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Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

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You ask why? Before Palin came on the scene of politics, politics were boring. I understood the players, I understood the politics and understood what they were going to say. With Palin one never knows what she is going to say but you can betcha by golly it will be funny. She can entertain. Her problem, she is an ignoramus and doesn't know it. Her attempt at having something relevant to say is comical. This is why, I would love for her to run and have a ring side seat while Repugs, right-wingers, tea-douche baggers and Fake Noise tries to scramble to make her legitimate. Even the right wing can't stop the train wreck call Palin. She can have all the support she wants, but it will never be enough to elect her after she rolled herself out to the general public on a clown cart.

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That is awesome TDSLF. I agree 100%. A Palin campaign may be the only thing that saves Saturday Night Live and Late-Night TV. You rock!

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Palin is hilarious without Saturday Night Live.

Of course Saturday Night Live took advantage of the situation. But they didn't have to have writers to do a parody of her like they do with most politicans. They just repeated whatever she said that week.

It was amazing! They didn't have to make up something outrageous to make us laugh at her. She was outrageous all on her own.

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true dat! It'll be better than laughing at Fox News har har

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Fox and Rush and Palin used to infuriate me because they didn't tell the truth some of the time and they exaggerated for effect most of the time.

The public is finally on to them so it's easier for me to laugh now.

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Oh I am not posting for Patty! She's clearly a fool. This information is for anyone else reading this thread who has a brain cell or two. :thumbup:

Thank you electrawoman! You are very well spoken, and you present fact.

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One of the big reasons why Sarah Palin is so well liked by the conservatives is that she is a Christian. She is honest and sincere. She may not be perfect, for noone is, but when you are choosing a politician, you don't have many who have character and virtue, decency and a high moral standard to choose from these days. Every citizen has the responsibility to promote righteousness within the nation. Part of this responsibility is achieved by maintaining high personal standards. It has been said that "people do what people see"; one way to help maintain righteousness in Ameriica is to be a personal model of character and integrity. It is righteousness that exalts a nation; military might, economic prosperity, and technology advancement mean nothing without it. Only righteousness brings a ntion lasting success. America has, for many years, been a powerful world leader, feared and highly regarded by the nations of the world. The best thing we can do as citizens is live out the law of God each day by applying it to our hearts and lives. Choosing politicians and leaders who will uphold righteousness as God has outlined in his guidebook for us is the right thing to do.This is why Sarah Palin is a big hit with conservatives. They see her Christian virtue and it is good.

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A real xtian woman would not be governor or run for vice president. She'd just be home supporting feeding her children and supporting her husband.

After all, where in your bible do you find a woman leading anyone?

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A real xtian woman would not be governor or run for vice president. She'd just be home supporting feeding her children and supporting her husband.

After all, where in your bible do you find a woman leading anyone?

Are you kidding me?

Judges 4:4-9 speaks of Deborah who was leading Israel at that time. The book of Esther speaks of Esther's great leadership. Romans 16:1-16 speaks of a sister named Phoebe who was a Deacon in her church. That's leadership. There are many references in the bible about women in leadership positions.

Women don't just feed children and support their husbands. God uses women for many jobs.

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One of the big reasons why Sarah Palin is so well liked by the conservatives is that she is a Christian. She is honest and sincere. She may not be perfect, for noone is, but when you are choosing a politician, you don't have many who have character and virtue, decency and a high moral standard to choose from these days. Every citizen has the responsibility to promote righteousness within the nation. Part of this responsibility is achieved by maintaining high personal standards. It has been said that "people do what people see"; one way to help maintain righteousness in Ameriica is to be a personal model of character and integrity. It is righteousness that exalts a nation; military might, economic prosperity, and technology advancement mean nothing without it. Only righteousness brings a ntion lasting success. America has, for many years, been a powerful world leader, feared and highly regarded by the nations of the world. The best thing we can do as citizens is live out the law of God each day by applying it to our hearts and lives. Choosing politicians and leaders who will uphold righteousness as God has outlined in his guidebook for us is the right thing to do.This is why Sarah Palin is a big hit with conservatives. They see her Christian virtue and it is good.

Sarah and her lies (well some of them, anyway) - not exactly virtuous, christian or otherwise:

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Sep 4, 2008 Factchecking Palin

(Political Animal) Factchecking Palin

The other, which the commenters I saw on TV for some reason neglected to mention, was that she told a lot of lies. A few that stood out for me, or that I spotted in my quick run-through of some blogs:

"To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters. I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House."

Sarah Palin might have changed her mind on this one recently. However, a comment here notes that Palin actually slashed funding for schools for special needs kids by 62%. Budgets: FY 2007 (pre-Palin), 2008, 2009 (all pdfs).

"As for my running mate, you can be certain that wherever he goes, and whoever is listening, John McCain is the same man."

Steve's list of McCain flip-flops is here. See for yourself whether constancy is, in fact, John McCain's middle name.

"I told the Congress "thanks, but no thanks," for that Bridge to Nowhere. If our state wanted a bridge, we'd build it ourselves."

Just to reiterate what others have said: Congress' requirement that funds be spent on that bridge (aka the 'earmark') were removed before Sarah Palin became governor. She was therefore in no position to tell Congress anything about the bridge, one way or the other. During her campaign, she said she supported funding for the bridge. Brad Plumer, citing the Anchorage Dialy News via Nexis:

"5. Would you continue state funding for the proposed Knik Arm and Gravina Island bridges?

Yes. I would like to see Alaska's infrastructure projects built sooner rather than later. The window is now--while our congressional delegation is in a strong position to assist."

Later, she accepted the money -- now not restricted by an earmark -- and used it for other infrastructure projects. Here's her statement about why she wasn't building the bridge (also via Plumer.) Decide for yourselves what role a principled opposition to earmark funding plays in it. Hint: here's what residents of Ketchikan AK said when they heard her recent remarks:

"In the city Ketchikan, the planned site of the so-called "Bridge to Nowhere," political leaders of both parties said the claim was false and a betrayal of their community, because she had supported the bridge and the earmark for it secured by Alaska's Congressional delegation during her run for governor. (..)

"People are learning that she pandered to us by saying, I'm for this' ... and then when she found it was politically advantageous for her nationally, abruptly she starts using the very term that she said was insulting," Weinstein said."

"But listening to him speak, it's easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform - not even in the state senate."

Ha, ha, ha. I gave a rundown of Obama's accomplishments in the Senate here. They include the Lugar-Obama bill on nonproliferation, and an ethics reform package that the Washington Post called "the strongest ethics legislation to emerge from Congress yet." Ruth Marcus summarizes his record on reform:

"He helped pass a far-reaching ethics and campaign finance bill in the Illinois state Senate and made the issue a priority on arriving in Washington. Much to the displeasure of his colleagues, Obama promoted an outside commission to handle Senate ethics complaints. He co-authored the lobbying reform bill awaiting President Bush's signature and pushed -- again to the dismay of some colleagues -- to include a provision requiring lawmakers to report the names of their lobbyist-bundlers. He has co-sponsored bills to overhaul the presidential public financing system and public financing of Senate campaigns."

Not a single major law or reform, indeed.

And I wasn't aware that writing memoirs was something to be ashamed of. Obama has, in fact, written only one. McCain (with Mark Salter) has written at least two.

"America needs more energy ... our opponent is against producing it."

No -- he plans to develop a lot more energy than John McCain does. It's just that a lot of it is renewable, not carbon-based. Moreover, Obama hasn't skipped the last eight votes on renewable energy.

"The Democratic nominee for president supports plans to raise income taxes ... raise payroll taxes ... raise investment income taxes ... raise the death tax ... raise business taxes ... and increase the tax burden on the American people by hundreds of billions of dollars. My sister Heather and her husband have just built a service station that's now opened for business - like millions of others who run small businesses. How are they going to be any better off if taxes go up?"

Well, it all depends whose taxes go up, doesn't it? If Heather and her husband make less than $250,000, their taxes will not go up. Most Americans will pay less in taxes under Obama's plan than under McCain's. So they might well be better off.

Those are just the falsehoods that leapt to mind. I'm sure there are others.

She speaks like a politician, that's for sure.

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Are you kidding me?

Judges 4:4-9 speaks of Deborah who was leading Israel at that time. The book of Esther speaks of Esther's great leadership. Romans 16:1-16 speaks of a sister named Phoebe who was a Deacon in her church. That's leadership. There are many references in the bible about women in leadership positions.

Women don't just feed children and support their husbands. God uses women for many jobs.

Judges and Esther are old testament, the same one that contains Leviticus. Do you live by that as well? specifically Leviticus 15, 19-30?

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I never thought of this in terms of "liberals HATING Palin." I guess there are people who would call me a liberal but I do not HATE her. I think she is attractive and has an engaging personality. However, she is also very poorly informed about very important issues and seems to have very limited capacities for inductive and deductive reasoning. Although that makes great comedy -- it would be very dangerous in a leader. "Liberals" are, as a matter of record, better educated so perhaps it is more accurate to say that better informed people tend to disagree with her. From what I'm reading -- those people are on both the right and left. There are MANY smart conservatives who are deeply concerned about her.

Edited by Desdemona

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Sarah Palin talks the talk. She just doesn't walk the walk. That's why her strong "Christian values" are proved to be ludicrous over and over. The lies that she spoke when she was running for vice president, about her opponents were a glaring example. She knew they were lies and a misrepresentation of the facts, but she repeated them over and over ad nauseum. Some Christian she is.

She did not choose to abort her baby - which proves to anti-choice folks that she's against abortion - like she says. But then she did admit that she thought about it (if ever so fleetingly). It seems like she figured if she had her baby, it would make her political popularity soar with the extremists... which it has. But she uses her baby for political gain which is extremely sad and painful to watch.

And not only did she choose to parade her handicapped baby before the public to win votes, she also trotted out her very young unwed daughter and her daughter's subsequent baby, which for right wing extremists, was powerful stuff. But to anyone with good reasoning skills, it only points out that her ideas on parenting don't amount to much. No sex ed? Come on!

Now her daughter lives in the spotlight, under a microscope, as a testament to the ignorance of her parents. And her baby's daddy parades around proving that they are just like everybody else - young people in need of not only some preaching from the pulpit, but more importantly some very good basic sex ed which includes placing some effective birth control devices in their hands.

Sarah Palin is beautiful, speaks with the utmost confidence and she's willing to get up in front of people and ask for their votes in spite of the really bad judgements that she's made throughout her life. That sure takes guts and since John McCain was peddling guts, she was his go-to guy. She's proven that as a candidate she is willing to do whatever it takes to get elected. That's an attribute that is often required for people in poltics.

However, the more she's in the public eye the less likely it is that she will be elected to high office. She's got guts but just not smart enough or well-educated enough to run this country.

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Sarah Palin talks the talk. She just doesn't walk the walk. That's why her strong "Christian values" are proved to be ludicrous over and over. The lies that she spoke when she was running for vice president, about her opponents were a glaring example. She knew they were lies and a misrepresentation of the facts, but she repeated them over and over ad nauseum. Some Christian she is.

She's got guts but just not smart enough or well-educated enough to run this country.

Amen! And well-said!

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With reference to Sarah Palin and Bristol Palin and the births of their babies: Those who call themselves pro-life and then find themselves with an unintended, unwanted and/or problem pregnancy/birth defect will often "consider" abortion before choosing to have the baby. Like Sarah Palin, and Bristol who said she "chose" to have her baby - indicating that she had a choice. That's all that those of us who are pro-choice want. We have no problem with either woman having their baby, just that they had a choice (which apparently both considered).

There is a local newscaster in the town in which I live. Early in her pregnancy it was discovered that her baby had almost no brain. It was a devastating diagnosis. She considers herself a pro-life person, but guess what she did? She checked with her husband's insurance to see if they covered abortion. They did not, so she decided to have the baby. If she was pro-life, why even check to see if the procedure is covered? If you are pro-life you have no choice but to give birth.

My point is that those who call themselves pro-life and then find themselves in a position of a problem or unwanted pregnancy often consider abortion and some may actually go through with it. And those who are pro-choice in the same position often have the baby. It's about choice.

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