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Are you in favor of the new health care reform?  

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So with the New Health Care Reform passed through the House. Who is for or against it?? Why or why not?

I am not in favor. My opinion (whether it's right or wrong) is why should we pay for the people who are too lazy to get a job just so they can have health insurance? Now it's different if they are disabled and unable to work. But these people who won't get off their butts to get a job shouldn't get subsidized health care that we, tax payers, are paying for!

Edited by TN_girl21

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When I started this process, I was obviously seeing a varity of Dr.s and health professionals, PLUS, I had an eye infection and was seeing a specialist for that as well.

EVERY single doctor and health professional mentioned to me ( without any prompting on my part) their total dissapproval of this bill. The funny thing is, most of them really not knowing one another all stated had the same point- their fear of the progression of medical advancement will slow way down, and virtually eventually be ceasing.

Anything the goverment takes from the people and then runs, eventually profoundly fails, and we spend billions consistantly trying to fix it.

Where are all these trillions of estamated dollars going to come from???? Yeap, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren, etc...

I heard a brilliant quote the other day, and it was in reference to endangered species, but it very much applies to this as well. It said:

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."

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I am 100% oppposed to any health care plan of the governments doing. How others could be for something that noone can read or understand fully is a question only they can answer. Why 2000 pages? Why all the confusing amendments to it? If you need to change something, erase it or take that part out and fix it accordingly, don't refer to page 1,854 amending page 886. What moran put it together? Too many unanswered questions. I don't trust the government when they say they will not pay for abortions with my tax dollars. Believe me, they will find a way to do it. What people don't understand is that when they say that a public option will bring fair competition to insurance companies, they mean that eventually they will drive other insurance companies out of business. Think about it. If the gov. policy is not out to make a profit, they can compete with the Health ins. industry for only so long until they must fold their businesses. For who will be able to survive a market where the government has the lowest prices for insurance. In time, all will turn to the government plan to save money. They will then be the only option. Obama knows it will take time to drive all the ins. companies out of business, but they are willing to wait for their socialized health care plan. It makes me sick! Even though the House passed the plan, I don't believe the Senate will. I am praying that it doesn't, but sometimes God allows the people to suffer the consequences for what they desire. Has the government EVER run a program that didn't go bankrupt or fail miserably? No! What makes anyone think they can run health care? Talk about taking away our freedoms!! I feel the most sorrow for the elderly. The last elections in Virginia and New Jersey showed me that the American people are upset with the new "change" that's taking place in Washington DC. I personally don't like any of it. Spend! Spend! Spend! and Spend some more!!!!! Cap and Tax, cash for clunkers, home buyers credits, health care, pork, stimulus payouts that don't stimulate squat!!!! Why don't they just tell everyone to put ALL their funds in a comunity pot and assure them all that they will distribute them evenly. Sounds like something they tried once in Jamestown when the settlers arrived here. They soon realized that God had it right when he said, "Those who will not work shall not eat."

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Oh yeah, one more thing. I'm not a racist, a bigot or a hater. (rolling my eyes) I also feel that it's time to stop telling those that oppose his policies that "Obama 'inherited' this mess. These are HIS messes now.

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Where are all these trillions of estamated dollars going to come from????

You will be 'taxed' by another name: It's called 'fined". Just another one of Obama's broken promises. You will be 'fined' if you don't purchase the plan and are found to be uninsured. Also, those who worked hard and went to school to further their education or were motivated and crafty with their own talents and wise enough, those who were not lazy, but put in lots of hours and determination to succeed at what they do will pay for those who did nothing. The dems like to call that "spreading the wealth around". They feel it is fair to be a robinhood kind of thief.

To be perfectly honest, the government health care plan has more to do with government CONTROL than it does about getting insurance to all those who don't have any right now. For we already have a government run health care plan called medicaid, and if they wanted to ensure those who don't have any, they would simply open up the medicaid plan to the uninsured and raise the income eligibility guidelines for it, and then tax the wealthy to cover the difference. But no, that would be too easy. And it doesn't meet their agenda goal, which is to get all Americans onto a government run health plan so they could control our lives through many avenues. From what you eat to stay healthy to making decisions concerning whether or not that person who was fat all their lives and developed diabetes should get a kidney transplant before a younger energetic person whose kidney failed. They've already started talking about taxing soda. This is just the beginning. Wait! Think I'm wrong? Obama has already stated that he estimates that it will take 12 to 15 years before the government option will include all Americans. (This was said during his campaigning days)

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So with the New Health Care Reform passed through the House. Who is for or against it?? Why or why not?

I am not in favor. My opinion (whether it's right or wrong) is why should we pay for the people who are too lazy to get a job just so they can have health insurance? Now it's different if they are disabled and unable to work. But these people who won't get off their butts to get a job shouldn't get subsidized health care that we, tax payers, are paying for!

I am fortunate to have very good health insurance paid 100% by my company.

That being said, it's not just the people who are out of work that can't afford good health insurance. Not all companies provide as well as mine and others do. It doesn't always have to do with "people sitting on their butts".

Most of your small business owners don't have insurance and I'd bet my bottom dollar that they're not sitting on their butts.

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If they don't have ins., all they need to do is apply for medicaid, or purchase it themselves. If they can't afford it, it's probably becuase they'd rather make their new car payment every month. There isn't a person in this country who is denyed care if they need it. You can walk into any ER and get care without insurance.

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I am fortunate to have very good health insurance paid 100% by my company.

That being said, it's not just the people who are out of work that can't afford good health insurance. Not all companies provide as well as mine and others do. It doesn't always have to do with "people sitting on their butts".

Most of your small business owners don't have insurance and I'd bet my bottom dollar that they're not sitting on their butts.

You are 100 % correct Paigey, my boss is now an owner of 1 Curves for Women, where as a brief few years ago she had 5 Curves, and still did not provide any of the employees any type of insurance.

But I think (at the risk of putting words in her mouth), TN Girl was just venting that we tax payers for far to long have foot the bills for people who have made generations of taking without ever putting anything back. And the politicians who want to spend, spend, spend on those people are the ones who are driving this bill home.

The media will have you believe that this new "reform" is more about covering all without medical health insurance, instead of only fixing what is broke. It is only a small amount of people in the US that actually have no coverage at all, so all this money will be spent for a small amount of people?

The thing is that any bill/law that is being pushed so quickly and recklessly does send up warning flags, it's sneaky, and its dirty business.

No one will debate that the healthcare system is a mess, but the option of socialized medicine is clearly not the sole answer.

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I am fortunate to have very good health insurance paid 100% by my company.

That being said, it's not just the people who are out of work that can't afford good health insurance. Not all companies provide as well as mine and others do. It doesn't always have to do with "people sitting on their butts".

Most of your small business owners don't have insurance and I'd bet my bottom dollar that they're not sitting on their butts.

I am a small business owner, and I am lucky to have insurance. I'm not saying that everybody who does not have insurance is sitting in their butts. I'm merely frustrated at the people who are too lazy to get a job that will take advantage of this program, and that us taxpayers who do work (including those who can't afford insurance) will be paying for the lazy ones.

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I support healthcare reform with the public option. I am tired of all the tired old arguments against it that are based on lies, misconceptions, fear mongering and emotions.

I saw a great summary of the mind-set of people who instead of using facts, choose to use something else:

"A sign from the GOP anti-health care rally showed a pile of naked bodies. The sign read: National Socialist Health Care: Dachau, Germany - 1945.

This analysis about the above from 2Political Junkies: "Because trying to expand health care coverage for millions of uninsured Americans is exactly like mass murder of Jews by Nazis? I mean anyone can see that, right?"

"One might be predisposed to assume that this banner was the work of someone with a long history of mental problems except that we know that many attending this rally had been fed a steady diet of outrageous propaganda warning them of death panels, government as the enemy and a president who is supposedly an illegitimate foreign-born usurper and undercover Muslim terrorist bent on destroying the country."

Just look at the people and organizations who support health care with a public option:


2) 3 out of 4 doctors

3) American College of Physicians

4) American Academy of Family Practice

5) American Academy of Pediatrics

6) American Psychiatric Association

7) American College of Surgeons

8) American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology


Who opposes it:

1) Obama haters

2) Republicans

3) Religious Right

4) Some selfish people who have health care but don't want others to have it.

5) Some selfish seniors who have government run health care (medicare) but who don't want anyone else to have it.

There are those who say health care reform is too costly despite the fact that it will not only NOT increase the deficit but REDUCE it. Now, isn't it interesting that these same people never demanded the same deficit neutral process when it came to:

1) the tax cut for the rich (one of the reasons our deficit rose under bush)

2) the uneccesary war in Iraq (blank check after blank check raising our deficit)

3) the trillion dollar (with a T) cost (over 10 years) of the bush giveaway to the pharma industry when he pushed Medicare Plan D drug plan through Congress. DO YOU RECALL ANY HEATED TOWN HALL MEETINGS OR MICROSCOPIC SCRUTINY BY THE MEDIA ABOUT THIS BIG SPENDING DRUG PLAN? NO, ME NEITHER!!!!

Then there are the proponents of the bush health care plan. It's a very simple plan, really,only seven (7) words:


Emergency rooms are for emergencies not to treat chronic illnesses like diabetes, COPD, Parkinson's, Alzheimers, heart disease, etc...You need regular care by a family doctor or specialist.

There are many hard working people who don't have health care because their employers can't afford to provide it to them. Or people lose their jobs and the health care, too. Or they work part time, like my son-in-law did for years at two part time police officer jobs - neither one providing health care - but he was putting his life on the line each day and the heartless people want him to go to the emergency room for routine healthcare?


The public option in the health care would only apply to about 2% of the people. But the insurance companies don't want any competition. They want - and have- a monopoly.

Healthcare reform will help to reduce the cost of healthcare and in doing so help our economy. It will give employers more choice. It will give individuals more choice. It will regulate the insurance industry so they can't deny you for pre-existing conditions or drop you if you get sick.

A man with Parkinson's in NY was to be denied coverage for care by his insurance company but they knew they couldn't single out one person and deny him so they dropped the entire class of coverage for this disease for everyone on their policy. THIS IS WHAT HEALTHCARE REFORM WILL STOP. And stories like these are everywhere, everyday.

I support healthcare reform with the public option because I advocate for the american people. And the majority agree with me.

For those who are opposed, who are you advocating for?

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Such a funny post from Cleo's mom

Just look at the people and organizations who support health care with a public option:


2) 3 out of 4 doctors

3) American College of Physicians

4) American Academy of Family Practice

5) American Academy of Pediatrics

6) American Psychiatric Association

7) American College of Surgeons

8) American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology



1) The majority of Americans do NOT support this particular bill. If they did, it have already been passed. It's that simple.

2) Most doctors do NOT support the current bill. In fact, quite a few have said that they would consider leaving the field if this bill passes.

3) through 8) All of those organizations are medical lobbies. Remember when President Obama was preaching against the "Old Washington" lobbys? I guess that was before he needed their support. What other industry that he had previuosly demonized did he also need? Oh yeah.....big Pharma.

9) AARP is now mostly an organization that makes its profits from selling medi-gap insurance. That's a bit of a profit-driven incentive right there (which I don't have such a huge problem with, but I remember how much the Obama administration hates profit and capitalism).

Who opposes it:

1) Obama haters

2) Republicans

3) Religious Right

4) Some selfish people who have health care but don't want others to have it.

5) Some selfish seniors who have government run health care (medicare) but who don't want anyone else to have it.

Riiiiiight. So if an individual doesn't support this bill, they must be 1)racists, 2) Republicans, 3) Christians, or 4&5)Heartless. There's no other possible reason to oppose the bill. Now that's keeping a really open mind.

There are those who say health care reform is too costly despite the fact that it will not only NOT increase the deficit but REDUCE it. Now, isn't it interesting that these same people never demanded the same deficit neutral process when it came to:

1) the tax cut for the rich (one of the reasons our deficit rose under bush)

2) the uneccesary war in Iraq (blank check after blank check raising our deficit)

3) the trillion dollar (with a T) cost (over 10 years) of the bush giveaway to the pharma industry when he pushed Medicare Plan D drug plan through Congress. DO YOU RECALL ANY HEATED TOWN HALL MEETINGS OR MICROSCOPIC SCRUTINY BY THE MEDIA ABOUT THIS BIG SPENDING DRUG PLAN? NO, ME NEITHER!!!!

There it is: The ultimate rebuttal on the lips of all liberals.....George Bush. Why don't we have healthcare reform? George Bush. Why is the unemployment rate pushing 10%? George Bush. What causes tsunamis? George Bush. Get over it already.....He's not in the white house anymore.

The public option in the health care would only apply to about 2% of the people.

That's not true though. Public option would likely drive private insurance out of business

Healthcare reform will help to reduce the cost of healthcare and in doing so help our economy. It will give employers more choice. It will give individuals more choice. It will regulate the insurance industry so they can't deny you for pre-existing conditions or drop you if you get sick.

That all sounds great. But you don't have to have public option to achieve any of those things you just listed.

I support healthcare reform with the public option because I advocate for the american people. And the majority agree with me.

For those who are opposed, who are you advocating for?

Again, if the majority of Americans agreed with you, then this would have already passed. As it now stands, they won't even vote on the bill until sometime in 2010.

I am opposed to the bill. I advocate for the Americans who would have to pay for this monstrosity with an already de-valued dollar (because President Obama's treasury has decided to buy our own debt). American can't afford this bill.

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Well said Plain. The deficit we already have is unsustainable for us. We can't afford it. And even if we could, why should we? Where does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to enact an individual health insurance mandate? Nancy Pelosi was asked that question and all she could respond was, "Are you serious? Are you serious?" and then she shook her head and took a question from another reporter. Imagine if some reporter asked here where specifically the Constitution granted Congress the authority to outlaw peaceable assembly and she answered, "Are you serious? Are you serious?" and then ignored the question. And then later on someone from her office sent you a press release, as was sent to CNS News, saying Congress has "broad power to regulate activities that have an effect on interstate commerce," pointing out demonstrations cause traffic jams and therefore interfere with interstate commerce. They are all ignorant in the Senate, starting with her. It's not a matter of whether you are for or against their Health care proposals or whether you are liberal or conservative, black or white, man or woman, it's about whether we are going to remain a relatively free people or permit the government to take away our liberties. If Congress gets away with forcing us to buy health insurance, what else down the road will they force us to buy? Or do you naively think they will stop at that? Less than 15% of Congress supports a measure "To require Congress to specify the source of authority under the US Constitution for the enactment of laws and other purposes". That percentage demonstrates the kind of contempt our reps have for the rules (the Constitution). Are we headed toward more liberty or for greater government control in this country? The answer is obvious.

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Did anyone hear about the protestors that were arrested at Lieberman's office? They were charged with unlawful entry. They would not leave and the police had to respond. One of them said:

"As an independent, we expected him to be voting with Democrats," she said, later adding, "When the people's lives are at stake, there shouldn't be any hesitation."

"the people's lives are at stake??!!" Show me ONE person whose life is at stake?! Sickos. Total priority confusion. They don't have one care in the world over the millions, YES! millions, of lives that are snuffed out daily by abortions, yet if we don't get this public option that the government is forcing down our throats "lives are at stake". Talk about ignorant.

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The majority of Americans do support healthcare with the public option. Furthermore, the 220 members of Congress who voted for the bill represent the majority of Americans. Those who voted against it represent fewer Americans. Those blue dog democrats in the Senate represent far fewer Americans than the pro-public option/pro- healthcare reform democrats do or the 40 republican senators do. However, regardless of how many or few they represent, they still get one vote:

Most support public option for health insurance, poll finds - washingtonpost.com

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