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Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

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You go, phil! And to think she could have been our vice president. Simply amazing.

Cleo's, I'm almost afraid to read "Game Change" because I'm thinking it will be infuriating to know how the Palin thing all played out during the election. But of course they say that he doesn't exclusively tell stories about Republican screw ups, he's an equal opportunity game changer. And I'm certainly good with that. I hope the book helps right the ship of history that is listing because of people like Cheney trying to re-write it.

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Sarah Palin no doubt is a ignorant dumb idiot, but to the right wing born again charismatic evangelicals its does`t mean a thing. Why you might ask....? Because she`s "Saved! Lets all hope and pray that we are all saved from the likes of her, Tom Coburn,Glen Beck, Shawn Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of the "Family" on C Street in Washington DC. Liars and hippocrites....all of them! JUst have another affair and have another child out of wedlock and leave the rest of us alone already.

Sarah Palin did not have an affair or a child out of wedlock.

FYI, christians may be 'saved' through the shed blood of Jesus, but we are NOT sinless. I do believe that we have a foundation of the word of God to guide us in what is right and wrong, though. Which is very important when you are in politics and making moral decisions for the people you represent.

Also, FOX is the #1 watched news station in America. More people watch that station then all 3 or 4 liberal, democratic, agenda run news stations put together. That tells us that they are in agreement with the stand that FOX holds. You, sir, are a minority in this country. Do you really think that your way of thinking concerning politics is the 'right' and 'most held' view? You are wrong. The American people are fed up with those who think the way you do. Just take a look at the close race in the Democratic run State of MA. Republicans are going to finally have a say in that state because the people are fed up with democrats and their Tax and Spend policies. They are fed up with their goal of socialism.

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I am going to love the way Fake Noise is going to spin this one. They know full well what they have on their hands. Another comedian. She will fit right along with the rest of the comedians on that show. I will enjoy watching her world view and how she perceives the liberal elite. I love it that we have a percentage of the voting block that thinks Beck and Hannity are for real. Mayer said it best. The American people are dumb.

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Also, FOX is the #1 watched news station in America. More people watch that station then all 3 or 4 liberal, democratic, agenda run news stations put together. That tells us that they are in agreement with the stand that FOX holds. You, sir, are a minority in this country. Do you really think that your way of thinking concerning politics is the 'right' and 'most held' view? You are wrong. The American people are fed up with those who think the way you do. Just take a look at the close race in the Democratic run State of MA. Republicans are going to finally have a say in that state because the people are fed up with democrats and their Tax and Spend policies. They are fed up with their goal of socialism.

Where people get their cable tv news does not translate into votes since Obama won in 2008. Why didn't the fox viewers candidates win?

As I've posted elsewhere, don't read too much into the mid-term election results as history will show that the party in the white house always loses seats.

Even that conservative windbag Pat Buchanan believes Coakley will win.

And as far as your extreme and conservative religious and conservative views being representative of mainstream america - NO WAY.

While most people will identify with being christian, YOU are in the minority with your extremist, narrow, judgemental, black & white and simplistic views.

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PattyGreen wants America to become a "Theocracy"! Being a Secular Humanist that doesn`t believe in sorcery and fairtales, I think intelligent people even in backwards socialist countries like CANADA find their way around without much difficulty minus FOX NEWS, always Fair and Balanced. Whatabout Ted Haggart (fundamentalist) preacher speaking about the waages of sin and fornication while having a long term affair with a male escort. Whatabout that Senator Craig from Iowa getting caught soliciting a cop in a washroom in MN/ST Paul Airport? Lets not forget NV Senator Ensign, another C ST Family member having several affairs on his wife...more family values? All these good Christian men with Family Values having affairs and being secretly gay while sitting in the pew at church! Hippocrisy is the worst sin of all. Bible belt SC and its Gov Sanford running to be with his soulmate mistress in South America on FATHERS DAY! Excuse me Patty while I vomit! A Pox on your phoney god fearing two faced jerks.

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Pattygreen, As one who was born in Massachusetts and lived there until 1998, I think I know the political situation there as well as you. I true blue liberal state that is second only IMO to Vermont. It still elected several (moderate) Republican Sen. and Gov. Why...? Because most voter there are somewhat intelligent and want to be represented by the best qualified person regardless of political party affiliation. Waco religious fringe candidates would never win a major election in MA. Your so lucky to have Joe (the drag queen) Lieberman as Sen from your state. A Republican dressed for yours in Democratic clothing. The Masses are truly Asses!

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Also, FOX is the #1 watched news station in America. More people watch that station then all 3 or 4 liberal, democratic, agenda run news stations put together. That tells us that they are in agreement with the stand that FOX holds. You, sir, are a minority in this country. Do you really think that your way of thinking concerning politics is the 'right' and 'most held' view? You are wrong. The American people are fed up with those who think the way you do. Just take a look at the close race in the Democratic run State of MA. Republicans are going to finally have a say in that state because the people are fed up with democrats and their Tax and Spend policies. They are fed up with their goal of socialism.

Where people get their cable tv news does not translate into votes since Obama won in 2008. Why didn't the fox viewers candidates win?

As I've posted elsewhere, don't read too much into the mid-term election results as history will show that the party in the white house always loses seats.

Even that conservative windbag Pat Buchanan believes Coakley will win.

And as far as your extreme and conservative religious and conservative views being representative of mainstream america - NO WAY.

While most people will identify with being christian, YOU are in the minority with your extremist, narrow, judgemental, black & white and simplistic views.

I don't agree. The majority of Christians have the same thinking that I do. They may not be as bold to voice their opinions as I do, they think the same way, believe me.

I don't believe that I am judgemental, narrow minded or simplistic. I just try to mold my opinions and views according to God's ways. If that makes me "extreme" then so be it. I'd rather be 'extreme' and in God's family and siding with him on issues than 'extreme' the other way.

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PattyGreen wants America to become a "Theocracy"! Being a Secular Humanist that doesn`t believe in sorcery and fairtales, I think intelligent people even in backwards socialist countries like CANADA find their way around without much difficulty minus FOX NEWS, always Fair and Balanced. Whatabout Ted Haggart (fundamentalist) preacher speaking about the waages of sin and fornication while having a long term affair with a male escort. Whatabout that Senator Craig from Iowa getting caught soliciting a cop in a washroom in MN/ST Paul Airport? Lets not forget NV Senator Ensign, another C ST Family member having several affairs on his wife...more family values? All these good Christian men with Family Values having affairs and being secretly gay while sitting in the pew at church! Hippocrisy is the worst sin of all. Bible belt SC and its Gov Sanford running to be with his soulmate mistress in South America on FATHERS DAY! Excuse me Patty while I vomit! A Pox on your phoney god fearing two faced jerks.

You have a lot to learn about God. He didn't send his Son to this Earth to save the sinless, but the sinners. (And there are NONE who are sinless) So, to say that they are hypocrites is blatantly wrong. There is not ONE Christian who doesn't sin or says he doesn't. They are human beings just like everyone else who doesn't believe in God. There is only ONE difference between those who believe and call themselves Christians, and those who don't believe in God, and that is: their souls destination after this life is over. Christians do not proclaim to be 'above' others where morals are concerned. They do wrong as others do, maybe even more so. Depends. But most Christians, as they walk through this life and grow in the knowledge of God and spiritual things, mature and tend to 'try' to keep their lives pure. This is all God asks of his children. When they fail, and they will, they have His forgiveness. Unbelievers ,OTOH, do not have a place in Heaven with their Creator, because they refuse to acknowledge Him now.

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You have a lot to learn about God. He didn't send his Son to this Earth to save the sinless, but the sinners. (And there are NONE who are sinless) So, to say that they are hypocrites is blatantly wrong. There is not ONE Christian who doesn't sin or says he doesn't. They are human beings just like everyone else who doesn't believe in God. There is only ONE difference between those who believe and call themselves Christians, and those who don't believe in God, and that is: their souls destination after this life is over. Christians do not proclaim to be 'above' others where morals are concerned. They do wrong as others do, maybe even more so. Depends. But most Christians, as they walk through this life and grow in the knowledge of God and spiritual things, mature and tend to 'try' to keep their lives pure. This is all God asks of his children. When they fail, and they will, they have His forgiveness. Unbelievers ,OTOH, do not have a place in Heaven with their Creator, because they refuse to acknowledge Him now.

But at least have the decency that if you preach against stealing, don't be a thief, if you preach against gays, then don't be trolling for men, if you preach against pediophilia, then don't look for little boys, if you preach about the sanctity of marriage, then don't have affairs, if you preach for abstinence only sex ed, don't have a daughter who has a baby out of wedlock. At least have the decency that if you are engaging in sinful behavior to refrain from preaching against it out in public. At least have the decency to just shut up about it.

Much of what the hypocrites were engaged in was taking place while they were publicly against it.

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... if you preach for abstinence only sex ed, don't have a daughter who has a baby out of wedlock. At least have the decency that if you are engaging in sinful behavior to refrain from preaching against it out in public. At least have the decency to just shut up about it.

Much of what the hypocrites were engaged in was taking place while they were publicly against it.

I have that PG person set on ignore ... but as long as you use the "quote" option when responding to her, I still am subjected to her garbage. LOL.

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But at least have the decency that if you preach against stealing, don't be a thief, if you preach against gays, then don't be trolling for men, if you preach against pediophilia, then don't look for little boys, if you preach about the sanctity of marriage, then don't have affairs, if you preach for abstinence only sex ed, don't have a daughter who has a baby out of wedlock. At least have the decency that if you are engaging in sinful behavior to refrain from preaching against it out in public. At least have the decency to just shut up about it.

Much of what the hypocrites were engaged in was taking place while they were publicly against it.

I agree. It is too bad that some preach against the very things they participate in themselves. It just goes to show you mankinds great need for the Savior. We're just NOT ABLE to be righteous. But to label all Christians hypocrits because some preach against what they don't live is like saying all the muslims are terrorists. Not true.

What about that Senator Craig from Iowa getting caught soliciting a cop in a washroom in MN/ST Paul Airport? Lets not forget NV Senator Ensign, another C ST Family member having several affairs on his wife...more family values? All these good Christian men with Family Values having affairs and being secretly gay while sitting in the pew at church! Hippocrisy is the worst sin of all. Bible belt SC and its Gov Sanford running to be with his soulmate mistress in South America on FATHERS DAY!

He mentioned all the hypocritical Senators here. Were they preaching against their own sins? I don't think so. Did they claim to be "Christians"? Did they really go to church faithfully? This would be far worse if they actually were claiming to be upstanding, Christian, family church-goers who were against those things that they were doing behind closed doors. But I don't believe that was the case.

God has said in the bible that those who preach the word will be judged more harshley. So, if these Preachers who are telling others what God has to say about certain sins are setting a bad example by their own lifestyles, they will be justly disciplined. It does not negate the word of God in any way. He is still God, dispite mankinds sinful nature.

When my pastor was a child, he told his dad,who also was a Pastor," I don't want to go to church with all those hypocrites."

He answered, "Well then, you can stay home and go to Hell with them."

(I'm not advocating that not going to church on Sunday will send you to hell. My point is that just because others who claim to be Christians seem hypocritical to you, doesn't mean Christianity is a farce.In other words, Don't look at what others are doing, YOU do the right thing.)

Edited by pattygreen

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Mayer wasn't talking about people like me, PG. He was talking about people who believe in people like Sarah Palin. That means you. Sorry.

"Palin's appeal does not extend beyond her base, which is constituted of ignorant and religiously intolerant people. Sadly, we in this great nation of ours, need to admit that there is a segment of the population that is even more backward and primitive than some people you find in the third world."

Lol, Classic'

anonymous blogger on Huff Post

Edited by tdslf1

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Mayer wasn't talking about people like me, PG. He was talking about people who believe in people like Sarah Palin. That means you. Sorry.

"Palin's appeal does not extend beyond her base, which is constituted of ignorant and religiously intolerant people. Sadly, we in this great nation of ours, need to admit that there is a segment of the population that is even more backward and primitive than some people you find in the third world."

Lol, Classic'

anonymous blogger on Huff Post

By posting this bloggers opinion of Christians, and through other things you have said by about us, I assume you are in agreement with his opinions.

All I can say to you is that one day, you will be faced to answer to your Creator for your opinions and thoughts concerning his family, and his word. It certainly is your choice to think any way you want about us.

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You have a lot to learn about God...

You don't learn about God. It is brainwashed into your head from a very young age just like Santa Claus.

People grow out of Santa Claus. Why don't some people ever smarten up; grow out of God and take responsibility for their own actions?

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