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Are you in favor of the new health care reform?  

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Other than the health insurance industry, I have not seen others opposed to this bill than those I have listed. I was pointing out the continued hyposcrisy of those who attend these tea bag rallies and town hall meetings who were silent when the same things they are complaining about with Pres. Obama were happening under bush. If you can't see the hyocrisy, take the blinders off.

This healthcare is going to be paid for with either a tax on the very wealthy (who have enjoyed undeserved tax cuts under bush) or the cadillac health care plans. It will not add to, but reduce the deficit. This is not true of bush's Iraqi war or Medicare part D drug plan or the tax cut to the rich. All added to the deficit and I am paying for it.

The public option would affect 2% of people but I guess that's enough to scare the insurance industry who enjoy a monopoly and obscene profits. I DO NOT advocate for them.

WASHINGTON - What's all the fuss about? After all the noise over Democrats' push for a government insurance plan to compete with private carriers, coverage numbers are finally in: Two percent.

That's the estimated share of Americans younger than 65 who'd sign up for the public option plan under the health care bill that Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is steering toward House approval.

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Did anyone hear about the protestors that were arrested at Lieberman's office? They were charged with unlawful entry. They would not leave and the police had to respond. One of them said:

"As an independent, we expected him to be voting with Democrats," she said, later adding, "When the people's lives are at stake, there shouldn't be any hesitation."

"the people's lives are at stake??!!" Show me ONE person whose life is at stake?! Sickos. Total priority confusion. They don't have one care in the world over the millions, YES! millions, of lives that are snuffed out daily by abortions, yet if we don't get this public option that the government is forcing down our throats "lives are at stake". Talk about ignorant.

I know the deaths revealed in the Harvard study don't matter to you because they are not "in utero" but they matter to ME. Because unlike those who are anti-abortion I don't believe that life begins at conception and ends at birth.


I believe in the lives AFTER birth and helping them to get the health care that is their right - and I don't mean ER care. That is not health care, that is emergency care.

I care about the 45,000 who die each year from lack of access to proper healthcare. And no one who doesn't care about these deaths has the right to call themselves pro-life.

And millions of abortions performed in the U.S. daily? C'mon!!! Another lie. It's about 3700. Talk about exaggerating!!! Zero credibility, as usual. And as promised, I will call you out on every lie, distortion, etc...

Edited by Cleo's Mom
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Cleo's Mom, clearly, your view is one in the same as the liberal media, the ones that push anything Obama and Pelosi are spinning.

Unfortunatley, they and all their cronies would have you believe that all American's are all to be equalized

in everything, and that the haves should dole out to the have nots on a continuing basis, so that everyone may have equal pay, healthcare, housing, etc..., but with one exception, they pay no taxes on anything, and the haves ( or what is left of having) must pay for all the benefits that the have not's are reaping.

People who think the rich are always on a free ride cracks me up too. I know and have friends who are very wealthy, and they pay mega taxes,and expenses for that privilege

However, they are also credited with;

  1. Hospital wings, medical research and various programs
  2. Huge donantions' for college and university scholarships', wings, and programs
  3. Large various charitable donations
  4. Sponserships for thousands and thousands of poverty level people for various groups and organizations on state and local levels.
  5. They own the business' and companies that employ you and I and hopefully will be stable enough to someday employ Cleo, and Sam, and Roberto, and Anna, etc...

By selectively labeling those to whom you believe are the anti-Obama Healthcare plan as greedy, is a very weak and closed minded slant. And as far as Christians, well I do believe in what the bible says, and if that is wrong, then that is calling God a liar. I believe in Him and His word, I would rather live my life believing in Him and his word and die to find out there isn't a God, than to live my life as if there isn't a God, and His word is all a lie, then die and find out God exsists!

I am a Republican, Christian woman, but I am also of a strong belief that we are all Americans who all want the same thing, however, it is our values that differ, and I value all I, and my family has worked very hard for, and I want the right to be able to keep what we have earned, and to share it with those of whom I choose to share it with. I don't want a government telling me I must keep giving and giving until I am not able to meet my bills and eat because I must pay for everyones less than standard medical care? (And be forewarned, it would be substandard medical care that we would be getting if this bill passes).

In that case this soon could be a country with no working people, we will be endentured slaves to the government, with no rights left at all, just mere existence

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Did anyone hear about the protestors that were arrested at Lieberman's office? They were charged with unlawful entry. They would not leave and the police had to respond. One of them said:

"As an independent, we expected him to be voting with Democrats," she said, later adding, "When the people's lives are at stake, there shouldn't be any hesitation."

"the people's lives are at stake??!!" Show me ONE person whose life is at stake?! Sickos. Total priority confusion. They don't have one care in the world over the millions, YES! millions, of lives that are snuffed out daily by abortions, yet if we don't get this public option that the government is forcing down our throats "lives are at stake". Talk about ignorant.

Michelle Bachman says she wants her constituents armed and dangerous and the tea baggers say the tree of liberty needs to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants and this protest outside of Lieberman's office offends you?

Well, here it is and I am proud of these people. Good for them. If they were protesting abortions outside of a clinic you would want them considered for sainthood. What a hypocrite you are.

YouTube - Nine People Arrested - Protest Outside Lieberman's Senate Office

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Cleo's Mom, clearly, your view is one in the same as the liberal media, the ones that push anything Obama and Pelosi are spinning.

And your views are those of the conservative media that dominates talk radio and fox news with the spin of Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Michelle Bachman.

Unfortunatley, they and all their cronies would have you believe that all American's are all to be equalized

in everything, and that the haves should dole out to the have nots on a continuing basis, so that everyone may have equal pay, healthcare, housing, etc..., but with one exception, they pay no taxes on anything, and the haves ( or what is left of having) must pay for all the benefits that the have not's are reaping.

I and mainstream America support equal pay for equal work and equal access to affordable housing and healthcare. If you want to work for less than your male counterpart, well, that is your choice. The working poor pay taxes. They pay social security, medicare and sales taxes.

People who think the rich are always on a free ride cracks me up too. I know and have friends who are very wealthy, and they pay mega taxes,and expenses for that privilege

However, they are also credited with;

  1. Hospital wings, medical research and various programs
  2. Huge donantions' for college and university scholarships', wings, and programs
  3. Large various charitable donations
  4. Sponserships for thousands and thousands of poverty level people for various groups and organizations on state and local levels.
  5. They own the business' and companies that employ you and I and hopefully will be stable enough to someday employ Cleo, and Sam, and Roberto, and Anna, etc...

In 1955 the super rich paid 51.2% of their income in taxes. In 2006 they paid 17.2%. And they were still super rich after the 51.2%. The top 5% make more than the bottom 95% COMBINED. And these super rich make their money in investments not by creating jobs.

With the tax cuts President Obama enacted in April of this year, 95% of Americans are now paying less (%) in taxes than they have in decades.

Pres. Obama also promoted policies that would allow small businesses to borrow more money and enable them to hire more employees since most jobs are created in small businesses.

By selectively labeling those to whom you believe are the anti-Obama Healthcare plan as greedy, is a very weak and closed minded slant. And as far as Christians, well I do believe in what the bible says, and if that is wrong, then that is calling God a liar. I believe in Him and His word, I would rather live my life believing in Him and his word and die to find out there isn't a God, than to live my life as if there isn't a God, and His word is all a lie, then die and find out God exsists!

Here we go again - having religion injected into a policy debate. It gets tiresome. Move on.

I am a Republican, Christian woman, but I am also of a strong belief that we are all Americans who all want the same thing, however, it is our values that differ, and I value all I, and my family has worked very hard for, and I want the right to be able to keep what we have earned, and to share it with those of whom I choose to share it with.

Other than the taxes that we ALL have to pay, how is the goverment keeping you from giving to those you choose? Please be specific. And don't say because you have to pay taxes. We all do.

I don't like where all my tax dollars go (Iraq, corporate welfare) and I contact my representatives about this. I also work to elect those candidates who represent my views.

I don't want a government telling me I must keep giving and giving until I am not able to meet my bills and eat because I must pay for everyones less than standard medical care? (And be forewarned, it would be substandard medical care that we would be getting if this bill passes).

In that case this soon could be a country with no working people, we will be endentured slaves to the government, with no rights left at all, just mere existence

:biggrin: This just doesn't make any sense. Just pure emotional clap trap.

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Michelle Bachman says she wants her constituents armed and dangerous and the tea baggers say the tree of liberty needs to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants and this protest outside of Lieberman's office offends you?

Well, here it is and I am proud of these people. Good for them. If they were protesting abortions outside of a clinic you would want them considered for sainthood. What a hypocrite you are.

YouTube - Nine People Arrested - Protest Outside Lieberman's Senate Office

I thought we were all speaking as equals in a debate, but I see you are very bitter and angry, with no debate.

I am done, you my friend are dangerous.

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I thought we were all speaking as equals in a debate, but I see you are very bitter and angry, with no debate.

I am done, you my friend are dangerous.

Michelle Bachman speaks for your side and views and you call ME dangerous? You seriously need to become more informed about issues and the people behind them.

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The majority of Americans do support healthcare with the public option.

Here's the link for a Gallup poll (and I don't think anybody would accuse gallup of being politically biased) done yesterday:

No Clear Mandate From Americans on Healthcare Reform

Verdict: 48% against, 43% for. Higher negative numbers than their October poll

The AMA and the majority of doctors support the public option and healthcare reform:

Well first, The AMA is totally different different form the doctors. The AMA is a lobby, dedicated to promoting the interests of its members. I thought President Obama was going to quit dealing with lobbies?? Anywho, here's the link to the infamous poll that said 45% of docs would consider quitting if the current healthcare bill was passed (I know, it's 2 months old)

Other than the health insurance industry, I have not seen others opposed to this bill than those I have listed..

I'm opposed to the bill, so which of those things am I?

Michelle Bachman says she wants her constituents armed and dangerous

I believe the second amendment pretty much agrees with her

and the tea baggers say the tree of liberty needs to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants

I believe Thomas Jefferson said that first

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Plain - I don't know who you are but I doubt you are a Democrat who voted for Obama and also lacks health insurance. And I'm fairly certain you're not on Medicare. If I'm wrong, I'm sure you'll correct me.

I don't recall anything in the 2nd amendment advocating being dangerous. Michelle Bachman's words and those of the tea baggers (repeating Thomas Jefferson's words) are meant to be inflammatory and warn of a possible violent, bloody or dangerous direction to their position or actions.

My point was that those 9 protestors at Liberman's office were hardly threatening yet a poster here was offended by them. Because they were protesting something she opposes. How many abortion protestors have been carried away by police? Is there outrage at their behavior too by those who agree with their position?

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I know the deaths revealed in the Harvard study don't matter to you because they are not "in utero" but they matter to ME. Because unlike those who are anti-abortion I don't believe that life begins at conception and ends at birth.

The Raw Story

I believe in the lives AFTER birth and helping them to get the health care that is their right - and I don't mean ER care. That is not health care, that is emergency care.

I care about the 45,000 who die each year from lack of access to proper healthcare. And no one who doesn't care about these deaths has the right to call themselves pro-life.

And millions of abortions performed in the U.S. daily? C'mon!!! Another lie. It's about 3700. Talk about exaggerating!!! Zero credibility, as usual. And as promised, I will call you out on every lie, distortion, etc...

All of a sudden this country is sooooooo concerned about the so called 45,000 deaths a year from lack of medical insurance. How come we never heard of this before? Did you know that 435,000 people die every year from tobacco, Thats 7X more the amount of people annually who die from lack of insurance, but does the government step in and take control and outlaw cigarettes and chewing tobacco? NO! How about the people who die annually in this country from alcohol. The number is 85,000 every year. (twice as many than those who die without insurance) But no, you can't take the 'fun' away from society. Give me a break! the government wants to be in control of what we can and can't do. They are not concerned about your health or mine!

P.S. I meant to say a million abortions annually.

Edited by pattygreen

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I am against it!

I pay 118.00 each week for Blue cross, and do not mind! I choose to have it. I know health coverage covered my surgery, but I also work very hard to have it!

health coverage is, for the country, an incenative for many companies. Many times when a company is hiring, they can offer health care as an incentative. If they have many people on the company plan they get lower rates. Its cheaper to do that then pay them higher rates! So if it passes, some people would not need health care, and the ones who cant have it, will have to pay more!

I also do not want to know how this will be funded if it passes!

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I am against it!

I pay 118.00 each week for Blue cross, and do not mind! I choose to have it. I know health coverage covered my surgery, but I also work very hard to have it!

health coverage is, for the country, an incenative for many companies. Many times when a company is hiring, they can offer health care as an incentative. If they have many people on the company plan they get lower rates. Its cheaper to do that then pay them higher rates! So if it passes, some people would not need health care, and the ones who cant have it, will have to pay more!

I also do not want to know how this will be funded if it passes!

Your pay almost $6200 a year for health care and don't mind. That's fine. You must be well paid and your employer must not be one of those who offers paid or affordable healthcare as an incentive because I don't know too many 27 year olds who would jump at a chance to pay that much for health insurance unless the pay check was equally high. Especially those employees who are married and have children.

I'm not sure what you mean by "if it passes some people would not need healthcare and the ones who can't have it will have to pay more". Other than the dead, who doesn't need healthcare? And if you "can't have healthcare" why would you be paying more?:thumbup:

It will be funded by a tax on the super rich ($500,000+ per year) or the cadillac health care plans. Plus eliminating the fraud and waste in Medicare. It will not add to the deficit.

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Your pay almost $6200 a year for health care and don't mind. That's fine. You must be well paid and your employer must not be one of those who offers paid or affordable healthcare as an incentive because I don't know too many 27 year olds who would jump at a chance to pay that much for health insurance unless the pay check was equally high. Especially those employees who are married and have children.

I'm not sure what you mean by "if it passes some people would not need healthcare and the ones who can't have it will have to pay more". Other than the dead, who doesn't need healthcare? And if you "can't have healthcare" why would you be paying more?:thumbup:

It will be funded by a tax on the super rich ($500,000+ per year) or the cadillac health care plans. Plus eliminating the fraud and waste in Medicare. It will not add to the deficit.


No, your jumping to conclusions. I am 27, I work a full time job where I get paid 13 an hour and a part time job making 8 while going to 2 colleges. So please don't assume because I invest money into my health that I am some "fatcat"

My employer offers free health care, but I would be paid less! I dont want to be given anything that I havent earned. I am at a job where I am worth 13 an hour basically. Why should you pay for my insurance, or my boss (small company might I add) Why can I not be responsable for my health insurance , and have the choice?

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