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Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

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If you are a godly person, if you believe in Jesus and try to live as he did by using him as an example to follow, even though you know you could never be perfect as he was perfect, and if you read the bible and pray and if you know right from wrong because of God's word to us which teaches righteousness, you will be persecuted by those who are unbelievers.

Sarah Palin is a godly woman of good character. She's not perfect for noone is, and she doesn't claim to be. But, she is honest, sincere, and has values that are upright. She is wise , gifted,and has virtue.The bible teaches that God lives within the believer. He dwells within them. Jesus said, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. Because you are my child, the world hates you. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they would obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name. For they do not know the one who sent me. "John 15:18-21

I hope she is planning a run for the presidency. She will have my vote if she does.

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Well, I can't speak for all liberals but this liberal doesn't hate Sarah Palin.

This liberal thinks one of the great things about this country is that Sarah is free to think and believe in what God she see fit. And scream it from the rooftops if she sees fit.

However, this liberal doesn't think she has the educational requirements/knowledge base to run the country.

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I'd have to agree with Silver and I'm actually a moderate. Sarah Palin just doesn't seem all that competent.

How are you so sure that Sarah Palin is a righteous godly women? The bible also says "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven."

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I'd have to agree with Silver and I'm actually a moderate. Sarah Palin just doesn't seem all that competent.

How are you so sure that Sarah Palin is a righteous godly women? The bible also says "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven."

That's true. The bible does say that. But it also says that "by their fruits you shall know them". Some of her fruits are:

1. She claims to be a born again Christian. (to me, when someone says they are a christian, I wonder if they are or not. When someone says they are a "born again" Christian, I tend to think that they truly are. Why? Because to be born again is an experience that God has given someone who turns their life towards Him spiritually, and it isn't until after you are born again that you actuallly know that you were.)

2. She and her family pray together. (usually when a person says they pray, you wonder if they do or not, but when a 'family prays together', you tend to believe they really do. For who would say that if they knew the rest of their family members could deny it?)

3. She's a regular, faithful attender of her church. (this is a good sign of a true believer, for they don't want to miss out on fellowship with other believers or worship and hearing God's word preached.)

4. Her beliefs line up with her actions. (She believes that abortion kills a live baby within a woman's womb, and she wasn't willing to have one even though she knew her baby had down syndrome)

5. She does not deny Christ. (those who love God are willing to say so and not be ashamed of it, even when others say you're a ditz because of it.)

I think that she is talented and educated enough to run for the presidency. If Barak Obama could make it there with his little experience, so could she. I'd much rather have someone in there who asks God for guidance every day and who is listening to his advice than someone who says "we're not a Christian nation any more."

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This isn't the dark ages any more. We have modern science. There is no need to claim a god or gods is responsible for everything that happens. Grow up!!

I'd rather have somebody in office that has their own morals and doesn't rely on fictional characters in a 2,000 year old fairy tale. And if we can't have that, I'll settle for the lesser of two evils, the candidate that isn't as zealous as the other. That candidate will never be Sarah Palin.

I also feel that she isn't much of a mother because she let her teenage daughter get knocked-up.

That being said, I not a liberal. I am a libertarian.

Libertarian Party | Smaller Government | Lower Taxes | More Freedom

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This isn't the dark ages any more. We have modern science. There is no need to claim a god or gods is responsible for everything that happens. Grow up!!

I'd rather have somebody in office that has their own morals and doesn't rely on fictional characters in a 2,000 year old fairy tale. And if we can't have that, I'll settle for the lesser of two evils, the candidate that isn't as zealous as the other. That candidate will never be Sarah Palin.

I also feel that she isn't much of a mother because she let her teenage daughter get knocked-up.

That being said, I not a liberal. I am a libertarian.

Libertarian Party | Smaller Government | Lower Taxes | More Freedom

You may have modern science, but to me "the wisdom of man is foolishness in God's eyes." (a quote from his word)

Where do these morals come from that you want that person in office to have? If it were not for the law that God handed down to us in his words, you would not even know what's right or wrong. Maybe someone feels it is perfectly acceptable to him to have sex with his own sister and who are you to say it isn't? Point I'm making is morals are dictated by God.

And, Sarah Palin didn't let her daughter get pregnant, she did that all on her own.

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I am a liberal and I don't hate Sarah Palin. I think she's a pretty face and an empty head. It isn't her lack of experience, it's the fact that she's not too bright. We already did dumb in the White House for 8 years with Bush with devastating consequences. Now we have brains back in the White House and the American people like it - they don't want to go back to dumb.

But more importantly - Palin's a phoney. She tries to portray herself as some folksy, down-home, tell it like it is person who shuns those inside the DC beltway and rejects big federal government.

But guess which state governor asked for 31 federal earmarks (called pork by some) giving their residents more federal money per person than any other state?:

Sarah Palin, you betcha!!

Here are a few of her lies:

- She has lied about the Bridge To Nowhere. She ran for office favoring it, wore a sweatshirt defending it, and only gave it up when the federal congress, Senator McCain in particular, went ballistic. She kept the money anyway and favors funding Don Young's Way, at twice the cost of the original bridge.

- She has lied about her firing of the town librarian and police chief of Wasilla, Alaska.

- She has lied about pressure on Alaska's public safety commissioner to fire her ex-brother-in-law.

- She has lied about her previous statements on climate change.

- She has lied about Alaska's contribution to America's oil and gas production.

- She has lied about when she asked her daughters for their permission for her to run for vice-president.

- She has lied about the actual progress in constructing a natural gas pipeline from Alaska.

- She has lied about Obama's position on habeas corpus.

- She has lied about her alleged tolerance of homosexuality.

- She has lied about the use or non-use of a TelePrompter at the St Paul convention.

- She has lied about her alleged pay-cut as mayor of Wasilla.

- She has lied about what Alaska's state scientists concluded about the health of the polar bear population in Alaska.

You cannot trust a word she says. On anything.

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Lifetime liberal here who does not hate anyone. That being said, I don't think running the country should be left to the intellectually inferior. I found GW to be both intellectually and morally impaired. As for Palin, I could give a crap about her religious beliefs. I don't want her as president simply because the woman is number than a pounded thumb!

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That's true. The bible does say that. But it also says that "by their fruits you shall know them". Some of her fruits are:

1. She claims to be a born again Christian. (to me, when someone says they are a christian, I wonder if they are or not. When someone says they are a "born again" Christian, I tend to think that they truly are. Why? Because to be born again is an experience that God has given someone who turns their life towards Him spiritually, and it isn't until after you are born again that you actuallly know that you were.)

2. She and her family pray together. (usually when a person says they pray, you wonder if they do or not, but when a 'family prays together', you tend to believe they really do. For who would say that if they knew the rest of their family members could deny it?)

3. She's a regular, faithful attender of her church. (this is a good sign of a true believer, for they don't want to miss out on fellowship with other believers or worship and hearing God's word preached.)

4. Her beliefs line up with her actions. (She believes that abortion kills a live baby within a woman's womb, and she wasn't willing to have one even though she knew her baby had down syndrome)

5. She does not deny Christ. (those who love God are willing to say so and not be ashamed of it, even when others say you're a ditz because of it.)

I think that she is talented and educated enough to run for the presidency. If Barak Obama could make it there with his little experience, so could she. I'd much rather have someone in there who asks God for guidance every day and who is listening to his advice than someone who says "we're not a Christian nation any more."

This thread has become a bit negative.

Except for number 4 Obama also does all of the above so he must be a righteous and godly person as well. In addition the bible never speaks to abortion that is just something most Christians assume. The bible does say an eye for an eye is wrong. But many conservatives not sure of Palin believe strongly in the death penalty. Let the one who has done no wrong cast the first stone? (paraphrased)

The Christians who founded this nation believed in the separation of church and state. That is why they made that part of the constitution so it is not the presidents position to push religion down on people. This America not London, or China, or Italy.

In addition you believe Obama isn't fit to be president because he states the obvious. Nearly 25% of Americans admit they are not Christians and in this day and age a large number of the people who say they are Christians don't believe or obey the majority of what the bible says.

Barack Obama also shows an awareness of public and international policy. Palin has made herself look like an idiot in this areas and others. But that's everyone else's fault according to her. In addition Palin decided to leave office halfway through her term because it no longer worked for her and her feelings were hurt in order to go write a book. If that isn't a red flag I don't know what is.

There are plenty of competent conservatives out there. It would make a lot more sense for conservatives to put their support behind them. Independents will not vote for Palin.

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The accusation was made that many who voted for Obama didn't know anything about him but voted for him anyway.

Well, here's a profile of Palin supporters.

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The accusation was made that many who voted for Obama didn't know anything about him but voted for him anyway.

Well, here's a profile of Palin supporters.

After the video, others give their opinions on it. Here's just one.

"I am a Palin supporter and hope she is the next President of the United States but these video interviews are obviously a set up from the left finding the most ignorant people to do this interview the same thing was done when comrade obama was on the campaighing there were people standing in line interviewed that didnt know any of the obama policys didnt know the difference between judge judy and judge ginsberg people that thought and were hoping that obama was going to pay there bills ect. "


You know it as well as I do, So I wont even dignify your posting that video with a comment.:ohmy:

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This thread has become a bit negative.

Except for number 4 Obama also does all of the above so he must be a righteous and godly person as well. In addition the bible never speaks to abortion that is just something most Christians assume.

The bible does say an eye for an eye is wrong. But many conservatives not sure of Palin believe strongly in the death penalty. Let the one who has done no wrong cast the first stone? (paraphrased)

The Christians who founded this nation believed in the separation of church and state. That is why they made that part of the constitution so it is not the presidents position to push religion down on people. This America not London, or China, or Italy.

In addition you believe Obama isn't fit to be president because he states the obvious. Nearly 25% of Americans admit they are not Christians and in this day and age a large number of the people who say they are Christians don't believe or obey the majority of what the bible says.

Barack Obama also shows an awareness of public and international policy. Palin has made herself look like an idiot in this areas and others. But that's everyone else's fault according to her. In addition Palin decided to leave office halfway through her term because it no longer worked for her and her feelings were hurt in order to go write a book. If that isn't a red flag I don't know what is.

There are plenty of competent conservatives out there. It would make a lot more sense for conservatives to put their support behind them. Independents will not vote for Palin.

The Bible never specifically addresses the issue of abortion. However, there are numerous teachings in Scripture that make it abundantly clear what God’s view of abortion is. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that God knows us before He forms us in the womb. Psalm 139:13-16 speaks of God’s active role in our creation and formation in the womb. Exodus 21:22-25 prescribes the same penalty—death—for someone who causes the death of a baby in the womb as for someone who commits murder. This clearly indicates that God considers a baby in the womb to be as human as a full-grown adult. For the Christian, abortion is not a matter of a woman’s right to choose. It is a matter of the life or death of a human being made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27; 9:6).

As for the separation of church and state thing.... The founding fathers wanted to keep government from interfering with religion, not the other way around.

It may be 'obvious' that there are many faiths and beliefs in this country, but the facts are that this IS and always WAS a Christian Nation, yet we allow others the freedom to practice their own faith here as well. In 1892 the United States Supreme Court emphatically declared that America was "a Christian nation." If you read the Court's opinion, you will gain a nearly-complete education in the Christian history of America. You will agree that America was once a Christian theocricy and if you hear the heart of Justice David Brewer (who wrote the opinion for a unanimous Supreme Court), you'll know that if he and America's Founding Fathers could see America in 2007, they would begin immediately working to make America a Theocracy again.

I would also support Mike Huckabee should he decide to run.

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After the video, others give their opinions on it. Here's just one.

"I am a Palin supporter and hope she is the next President of the United States but these video interviews are obviously a set up from the left finding the most ignorant people to do this interview the same thing was done when comrade obama was on the campaighing there were people standing in line interviewed that didnt know any of the obama policys didnt know the difference between judge judy and judge ginsberg people that thought and were hoping that obama was going to pay there bills ect. "


You know it as well as I do, So I wont even dignify your posting that video with a comment.:ohmy:

And who do you think did the interviews of uninformed Obama supporters? The conservative media.

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