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No retort to my post? I love it. Like giving a kid a pill.

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Cutting every state worker's pay is a great idea. So is cutting their pensions and cutting their benefits and raises. Lets start with cutting your pay, since you are so into sacrifice, you first.

People just don't want to sacrifice and give up anything to save a buck. They think that money grows on trees. Liberals in general are like this. They want everything for nothing and expect everyone else to pay for it.

Exactly how did you come to the conclusion that you are monetarily superior to others? Are you a self made millionaire? Because for money advice I ask a rich man (or woman), one that made his (her) money on their own. I bet you don't even handle the money in your own house. Why would I think you could handle the money for our country.

Your posts are getting further and further from reality.

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Glenn Beck: "I could give a flying crap about the political process. ... We're an entertainment company."

Even Beck knows he has the ignoramous in the country by their unhinged jaws.

WOW!! 32 mill a year will make Beck say anything.

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Whether it is authentic or not is irrelivent. The principle behind the story is what I am trying to portray. Anyone could have had that conversation with a congressman and if that congressman had any morals and was willing to uphold the Costitution no matter the cost to him personally, then he would be considered for my vote.

Sorry I forgot that reality is irrelevant to you. My bad.

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We need to remember that all gov. programs need to be paid for through increasing taxes, borrowing, or creating money (which ultimately drives up the prices of all goods and services). Americans now seem resentful about paying the heavy bills, and businesses complain that they are over regulated and overtaxed by government agencies.

Yeah, I'll bet the CEO of Massey mine thought his mine was being over-regulated, too. Because regulations can cost money and eat into his $19.7 million dollar salary. So what if at least 25 miners are dead. In the words of Timothy McVeigh, they are just collateral damage.

Those who would support less regulation for a business such as this mine have the blood of these miners on their hands.

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Your posts are getting further and further from reality.

You must work for the governemnet making 2-3 times more than someone else doing the same job. That's the only reason someone would be all for the elaborate paychecks that those employed with them receieve.( and I'm not talking about the policemen and firemen who risk their own lives for the public and deserve a hefty salary), I'm talking about the census workers and the high paying jobs in government, like postal carriers who make on average $22.00-$25.00 an Hour just to walk from one house to another and drop a few letters into a box. They make more than a nurse, who has to be responsible for the lives of people every day on her job and pay $30,000. for her schooling.

On March 8, 2010 USA Today wrote the following:

“Federal employees earn higher average salaries than private-sector workers in more than eight out of 10 occupations, a USA TODAY analysis of federal data finds.

Overall, federal workers earned an average salary of $67,691 in 2008 for occupations that exist both in government and the private sector, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data.

These salary figures do not include the value of health, pension and other benefits, which averaged $40,785 per federal employee in 2008.”

Please review this chart composed by USA Today – Federal salaries compared to private-sector

Don’t forget that the salaries listed in USA Today’s chart DOES NOT include an average $40, 785 in benefits for each FEDERAL employee…not postal employee.

FederalJobs.net states:

“Average annual salary for full-time federal government jobs now exceeds $79,197. The U.S. Government is the largest employer in the United States, hiring about 2.0 percent of the nation’s work force and the workforce is expanding significantly under the Obama administration. Federal government jobs can be found in every state and large metropolitan area, including overseas in over 200 countries. The average annual federal workers compensation in 2008, including pay plus benefits, was $119,982 compared to just $59,909 for the private sector according to the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis.”

Yes, with benefits postal employee salaries may hover around $83,000 per year, but we contend that they ARE NOT overpaid and their benefits ARE NOT out of line with other federal employees and peer industry employees.

Why not give them a pay cut or a decrease in benefits and pensions? Everyone else in the private sector is getting one.

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Originally Posted by LeighaMason viewpost.gif

Cutting every state worker's pay is a great idea. So is cutting their pensions and cutting their benefits and raises. Lets start with cutting your pay, since you are so into sacrifice, you first.

I've already had my pay cut. Now let's cut some of the federal employee paychecks. I've done my share. They need to do theirs, especially since the poeple employ them.

People just don't want to sacrifice and give up anything to save a buck. They think that money grows on trees. Liberals in general are like this. They want everything for nothing and expect everyone else to pay for it.

Exactly how did you come to the conclusion that you are monetarily superior to others? Are you a self made millionaire? Because for money advice I ask a rich man (or woman), one that made his (her) money on their own. I bet you don't even handle the money in your own house. Why would I think you could handle the money for our country.

Your reply to what I wrote doesn't have anything to do with what I posted. For one, where in that statement did I say I wanted to handle the money for the country?

Any moran can figure out that when someone in the private sector is employed as a door to door questioneer surveyer, the would not make $19.50 an hour plus mileage to do it. Only the government gives out jobs like that with that kind of hourly rate! Because it's not their money!

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You must work for the governemnet making 2-3 times more than someone else doing the same job. I dont think the government has any openings for car salesman, but at 2-3 times what I make, be sure and let me know if you see any! That's the only reason someone would be all for the elaborate paychecks that those employed with them receieve.( and I'm not talking about the policemen and firemen who risk their own lives for the public and deserve a hefty salary), I'm talking about the census workers and the high paying jobs in government, like postal carriers who make on average $22.00-$25.00 an Hour just to walk from one house to another and drop a few letters into a box. They make more than a nurse, who has to be responsible for the lives of people every day on her job and pay $30,000. for her schooling.

On March 8, 2010 USA Today wrote the following:

“Federal employees earn higher average salaries than private-sector workers in more than eight out of 10 occupations, a USA TODAY analysis of federal data finds.

Overall, federal workers earned an average salary of $67,691 in 2008 for occupations that exist both in government and the private sector, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data.

These salary figures do not include the value of health, pension and other benefits, which averaged $40,785 per federal employee in 2008.”

Please review this chart composed by USA Today – Federal salaries compared to private-sector

Don’t forget that the salaries listed in USA Today’s chart DOES NOT include an average $40, 785 in benefits for each FEDERAL employee…not postal employee.

FederalJobs.net states:

“Average annual salary for full-time federal government jobs now exceeds $79,197. The U.S. Government is the largest employer in the United States, hiring about 2.0 percent of the nation’s work force and the workforce is expanding significantly under the Obama administration. Federal government jobs can be found in every state and large metropolitan area, including overseas in over 200 countries. The average annual federal workers compensation in 2008, including pay plus benefits, was $119,982 compared to just $59,909 for the private sector according to the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis.”

Yes, with benefits postal employee salaries may hover around $83,000 per year, but we contend that they ARE NOT overpaid and their benefits ARE NOT out of line with other federal employees and peer industry employees.

Why not give them a pay cut or a decrease in benefits and pensions? Everyone else in the private sector is getting one.

I'm wondering why you didnt post this part of the article.

But National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen Kelley says the comparison is faulty because it "compares apples and oranges." Federal accountants, for example, perform work that has more complexity and requires more skill than accounting work in the private sector, she says.

"When you look at the actual duties, you see that very few federal jobs align with those in the private sector," she says. She says federal employees are paid an average of 26% less than non-federal workers doing comparable work.

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Sorry I forgot that reality is irrelevant to you. My bad.

THIS is a reality. Your precious, do no wrong, government is wasteful with our money.

Federal pay ahead of private industry - USATODAY.com

Go to the middle of the report and see the comparison of pay for each job. If you're a regular Joe who is employed as a cook, you'll make $15,000. less annually than a cook who is employed by the government. That's $15,000. That's what my daughter makes in 1 year. The government could afford to take care of her for 1 year on just the waste it produces from their over paying of just 1 salary.

In 2007, just 3 years ago, there were 11,810,490 government jobs. I don't have the numbers for 2010. but I have heard that that number has more than tripled. I can be wrong about that, but even so, if the government on average pays their employees 20-25% more than the private sector, PLUS benefits that account for more than their annual saleries, then if they cut out the over compensation to their employees, that would result in tremendous savings annually. we are talking billions annually! And that's just ONE form of waste that could be reined in.

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I'm wondering why you didnt post this part of the article.

But National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen Kelley says the comparison is faulty because it "compares apples and oranges." Federal accountants, for example, perform work that has more complexity and requires more skill than accounting work in the private sector, she says.

"When you look at the actual duties, you see that very few federal jobs align with those in the private sector," she says. She says federal employees are paid an average of 26% less than non-federal workers doing comparable work.

It doesn't take a genius to see that she is wrong. Are you trying to say that a federal accountant has more skills than the private sector accountant, and therefore should be paid more? I don't think so. An accountant is an accountant. People gravitate toward government jobs for one simple reason. They pay twice as much or even more than that of a private sector job., and the benefits far outweigh any others. Period.

I went to Collen Kellys article and the responses she got were great.

The only surprise about your article on federal salaries is that private-sector Americans are allowing this growth in federal wages and benefits to continue unabated.

By our inaction, we add to an already crushing burden of unfunded liabilities for the relatively generous government pay, pension and health benefits that are foisted upon taxpayers, fueled by public service employee unions and politicians eager for their votes.

I can only imagine the reaction of private-sector accountants to National treasury employees union President Colleen Kelley's assertion that USA TODAY's analysis is faulty because federal accountants perform work that has more complexity and requires more skill than such work in the private sector.

I can buy that only if she means that government accountants are better at spending money they don't really have.

Ken Deen

North Venice, Fla.

High pay draws applicants

There is a very simple test to determine whether federal salaries are too high: How many people are applying for the positions?

My rule in the private sector: If you have to search for applicants, your salary offering is too low. If you have lots of applicants, it is too high.

Frank Sheeman


Compensation gap

USA TODAY's article should have emphasized the difference in total compensation between federal and private-sector employees, including health and retirement benefits — not just the difference in pay. When adding up the numbers reported in the article, the difference is about $38,000 per year.

Is there any wonder that our federal government is out of fiscal control?

Steven Priddy

Germantown, Tenn.

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David Crockett, Charity, and Congress

See this link for a great story about Davy Crockett entitled "Congress, Liberty, and the Constitution". In it you will understand the conservative view for not wanting BIG Government. Notice the farmers response to the congressman. "it's not the amount of Charity .... It's the principle.

Didn he fight at the Alamo?

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People like patty who watch the Rupurt Murdoch insanity like it and believe it because it is exactly what they want to hear and believe. It panders to their hate and fear; their dislike of the government, their revulsion toward viewpoints different from theirs and people with skin color different from their own.

They listen to the ranting and raving and crying and hand wringing and they absolutely LOVE it! Anything that is critical of the president, the Democrats in congress and progressive thinking is music to their ears.

And that's exactly why patty, for instance, can't stand to listen to Rachel Maddow or other commentators on MSNBC. They are presenting the opposing viewpoints and that makes them squirm. They're so uncomfortable they can't stand to listen for more than a minute or two. I doubt seriously if they last 5 minutes. If they were to give the progressives an opportunity to show how wrong Beck, O'Reilly, Linbaugh and the others are, they would be crushed. So we can't expect them to be able to handle the truth. They're settled into and love that bastion of lies that they call the Fox network.

And yes, I do think that if they are incapable of listening to both sides on a regular basis and being able to sort it all out, they aren't the most intelligent tools in the box. If they aren't capable of logically assimilating the facts and coming up with something other than chants and buzz words, they're intellectually inferior. There, I've said it. So sue me.

Edited by BJean

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Oh boy. An accountant is an accountant, eh? How can you argue with logic like that?

People who have not worked for the government have always been quick to decide that anyone who works for the government is a simple servant and doesn't work hard and makes more money than they deserve. It's simply not true.

You cannot compare apples to oranges and expect to actually get the whole story. This kind of discrimination against government personnel has been going on for 50 years.

The fact is, it is not the easiest thing to get a government job, especially by someone who is only capable of making $15,000 a year. So much of what you read is pure jealousy and ignorance of the facts.

That is not to say that some government jobs do not pay more than some similar civilian jobs. But for really well-educated, competent workers, the private sector has more perks and better pay over the long haul. By a pretty long shot. Been there, done that and got the hell out so I could make some real money.

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Rachel Maddow spends much of the time on her show exposing the lies & hypocrisy of the republicans, conservatives and tea party. I find her refreshing and honest.

The only time I catch any of those wing nuts on the right is when she shows a clip on her show (or another show) so I saw Beck yapping about who Pres. Obama should pick to be the next supreme court justice and he made no attempt at being logical or sane. He just went on about how she should be an immigrant, disabled woman or some such nonsense and then if you vote against her they can say you're against immigrants and the disabled. And people really tune in to this dribble?

This is what I said in another post. The right wing does not have any truth to refute the democratic agenda or Pres. Obama so they have to resort to lies, edited tapes and a bunch of mumbo jumbo that appeals to the low IQ types. Sarah Palin is especially good at this.

Oh, and speaking of Sarah Palin. Did anyone catch Tina Fey last night on SNL mocking Sarah? It was great!! And not that far fetched.

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The things Sarah Palin said during the presidential elections showed her true colors. She's willing to say whatever they tell her to say and she says it with total conviction. Even if they told her to say that the earth is flat, she would rant about it and be totally convincing. Of course if she's in a Q&A she has big problems.

I watch Rachael Maddow sometimes, but not as often as I'd like. The one thing that I respect her for is that she often gets people on the other side of the argument to come on her show. Like the head of the right wing religious group that provided housing to certain Republican congressmen - I cannot for the life of me remember their name right this second. Senior moment, I guess. But he came on her show and had been nearly completely silent until then.

She respectfully gave him plenty of time without interrupting him, to say whatever he wanted to say. You sure don't see that on Fox. They interrupt and argue in a very insulting way. They are even known to lower the sound on the mike that someone from an opposing viewpoint is using so viewers can't really hear them when they make a good point.

No, I didn't see Tina Fey on SNL. I heard she was going to be doing her again though. And why shouldn't she? She's great at it and Palin herself tried to take advantage of the mileage Tina Fey has gotten by being on SNL herself. As Bug Bunny would say, "What a maroon."

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