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government waste

When I created this page someone asked, "Why don't you list the money spent on the war with Iraq?" Please be advised that the primary responsibility of government is to protect its citizens. Government should do those things that we cannot as individuals do for ourselves. I could not personally take down the Taliban government or Saddam Hussein, but the U.S. Government can. This is not to say that the U.S. military should not be efficient in its spending. However, below are examples of your tax dollars wasted. The next time a government official wants to raise your taxes- think of the below list.

Our cumulative running total of government waste is:


Liberalism Defined

Exposing Liberalism to Light

The Stimulus Plan The National Institutes of Health spending more than $400,000 in taxpayer money by paying researchers to cruise six bars in Buenos Aires to find out why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior while drunk -- and just what can be done about it.

The U.S. government is spending $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China consume less alcohol while working. As part of the five-year study that the National Institutes of Health bankrolled, researchers are visiting more than 100 houses of prostitution to monitor their employees, designated as FSWs, or female sex workers.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is funding a study on the use of ecstasy, LSD and other “party drugs” in Porto Alegre, Brazil. To do this, U.S. taxpayers will invest $117,876 for the three-year study, conducted by researchers from the University of Delaware, who will work in collaboration with researchers from Brazil's Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.

Federal employees wasted at least $146 million over a one-year period in business- or first-class airline tickets bought in violation of travel policies, congressional investigators say.

It looks like Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., is going to get his wish – $2 million in taxpayer funding for a library commemorating his 37 years in the House of Representatives. The Charles B. Rangel Center for Public service will serve as a repository for his "papers," and the congressman will have his own office in the Harlem complex.

The earned income tax credit (EITC) provides $31 billion in refundable tax credits to 19 million low-income families. The IRS estimates that $8.5 billion to $9.9 billion of this amount—nearly one-third—is wasted in overpayments.

A recent audit revealed that between 1997 and 2003, the Defense Department purchased and then left unused approximately 270,000 commercial airline tickets at a total cost of $100 million.

Since World War II, the U.S. has spent $1.2 trillion on foreign aid to 70 countries – and all are worse off than they were in 1980, according to the U.N.

For the Department of Commerce for giving the City and County of Honolulu $28,600 in 1981 to study how they could spend another $250,000 for a good surfing beach.

For the Health Care financing Administration for Medicaid payments to psychiatrists for unscheduled, coincidental meetings with patients who were attending basketball games, sitting on stoops, etc. -- the cost of which was between $40 and $80 million from 1981 to 1984.

The National Endowment for the Humanities for a $25,000 grant in 1977 to study why people cheat, lie and act rudely on local Virginia tennis courts.

The Office of Education for spending $219,592 in 1978 to develop a curriculum to teach college students how to watch television.

The Environmental Protection Agency for spending an extra $1 million to $1.2 million in 1980 to preserve a Trenton, NJ sewer as a historical monument.

In 2005 - $469,000 for the National Wildlife Turkey Federation in South Carolina

In 2005 - $100,000 for the Punxsatawny Weather Discovery Center Museum

In 2005 - $350,000 for the Inner Harmony Foundation and Wellness Center in Scranton, Penn.

In 2005 - $1,430,000 for various Halls of Fame, including $250,000 for the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville, Tenn., and $70,000 for the Paper Industry International Hall of Fame in Appleton, Wis.;

Medicare, the U.S. health-insurance program for the elderly and disabled, erroneously paid out $19.9 billion during fiscal 2004, up from $19.6 billion a year earlier, because of mistakes, waste and fraud, a government report said. In most cases, hospitals and doctors billed for medically unnecessary services or didn't provide proper documentation to support the fees for services.

The GAO estimated that between 1997 and 2003, the Defense Department spent an estimated $100 million for airline tickets that were not used over a six-year period and failed to seek refunds even though the tickets were reimbursable.

While Andrew Cuomo was HUD Secretary under Bill Clinton, the agency set up a "Creative Wellness" program that spent $1,100,000 million taxpayer dollars on “gem” bags and taught public tenants to burn incense.

The study, titled "Status/Dominance and Motivational Effects on Nonverbal Sensitivity and Smiling," attempts to find out if it's really true that women smile more than men, and if people of higher status smile less. Judith Hall, a highly respected researcher at Northeastern University in Boston, is conducting the smile study — and it is not her first. Since 1993, she has been awarded more than $500,000.

A National Science Foundation study looking at whether White House reporters have become more adversarial sounds a bit strange to reporters and critics. Even more surprising: the study cost taxpayers $180,000.

In 2001 more than $600,000 in tax money was spent on researching the sex lives of South African ground squirrels.

The head of the IRS sent out a notice to every person advising them that they would be receiving a tax refund in 2001 - the estimated cost $30,000,000.

In 1998 more than $800,000 was approved for a coal library in Pennsylvania. Defenders staed that it would provide historical insight into a very important part of Pennsylvania and history.

In 2001 the U.S.. Government gave $5,000,000 to the University of Alaska, North Pacific University, and the Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation to fund the "stellar sea lion recovery plan."

In the year 2001, Congress appropriated $340,000,000 in federal tax dollars to PBS (Public Broadcasting Services).

In 1999 the U.S. government spent $500,000 for a Mississippi research project on "manure handling and disposal".

In 1999 the U.S. government spent $1,500,000 million to promote silk production in Laos

In 1999 the U.S. government spent $1 ,000,000 for the "eradication of Brown Tree Snakes" (Hawaii).

In 1999 the U.S. government spent $1,000,000 to "develop and train Alaska natives for employment in the petroleum industry."

In 1999 the U.S. government spent $500,000 for Water taxis in Savannah (Georgia)

In 1999 the U.S. government spent $200,000 for a transit center for the Toledo Mud Hens minor league baseball team.

In 1999 $1,200,000 million to subsidize a park on the Galapagos Islands.

In 2000 the U.S. government spent $100,000 to study the causes of sediment buildup at a Santa Cruz, New Mexico dam.

In 2002 the U.S. government spent $50,000 for a tattoo removal program in San Luis Obispo, California.

In 2002 the U.S. government spent $400,000 for the Montana Sheep Institute to improve the profitability of the state's sheep industry.

In 2002 the U.S. government spent $273,000 for the Blue Springs (Missouri) Youth Orchestra Outreach Unit for educational training to combat Goth culture

In 2003 the U.S. government spent $1,000,000 appropriation for the Center for Public Service and the Common Good (a think tank) at the University of San Francisco.

In 2002 the U.S. government spent $400,000 for manure management research at the National Swine Research Center.

In 2002 the U.S. government spent $1,100,000 for the MountainMade Foundation in Thomas, West Virginia for business development and the education of artists and craftspeople.

In 2002 the U.S. government spent $4,000,000 to implement the forest and fish report of the Washington State.

In 2002 the U.S. government spent $500,000 for exhibits on the Sullivan brothers at the Grout Museum in Waterloo, Iowa.

In 2002 the U.S. government spent $61,000 for the State Historical Society to archive the history of Iowa workers.

In 2002 the U.S. government spent $1,200,000 for the Ohio Arts Council to expand international programs.

In 2002 the U.S. government spent $2,900,000 for the Mountaineer Doctor Television program at West Virginia University;

In 2002 the U.S. government spent $2,000,000 for an educational mall at the Raleigh County Commission in Beckley.

In 2002 the U.S. government spent $2,000,000 for West Virginia University to establish a Center on Obesity.

In 2002 the U.S. government spent $260,000 for asparagus technology in the stae of Washington.

In 2002 the U.S. government spent $1,200,000 for music education at the GRAMMY Foundation

In 2000 the U.S. government spent $50,000 for the development of a Welcome Center Facility City for Enumclaw, Washington.

In 1997 - $4,000,000 for the Gambling Impact Study Commission.

In 1997 - $330,000 for Stellar Sea Lion research of the North Pacific Universities Marine Mammal Consortium.

In 1997 - $785,000 for bluefish/striped bass research by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

In 1997 - $2,700,000 added by the Senate for the Animal Resource Wing at South Dakota State University

In 1997 - $4,000,000 added in conference for the Discovery Center of Science and Technology.

In 1997 - $19,600,000 added by the House for the International Fund for Ireland, a program that tries to aid the peace process in Ireland by paying for golf videos, pony trekking centers, and sweater exports.

In 1997 - $16,369,000 added by the Senate for public library construction.

In 1997 - $9,469,000 added in conference for Migrant Education programs including: $7,441,000 for the High School Equivalency Program; and $2,028,000 for the College Assistance Migrant Program

In 1997 - $3,100,000 added by the Senate for the National Writing Project.

In 1997 - $8,200,000 for a new classroom building at the Rowley Secret Service Training Center in Beltsville, Maryland, which is the district of House Treasury, Postal Service and General Government Appropriations subcommittee member Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and the state of Senate appropriator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.).

In 1998 - $220,000 added by the Senate for lowbush blueberry research in Maine.

In 1994 - $221,000 for lowbush blueberry research at the University of Maine in the state of Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (D-ME).

In 1998 - $150,000 added by the House for the National Center for Peanut Competitiveness.

In 1998 - $127,000 added by the Senate for global marketing support services in the state of Senate appropriator Dale Bumpers (D-Ark.). According to testimony, the goal of this research is to identify “potential foreign markets for Arkansas products….”

In 1998 - $32,000 added by the Senate for the Center for Rural Studies in the state of Senate appropriator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.). A portion of this grant money is used for analytical reports to guide the development of Vermont retail shopping areas

In 1998 - $500,000 added by the House in the district of House appropriator Richard Durbin (D-IL) for the construction at the Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Illinois, of Chalres Corneau’s house, a neighbor and friend of Abraham Lincoln.

In 1998 - $10,912,000 added by the Senate for foreign language assistance.

In 1994 - $200,000 for locoweed research at New Mexico State University in the state of House appropriator Joe Skeen (R-NM). Since 1992, $716,000 has been appropriated, and there is no expected completion date for this research.

In 1994 - $1,000,000 added in the Senate for the Multispecies Aquaculture Center in the state of Senate appropriator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)

In 1994 - $19,600,000 added in the House for the International Fund for Ireland. The conference report “restores language stricken by the Senate and appropriates up to $19,600,000 for the International Fund for Ireland.” In the past, this program has used American taxpayer dollars for a golf video and pony trekking centers.

In 1993 - $19,704,000 for the International Fund for Ireland requested, according to committee sources, by House Speaker Thomas Foley (D-WA).

In 1993 - $9,170,000 added in conference for the Southwestern Pennsylvania Heritage Preservation Commission in the district of House appropriator John Murtha (D-PA)

In 1992 - $2,000,000 added in conference by Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) for a New York Bight Center for undersea research.

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And YOU trust the government!!! Ha! ha! ha!

You are one of those 20% or so who trust the government! That's all I have to say. Enough said. You are the minority and your way of thinking is definitely skewed. Go ahead, keep on trusting them. They will provide for you and take care of you. Count on them to be the ones to carry you through.

The sad thing is that most liberals do. They prefer to have that security blanket for themselves rather than their individual freedoms. What a shame.

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And YOU trust the government!!! Ha! ha! ha!

You are one of those 20% or so who trust the government! That's all I have to say. Enough said. You are the minority and your way of thinking is definitely skewed. Go ahead, keep on trusting them. They will provide for you and take care of you. Count on them to be the ones to carry you through.

The sad thing is that most liberals do. They prefer to have that security blanket for themselves rather than their individual freedoms. What a shame.

Just make sure that you don't accept social security or medicare. And no, you didn't contribute to it for yourself. Your current contributions are for those who are getting it now. Future workers will be contributing for you. So, save big now. Hey, the stock market went up from 6000 to 11,000 under the 18 months of Obama, so start investing for your golden years since you don't want the government to provide for you.

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As opposed to how well PRIVATE corporate america is handling things:

Bear Stearns


Lehman Brothers


Goldman Sachs

Bank of America



You put your trust in them, not me. My trust is in God. Everyone knows, or should know, that you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket. And, just because there are private companies in the world that do us wrong and that we should not trust, doesn't mean that our government needs to be one of them.

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You put your trust in them, not me. My trust is in God. Everyone knows, or should know, that you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket. And, just because there are private companies in the world that do us wrong and that we should not trust, doesn't mean that our government needs to be one of them.

So, you keep your money under your mattress? If not, and you use a bank, you are trusting in the government to insure your deposits (FDIC). The FDIC was demonized back in 1933 just like the current financial regulations are by the republicans - who stand with wall street, not with main street, like I do.

And BTW, I didn't put all my eggs in one basket but everyone who had a 401(k) or had any investments in the stock market -WHICH BY THE WAY IS WHERE REPUBLICANS WANT YOU TO PUT YOUR MONEY WHEN THEY ADVOCATE FOR PRIVATIZING SOCIAL SECURITY - lost almost half their deposits. It was what we were told to do to be responsible and help provide for our old age. Isn't that what you always advocate with your "save $25/week" advice?

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Just make sure that you don't accept social security or medicare. And no, you didn't contribute to it for yourself. Your current contributions are for those who are getting it now. Future workers will be contributing for you. So, save big now. Hey, the stock market went up from 6000 to 11,000 under the 18 months of Obama, so start investing for your golden years since you don't want the government to provide for you.

Maybe my current contributions will go to those who are getting it now, but I put my finances into it while I was supposed to and therefore am entitled to a return on my investment. Those who will pay into it when I turn 65 will give back to me what I put in it for those before me. That's the way it works. Because the feds rob SS to pay other things, it probably wont be there for us when we retire. (we paid into it all our lives, but when it's our turn to receive it, it won't be there for us. But you're okay with that, cause the gov. will take care of you some way some how) I have said a hundred times before, yet you refuse to accept the reality of my statements. I do not push for NO government whatsoever, I push for LESS government. The programs that are already in place have a nill chance of ever being abolished, for what program does the federal government start that they end? NONE!

As for saving BIG now, I am. I do not depend on the government or anyone else to provide for my retirement. My husband and I have invested in rental property, we have pensions, and we have IRAs, stocks, and a savings to rely on as well as SS. None of our eggs in the same basket. If one fails, we will have the others to rely on.

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So, you keep your money under your mattress? If not, and you use a bank, you are trusting in the government to insure your deposits (FDIC). The FDIC was demonized back in 1933 just like the current financial regulations are by the republicans - who stand with wall street, not with main street, like I do.

And BTW, I didn't put all my eggs in one basket but everyone who had a 401(k) or had any investments in the stock market -WHICH BY THE WAY IS WHERE REPUBLICANS WANT YOU TO PUT YOUR MONEY WHEN THEY ADVOCATE FOR PRIVATIZING SOCIAL SECURITY - lost almost half their deposits. It was what we were told to do to be responsible and help provide for our old age. Isn't that what you always advocate with your "save $25/week" advice?

Hey, you can't trust mankind. It's that simple. I don't put my trust in anyone but God. I look forward to eternal life in Heaven. I'm just passing through here. Ever hear the song "This is my temporary home"? Carrie Underwood.

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Majority lacks trust in government: Poll

Nearly 80 per cent of Americans say they can't trust Washington and they have little faith that the massive federal bureaucracy can solve the nation's ills, according to a survey from the Pew Research Centre that shows public confidence in the federal government at one of the lowest points in a half-century.

The poll released yesterday illustrates the ominous situation facing President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party as they struggle to maintain their comfortable congressional majorities in this fall's elections.

Midterm prospects are typically tough for the party in power. Add a toxic environment like this and lots of incumbent Democrats could be out of work.

The survey found that just 22 per cent of those questioned say they can trust Washington almost always or most of the time and just 19 per cent say they are basically content with it. Nearly half say the government negatively effects their daily lives, a sentiment that's grown over the past dozen years.

Well, while you just continue to bash the government and offer no solutions and just come off as another angry person, Pres. Obama is just going along, solving the big problems and doing a great job. Go Obama!

He turned the tanking economy around

He provided healthcare to most of the uninsured and stopped insurance abuses.

He is taking on wall street with regulations so that they can't do what they did to cause this economic crisis ("regulate, baby, regulate" :biggrin:)

He passed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

He addressed nuclear proliferation.

And lots more.

And all this in just 18 months. WOW.

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Maybe my current contributions will go to those who are getting it now, but I put my finances into it while I was supposed to and therefore am entitled to a return on my investment. Those who will pay into it when I turn 65 will give back to me what I put in it for those before me. That's the way it works. Because the feds rob SS to pay other things, it probably wont be there for us when we retire. (we paid into it all our lives, but when it's our turn to receive it, it won't be there for us. But you're okay with that, cause the gov. will take care of you some way some how) I have said a hundred times before, yet you refuse to accept the reality of my statements. I do not push for NO government whatsoever, I push for LESS government. The programs that are already in place have a nill chance of ever being abolished, for what program does the federal government start that they end? NONE!

As for saving BIG now, I am. I do not depend on the government or anyone else to provide for my retirement. My husband and I have invested in rental property, we have pensions, and we have IRAs, stocks, and a savings to rely on as well as SS. None of our eggs in the same basket. If one fails, we will have the others to rely on.

Well, real estate values are declining, if the company goes out of business, pension funds can be lost (unless guaranteed by that pesky government- same for the IRA's), stocks can tank (we all saw that). And as far as SS goes, the government will not let those who paid into it go without it, but they will probably raise the retirement age. That's almost a given.

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I liked the following letter to the editor because it is so true and profiles so well the wrong-thinking by so many and whey they are wrong:

Everyone in this great nation relies on everyone else via government:

Lately, I've engaged in many debates with folks who truly believe they have made it in America all by themselves on only their grit and hard work. So they don't want to be forced to help anyone else through taxation or through government. OK, there is no doubt that grit and hard work should be seen as necessary and produce very positive results in life.

But to say that any citizen has received no assistance from fellow citizens is just a plain lie. We all are responsible for many parts of "the commons." The commons are those areas of our society that are not (yet) provided by private corporations -- fire departments, police departments, EMS, our military, roads, bridges, utilities, elections, clean Water, safe drugs ... and many, many other areas of our daily lives that are helped and supported through "we the people" in the form of our government.

In our debates, I ask my friends, "Do you or any of your family own a business and receive special tax and liability benefits from our government?"; "Does anyone in your family receive Social Security checks, or go to the VA, or use Medicare or Medicaid?"; "Ever get a student loan or Pell grant, or SEOG grant and any other government help for education?"; "Do you like that your bank deposits are guaranteed to be there even if the bank goes belly up?" and on and on.

Bottom line: Our country is great because of our grit, determination, hard work and also because our Founders wanted "we the people" in the form of a government to "promote the general welfare." To think that anyone in this country made it on their own without the help of anyone else currently or who came before them is just a lie.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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And YOU trust the government!!! Ha! ha! ha!

You are one of those 20% or so who trust the government! That's all I have to say. Enough said. You are the minority and your way of thinking is definitely skewed. Go ahead, keep on trusting them. They will provide for you and take care of you. Count on them to be the ones to carry you through. Blah, blah, blah. I guarantee you that I have relied on the government less in my life than you have.

The sad thing is that most liberals do. They prefer to have that security blanket for themselves rather than their individual freedoms. What a shame.

What does "always", "most of the time" and "sometimes" have in common? They are positive agreements, they mean yes. Never means no. How do you justify claiming the 65% who "sometimes" trust the government as being on the "no" side? You either trust them or you don't. The people who don't said "never". So quit trying to claim 80%. The real number is 11%.

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Majority lacks trust in government: Poll

Nearly 80 per cent of Americans say they can't trust Washington and they have little faith that the massive federal bureaucracy can solve the nation's ills, according to a survey from the Pew Research Centre that shows public confidence in the federal government at one of the lowest points in a half-century.

The poll released yesterday illustrates the ominous situation facing President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party as they struggle to maintain their comfortable congressional majorities in this fall's elections.

Midterm prospects are typically tough for the party in power. Add a toxic environment like this and lots of incumbent Democrats could be out of work.

The survey found that just 22 per cent of those questioned say they can trust Washington almost always or most of the time and just 19 per cent say they are basically content with it. Nearly half say the government negatively effects their daily lives, a sentiment that's grown over the past dozen years.

The following is a more in-depth analysis and sheds some light on this:

From NBC's Mark Murray

The new Pew survey showing that only 22% of the country trust the federal government in Washington is receiving lots of attention -- and deservedly so.

But the poll doesn't ask why people aren't trusting the federal government and whom they are blaming for the distrust. Fortunately, our January NBC/WSJ poll delved into these questions.

In that survey, just 28% said that the federal government was healthy or working ok, versus a whopping 70% who said it wasn't working or was unhealthy. By comparison, in Dec. 2000 -- as the Bush vs. Gore presidential contest was still unresolved -- our poll showed that 55% said the federal government was working, compared with 43% who said it wasn't working. (This was when we were coming off the 8 great years of Clinton) Strikingly, the Jan. 2010 NBC/WSJ poll found that the public was blaming congressional Republicans and congressional Democrats more than they were President Obama: 48% said they blamed congressional Republicans for not finding solutions to the problems the U.S. is facing, 41% blamed congressional Democrats, and 27% blamed Obama. (More blamed republicans than democrats or Obama - hmmm).

And why isn't the public trusting the government? That Jan. 2010 poll found that 93% said there's too much partisan fighting between Democrats and Republicans; 84% said special interests have too much influence over legislation; 74% said the government isn't doing enough to regulate Wall Street; (I agree with THESE people) 61% said Democratic majorities are trying to push through legislation without bipartisan compromise; an equal 61% said Republicans are trying to block any Democratic legislation without bipartisan compromise; 58% said the federal government is doing too much; and 47% said Obama is failing to provide the kind of leadership needed on the economy and health care.

So, when we get into the details of why people don't trust government, I actually agree with some of their observations.

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I was at a plumbing supply store yesterday, 2 guys came in and 1 was making a joke about Obama. He compared "a lion n-word" to a n-word lion(lion, meaning liar). I cant remember how it went, who really cares! Anyway his buddy was asking him about Obama(in support of Obama)and he looked at me and said,"he doesnt like him because hes racist"! Then the racist guy said"seriously, Im a heavy equip. operator and I made most of my money in the 90s under Clinton". It just shows how ignorant people are.

If your wondering why I posted this, there was more to it than to show peoples ignorance, I cant remember now, Ive had 10 hrs sleep in 3 days, Im loseng my train of thought.

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I was at "the infamous 7-11 this morning(the clerk is the idiot who doesnt pay credit cards off and doesnt want healthcare because he goes to er and doesnt pay hospital bills.)We where arguing , I told him about the lady that Cleosmom posted about(Teabagger) who forgot about social security and things she needs as being provided by the "untrustable" government. He totally blew me off and started about the birth cert. bs. Then one of his buddies(a teabagger Im sure, older man who has nothing better to do on weekends than hang at 7-11 for hours came in), at this point the conversation focused on Obama the "socialist", and of course the elderly man started going off about how Obama is ruining this country with tax raising and socialization of everything. I asked him what socialization and taxes he was talking about, I told him nobodies taxes have been raised, and the "socialized" healthcare plan was left out of the bill because the reps didnt want it. I told him he had every right to his beliefs but to explain what he was talking about, he smiled at me and walked out the door. These guys(about 4-5) hang out there mostly on weekends, they all believe the same bull$hit because they have nobody to dispute them in their little circle, and when someone (myself) does dispute the bs they tuck their tails and run! Typical rep hypocrits!!

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Rueters reported Thursday, Wellpoint, the largest health insurer was using computer algorithm that automatically targets patients recently diagnosed with breast cancer, among other conditions. Theyre dropping patients after being diagnosed, now theyre being investigated. It also states they are "for profit". Status Quo is great isnt it?

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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