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Anyone pissed off??

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I would much rather be told bad news than to be told good news with a caveat. That is the main reason why I feel a bit betrayed. Will I live through my feelings of betrayal and anger? You bet. I will come out of it better for the journey.

Here is an example of what I mean.....

I had eye surgery about 7 years ago. It was supposed to be a routine deal, in the office, no down time. I asked if someone should drive me home. The surgeon said, "if it would make you feel better, sure." I am a pretty independent person. I left work that day an hour before the procedure, walked to the clinic that was next door to the hospital I worked in, and had my "easy" procedure. I couldn't drive. I couldn't walk. I spent the next FOUR WEEKS in a dark room wondering if I would ever regain my sight. I had a 9 month old baby at the time. My nanny stepped up to live with us and take care of my daughter. My job was super good about it. My husband adapted to having no wife for a month. I was FURIOUS with the doctor. The outcome of the surgery was great! Would I have done it again knowing how bad it was? Yes, I would. I would have prepared differently both mentally and organizationally. This is kind of how I feel about the lap band. Give me the bad news. I am a big girl (no pun intended), and I can take it! Don't give me glossy commercials with everyone smiling. I want the truth. It is too bad that I didn't have this board when I was at my lowest. The good news is....I have found it now! I gain strenth and help from it every single day. Thank you all for listening to me whine, supporting the process, and helping me see truth. I appreciate it more than you know.

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These posts are great and I needed a swift kick of reality in my ass. Thank you all.Yes am a food addict yes I got myself in this situation and it will get better. I think metally getting over your old thoughts about food is harder than the physical hunger.I keep telling myself I have lost about 25 pounds since my surgery on 9-29- and I could have done the same thing on ww. Well who am I kidding I would not have done the same thing bcause I could have eaten what I wanted and never have even lost that!

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I remember going to Weight Watchers years ago. Actually I did it a few times. One time I got to within 5 lbs of my goal and loved it but I was very hungry, all the time. In one of the meetings my husband and I learned about binging. The class was about learning different techniques to avoid Binging. I had never heard of this before. Within a week of the class, I did it. My husband and I went to every fast food place in town and ate what we had been craving for all those months. I was not able to get back on track after that and of course gained all the weight back and more. I never did any more binging thank goodness but I figured out way back then that my problem was hunger. This band has really tamed the beast!! I love it!!!

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I lost 71 lbs. in almost 2 years. You can do it! I even eat ice-cream sometimes. I do have a lot of restriction,I wouldn't mind keeping this restriction for the rest of my life...

You can do it!:thumbdown:

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These posts are great and I needed a swift kick of reality in my ass. Thank you all.Yes am a food addict yes I got myself in this situation and it will get better. I think metally getting over your old thoughts about food is harder than the physical hunger.I keep telling myself I have lost about 25 pounds since my surgery on 9-29- and I could have done the same thing on ww. Well who am I kidding I would not have done the same thing bcause I could have eaten what I wanted and never have even lost that!

One thing I wanted to add is even if you could lose this fast on WW, the weight is very very likely to come back later and more. I think one of the greatest benefits of WLS is not so much how fast you lose, but that it is very unlikely to come back. Yes, some have a rebound effect and gain back maybe 20% of what they lost. But, w/regular dieting, most gain back 100% plus more. It took me 2 years to lose 45 pounds on WW so don't assume you could lose 25 pounds on WW in 6 weeks. Its pretty rare for people to lose even 1-2 pounds CONSISTENTLY on WW. Yes, maybe you lose 5 pounds the first week, but after that it levels out. Of course, everyone loses at a different pace, but personally, I think 25 pounds in 6 weeks is AWESOME!!! In the long run, though, really the only thing that matters is that the weight keeps coming off (no matter how slow) and that it STAYS off. I know I could lose weight again on WW, but I just can't bear to be that hungry all the time just to have it all come back again.

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I agree 100%!!!!!! Pissed off, frustrated!!! You name it I feel it.... If I need to go on WW or Atkins, why did I pay 13 thousand!! HELLO! I have done every diet under the sun, and have lost alot of weight on all!!!! blah blah blah, everyone knows the story we have all been there done that!! I did this not because I thought it would be easy, but I thought I would get at least some kind of restriction!!!!! I'm on six weeks post, had one fill and I have NO, restriction!!!! When I ask my Doc. office the reply was "Oh yeah it's going to take several fills!!!!!!! Well HELL, let's get on it, I didn't pay $$$$$$$$ to stay overweight for 6 months or more!!!! Is there anyone out there that is farther along and can tell me at some point I will feel restriction??????? Because honestly right now I feel ripped off!!!!!!!!!! And please don't post it's because off poor attitude, addiction ,self control issues, etc. I already have studied all of that, we all have and we all get it! I understand this is a tool only, but when does the tool actually work?

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I agree 100%!!!!!! Pissed off, frustrated!!! You name it I feel it.... If I need to go on WW or Atkins, why did I pay 13 thousand!! HELLO! I have done every diet under the sun, and have lost alot of weight on all!!!! blah blah blah, everyone knows the story we have all been there done that!! I did this not because I thought it would be easy, but I thought I would get at least some kind of restriction!!!!! I'm on six weeks post, had one fill and I have NO, restriction!!!! When I ask my Doc. office the reply was "Oh yeah it's going to take several fills!!!!!!! Well HELL, let's get on it, I didn't pay $$$$$$$$ to stay overweight for 6 months or more!!!! Is there anyone out there that is farther along and can tell me at some point I will feel restriction??????? Because honestly right now I feel ripped off!!!!!!!!!! And please don't post it's because off poor attitude, addiction ,self control issues, etc. I already have studied all of that, we all have and we all get it! I understand this is a tool only, but when does the tool actually work?

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Because honestly right now I feel ripped off!!!!!!!!!! And please don't post it's because off poor attitude, addiction ,self control issues, etc. I already have studied all of that, we all have and we all get it! I understand this is a tool only, but when does the tool actually work?

It's not. Once again it sounds as though it is from lack of information. If you read through the threads on this forum you will see that it is normal for it to take a no of fills to reach restriction and that this often takes months.In fact smaller fills that get you to your sweet spot slower are believed to be safer than more aggressive fills and less likely to lead to a problem such as a slip in the future.

So sorry not to be able to give you the news that you were looking for but at least you are closer now to reaching the point that you want to be at then you were before. Most people do lose before reaching ideal restriction.

Remember that you didn't put the weight on overnight and that isn't how the band helps to take it off either. If that is what you were expecting then unfotunately you have been misinformed and possibly chose the wrong surgery.

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Hi Guys

I have just been reading all your posts, and I too am in the same situation, I was banded on 5th August 2009.

Had my first fill 6 weeks later 3ml - no restriction

had my 2nd fill 2 weeks later 2ml - no restriction

had my 3rd fill yesterday of 3ml, (then you have to drink Water to make sure its ok)

and blow me down i swallowed 2 mouthfuls got this pain like feeling -like food had got stuck, and couldnt swallow a 3rd!

The doc said get back on the bed, there is too much in there, and promply took out 1.5ml!

Came home thought ill test this now, and guess what, no restriction!

Well I reckon, the 4th one could be the winner.

I think I have a 9ml band also.

Ive only lost 8kg which was in the first 4 weeks.

Keep your peckers up

Caz :thumbdown:

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I agree with tanqueray about the addiction part. When I used that word with a few friends they scoffed at it. Even the fat ones. They think "they just like food a lot".

I am trult thankful for all the pre-op stuff my surgeon had us do. I met with nutritionist before and had a 3 hour class at the hospital a week before.being banded. It talked us through the process from where to park at the hospital to what we would have for Breakfast and lunch before leaving. I also am glad my surgeon lets you go home on soft foods. That helps with being hungry too. Though I am very hungry between meals too.

My new line is "that's why skinny girls are bitches...they're hungry". I have been very nasty at times too.

I told off a substitute teacher pretty badly in front of kids. (But right now I am full and she did deserve it.) I love this board. Othjers can't understan

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I am 2 weeks post op and I have not felt hungry at all. Now, I know I am still a bit swollen and that could be helping. I lost 4 lbs in 12 days. Which they tell me is average. Doesn't sound like much, but I wouldn't have lost it without the band. I had my surgery in Nashville, TN at Vanderbilt, A Certified "Bariatric Center Of Excellence". I was given alot of pre op education.


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Replace the word hungry with wanting to smoke and that was me about 10 months ago. I quit smoking and was pissed at everything because I couldn't smoke (I could have, but wouldn't because I wanted to quit). When I saw someone smoking, I'd snarl at them on the inside, how dare they be allowed to smoke! I craved it (still do at times) and was just mad, ill and bitchy.

I'm working on the approval process for lap band and fear I'll be just like you, except then I won't be able to smoke or eat, I'll be mary poppins huh

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I agree 100%!!!!!! Pissed off, frustrated!!! You name it I feel it.... If I need to go on WW or Atkins, why did I pay 13 thousand!! HELLO! I have done every diet under the sun, and have lost alot of weight on all!!!! blah blah blah, everyone knows the story we have all been there done that!! I did this not because I thought it would be easy, but I thought I would get at least some kind of restriction!!!!! I'm on six weeks post, had one fill and I have NO, restriction!!!! When I ask my Doc. office the reply was "Oh yeah it's going to take several fills!!!!!!! Well HELL, let's get on it, I didn't pay $$$$$$$$ to stay overweight for 6 months or more!!!! Is there anyone out there that is farther along and can tell me at some point I will feel restriction??????? Because honestly right now I feel ripped off!!!!!!!!!! And please don't post it's because off poor attitude, addiction ,self control issues, etc. I already have studied all of that, we all have and we all get it! I understand this is a tool only, but when does the tool actually work?

It sounds like you didn't get proper pre-op information which is such a shame! So many patients on these boards don't, sorry about that.

However, whether you are self-pay or insurance covers it, it still takes time. If you read the boards, you will see what you should have been told in the beginning. Restriction can take months!

On a positive note, it sounds like you are close to reaching the holy "sweet spot" so don't give up. You are only 6 weeks out with one fill. Everyone is different so no one, not even your doctor, can tell you when it will happen, but it will happen.

In my experience reading these boards the 3rd or 4th fill is the "the one" depending on the aggression your doctor uses when it comes to fills. Mine is very conservative, others are more generous. However, when you hit the "sweet spot" you will not even think about food which makes taking it off much more tolerable. Hang in there!!!

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I'm on six weeks post, had one fill and I have NO, restriction!!!! When I ask my Doc. office the reply was "Oh yeah it's going to take several fills!!!!!!! Well HELL, let's get on it, I didn't pay $$$$$$$$ to stay overweight for 6 months or more!!!! Is there anyone out there that is farther along and can tell me at some point I will feel restriction

I'm about 4 1/2 months post op. Preop I'd read this forum and knew that many doctors take 6 months to a year to get their patients to restriction but from reading posts by those who had more aggressive fills, I knew this wasn't necessary. So I pushed my doctor to be aggressive in his fills.

My first fill was 3cc (in a 12cc band) at 4 weeks post op. Two weeks later another 3 cc. Still no restriction so a week later they put in 2. Oops...now I had restriction so tight I couldn't eat solid food so they took 1 cc out a week later. Then 2 weeks later another .5cc put back in and then .5cc a week for the next two weeks. I had .25cc put in 3 weeks ago and it's been a challenge.

I'm still debating whether I'm too full or just still swollen because Friday I was finally ready to give in and get .25cc taken out. Now today, I'm fine. So I may give it another week.

The point is that I started getting at least temporary restriction by the end of 9 weeks and each time it lasted for a week to several weeks. I think this one may last me for awhile.

Push your doctor for more aggressive fills. There's no need to wait 6 months to get restriction.


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I am wondering if everyone is drinking enough Water. It helps me a lot.

i was just thinking the same thing. I do ice tea too. I literally drank about 100oz of ice tea today (to the point where I now can throw up because I'm so full of liquid) but... I'm not hungry. (and I'm trying to flush a cold).

I find that I feel a TON better when I drink alot too...I know it's hard to drink this much (most days I'm lucky to get down 16-20oz) but when I do its amazing!

Hope this helps!

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