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Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

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And who do you think did the interviews of uninformed Obama supporters? The conservative media.

So, you don't deny that that video was taken and edited by liberal lefts? Wow! I don't believe it!

Like I've said before, I don't deny that there are dishonest people on both sides. That's why I make my own judgements.

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So, you don't deny that that video was taken and edited by liberal lefts? Wow! I don't believe it!

Like I've said before, I don't deny that there are dishonest people on both sides. That's why I make my own judgements.

So what that it was a "liberal" leaning media outlet that interviewed those Palin supporters. He didn't put words in their mouths. He just asked questions and then asked for elaboration. They couldn't elaborate because they didn't know what they were talking about.

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Liberals don't really hate Palin, we just think she is not intellectually capable of running a country as complex and diverse as our is. I only need to mention the bizarre interview she had talking about seeing Putin from her window or some such. Her interview with Katie, which to me and most liberals was so obvious a question that a parrot could have stated the answer and Katie would have moved on. There was no gotcha question, there was no indirect answer that could have been stated. The question was straight forward. The answer should have been straight forward. She couldn't do it because she was being hawked and trained like a seal by the McCain camp to perform and she was not up to the task. She could not perform on command which is what a politition is supposed to do. Know the issues, know your audience and know your lines. She did not. That makes her just like any other human on the planet who is ordinary, not extraordinary, which is what you need to be to reach the level of the presidency. People have to believe you are real with what you say and that is where she falls short. Nobody disputes that she is God fearing. But for me, that is not a criteria to be the POTUS. She has home spun charm, which is great for a politician, but not the presidency. She had a shot to impress us, us liberals, and she didn't. SHe did what most would have done under the circumstance, she responded like a deer in headlights and she never made it to the side of the road into obscurity. Nothing wrong with her but the problems we face need to be met with more than just the criteria of God first. We need people who know their limitations. SHe apparently does not. She stated that she was not surprised to get the call for the VP slot, she was ready. This bravado reminds me of the person who inflates their resume, then looks like an idiot when the interviewer hands then their ass and calls them on it. We don't hate her, we just don't see her as someone who has studied the issues beyond their world and can think on their feet to get the job done. She can go to church all day long, she is still not worldly enough, intellectually rigorous enough and appealing to other people outside of that homegrown spin to be effective. Personally she reminds me of the female in the office who uses her looks to get where she is, without a clue. What turned me off to her was when she called Obama a terrorist and the news media did not call her on it. That was offensive to me on top of her interviews, which she blew all by herself. Me and my mother were discussing this the other day after I asked my mother out of the blue "Mom, what magazines do you read?" My mother came straight out of her mouth, not knowing what I was going to ask and said, 'Time, and The Enquirer and ....why do you want to know." When Palin couldn't even do that, I was done and so was most Americans or they should have been. McCain jeoprodised our country by making her his VP, because if enough of those "homespun, honest and God fearing" types had voted her in, she would have been way, way, way out of her league and too arrogant to ask for help. I would have really started to be scared for our country. SO, please let her run for 2012, it will go down as the most humiliating defeat in American history and she and all those that voted for her would have no one to blame but themselves. Great, she believes in God, that don't make her smart, nor POTUS material.

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tdslf1: Well said. You and I obviously "get it" and understand the complexities associated with the POTUS. I don't want a theocracy or another dumb white house.

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Moses felt that God should not use him to lead his people out of Egypt. He said himself that he was not a good speaker and that God should choose someone else for the job. God said that He had chosen him and that he would be the one that God would work through. God sometimes calls the equipt, those who are capable, but he always equipts the called. So, if Sarah Palin is called by God to be America's next president, she will be.

God also will sometimes give the people what they ask for, and the consequences that go along with that decision, as he did with Obama. It takes a peoples mistake sometimes in straying away from righteousness for them to see their wrong, and be sorrowful for it. Then, when they are, God will bless them once again.

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Please take religion out of this equation for capability of POTUS. I stated why liberals don't care for Palin or some of those reasons. If you are going to ask the question,listen to the answer and debate, please debate with facts. We are talking about Palin, not Obama, not McCain but about Palin. She is unqualified in most American eyes to be the POTUS. If she started now, she might be eligible to be taken seriously in 2026. I doubt it but, let her give it a try. First impressions are a muther. But I am all for people trying, but please lets not make it a religious thing, because it is not. It's about a competent thing, of which she is sorely lacking. Sorry, I like Palin, because she is my age and she is cute, but that is all, just a cute lady who got pulled onto the dance floor, but couldn't dance.

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I like Palin, because she is my age and she is cute, but that is all, just a cute lady who got pulled onto the dance floor, but couldn't dance.

She IS cute, isn't she? Why do most politicians have to be so.........not cute?

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Some of you have pointed out why people (not JUST liberals, that's for sure) don't like Palin. All good reasons.

The fact that she lies without compunction is proof to me that she is not a Godly woman. Religious maybe, but not Godly.

Not only has she lied about herself and pretended that she is someone she is not, she lied about President Obama during the campaign. She stood up and said things that were obviously driven by her desire to be a contender. She KNEW that the things she was saying about Obama were lies. She absolutely KNEW it. Yet she did it, rally after rally after rally, throughout her participation in the campaign.

We have proof positive that she has a low moral threshold for herself and her family. She's willing to use her daughter to further her career and even her own handicapped son. What kind of person would do that? The Sara Palin kind of person. Someone who too quickly comes from near oblivion to the forefront of national politics. Bad judgement, mighty goals.

She is not to be trusted. She may be religious but she is not a good person. My disapproval of Sara Palin as a political candidate has to do with the kind of person she has proven herself to be and the fact that she is unqualified to do anything but take advantage of her ability to sound sincere and look good. And although George W. Bush proved that a person like that can be president, we as voters should have learned that falling for it is one of the worst things that the American voters have done in our history.

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PattyGreen, Why must you self rightious born again idiots always have to move a Blog that has nothing to do with Religion and go there? Sarah is about as bright as your other favorite idiot Joe the Plumber, by the way..(anyone heard from him lately)? Thomas Jefferson one of this countries founding fathers wrote his own Jeffersonian Bible deleting most of the Jesus miracles. He was a Humanist and not a Christian! Even Ben Franklin was Unitarian/Universalist, not what you would consider a REAL Christian Denomination! Lets get back to Lap Band Support Issues and leave the Fairy Tales to those that get comfort from them! And speaking about Fundamentalists, unless your Jewish, your no such thing! It all started with Abraham, Adam & Eve (who by the way committed INCEST) and everything from Moses to the present comes from the tap root of the tree faith...meaning if your a Christian or Moslem ....your still first an foremost a JEW! Now get over it! You Religious Zealots Make Me Sick!

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OMG Phil. Why get back to talking about banding when you can post a rant like that? Great therapy!

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I am not a christian, I am Muslim. I am liberal. I dont hate Sarah Palin, most of my negative feelings are reserved for those who use sexist attacks on her because they arent smart enough to actually debate her agenda/platform. It really exposed the hypocracy of people when the ones who cried about Hillarys sexist attacks then went on to launch their own sexist attacks against Pallin.

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PattyGreen, Why must you self rightious born again idiots always have to move a Blog that has nothing to do with Religion and go there?

I started this blog, and if you want to discuss this topic without my faith being brought into it, thenm go somewhere else.

Sarah is about as bright as your other favorite idiot Joe the Plumber, by the way..(anyone heard from him lately)?

Who said Joe the plumber was a favorite of mine?

Thomas Jefferson one of this countries founding fathers wrote his own Jeffersonian Bible deleting most of the Jesus miracles. He was a Humanist and not a Christian!

Thomas Jefferson wrote a book of his own seperating ethical teachings from religious dogma. It wasn't a bible, it was excerpts from the bible. Get your facts straight.Thomas Jefferson was a Protestant and was raised as an Episcopalian (Anglican).

Even Ben Franklin was Unitarian/Universalist, not what you would consider a REAL Christian Denomination!

The following passage is taken from a letter Franklin wrote to the reverend Ezra Stile in 1790, when Franklin was 85 years old, and Stile was serving as president of Yale College. Here we find Franklin discussing his perspectives on religion and the significance of Jesus of Nazareth.

Considering Franklin is 85, it is especially interesting to note his statement that this is the first time he has been questioned about his religious beliefs. True to form, Ben Franklin’s answers reveal the reasonable common sense approach that the candle-maker’s son took towards life, as well as the calm and good natured temperament for which he was well-known.

You desire to know something of my religion. It is the first time I have been questioned upon it. But I do not take your curiosity the wrong way, and will try in a few words to gratify it. Here is my creed: I believe in one God, creator of the universe; that He governs it by his providence; that He ought to be worshipped; that the most acceptable service we can render Him is to do good to his other Children. And that the
is immortal, and will be treated with justice in another life respecting its conduct in this.

Lets get back to LAP-BAND® Support Issues and leave the Fairy Tales to those that get comfort from them!

This is the rants and raves section of lapband talk. (off topic forums) So, if you want to talk about your beloved 'band'. then move to another forum. BTW, God is not a Fairy Tale to me, so your words are insulting and immature!

And speaking about Fundamentalists, unless your Jewish, your no such thing!

How untrue. Anyone can heav a strict adherence to a set of rules.

It all started with Abraham, Adam & Eve (who by the way committed INCEST) and everything from Moses to the present comes from the tap root of the tree faith...meaning if your a Christian or Moslem ....your still first an foremost a JEW! Now get over it! You Religious Zealots Make Me Sick

FYI, Incest was not a sin in the beginning when God created mankind, because it was needed to carry on the human race. It became a sinful act afterwards, when God layed down the laws to mankind. Jewish people are simply believers in the same God as Christians, yet have not accepted Jesus as the Messiah who came to redeem them.


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minimeme: what sexist posts are you speaking of? The one plain made?

Because what I've mostly read are serious issues with Sara Palin, the political candidate. No different really than a discussion about a male candidate.

If you're thinking in those terms and that's your interpretation, it's because YOU are thinking of her simply as a woman.

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Some of you have pointed out why people (not JUST liberals, that's for sure) don't like Palin. All good reasons.

The fact that she lies without compunction is proof to me that she is not a Godly woman. Religious maybe, but not Godly.

Not only has she lied about herself and pretended that she is someone she is not, she lied about President Obama during the campaign. She stood up and said things that were obviously driven by her desire to be a contender. She KNEW that the things she was saying about Obama were lies. She absolutely KNEW it. Yet she did it, rally after rally after rally, throughout her participation in the campaign.

We have proof positive that she has a low moral threshold for herself and her family. She's willing to use her daughter to further her career and even her own handicapped son. What kind of person would do that? The Sara Palin kind of person. Someone who too quickly comes from near oblivion to the forefront of national politics. Bad judgement, mighty goals.

She is not to be trusted. She may be religious but she is not a good person. My disapproval of Sara Palin as a political candidate has to do with the kind of person she has proven herself to be and the fact that she is unqualified to do anything but take advantage of her ability to sound sincere and look good. And although George W. Bush proved that a person like that can be president, we as voters should have learned that falling for it is one of the worst things that the American voters have done in our history.


Obama's lies can be proven, yet you will never stray from believing that he is trustworthy. I don't get it? He just sent 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan, even though he campaigned on ending this war ASAP! What a LIAR!!!!!

Sarah Palin did not use her children to further her career. They are a part of her life, and if the public sees or hears about them, how is she to help that? Talk about grasping at straws to come up with something 'bad' about her. Leave it to a liberal to make someone who has high moral standards into someone who doesn't.

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minimeme: what sexist posts are you speaking of? The one plain made?

Because what I've mostly read are serious issues with Sara Palin, the political candidate. No different really than a discussion about a male candidate.

If you're thinking in those terms and that's your interpretation, it's because YOU are thinking of her simply as a woman.

Did I say "posts"? I was speaking in general terms of how I have seen her attacked. But I DO notice how quickly you attacked me personally when I spoke in general terms of what I have witnessed. :w00t:

I have worked more than 25 years in a field that is less than 1% female so I have more than a little experience in dealing with such issues.

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