as they saw fit and include Him in all of their literature, displays, pageants, songs, private schools, etc.. The same is true for our own private homes. And our privates lives. But for some reason, that is not enough for the christian zealots.

Somehow, they need to have their religion validated by the check out girl at Wal Mart saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays" or a creche displayed at the municipal building or the public schools. Only then are they satisfied.

They are just troublemakers who have too much time on their hands. Move on.

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I don't think I know what God would want, I know I know what God would want. You , and anyone else, can know also. He gave us his words in the bible to read so we can understand him and know what he wants.

God does not keep his children in the dark about who he is and what he desires.

Isn't it true that if someone asks you "what do you think your mom would say about this or that?" You could give her exact answer. Or if your child, someone you were close with and knew very well, was asked a question you would know how to answer for them? Well, that's how I know what God would think about an issue. I have gotten to know him over the past 27 years of my life very well. He's my Father and I know what he would approve of and what he wouldn't approve of. His answers to every dilemma is in the book.

What is Obama's stand on abortion? It's not the same as Gods, for God says it is wrong.

What is his stand on homosexuality? It's not the same as Gods, for God says it is a sin for 2 people of the same sex to have sex together.

What is his stand on economics? God says that those who don't work shouldn't eat, yet Obama loves to give away our money to those who wont work. (I'm not talking about the handicapped or disabled here, I'm talking about the lazy)

I could go on, but you get it. This is how I know.

While there is no point in arguing with a crazy person ie: You. Everything you say shows that you have no idea what God wants. You know what you want and only point to those parts of the bible just like an overzealous Christian.

I will specifically address your claims about what God says about Obamas economic policy because it really pisses me off how republicans claim to be devote Christians and then do the exact opposite of what Jesus directed them too. Jesus requested that his followers and anyone that wanted to follow him all sell their belongings and give them to the poor or the community and come live with him in a socialist environment so unless you would like to say Jesus is ungodly you may want to go reread your bible and evaluate your thoughts that are "so inline with God". See Luke 18 and examples of socialism in the early church under the discretion of Jesus's disciples, people we can actually know have a valid rapport with God unlike you. Acts 2:44-45 Acts 4:34-37

I also find it interesting how you rarely turn to the new testament the portion of the bible for CHRISTIAN. When Jesus came a lot of the things you like to speak about became null and void. I don't believe you got out and sacrifice rams and doves.

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The last time I checked all places of worship were free to worship at will and the christian ones were free to display God/Jesus as they saw fit and include Him in all of their literature, displays, pageants, songs, private schools, etc.. The same is true for our own private homes. And our privates lives. But for some reason, that is not enough for the christian zealots.

Somehow, they need to have their religion validated by the check out girl at Wal Mart saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays" or a creche displayed at the municipal building or the public schools. Only then are they satisfied.

They are just troublemakers who have too much time on their hands. Move on.

The first thing that the founding father's did before every meeting was to open in prayer to God. They felt it was the most important thing to do before getting started. The bible is the book that the right hand is placed upon at any swearing in in our courts, 'In God we trust' is on our money for a reason, and 'One Nation under God' is in our National pledge of Allegience for that same reason. The minority in this country feel that these things need to be removed from the public. At first, we christians, just kept quiet for fear of upsetting the few, but now, no more. It's about time that the majority spoke up and said,"enough." This IS a Christian Nation, and if you want to live here and you don't like it that we Celebrate Christmas as a National Holiday, or that we put a Nativity on the town green, then too bad. Move, or get used to it. Go live somewhere else and see if you get the freedom to worship whoever you please there, or if you are allowed to choose your own religion.

Why can't the minority of non-believers be satisfied with living here and being allowed to have freedom of their own choosing of religion? Why do we christians have to move on over?

We don't need to have our religion "validated" by having Walmart cashiers say "merry Christmas" as you say. We just want the non Christians who live here to understand that they have a nerve. We were here FIRST and this nation was set up as a CHRISTIAN Nation, and will always be one. It is our Heritage, and NO ONE should be ashamed of it. If they don't like it, well, tough!.

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Basically what you have been saying from what I can read of your other posts is God does not like what Obama is doing. That your communication with God is so pure, purer than most, that you can say with complete and utter confidence that he does not like what Obama is doing?

I never said my communication with God is pure. Please don't put words in my mouth. I do know though, that God would not like some of his stands on some issues. I did not say he hates everything he is doing. I'm sure there are some good things he is accomplishing.

That he has placed you, and you alone in the care of what he wants for this world?

Where did I state this?

That none of us have that same communication that you do since we support our POTUS and thus must not be worthy of this sacred confidence?

Did I say That?

I'm sure many reading here communicate

with God. I don't believe that the rest who post here read their bible, though. They may pick a verse out here and there, but they haven't studied it or read it regularly because if they did, they would know that God does not approve of certain things that they are okay with.

Pattygreen, you need to get a good grip on yourself. You have gone beyond quoting the bible. You have ran, not walked, into the realm of blasphem. God's will is your will...........sheesh. Lots of people do things in God's name, like sacrafice and martyrdom as in 911 hijackers!!!

Yes, Whatever God wills, I am okay with. I want his will. How is that blesphemy? This is what God desires from all mankind, that we are in agreement with him.

No one is disputing the fact that you know God more than many others. But that does not give you the right to call people wrong because they don't take the bible as literal as you!!!

Yes it does. I believe that if you do not believe what God says in his word, or your feeling on an issue contradicts what he says is correct, then you are wrong. And, I have every right to tell you so if I choose to. You have every right to believe Him or not. That's your choice.

We never said you were wrong, we said you were misguided in using the bible to justify this blasphem, Sarah's idiocy and Fake Noises rhetoric, which you happily spew. What is in dispute is the fact that you say you know what his wishes are today regarding Obama. I say shame on you for saying his name in vain and saying he is judging other people and it is actually you doing it. Shame on you..........


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While there is no point in arguing with a crazy person ie: You. Everything you say shows that you have no idea what God wants. You know what you want and only point to those parts of the bible just like an overzealous Christian.

Not true. For instance, I could care less if 2 women want to have sex together in the privacy of their own home. That's their business, but because I know that it is displeasing to God, I,too, am against it. In other words, It's not what I want or don't want, it's what God wants.

I will specifically address your claims about what God says about Obamas economic policy because it really pisses me off how republicans claim to be devote Christians and then do the exact opposite of what Jesus directed them too.

More Republicans are Christians than not. This is true, but Christians don't claim to be perfect or without sin in their lives. Noone understands better than a Christian does that they are sinful. They know they can't get through a day without doing wrong, and He forgives them because he also knows they can't get through a day without doing wrong. He took the punishment that we deserve for our wrongs, and that is why we love him.

Jesus requested that his followers and anyone that wanted to follow him all sell their belongings and give them to the poor or the community and come live with him in a socialist environment so unless you would like to say Jesus is ungodly you may want to go reread your bible and evaluate your thoughts that are "so inline with God". See Luke 18 and examples of socialism in the early church under the discretion of Jesus's disciples, people we can actually know have a valid rapport with God unlike you. Acts 2:44-45 Acts 4:34-37

You are mistaken. Jesus did not request this. Acts chapter 2 tells the account of Peter when he was speaking to a crowd of people. And then, verses 42 through the end of the chapter tell of what they did and how they lived. That's all. It was not a command of Jesus to live in a socialistic society. Verse 44 says:"All the believers were together and had everything in common." So. They were united. What's socialistic about that? Verse 45 reads: "Selling their posessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need." This simply means that they voluntarily sold some of their stuff to get money and gave to those in need. This is a far cry from stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.

Acts chapter 4 speaks of what they did. They shared with each other so that no one in the church had any needs. This was voluntarily done. The churches today do this very thing. When someone in my church has a need, it is brought before the congregation and if anyone can meet the need of that person, they do so. This is not socialism. Socialism is forced on the people against their will.

I also find it interesting how you rarely turn to the new testament the portion of the bible for CHRISTIAN.

Jesus said ,"I did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it." The 'whole' bible is for Christians, and I turn to both the OT and the NT.

When Jesus came a lot of the things you like to speak about became null and void. I don't believe you got out and sacrifice rams and doves.


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The first thing that the founding father's did before every meeting was to open in prayer to God. They felt it was the most important thing to do before getting started. The bible is the book that the right hand is placed upon at any swearing in in our courts, 'In God we trust' is on our money for a reason, and 'One Nation under God' is in our National pledge of Allegience for that same reason. The minority in this country feel that these things need to be removed from the public. At first, we christians, just kept quiet for fear of upsetting the few, but now, no more. It's about time that the majority spoke up and said,"enough." This IS a Christian Nation, and if you want to live here and you don't like it that we Celebrate Christmas as a National Holiday, or that we put a Nativity on the town green, then too bad. Move, or get used to it. Go live somewhere else and see if you get the freedom to worship whoever you please there, or if you are allowed to choose your own religion.

Why can't the minority of non-believers be satisfied with living here and being allowed to have freedom of their own choosing of religion? Why do we christians have to move on over?

We don't need to have our religion "validated" by having Walmart cashiers say "merry Christmas" as you say. We just want the non Christians who live here to understand that they have a nerve. We were here FIRST and this nation was set up as a CHRISTIAN Nation, and will always be one. It is our Heritage, and NO ONE should be ashamed of it. If they don't like it, well, tough!.

WE were here first? I think the Native American Indians would take exception to that statement. Not to mention how childish that statement is. So what that our founding fathers came from a country where christianity was the dominate religion? They did not set out to make this a christian nation. They set out to make it a nation free from establishing a religion. The fact that they practiced some christian customs does NOT mean that they intended for our government to be a christian one.

So, if someone doesn't think our government should be promoting christianity they have a "nerve"? Again, childish. If they are taxpaying citizens they have a right to express their views, just as you believe the teabaggers do.

If your christianity is threatened because our government doesn't promote it, or that others don't want any religion in government, then your christianity is not that strong. If your beliefs can only be validated if our government promotes them then that is problematic.

I don't understand why you would want the government that you don't believe gets anything right and is the problem to become involved or promote your religion. I would think that it would be the last entity you would want involved in a personal decision like religion.

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The record of the white man is not clean, but I'll not listen to such balderdash as the "land belonged to the indian." and was taken by the "greedy white man." The only land they owned is the land they cleared, lived on and cultivated. To suggest the Indians owned the whole country because they rode around it on horseback is pure poppycock. Most, if not all, Indian tribes did not believe in a personal ownership of land. They did not consider a plot of ground theirs to be passed on to a son, but ground that was owned by the tribe for the good of all. This same attitude was held toward food. If a brave took a bison or deer in a hunt, it did not belong to him but to the tribe. The shallow thinker says,"That's magnanimous and unselfish." but it is also socialism and could be one reason why the Indians were living substantially the same way when Columbus arrived as they had lived 500 years earlier.

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So, if someone doesn't think our government should be promoting christianity they have a "nerve"?

Did I say promoting? No. I said recognizing it, and not trying to push anything "GOD" out of it.

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The record of the white man is not clean, but I'll not listen to such balderdash as the "land belonged to the indian." and was taken by the "greedy white man." Please show where I said that!! You are the one who chose THOSE words. You said we were here FIRST. WE WERE NOT. Deny that. The only land they owned is the land they cleared, lived on and cultivated. To suggest the Indians owned the whole country because they rode around it on horseback is pure poppycock. Most, if not all, Indian tribes did not believe in a personal ownership of land. They did not consider a plot of ground theirs to be passed on to a son, but ground that was owned by the tribe for the good of all. This same attitude was held toward food. If a brave took a bison or deer in a hunt, it did not belong to him but to the tribe. The shallow thinker says,"That's magnanimous and unselfish." but it is also socialism and could be one reason why the Indians were living substantially the same way when Columbus arrived as they had lived 500 years earlier.

What an offensive view of Native Americans -to say that only a shallow thinker would view their way of life as unselfish. I would say that if they were living the same way 500 years later when Columbus arrived, then it was obviously working for them. And working well. White men brought disease to the Indians and not the other way around. They had found a way to keep relatively disease free. I would say that that was magnanimous.

You think christian, white people reign supreme while anyone who doesn't fit that description should be thankful every day that we even allow them to exist in this country. Just don't let any of them "step out of line" and ask for any rights or protest anything. How pitiful. Not to mention self-serving.

America will never return to the country it was in the 50's when we didn't have the large influx of non-christian and/or non-white people. Back to a time when segregation of blacks was the norm and women were relegated to second class status. But none of those pesky Muslims, Latinos, etc.. expecting rights, though. If that's the type of country you want to live in, you had better move. Our country has moved on. You seem to be yearning for a different era.

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I think you have lost your compass in the woods. You have overstepped your bounds and I can tell from the constant stream of religious talk, you have lost your contexted place in the world. As stated above, you are beyond the help of mere mortals such as us. I think your interpretations are too literal for you to ever, ever be content or aligned with a world such as this. I have begun to feel sorry for you because to me you seem to be a bitter and very rigid person. Now I reeeeally feel bad because I said that and although living with the bible is great, really great, you seemed to have missed the fact that you live in this century and our forefathers, who lived in another time altogether, did not have the benefit of knowing what we as this centuries people know and respond to. Therefore their responses are going to be different if you keep thinking they will respond literally such as you and your kind.

Great stick your head in, keep it there do what makes you feel comfortable. I and many others will continue to read the bible, take away what is relevant in our contexted world and move on. Raging against what you will never be able to change will lead to ulcers and a mental breakdown for which you seem to be heading or arrived at. No government of this country will ever lead with religion. Just won't happen because there are people like you who would lead this country to ruin itself because you ignore the basic principle of our foundation and embrace only religion as your light. Individualized caretakers, freedom to practice whatever religion we choose without rancor, without having to deal with people who want to impose their religious will. Where do you think the phrase separation of church and state came from? Just so a person like you could not use their power to influence the rest of us(of which there are more of) to do the wrong thing in the name of religion,like blow up a building because we go to war, or kill in the name of God or Allah.

I can just imagine all of the limitations you must place on yourself in the name of religion. As I mentioned above, people who flew the 911 planes into our buildings and killed so many people, also took their belief in God beyond their contexted world, just like you. And before you say,"I am not like that", yes you are, that is why you and your comments rancor folks here through these threads. You are trying to convert us through fact, fiction and one line sentences from the bible . We can see the craziness in all that you write. It scares me to think that you have influence over small impressionable children. People like you make kids go out and get pregnant and then the kid tries to hide the baby by killing it or running away from home because they bring down a wrath from you that is not contexted in their world. Lord help all around you who get this daily flood of misinterpreted rhetoric you put forth. I think of you that way and I feel sorry for you, because extremism in God, Allah or any such belief that goes too far and takes those words literal, only bad can come of it. How do I know you have went beyond the pale? Look at how many threads you have started about the big bad govenment and specifically Obama using religion? You have more than 1600 times expressed yourself. There is something wrong, seriously wrong with that. You have ended up right along side thoses 911 zealots in my book and will continue to drive people away. Practice your religion, but when you become so focused on the word and ignore the contexted time in which you live, you lose something and I think it is your mental rationale. I am sorry if this pisses you off but I hope you don't take it to the extreme and harm yourself because you keep throwing yourself against a wall that will never move........

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