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Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

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patty: "Your hypocrisy sickens me"

Omg, I certainly hit a nerve didn't I? Not that I meant to make you sick, for heaven's sake! I didn't. But I do honestly consider writing on your palm when you're giving a talk to be extremely lame and very bush league. (pun intended)

patty: "Why don't you give me some 'real' reason for your hatred of her? Cause there is no reason to hate her. she hasn't done anything wrong to anyone."

Why do you insist on using the word "HATRED"? We've all told you (with maybe one exception) that we don't hate Sara Palin. Do you HATE President Obama?

Sara Palin has done wrong in this life. You are unable to admit it because you agree with the way she outright lied during the campaign and the way she continues to push the limits of free speech everyday.

patty: "BTW, I wasn't defending her. She needs no defense cause she wasn't doing anything wrong."

You have been defending her since before you started this thread. And losing the battle, I might add.

patty: "You really don't need to criticise my faith in God by throwing your 'digs' at me. It's very unbecoming, bjean."

I am certainly NOT criticizing your faith in God. What's the matter, can't you defend your claim that the reason we need God is because otherwise mankind wouldn't know right from wrong?

I don't think you can defend that statement and so far you haven't.

That's not a criticism of your faith. I'm taking issue with a statement that you presented as fact. That doesn't have to do with whether you have a certain kind of faith. That has to do with your steadfast claim against man's instinctual ability to know that killing, stealing, sleeping with someone else's wife, dishonoring their parents, coveting their neighbor's material goods and all the other things that we actually do know without having to have someone tell us.

You're convinced that anyone who believes that capital punishment is wrong, that abortion is a woman's choice not the government's, that guns need some regulation, that war is always bad and should only be waged in defense of our country, etc., that they are heathens and have no faith. I'm here to tell you that you're totally wrong about that. Plenty of good Christians believe all of those things and more things that you disagree with and it does not, for one minute, make them immoral or in league with the devil. You're preaching to the choir, dear. And you're showing your backside.

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WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH..........WAAAAAAAAAAAH......... I think I`ll find a felt tip marker and write down some thoughts on the palm of my hand for (future) reference! She could`nt even do that right! She ended up marking over some previous scribble with her pen. How sophisticated.....a (real) Lady! Be actually very comical to see her as President or First Lady at a State Department Formal dinner and a Quest noticed the pen markings on her hand and asked Sarah, whats that was all about. Oh, its just a Alaska style Tattoo, shucks, kinda neat don`t u think? Lets have a shot out for all those ice fishin snowmobile Mom`s with Magic Markers on hand to write down those very important (brain farts) we all get from time to time. Next time it will be John 3:16!

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patty: "Your hypocrisy sickens me"

Omg, I certainly hit a nerve didn't I? Not that I meant to make you sick, for heaven's sake! I didn't. But I do honestly consider writing on your palm when you're giving a talk to be extremely lame and very bush league. (pun intended)

patty: "Why don't you give me some 'real' reason for your hatred of her? Cause there is no reason to hate her. she hasn't done anything wrong to anyone."

Why do you insist on using the word "HATRED"? We've all told you (with maybe one exception) that we don't hate Sara Palin. Do you HATE President Obama?

No, not at all. I use the word 'hate' for your feelings toward Palin because you all use it as the reason for my feelings toward Obama. I thought you would need to see how having it on your foot would open your eyes to the use of the word. Of course you don't 'hate' Palin, you just don't like what she stands for, her beliefs or her agenda. This is also how I feel about Obama.

Sara Palin has done wrong in this life. You are unable to admit it because you agree with the way she outright lied during the campaign and the way she continues to push the limits of free speech everyday.

We've all done wrong. Some more than others. I will not knock her or Obama for their petty wrongs. (writing on her palm, his mispronouncing corpsmen, etc.) But when it comes to the bigger' things, they can not be set aside and ignored. All politicians have been greedy, and have lied. Obama as well as Palin and all the others. The thing is, to what extent? Is there any change in them now? You can only choose the better of the two candidates that you have to pick from.

patty: "BTW, I wasn't defending her. She needs no defense cause she wasn't doing anything wrong."

You have been defending her since before you started this thread. And losing the battle, I might add.

patty: "You really don't need to criticise my faith in God by throwing your 'digs' at me. It's very unbecoming, bjean."

I am certainly NOT criticizing your faith in God. What's the matter, can't you defend your claim that the reason we need God is because otherwise mankind wouldn't know right from wrong?

It's all in the way you say it, and why you say it.

I don't think you can defend that statement and so far you haven't.

That's not a criticism of your faith. I'm taking issue with a statement that you presented as fact. That doesn't have to do with whether you have a certain kind of faith. That has to do with your steadfast claim against man's instinctual ability to know that killing, stealing, sleeping with someone else's wife, dishonoring their parents, coveting their neighbor's material goods and all the other things that we actually do know without having to have someone tell us.

You're convinced that anyone who believes that capital punishment is wrong, that abortion is a woman's choice not the government's, that guns need some regulation, that war is always bad and should only be waged in defense of our country, etc., that they are heathens and have no faith.

You are wrong in saying that about what I believe. I have never insinuated that if you believe in these things, that you have no faith. Only that you are mistaken about what God says about them. Also, let me straighten you out about what I beleive. Guns need some regulation. I agree with that. too much regulation is wrong. They don't need to be taken from the people altogether like some liberals believe. I also agree that war should be only engaged for the defense of our country. You are correct in what I believe about abortion and capital punishment, though.

I'm here to tell you that you're totally wrong about that. Plenty of good Christians believe all of those things and more things that you disagree with and it does not, for one minute, make them immoral or in league with the devil. You're preaching to the choir, dear. And you're showing your backside.

Like I said, I don't believe that they are "unsaved" or "going to hell" or "immoral" or "have no faith", or "are in a league with the devil". I believe that they are mistaken about what God has to say on those issues. That's all. When these Christians get to Heaven they will have to answer to him for not believeing his word, for not studying it as he has told them to do, for not researching to find out just what his stand on certain issues are, etc. I'm sure there will be things that I will have to answer for as well. We all will.

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Your hypocrisy sickens me. You know full well that there was nothing wrong with writing a note on your palm to remember something, especially when its an add on to the thoughts you prepared ahead of time. Why don't you give me some 'real' reason for your hatred of her? Cause there is no reason to hate her. she hasn't done anything wrong to anyone. She speaks her mind and she stands in agreement with many of the American people today. She seems to be a nice woman with a happy family and she is not afraid to tell people what she thinks about the agenda of the present administration. So what. You hate her because of her use of free speech? She has just as much right to speak her opinions as anyone else. You don't have to agree with her.
You're kidding, right? Please tell me that is not your defense of Sara Palin writing on her hand during a speech.[end]

BTW, I wasn't defending her. She needs no defense cause she wasn't doing anything wrong.

Sorry, but the hypocrisy is all on the side of the republicans.

I don't recall anyone on this thread saying they hated Sarah Palin.

But I have seen plenty of opinions, and facts to back them up, as to why she is unqualified to be president.

SHE IS DUMB. We did dumb for 8 years under bush with tragic consequences for which we are still digging out from and which will take many more years.

In addition to being dumb, she has a smart mouth and has nothing to offer but sarcasm. That's just what we need - a smart mouthed, sarcastic president. Plus dropping all the ing's on all her words. You betcha! Pleassseee.

She asked "how's that hope-y, change-y" thing working for you? Well, my charts on the conservative liberal thread say it all. It's working well for me and for americans. And BTW, haven't heard too much yapping from the right since the unemployment DROPPED in January to 9.7.

Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps on giving.:cursing:

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Instead of angering PattyGreen anymore in her futile attempt to defend Sarah Palin`s intelligence, Lets finally put this issue to rest. Instead of having her appear on Fox News (fair and balanced) with Shawn and Glenn pitching her soft puff balls, put her on Jeff Foxworthy`s, Are You Smarter Then A Fifth Grader Show! Their both country hicks and redneck`s which Jeff is damn proud off, and lets see who wins? My money goes on the Fifth Grader, even if he or she has (learning difficulties). Wow, close call, I almost used the ® word!

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Your hypocrisy sickens me. You know full well that there was nothing wrong with writing a note on your palm to remember something, especially when its an add on to the thoughts you prepared ahead of time. Why don't you give me some 'real' reason for your hatred of her? Cause there is no reason to hate her. she hasn't done anything wrong to anyone. She speaks her mind and she stands in agreement with many of the American people today. She seems to be a nice woman with a happy family and she is not afraid to tell people what she thinks about the agenda of the present administration. So what. You hate her because of her use of free speech? She has just as much right to speak her opinions as anyone else. You don't have to agree with her.

Sorry, but the hypocrisy is all on the side of the republicans.

I don't recall anyone on this thread saying they hated Sarah Palin.

And I don't recall anyone saying that they hated Obama. Yet that is what you constantly say about those who oppose his policies.

But I have seen plenty of opinions, and facts to back them up, as to why she is unqualified to be president.

SHE IS DUMB. We did dumb for 8 years under bush with tragic consequences for which we are still digging out from and which will take many more years.

In addition to being dumb, she has a smart mouth and has nothing to offer but sarcasm. That's just what we need - a smart mouthed, sarcastic president. Plus dropping all the ing's on all her words. You betcha! Pleassseee.

She asked "how's that hope-y, change-y" thing working for you? Well, my charts on the conservative liberal thread say it all. It's working well for me and for americans. And BTW, haven't heard too much yapping from the right since the unemployment DROPPED in January to 9.7.

Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps on giving.:cursing:


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From Cleo's Mom:

Sorry, but the hypocrisy is all on the side of the republicans.

I don't recall anyone on this thread saying they hated Sarah Palin.

From Pattygreen:

And I don't recall anyone saying that they hated Obama. Yet that is what you constantly say about those who oppose his policies.

Do you really want me to post the pictures of the teabaggers and their signs starting with the one with the N word 38 days after Obama took office - long BEFORE any policies took effect? Plenty of hate in them there signs!!!

And you're the one who used the hate word when you started this thread.

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I can Feel the Love.......wheres Joe Leiberman when you need him? Oh, he`s probably in the Closet changing his suit from Dem to Rep again. Love those (kosher) cross dressers. Wanna know why I can prove that Obama is in fact a Christian? He forgave Joe (the turn coat) Leiberman for endorsing the McCain/Palin ticket at the Republican National Convention and "ordered" the Democratic leadership to let Joe keep his Chairmanship positions on several key committees despite the fact he was a traitor to his (former party) and to Obama himself. Ahhhhh, don`t you just love that forgiveness in Obama! I would have appointed Joe, Chairman of the Latrine Committee!

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I can Feel the Love.......wheres Joe Leiberman when you need him? Oh, he`s probably in the Closet changing his suit from Dem to Rep again. Love those (kosher) cross dressers. Wanna know why I can prove that Obama is in fact a Christian? He forgave Joe (the turn coat) Leiberman for endorsing the McCain/Palin ticket at the Republican National Convention and "ordered" the Democratic leadership to let Joe keep his Chairmanship positions on several key committees despite the fact he was a traitor to his (former party) and to Obama himself. Ahhhhh, don`t you just love that forgiveness in Obama! I would have appointed Joe, Chairman of the Latrine Committee!

Now that Lieberman is no longer the coveted 60th vote, if I were Harry Reid I would not only strip him of all chairmanships but I would relegate him to a windowless basement office with only a bare lightbulb overhead.

Then he could turn republican and see how important he is there. Who cares about him anyway? I always thought he talked like the husband/father on that show "Alf".

If the political winds show him losing he will just retire and then he can become a lobbyist for the insurance industry. Oops, he already is :cursing:.

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Also, file this under more republican hypocrisy: Palin wants Rahm Emmanuel fired for privately using the word retarded (he has since apologized and it was accepted) while rush and beck have used the word "retard" in a demeanig way and she hasn't asked for them to be fired or for an apology.

I had an American in my office up here sputtering in anger over this just yesterday. She claims it's a typical example of the type of hypocrisy going on.

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Why does Sarah Palin think she is qualified to be an astronaut?

Because she can see the moon from her front porch.

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What's the best way to get Sarah Palin's eyes to sparkle?

Shine a flashlight in her ears.

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Why are some people so upset with people that are believers. This is still America and so far we still have freedom of religion. And yes my religion is still strong after two thousand years. No one is perfect we all make mistakes. I won't persecute for not believing in God don't belittle believers. Don't bully God loving people.

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