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11 months later.....

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It has been almost 11 months since I got the lap band installed.

I am down about 50 lbs now.....from 412 lbs to 365

The band was really not "turned on" until April 09 (which is when I really started feeling restriction)

It seems like the process is slower.... I haven't been the best at eating what i'm suppose to. I can't stand to eat meat.... it makes me feel sick all day. The only way I can really eat it is in a Soup or chili, etc.

I haven't really excercised like I should other than walking my dog around the neighborhood for 15 minutes a day.

I'm wondering if anyone is struggling losing weight like me.... after about the same amount of time frame.

I'll post a new pic here in a sec

Edited by creed2474

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Considering you aren't always eating the way you are suppose to or exercising regularly it seems you are still doing pretty well.

There are other means of Protein available, I suggest you eat Beans, tofu, eggs, cottage cheese, etc. There are also great Protein powders on the market that you can add to your foods. Stay away from starches and sugars.

You should try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. I suggest an hour each day to achieve better results.

Also, make sure you are drinking enough Water (64 oz).

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i don't think u r srtuggling...ur not working ur tool...the way u r suppose to be and from ur post i think u know that...u basically answered ur own questions....exercise more and eat right....this tool can give u amazing life-changing results....but u need to become a team with ur band...it won't work by itself...it'll work with u....

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I have lost 55 lbs & it has been around the same amount of time as you I was band on 12/12/08 . I work out 2 hours x5 a week eat well & drink my H20 & Vitamins ...

But I have gone down 11 sizes in clothes.. from a size 28- 16... I dont care if my pounds dont show in the scale because they are ,,in the inches....( who's going to be lifting me up anyway? Even doctor says im doing well & my work is defenetly paying off :thumbup:

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Creed, the hardest thing for me, hands down, was getting into an exercise mode. But it makes a big difference. You have a dog. Darn their hairy selves, they LOVE to walk along and walk and walk and walk. So don't do it for yourself, LOL. Do it for your hairy child. Instead of 15 minutes, try for 20 or 25. When the route gets a little boring, add another 10 minutes to it. Your pup, ehr child, will love it.

The good news is you're losing. Okay, it's not as fast as you'd like, but YOU'RE LOSING. Otherwise, in these 11 months, you would have gained. You know it. I certainly would have myself. So take heart in your success rather than finding misery in it not being as great as you'd want.

Change doesn't have to be some huge thing. For a lot of people it's Go Big Or Go Home. But just try adding a little to it. Go out in your car and figure out a couple of "markers" that are 1.5 miles from your house. Aim for getting to one of those markers and then back home. But you don't have to do it today. Just walk farther than you have been. Take pride in your successes (you are losing, you're adding a little bit to your exercise)...and pretty soon you'll find a few more pounds gone and that's certainly worth a bit of personal pride!!

Keep on plugging and keep us posted. We care!

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Thanks for the comments - I think my struggle with excercise is I work a full-time job, a part-time job from home, and I go to school part-time. After that, I'm done..... I really don't want to go walk a mile if my mind isn't into it.

Eating wise and Protein wise.... I do eat alot of Beans... in chili.... and just Beans that I make at home. I do make like tortilla Soup with chicken in it.... and I like tuna..and eat eggs. Since my fills have been so tight in the mornings my band is so tight that even when drinking coffee or gatorade it feels like the Fluid isn't going down. So, i don't even eat Breakfast.

I think I have been doing really well here lately eating wise... my only weakness is ice cream...which I never craved before...but, I think with me not eating any bread (which I use to eat alot of) ...my body is really craving SUGAR. I notice that a week i'll eat ice cream my weight goes up a little...and the next week I won't..and my weight starts to slowly go down. I just need to find a better alternative for eating just straight ice cream and not even diet.

It has been a struggle let me tell you.....

One thing that I do enjoy eating is fresh salsa that I make at home and the thin tortilla chips. I hope that is not bad because I eat alot of it. It seems that it doesn't bother me eating wise and I can eat more of that than anything and feel satisfied.

Edited by creed2474

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I was banded 14 months ago. I have been at a plateau since the end of July. This past week I started adding weights to my walking and hopefully, that will start me losing again.

What I want to say is that part of our problem (we who are obese) maybe that we have metabolic syndrome. Our bodies don't want to lose weight. I had the same plateau on my way up. I was at this weight for about four years and so that I have remained here for the last three months, “shouldn't” get me down. I didn't gain this weight in 1-2 years and I probably won't lose it that quick either.

I have to remind myself, this is for life. If I'm not working my tool - shame on me. Get back on the wagon. If I am and it's not going as fast as others, I take solace in knowing that I am healthier now and if I remain steady, more weight will come off. Good luck on your journey.

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Hey Creed, I just wanted to say that from your pictures I can see the weight loss you have already obtained. Good for you!

You seem to be a very busy person and I know it must be hard for you to keep on track. Try to find other ways of exercise. Park your car further away and walk. Take the stairs whenever possible. You would be surprised how much "armchair" exercises will help you. Instead of watching TV, walk your dog just a tiny bit further each day. You can do it...just find a way.

As for eating...I'm no help. I have been so determined to stay on my doctor's approved eating program that I haven't cheated yet. My PCP said I wouldn't make it to age 70 if I didn't lose the weight and I am determined to get to better health. NO food is going to get in my way now.

Good luck and keep on track. You have done really good up to now and you can do it. Be kind to yourself and keep losing.

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This is what I ate yesterday....

breakfast... nuts

lunch... salad and few bites of baked potato

dinner... i made fresh pinto Beans with white rice, shepherds pie (which is ground meat w/ Tomato, potatoes, and green beans)

I ate like 3 bites of the pie...and maybe 1/2 cup of pinto Beans and rice and one piece of mexican cornbread (tiny square)

I was looking at other people's diets that have great success on here...one lady eats cold cuts alot... which to me would be pretty hard to do..but man I got to have real food....

Diet wise I think i'm doing pretty good.... I drink so much fluids... this morning I had a few drinks of v8 juice... gatorade (g2)... and a little bit of coffee.... i bought some mixed nuts for lunch...and have a microwave cup of chicken noodle soup... tonight will probably eat more of the left overs from last night.

Does it sound like i'm doing ok? I'm not really weighing my food... i just eat a few bites here and there until I feel satisfied.

After I eat tho I feel like I have to drink something so bad to get it to wash down.... i feel uncomfortable..even after just eating one bit usually. But, i've been waiting at least 30 minutes...sometimes less...but most of the time 30 minutes.

I forgot to mention in the past I had breaks from going to the doctor...I wasn't going every month because of A) was not sure my insurance would cover it.... :thumbdown: I felt restriction for a long time..... so maybe that is why my weight loss has been slower.

So far since the 2nd of this month I have lost 15 lbs and I go back next Friday for a fill.... So, i'm thinking that if I keep going each month i'll lose alot faster because I don't even want to eat after!!! LOL I have to force myself....but man during that time I just wish I could eat some great food. The Food Channel does not help! Especially Diners, Drive In's and Dive's!!! My mouth just waters watching that... LOL

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I am no way an expert, I'm not even banded yet :thumbdown:. But it sounds like you have a lot opportunities for improvements. I would suggest make list tape it to fridge.

I have a list that I want to laminate and put up on my fridge, here it is:

  • Always eat the Protein part of the meal first.
  • Limit food intake to mealtimes only – no snacking.
  • Space your meals out evenly (4-6 hours apart).
  • Take small bites and chew your food well.
  • Do not drink with meals. No liquids for at least 10 minutes before meals. No liquids for 60 minutes after meals.
  • Maintain your daily Fluid goal: 64 ounces a day.

  • Take your Vitamin and mineral supplements as recommended.
  • Keep up with a regular exercise routine.
  • Attend a regular support group.
  • Eat at the table – not in front of the TV or computer.
  • Continue to monitor your eating behaviors for life. Keeping a food diary is helpful and effective for maintaining weight loss with the LAP-BAND.

Edited by junbug178

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This is what I ate yesterday....


lunch... salad and few bites of baked potato ELIMINATE THE POTATO (TOO MANY CARBS)YOU NEED TO BE EATING Protein INSTEAD OF salad.< /strong>

dinner... i made fresh pinto Beans with white rice, shepherds pie (which is ground meat w/ Tomato, potatoes, and green beans) AGAIN, DO AWAY WITH THE POTATO AND THE RICE AND THE REST IS FINE.

I ate like 3 bites of the pie...and maybe 1/2 cup of pinto Beans and rice and one piece of mexican cornbread (tiny square) ELIMINATE THE RICE AND CORNBREAD (TOO MANY CARBS)

I was looking at other people's diets that have great success on here...one lady eats cold cuts alot... which to me would be pretty hard to do..but man I got to have real food....

Diet wise I think i'm doing pretty good.... I drink so much fluids... this morning I had a few drinks of v8 juice... gatorade (g2)... and a little bit of coffee.... i bought some mixed nuts for lunch...and have a microwave cup of chicken noodle Soup... tonight will probably eat more of the left overs from last night. ELIMINATE OR DECREASE TO ONLY 1 TIME PER DAY ON THE GATORADE & V8 juice REPLACE WITH Water. chicken NOODLE IS NOT A GOOD CHOICE EITHER BECAUSE OF THE CARBS.

Does it sound like i'm doing ok? I'm not really weighing my food... i just eat a few bites here and there until I feel satisfied.

After I eat tho I feel like I have to drink something so bad to get it to wash down.... i feel uncomfortable..even after just eating one bit usually. But, i've been waiting at least 30 minutes...sometimes less...but most of the time 30 minutes. THIS IS GOOD.

I forgot to mention in the past I had breaks from going to the doctor...I wasn't going every month because of A) was not sure my insurance would cover it.... :thumbdown: I felt restriction for a long time..... so maybe that is why my weight loss has been slower.

So far since the 2nd of this month I have lost 15 lbs and I go back next Friday for a fill.... So, i'm thinking that if I keep going each month i'll lose alot faster because I don't even want to eat after!!! LOL I have to force myself....but man during that time I just wish I could eat some great food. The Food Channel does not help! Especially Diners, Drive In's and Dive's!!! My mouth just waters watching that... LOL



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Creed, you've gotten a lot of good advice. May I just add that you should consider measuring your food. It's very common for those of us who are obese to under estimate the portions we are eating. I wasn't a big meal eater, but I snacked and grazed all day long...a tiny bite of this and a smidgen of that...and here I am with a band.

Also, I know you don't eat ice cream every week, but the best way to stop eating it altogether, except under controlled conditions is to keep it out of your house. That way, when you really feel the urge, you have to make an effort to get it, and then it's a small cup or cone rather than a quart.

For me, drastically cutting down on "bad" carbs (which I got in junk food mostly) and really upping my intake of Fiber and veggies has almost eliminated all mysugar cravings. I've had my band for over a year, so this didn't happen overnight.

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Ok, i'm going to try and use some of your suggestions and see if that makes a difference.

Nuts are high in Protein so that is why I eat them.

I'm not going to just starve and not eat any carbs at all.

I'm a guy so guys are differnet as we burn more calories and need more energy. Carbs = energy... i'm not eating a large amount of the carbs...just a bit with my Protein.

My weakness so far has been ice cream. And, I just need to not buy it when I go to the store. I notice when I don't have it...I lose weight...and when I am eating it....I either maintain my weight or increase some until I stop eating it and then go back down. A lady friend of mine here had gastric and she suggested for me to do 2% milk with sweet and low...and add a little vanilla extract to it and it tastes like a milk shake.

So, I will let you know if it works.... it has to be the ice cream.

From the 2nd of this month when I got my fill... I dropped 15 lbs... ate ice cream this weekend and this week...and gained 5 lbs..... now, i've been without ice cream since two days ago and i'm down 2 lbs of the 5 that I lost... so, it has to be the ice cream! LOL

Will someone that has a meal plan for a week saved somewhere post it for me on here so I can just see if I can do that or not. I may try just doing liquids this week before my next fill and eating cold cuts w/ cheese! LOL

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I don't want you to misunderstand, because I might not have been clear, I wasn't suggesting you cut out carbs. Bad carbs...reduce (not eliminate) the intake. Good carbs (veggies/fiber)...increase.

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You indicate a weakness for ice cream. Either try the weight watchers ice cream (comes in individual serving sizes) or buy their ice cream bars. That way when the craving hits you, you can enjoy your treat and it's not that bad for you!!!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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