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If a conservative is a believer, he wants to enact laws to make everyone abide by his beliefs.

Did any conservative ever tell you that you must worship Jesus and him alone, or try to enforce it through our laws? I dare say not.

If a conservative doesn't like certain types of music or literature, he forms a group to censor it.

No we don't. we just try to protect our children from the likes of liberals who feel that "let me f--- your mother and your sister, too La La La is acceptable.

If a conservative doesn't like drugs, he passes laws prohibiting what you can and cannot put in your body.

No. we keep drugs illegal because they alter your brain function and when a person's mind is crazy, they do stupid crap like get in a car and drive or remove their clothing or hurt others.

If a conservative is a homosexual, he must hide his identity lest he shunned by his peers.

Not true. Homosexuality is a sexual act that the person has a choice to participate in or not. No one holds a gun to a homosexuals head and says ,"do this." Conservatives love all people, they just hate their sin.

If a conservative thinks he knows what is best for a womans reproduction, he will fight for laws to control it.

No. if a conservative knows what's right for an innocent baby they will fight to protect it's life.

If a conservative wants to bring pork home to his state, he does, just to a slightly lesser degree than his democrat counterparts

At least he doesn't over consume, like the democrat does with everything.

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patty no wonder you post the outlandish and hateful sounding things that you do. You believe that trash you posted about liberals vs. conservatives? No wonder you are so disrespectful of anyone who isn't a conservative. You obviously think those who don't share your ultra-conservative views are obviously that definition of liberal.

Get this: Conservatives are book burning, gun-toting, war mongering, greed driven, misguided, women hating, homophobic, holier than thou nincompoops.

How does that feel? It is no more outrageous that the hateful garbage you just posted.

This type of posting is certainly not conducive to an enlightening and informative discussion of the topic of health care. It is divisive and serves no purpose other than to make one feel superior.

You represent such a dichotomy of religion and whatever the opposite of religion is. Two opposed classes of real and unreal.

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P.S. I'm afraid that calling your post funny when we all know it's exactly how you view "liberals" doesn't earn you a pass on this.

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patty no wonder you post the outlandish and hateful sounding things that you do. You believe that trash you posted about liberals vs. conservatives? No wonder you are so disrespectful of anyone who isn't a conservative. You obviously think those who don't share your ultra-conservative views are obviously that definition of liberal.

Take a look back at the history of the posts targeted at me. I have been called numerous names. Fool, hater, extremist, bigot, and I could go on and on. I do not call anyone names, nor do I resort to personal attacks here. I am civil. I am called disrespectful when I disagree with you? What are you when you disagree with me? wiser? please.

Get this: Conservatives are book burning, gun-toting, war mongering, greed driven, misguided, women hating, homophobic, holier than thou nincompoops.

How does that feel? It is no more outrageous that the hateful garbage you just posted.

It feels fine to me. I take no offense. I'm a very forgiving person, even when they don't ask for it or want it. I can understand how a liberal, who doesn't have any morals, would feel that a person ,who does not want to allow sinfulness to be lawful, is stifling their freedom to do the things they would like to.

This type of posting is certainly not conducive to an enlightening and informative discussion of the topic of health care. It is divisive and serves no purpose other than to make one feel superior.

You represent such a dichotomy of religion and whatever the opposite of religion is. Two opposed classes of real and unreal.

BTW, foreign religion would be any religion that is not the Christian Faith, which is the faith America was founded upon.

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patty: "Take a look back at the history of the posts targeted at me. I have been called numerous names. Fool, hater, extremist, bigot, and I could go on and on."

Have you stopped to consider why you keep getting called these things? If not I will be happy to tell you. Your posts prove that you represent all of those things.

patty: "I can understand how a liberal, who doesn't have any morals, would feel that a person ,who does not want to allow sinfulness to be lawful, is stifling their freedom to do the things they would like to."

It obviously pleases you to make this stuff up. It is sad that you stay so cloaked in the darkness of your judgemental thoughts. I have come to understand that you enjoy this extremist way of thinking and posting your beliefs. If they even are your beliefs.

If I didn't know better (and I really don't, do I?) I'd think that you are the poster child for anti-Christian dogma. You seem to be trying to get people to think bad things about Christians. And I have noticed that over the months of reading your posts, you have become more and more extreme and more judgemental and less open to reason. It's almost as if you are learning how to get people stirred up and you thrive on it. It is a shame too, because it seems sad and pathetic that you would go so far to influence people to distrust and disrespect Christians.

I don't know why you do it. But I have wondered if you and other extremists do it purely for entertainment and shock value.

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as usual, my point is oblivious to you. I mentioned the name calling because you like to say that I am disrespectful towards anyone with opposing views to mine when I post something someone else wrote about liberals, yet you , and others here are disrespectful to me with the name calling with just about every post , and think NOTHING of it. hypocrites. It's perfectly okay when you all do it, but it's demeaning when I do it . Well, if you want respect, maybe you should give it more.

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You may think that my posts prove that I am all the things you call me, and that's okay with me if that's what you think. We are just sooooo very far apart in our view on things. I am a Christian, and believe that the bible has the answers that are correct. If others are hardened to Christianity because they hear the truth about it through some of my posts, and don't like what God says on issues, that is their decision. (No. I don't think I'm God, I just know what he says and can share it) I'm not embarrassed by the word of God, and I'm not afraid to tell it as it says for fear of being "anti" people or for fear that some might grow to hate me because I have revealed how God feels on certain controversial issues. I am considered a bigot and a hater because I stand with my God on homosexuality and abortion? Oh well, then I'm a hater along with Him, then. I'd rather have you think that I am a hater than to call my God a liar by disagreeing with Him. Why do you think it is that most conservatives are Christians? It's because if you read your bible and believe it to be true, you can't help but come away from it with a conservative viewpoint. If you have a typical liberal viewpoint, you have not read it , or if you did, you didn't want to believe what it said. When you are debating things like liberals vs, conservatives views, you have to expect that the opposing view is not going to agree with yours. (even if my views are based on the bible and what's in there.) I think that liberals, like yourself and others posting here, are angered by some of the things that I say not because of me and my personal stand on the issues, but because every man knows in his heart that God is real, yet if he chooses to privately or openly acknowledge this fact, then he will need to be held accountable to him and submit to his truths, and some of his truths that he reveals in his word to us contradict their own viewpoints. So, to admit that God is real would mean they would have to change, and their not willing to do that. so, they prefer to stay blind and live and think the way they have decided is right, rather than believe Him. Believe me, People who don't believe in the God of Christianity, (Jesus). are already turned off to Christianity and don't need me to post here to get turned off. They have their liberal view points instilled in their hearts and believe them to be correct (according to the God of 'self 'that they worship), and if it feels good and seems good according to themselves, do it. Now, let's not go the all or nothing route again. Not every issue they're wrong on, but most of them contradict God's word.

You said this: I'd think that you are the poster child for anti-Christian dogma.

please tell me what anti- christian dogma I have posted, so that I may defend myself. And how has what I've posted influenced you to distrust Christians?

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One reason for the multitude of attacks on Christianity is that evil always attacks good – because it is good – because good shines a bright and painful light on the works of darkness. Jesus Himself warned His followers to expect to be persecuted, just as He was persecuted. This is the reason, and a profound one, that Christians offer to explain why they, their values and their institutions are always under attack.

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A 1947 Supreme Court decision that invented the modern "separation of church and state" and later decisions that outlawed Bible reading and prayer in the nation's public schools, is at fault for some of America's problems.

Once God was shown the door, America went into chaos. Scholastic Aptitude Test scores plummeted. Violent crime rocketed upward. The abortion mills did an unprecedented business


as they devised ever-more-sadistic ways to kill children before and even during birth. Bill Clinton, elected president of the United States in 1992, aggressively advocated homosexuality, which God calls "abomination."

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The Outstanding Public Debt as of 17 Dec 2009 at 12:25:44 PM GMT is:

debtiv.gifThe estimated population of the United States is 307,483,210

so each citizen's share of this debt is $39,485.60.

So, shouldn't we STOP the spending?!

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Some might argue that it isn’t fair to blame the president for the debt. I agree that congress is partly (or mostly) to blame; however, the president is responsible because of his ability to veto. And yes, he can line item veto – simply cross out the offending lines and veto the entire bill (with a note to congress that the bill will be signed after the offending lines are removed). Whether the fault is the president or congress, would honorable men (and women) vote (and sign) for such indebtedness?

"The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously." Psalm 36:21

"Let no debt remain outstanding." Romans 13:8

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I agree and let me give my opinion of who makes up the republican party that has grown increasingly conservative. Of course there are exceptions (most on these boards will take exception, of course, but here it is):

The 4 R's of Republicanism:

1) Rich

2) Racist

3) Redneck

4) Religious Right

The first group are the CEO's, the wealthy, the have's - those that have jobs, healthcare, an investment portfolio, etc.. and they want policies in place that make sure they get all the breaks and continue to be the haves while not wanting the have nots to get a piece of their pie. They think they deserve everything they have - no one else does.

The second group are those who hate minorities, blacks and latinos and who are very anti-immigration. They blame everything on them. This group is largely the white men who are republicans. They were once in control of jobs, etc.. and now blame the minorities for taking what they believe was rightfully theirs.

The third group are largely under or un-educated people who have no understanding of how the government works. They just are anti government. It is evil to them. And they say this as they collect their government unemployment, collect Social Security and medicare, drive on government paid for roads, etc.. And they say all this as they hug their guns and profess to be God-fearing people.

The last group - well they just want their particular religious views to be injected into the government and promote policy and agenda. But they don't want government in their religion, of course. They also want the government to fund their religious initiatives.

Many can fall into more than one category but again, this is my opinion and based on seeing and listening to those who are conservative republicans.

That's so funny! And then BJean gets mad @ Patty for a joke post about liberals vs conservatives! Classic! Yup, Cleo's mom, that's who makes up the republican party alright.....you have them dead to rights.

There has always been this element in our society, but the Bush legacy is that they have been empowered and emboldened by Bush's administration's and the Republican dominated Congress's fine tuning the rules and regs that allow them to run roughshod over everybody else in this country.

Question: If a democratic congress and and a democratic president can't pass their bills, who is to blame?

Answer: George Bush.

Liberals can keep blaming everybody and everything under the sun (including Bush), but the fact is, the majority of Americans don't support this bill.

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Aw plain, I didn't get mad at patty at all. I just made an effort to explain to her why others call her names and give her labels.

And at the end of my post I even acknowledged that she might be kidding. In fact, I suggested that she was putting us all on just to get us riled up.

You gotta understand dude (and she does too), when patty posts lengthy pages of material that she passes off as her beliefs, she (and you) shouldn't be surprised that people think she's the one who said it. Only when she cites her sources are we able to determine that patty's only quoting someone else and not using her own brain power to come up with the stuff.

And plain, won't you and patty get more and more comfortable the further we get away from the 8 years of the Bush administrations greed-driven politics... it's no different from post-Clinton when everyone blamed Bill Clinton for EVERYTHING even including 9/11, for gosh sakes. And they even conveniently ignored the fact that the Congress was Republican dominated and had, in effect, with their impeachment proceedings, crippled the Clinton administration. Of course the further we get from that, the less it comes up too.

Have no fear, eventually people will start forgetting the horrors of the Bush White House and the policies that got us into the hideous messes, both with the economy and the war. And they seem to already have forgotten how every other country in the world thought we were war mongers and that we didn't care about the world as a whole or other countries specifically.

Fortunately a man with a brain and a conscience is steering us away from all that. A man who refuses to prosecute the bad people in the Bush administration for their high crimes and misdemeanors, but instead wishes to mend fences and repair what is broken.

People like you and patty don't want that to happen because you don't want President Obama to be right about anything. Just remember, you reap what you sow.

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People like you and patty don't want that to happen because you don't want President Obama to be right about anything.

This is not true for me. I pray for him often. I ask God to give him the wisdom that he needs to do the right thing every day. I pray for his decision making. I want Obama to be right. I want every president in this country to be right. Republican or democrat, christian or not. He's just not, most of the time, and on alot of issues.

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