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Hoping to get Banded in Morris MN

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Hey everyone!!!! I am so glad that I found this site. I have been doing sooooo much research into the lapband and gastric bypass and I was struggling cause I really, really liked the lapband. But everyone I talked to had the bypass done!! So finally I found Bandsters!!! YAYAYA Ok......... I am going through the process hoping to get banded in Morris MN by Dr Fortier. I have sent all my paperwork in and seen the dietician, but I have not seen the Dr for the one on one consultation. I am sooooo scared that he wont do the surgery, cause I am very excited about it. Can anyone fill me in on how long it will take for this process. Also how has insurance been? I have Blue Cross Blue Sheild of MN

I get soooo excited and happy for you who have had the lapband already!!!

Make everyday a good day!!!!


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HI Shelly,

I had my Band installed by Dr Fortier on 8/25/05 at Long Prairie. My whole process started on July 6th with my PCP appointment for a referral, nutritionalist on July 8th. I had my Psych consult the 14th of July and my first visit with him on the 20th of July.

BE AWARE that this man expects compliance, so "NO last suppers." Once you have seen him the first time and weighed in, he WILL tell you that you may NOT go over that weight again, or you will be kicked out of his program...and not get Banded. He's picky and expects his patients to maintain or lose weight while going thru the hoops. This was a KICK in my proverbal butt!!! If I wanted this so bad, I had to show him I was serious. I had already begun my pre-op lifestyle change, following a high Protein, low carb regimen, back before I met him, now I had to stick to it like glue for fear of gaining and going above my initial weigh-in. Pre-op I was able to drop 13 pounds, all the while I was meeting my appt.s and waiting for approval.

I was terrified that I would go over my intitial weighin, so I worked hard to avoid failure and avoid any "last suppers" before surgery. In reality, I did mourn food, but as a post-op patient, now realize that while I said goodbye to it for awhile, it's back and I am able to enjoy some of the things that I missed, just in smaller portions. I took the time to address some of my food issues to get a head start on learning more positive ways to head them off...before I caved and binged.

Insurance approval came on August 11th and a surgical date was set...and a date for pre-op liquid diet to start. Pre-op appt with him a week before surgery. So the process for me, because most hoops encountered no delays, wasn't all that long. July 1st, I decided I wanted it to August 25th, having it. He schedules fairly fast, so once all the hoops are met, you don't have to wait long for it to happen.

My most important advice it articulate your understanding of the procedure, learn all that you can pre-op, and also start making changes, including exercise...before surgery. For every pound you lose before the Band, that is one more pound that you won't regain or have to worry about. I have lost 29 pounds since surgery, and 42 since what I weighed on July 1st. I followed his regimen, food phases and amounts, and tried my hardest to remain compliant as much as possible with everything. Now that I am on the other side, the steps I took pre-op have helped me remain focused on my goal...to get the weight off!

Like it or not, the Band will not be a "magic pill", we have to learn to live within our bodies limits. We have to learn to make good food choices most of the time to make it happen. Whatever we can do to facilitate success is what we need to do. I admitted to being able to eat more than I should, that I chose to fight the hunger to comply, and he rewarded me with a fill to help with the hunger. I am realistic in knowing that restriction won't happen in 1 fill, it's a process and may take 3-5 fills to acheive the help I desire with hunger. Until that happens, I have to do my best to stick with my program to keep losing until it get that help.

Not all Dr's expect as much out of their patients...if you decide that you can't follow his program, I would suggest finding a different Dr that more sympathetic to your plight. For me, I needed the KICK to get and keep my focused. He's not one to cave into begging! LOL! I hate cottage cheese, but he would NOT let me have anything else...nope, I begged!!! I sucked up and survived the pre-op diet.

I don't know if this is what you want to hear. I was a little jealous that others didn't have to do preop diet with their Dr...that others were able to have their "last suppers" and that they seemed to have a Dr who forgave them for their slip-ups. In retrospect, my choice in for a Surgeon did help me face my food issues. After the psych consult told me I "loved my fat"...I was hell bent to prove that "theory" wrong. Life holds no guarantees, I don't know how long or how well, I can hold onto my focus. For every day that I chose to work it hard, I am rewarded with success...and if I should fall, I will be the first one to admit that I need "head" help. smile.gif



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WOW!! That is exactly what I wanted to hear!! I am actually more excited now after reading your reply. I am sooo ready for this, it just aint happening fast enough. My daughter and I went and dug out her baby spoons, I read that it will help you take smaller bits. After reading your response I am going to start cutting back to loose some weight. I have not heard from Sherry when I get to meet with Dr Fortier for the one-on-one.

That makes me feel good that he is that strict on his patients, that only means sucess!!

I have two wonderful children ages 6 and 4 and I want to enjoy them to the fulliest. So this stage in my life, I am willing to give up food to live a healthier life for myself and for them. I have a wonderful Husband that supports me 100% on doing the lapband. So what kind of diet did you start to go on before your pre-op diet or did you start the liquid diet right away?

I have done alot of research between the lapband and the RNY. I have seen alot of sucess with the RNY but I believe God gave us all our bodyparts for a reason, so rerouting is out of the question. I also like it where the Doc is still involved in your weightloss through out the whole year.

I just wish I would have a date set for atleast the consultation. What made you decide on the lap band? How long have you had it? I have tons of questions.

I will be the first to admit, that I am really excited, but also really scared. I have such different feelings that I can not explain. Its like I am always thinking about this, my co-workers are sick of me talking about it. But that it is always on my mind. I know I can do this......actually I know I will do this and achieve all my goals!!!! I have compitiveness about me, if someone tells me a can't I will prove to them that they are wrong.

Thanks for all your insite!!! Would love to hear from you again.


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Hi Shelly,

Glad I didn't scare ya off honey! LOL! I just wanted you to know the truth, he's tough, but it's tough love. If this is the groove that you need to get ya going, so be it. I accepted it completely, and it's proved to be what I needed to gain accountability for my eating.

I started eating and acting like a Bandster. I ate my Protein first, then non-starchy veggies and avoided bread for the most part. I worked hard to stick with reasonable portions and calorie limits. Eating with smaller spoon helps, as does remembering to drink all the Water, at least 64 oz a day. I chose to stop drinking with meals too. Call it training, chew chew chew, this is something that is way too easy to forget. LOL! I worked on getting three meals a day, little or no snacking, and worked very hard on clearing out the junk food in my house. I measured portions for everyone, including my three kids, and hubby. I dished up meals, planned nutritonally balanced wholesome foods and cut out all trips to any fast food places...no candy, no chips, no Cookies, etc.

I will be honest, there were times when my resolve was severely tested, I redirect as much as possible, and spend my days wearing my shoes. IF my mood hits, I am out the door stomping out my frustrations and getting my blood pressure and heart rate up for a good reason. It helped me to journal my thoughts too. I went from complete and total lathargic mode to insominia. LOL!

On this Thursday, I will be post op 8 weeks. I had considered RNY at one time, but the risks scared me...the potential for complications was not something I was willing to accept. With three kids, 8,7 and 5, I can't accept that I may have risked so much more to be thin. So far, my experience has been a good one with only a minor blip in the whole trip. Once I understood that life on the otherside wouldn't be as restricted, I knew that I could live within my new limits...that I would be allowed the control in my life that I craved. Not only has it helped me lose 42 pounds total, with 29 since surgery, I've gained so much mentally.

That call from Sherry will come soon enough!!! Hang in there and do what ya can to prepare!



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Hi everyone! I had surgery in Morris on May 3. I started in February with the process. The approval from BC/BS did take some time. I also appreciated the expectation of compliance. I knew I had to make changes, and that the banding is just a tool. I also have been faithfully attending weight watchers, which has been a good support.

I just can't believe how wonderful I feel, and that I could DO IT!! I was so hungry all of the time, that I just gave up hope and ate. Now I eat smaller portions, drink my Water and get exercise. My medical complications are gone, and I sleep so much better.

Best of luck!

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Hi: Did you know that Dr. Fortier told me that he has battled his weight his whole life, and that he feels he does understand. Sherry said and I agree that we often can initially lose the weight on our own, but can't keep it off--that's where the Band will really come in handy.

I am one week post surgery now and feeling great. I had lost about 35 pounds prior to the surgery, first on a salad only diet then on the required 10 day liquid pre surgery diet. I have lost 5 pounds already the first week after surgery. I still feel full most of the time yet which is great--I used to be hungry all of the time!!!

The post op liquid diet is so much easier when you have already been on it for 10 days before!! I am starting to add some cream Soups and etc and it is going well.

I too agree that Dr. F has more rules than some of the doctors we read about on this forum, but so far, as "challenging" as the rules have been, I feel I am in very good, cautious hands by someone who cares deeply about what they are doing and wants success stories. He only gives lectures if you aren't following the program, otherwise it's praise all the way!! I am just grateful that there is a doctor in our area that decided to learn how to do the surgery--as far as I know, there isn't even anyone doing the surgery in Fargo yet!!

Pray to be willing "to be willing"!--it works!!!!

Best wishes,


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Thanks for the replies!! Did Dr. Fortier require you to loose a certin amount of weight before he would do surgery? Sooo, my question is should I start hitting the diet thing hard now? I have watching what I eat, but not been completely strict on myself. I have lost about 5# in 2 weeks. I could diffentely step it up a notch. I have about 110# to loose. Any suggestions.

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HI Nancy,

Thanks for the insight, Dr F hasn't come clean with me yet, but I suspected that he's battled it...there's a little middle aged spread around the middle. :( I didn't challenge his level of understanding or care. I felt it in the ONE on ONE visits. I was one of a few rare people that had a complication from the Lap surgery and the tools used...not band related at all. I spent a couple extra days in the hospital, and he never ignored me or made me feel like I was a failure for having what happened happen. I am blessed with his competence and skill, and GOD who never let me down thru the worst of it all. I am completely and totally recovered, but my foundation was rocked...and I've decided that I need to strengthen it with my resolve to succeed.

At my 6 week post op visit, I weighed in and it registered -16 from my first post op visit, and his nurse acted like I didn't do good enough. I joked "I suppose I could have done better" and she said "Well, AT LEAST it isn't just -2 pounds." GEEEZ talk about feeling like a damn failure...like it didn't try hard enough. I sat in that room thinking that I let myself down and screwed up by not losing MORE!!!

When Dr F walked in, he asked me how I've been feeling...as he scanned the chart. As I was talking, he butted right in, "16 POUNDS?!?! You HAVE been a good girl!" Now if that ain't supportive, I don't know what is. LOL! I completely forgot everything else I was gonna say. Speechless! My frustration for not losing ENOUGH to please that damn nurse, went out the window. He asked how the eating was going, and I said that it's been tough...I can eat more, but choose to watch my portions as best as I can to keep losing. "IT'S time for a fill..."out the door and in wheeled the cart. Up went the shirt, and "Oh damm, that's right, you have that big scar..." he mumbled. I think he felt worse than I did about having that happen to me...

I admitted to eating a small piece of cheescake, and he countered "As long as you get your nutrients in and lose weight, I DON'T care what you eat." He put me in the driver's seat...letting me have control as long as I stay on track. I personally thanked him for being a harda$$...that it was the kick that I needed to get off my butt and get the weight off. That I didn't need excuses, those commiserating comments would be what I inwardly hoped for...BUT what I really needed was to accept I have to do what I have to do to succeed.

You are doing wonderful so far!!! While my journey didn't start exactly how most everyone else's does, I still had to live the preop and post op life he dictates. I lost 5 pounds the first week...then 16 the next 5 weeks. I lost that because I chose to work as hard as I could to keep the momentum up. Until restriction is in place, it's going to be a struggle to keep the scale moving. I finally figured out that I am done making excuses to eat...that has to become a former mentality that I choose not to exercise anymore.

I am so glad to have him in our area. I intially was told by my insurance that I would need to go to one of their "Centers of Excellence", one was in the Cities, one in Souix Falls SD, and one in Fargo ND. My insurance decided to override that dictate so I could be closer to aftercare, and not have to leave my comfort zone of OUT-STATE life. LOL!

Keep up the great work Nancy! It get's better as the days progress...but then it also becomes a struggle sometimes too. If we can fight thru the low times and get our fills, we will soon have the help with portions that we desire to lose and keep it off. Until then, do the best you can do to make it happen for you!



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I was not told to lose any specific amount and I had like 134 to lose to get to my goal. What you can do now is jumpstart your loss and be in better shape for surgery and after. I guess you can address this with him first. I got the impression that as long as I didn't gain (remember period Water weight gain) before ANY of my preop one on one's with him, I was in the clear. I knew my monthy was coming and it's always good for a whopping 5-7 pounds of Water for a few days, and I didn't want THAT to be the cause I couldn't get surgery. LOL!

I worked darn hard to put a "wider" gap between my highest wieght, and what I was at the moment. I lost 13 pounds of fat, goodbye forever before surgery...and surprisingly, I stopped snoring so my chances of having obstructive apnea became less of an issue. I was lighter on my feet, and had more energy, even at that small of a loss.

Why not ride the wave of good feeling while it's high and mighty? Just the thought of having the procedure done to help me keep the weight off was super duper motivating. All of a sudden I had willpower I didn't know I had in me. My only concern was that I didn't have any co-morbids and dipping below my MO status would risk my ability to get surgery. I started at 48...and I knew that if I lost more than 35 before surgery approval, I would be risking it...as I wasn't sure which NUMBER the dang insurance company was using to guage my BMI status...the beginning, the middle or the pre-op.


It's all unofficial, but nekkid weight today puts me at 90 pounds to lose instead of the 134 I started at the first of July. I am no longer morbidly obese...oh how I hated that title, it was do depressing!!!


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Hi Shelly:

Dr F wanted me to be in a losing state--there was no certain number of pounds he required. He was watching my BMI and said it needed to go down--he said to make the surgery easier on me. It was kind of a gray area but after I had lost about 20 pounds he said "now I will write your insurance company a nice letter" and after that was sent out I think it was only a couple of weeks before the surgery was approved. After reading some of the post surgery stories from people who had no pre surgery diet or no weight loss expectations on their drs part, I see why it helps to have some rules to follow before your surgery day! My surgery day was better than I even expected, so I would follow the directions as best as you can--it does seem to make a difference!! Good luck!!

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Good Morning Nancy!!!

How are you doing? How is work going?

I have not heard from Sherry yet, sooo, I don't have a meeting set with Dr F for one-on-one. I am starting to give up hope.

Thanks for replying!!


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Shelly: I think Dr F has been out of town at a medical conference this entire week so no one has seen him. Call Sherry and ask her when she thinks you can get in so you don't feel so frustrated!!! I am seeing him next week in Long Prairie--he goes to quite a few places, so maybe you can get in somewhere besides Morris. Check it out!!! Keep me posted!!

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Shelly, definitely call Sherry, quite honestly, I bugged her once a week. LOL! My appt was delayed due to the various letters and medical records being absent. Find out if anything is missing...then you can jump on the phone and put some fire under someone's butt.

Other than him being out of town at the moment, he normally schedules fairly fast...he's a busy busy guy running all over central MN...but he's not so loaded that he can't get in his appts. My post op appts have been right on schedule. I've got a fill due on November 4th...number 2. I need it!

Good luck! You gotta get most of those ducks in a row before you get to see him. He's definitely not like some Drs and WLS centers...that make you WAIT an eternity to get in. Once you do meet him and he decides to do your surgery, it goes pretty fast, unless insurance decides to drag their feet.


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OOOOH!!! I am sooo glad you connected me!! I been soo busy here at work and at home. Actually I have been down and out with the strep throut. So I got a taste of the whole clear liquid thing. LOL Anyway Sherry called me :Bunny and I have an appt with Dr. Fortier next Tuesday. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA I am so excited. Maybe you can answer a question for me, do they submit after this appt to my insurance, or have they already sent it in? I have lost 7 lbs only due to me being sick for 5 days. I am finally getting my appetiate back.:)

Enough about me. ;-) HOW ARE YOU!!! How much have you lost? Are you struggling or everything is going great!! Let me know good and bad!

Thanks for contacting me,


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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