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Are you in favor of the new health care reform?  

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Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do....... to the least of their brothers

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Just where will it end cleo's? Just how much money do you want the government to take from the people? Where will it end? What will be next? This is the problem. I understand that the people already pay for HI for others. I understand that we pay for police and fire fighters and education whether we use them or not. That is not the problem. The problem is the trillions of dollars that a HC overhaul that the Obama administration is planning will deplete every resource and bankrupt this country financially. It will give the government more and more control of our freedoms. This government can't even give back what thier people have invested in Social Security.No one invests in social security. While you work your contributions are paying for the current senior citizens collecting SS. Then when you are eligible for SS, the current workers are paying for you. The problem is that when SS started there were 13 workers for every recipient. Now there are about 3 workers for every recipient. The other problem is that only the first $106,000 is taxed for SS purposes. Why should someone like Bill Gates have only the first $106,000 of his billions taxed for SS? I say tax 100% of everyone's wages. It won't affect 95% of the working people because they already make less than $106,000. They have already stated that within just a few years, there will be no more funds for medicare or medicaid. Every project that the gov. heads up fails finacially. There has to be a line drawn somewhere, or the government will be running everything and free enterprise will be gone forever. WE CAN NOT AFFORD THIS!!!!! WE DON"T HAVE THE FUNDS FOR THIS!!!! Every cent that the government spends on HC for one comes from a hard working person who also has needs for his own cash. It is not right that the government expects the people to support each other in just about every way. Liberals feel that "what's yours is mine". Or "spread the wealth around". This should not be. We already feed, house, educate, give medical care, etc. to many people living here. Where do we draw the line? I say it's here. Especially when the price tag of the plan is going to KILL us and especially at this time in history when we are in a recession and the people living here can't even get jobs.

Again, this healthcare is paid for, won't increase the deficit and will actually reduce it.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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People die each day in this country from lack of access to medical care.Pompus folks say they have free clinics and low fee health care available which is true but YOU MUST realize they have no access to life saveing test and procedures offered each day to those covered by health insurance............sleep well tonight if u can people die in this country everyday from lack of quality health care

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Go to this website to see what the healthcare bill will do for your congressional district:


and click on "Benefit of healthcare reform district by district".

Here's my district's benefits:

Improve coverage for

456,000 residents with health insurance.

Give tax credits and other assistance to up to 142,000 families and 14,400 small businesses to help

them afford coverage.

Improve Medicare for 130,000 beneficiaries, including closing the donut hole.

Guarantee that 5,100 residents with pre-existing conditions can obtain coverage.

Protect 1,000 families from bankruptcy due to unaffordable health care costs.

Allow 39,000 young adults to obtain coverage on their parents’ insurance plans.

Reduce the cost of uncompensated care for hospitals and other health care providers by $35

million annually.

Of course my congressman is a member of the party of no and while voting in lockstep with all of bush's agenda, will vote no on this.

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Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do....... to the least of their brothers

So true and especially relevant at this time of the year. :cursing:

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- BREAKING: CBO ON HEALTHCARE OUT! And its GOOD NEWStwitter.png spreddit1.gifshare-icon-16x16.png

Thu Mar 18, 2010 at 06:31:18 AM PDT

I got this from Politico about 5 minutes ago and thought this would be great to get out there....

The Congressional Budget Office has determined that the health reform plan will cost $940 billion over 10 years, but will trim the federal deficit by $130 billion in the first ten years and $1.2 trillion in the second ten years, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said.

30 million uninsured get insurance AND it reduces the deficit. A win-win.

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Leigha, good point.

But it is obvious that logic and common sense do not work with patty and those like her. They are just against health care reform and that's that. They can't be swayed by the facts or common sense.

We do need to reduce the deficit. We do need to keep down government spending. But not in an area that costs Americans' lives.

There are any number of areas where cuts can be made. But when it comes to having health care vs. Americans not having health care or having lousy health care, that's not where the cuts need to be made.

We need a better health care system. We need better schools and teachers. We need to rebuild the infrastructure of the U.S. We need to address environmental issues. We need to take care of the business of all Americans that were woefully neglected during the Bush years.

We need to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan - that would be a start in cutting back. And then we need to do an across the board assessment of programs where cuts can be made. And we probably need to raise taxes. But before that, the subsidies of wealthy corporations needs to stop and the tax breaks to the wealthy must cease.

Start with those things and you'd be surprised how quickly the deficit gets back under control. Clinton figured out how to do it after the lousy stinking Reagan years. Now this president has to get busy and pull us out of the mire.

But people who are against health care reform are whistling in the wind. The insurance industry went too far and this is all on them.

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Ins. companies don't drop people who get sick. They must pay for your care as long as you continue to make your premium payments on time and in full. If you lapse at all, then they don't have to cover you.

On another note, Ins. companies try to invest in people who are healthy. That makes sense for them in the business. This is why they don't want to cover people with pre-existing conditions.

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This healthcare bill will reduce the deficit. The CBO has scored it. It will tax cadillac plans and reduce the waste in medicare without affecting benefits. I would have preferred a tax on those making over $250,000 but that's something that might be changed in the future.

At first you were opposed to this bill because of the public option, then that was removed. Now you are opposed because you don't want to pay for someone else's premiums. Do you have a cadillac plan? If not, it won't affect you. If your plan is through your employer, then you keep it.

No, I was opposed for both those reasons at all times. Before, and now.

And employers will have more choices on the insurance exchange to select from and their will be tax breaks for them for providing it.

Many things were passed - pushed through - in the bush administration that raised our deficit - and we are all paying for it. But somehow a healthcare plan that REDUCES the deficit is a problem? No way. The time is now, and it WILL pass.

You are very gullible. There is not ONE government run program that reduces the deficit. As a matter of fact most, if not all, INCREASE it. Don't believe that lie!

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A study published in the latest New England Journal of Medicine shows that abortion rates declined during the first two years that Massachusetts implemented a near-universal health coverage program much like the nationwide plan currently before Congress.

The most important reason the cardinal cited was the universal health care system. "If that frightened, unemployed 19-year-old knows that she and her child will have access to medical care whenever it's needed," Hume explained, "she's more likely to carry the baby to term. Isn't it obvious?"

(Copy and paste selected paragraphs full article available at link below)

Massachusetts Study: Health Care Reform Reduced Abortions -- Politics Daily

Patty, The average abortion rate for our country is about 800,000 per year since 1969 (CDC) so the above study showed a 1.5% decrease in abortions, which would be about 12,000 babies that would not be aborted. Can you afford to help others if it helps save 12,000 unborn babies a year?

My lack of support for government HC is because I don't feel it is right to expect others to pay for someone elses HC bills. It's your health, and you need to pay for it. I know that we already do this with medicare and medicaid, but we should not continue to add more and more to the governments expenditure. (and especially now when we are in a recession) Enough is enough. Whether it will save 12,000 babies from abortion every year is irrelevent. Putting an axe on the tobacco industry could save 50X that amount of lives each year, but we don't do it. Both are sins that people commit. Also, it's not about whether I can afford it., cause I believe I can. And it's not about me being charitable and 'helping' others. I am a very charitable person. It's a matter of principle. It is just not right for the government to keep growing and growing and becoming more and more involved in the affairs of Americans. They are spending far too much money.

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No one invests in social security. While you work your contributions are paying for the current senior citizens collecting SS. Then when you are eligible for SS, the current workers are paying for you.

That is investing. You pay now and when you retire, you get something back.

The problem is that when SS started there were 13 workers for every recipient. Now there are about 3 workers for every recipient. The other problem is that only the first $106,000 is taxed for SS purposes. Why should someone like Bill Gates have only the first $106,000 of his billions taxed for SS? I say tax 100% of everyone's wages. It won't affect 95% of the working people because they already make less than $106,000.

See how the government screws things up???!!! And you want to entrust them with yet another plan.

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[quote name='pattygreen;

Ins. companies don't drop people who get sick. They must pay for your care as long as you continue to make your premium payments on time and in full. If you lapse at all' date=' then they don't have to cover you.[/color']

On another note, Ins. companies try to invest in people who are healthy. That makes sense for them in the business. This is why they don't want to cover people with pre-existing conditions.

What planet have you been living on patty?

You seem to have this pollyanna vision of what the insurance companies are to Americans in this country. They are the evildoers. They are the ones who have caused the health care system breakdown. They have done it with high powered lawyers, high powered lobbyists and they've been able to to it because they make billions in profit every year.

If you haven't been screwed by the insurance industry, then lucky you. But most Americans have in one way or another.

Too bad you are unable to understand what universal health care really is and what it would mean to this country. Too bad you believe all the hype and lies that the insurance companies have flooded the country with. Sucker.

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People die each day in this country from lack of access to medical care.Pompus folks say they have free clinics and low fee health care available which is true but YOU MUST realize they have no access to life saveing test and procedures offered each day to those covered by health insurance............sleep well tonight if u can people die in this country everyday from lack of quality health care

I hope you sleep well, cause 4000 babies die every day from abortion in America and you aren't doing a thing about it! Sleep well! Shame on you! Sleep well, cause 240,000 die annually from tobacco and you are not lobbying against these industries whose products are killing people. Shame on you for not doing something about this or caring at all. Nicotine is an addictive substance. People can't help their need to smoke. Sleep well. What a ridiculus thing to say to me. People die. That's a fact of life. It's not pleasant, it's very sad. But such is life. You can't fight it. Death and disease is all around us. Should I be giving my dollars to pay for your heat this year? Without it you could die from freezing. Should I start paying for your groceries too? Without food, you can't live long. There are alot of things that people need in order to sustain their lives. Believe me, I am not unsypathetic to people who don't have medical insurance. Just as I'm not unsympathetic to those who don't have enough food or those who can't buy oil for their furnace, or those who are homeless, and so on. BUT, we CAN NOT carry everyones burden. The expense of it is unsustainable for this country. This is NOT a socialistic nation. This is a nation of free enterprise and it needs to stay that way. We don't want the government to control us. We need to reach out to those around us and help them in any way that we can as individuals. That's our job. It's not the governments job to enforce our charity.

Edited by pattygreen

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What planet have you been living on patty?

You seem to have this pollyanna vision of what the insurance companies are to Americans in this country. They are the evildoers. They are the ones who have caused the health care system breakdown. They have done it with high powered lawyers, high powered lobbyists and they've been able to to it because they make billions in profit every year.

If you haven't been screwed by the insurance industry, then lucky you. But most Americans have in one way or another.

Too bad you are unable to understand what universal health care really is and what it would mean to this country. Too bad you believe all the hype and lies that the insurance companies have flooded the country with. Sucker.

I am not on the side of the HI companies. I'm not on the side of the government either. Both are evil and out to ruin us.

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You are very gullible. There is not ONE government run program that reduces the deficit. As a matter of fact most, if not all, INCREASE it. Don't believe that lie!

I am not gullible at all. I am a very well educated person who does her homework about things. The CBO is a non-partisan goverment agency that congress always uses to score the cost of bills.

As I have said time and time again, if the facts don't support your wrong opinion then you reject them.

If the CBO report had said the healthcare bill would increase the deficit then you would be all over it like flies on ___ well, you get the picture.

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