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Hello everyone,

I'm new to the boards...and new to the thought of getting the surgery. I'm on the fence - about 98% sure that I will do it but before I am 100% positive, I am going to a local seminar at the hospital next week to have a professional answer my questions and talk about the surgery.

I would also like to hear directly from LAP-BAND® patients. Will you guys answer some questions for me? I think it's best when it comes straight from the one's who have been there.

  1. Can you feel the device once it's in?
  2. Any complications at all? (I know it's different for everyone, but still...)
  3. Ladies: Can you take birth control afterwards? I'm using Yaz right now...will they put me on something different?
  4. Sex: When can you start up again, and is it safe...? ( Not quite sure how to ask that without sounding like a complete idiot! lol...:smile: )
  5. Did you experience a lot of vomiting?
  6. Will you ever be able to eat food?
  7. Right after surgery, what did they give you for nourishment? Followed by a week-to-week deal?
  8. How much weight did you lose within the first month? I know it's slow and healthy weight loss, but do you feel like it goes quickly?
  9. Any change in emotions? (Not hormonal, just all around feeling great - confidence?)

I know this is a lot, and I'm sure I have A LOT more somwhere in this brain of mine...I'm actually really excited and again, I'm 98% there...and to be honest, if they said "We'll take you today!" I'd be there.

Thanks for your help guys! I TRULY appreciate your time!!

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I have just been banded, so some of these questions I will not be able to answer, but here goes:

1) I cannot feel the band. In fact, one of my first posts to this group asked folks when they actually became aware that they had a band, since I don't have any conscious feeling of the device.

2) So far, I have had no complications at all. Now, I have only been banded for 10 days, so it is probably not the best indicator of potential problems, and others have had problems, but so far, so good.

3) Since I am post menopausal, no worries regarding birth control. I am sure others can answer this as can your surgeon, the best person to talk to regarding those type of issues.

4) Sex - I have been told that as soon as I am feeling well enough for it, I can enjoy. I plan on it!

5) I have not experience any vomiting. I had a little nausea on the day of surgery but I think that was due to drinking some broth too fast. Wasn't ready for that. They gave me some meds and that solved the issue. If you read other posts here, you will hear about "PBing" which is a term for Productive Burping, meaning that if you eat too much, too fast or don't chew well enough, you may end up bringing the food back up. It is not the same as vomiting, since does not have stomach acids in it. It is just like spitting things right back up. There are plenty of folks that will tell you that it happens, you deal with it and move on. I haven't had it happen to me yet, as I am still on liquids. I am sure otheres can give you a better idea of the process.

6) Of course you will eat food. What types and how much will change. You will find what foods do not agree with you and will learn to stay away from them but you WILL eat again. Just like a normal person would. THis is not designed to make you a slave to liquids or pre-digested food. It is a toll to help you control the amount of food you eat, if it is working properly.

7) I was given broth (not so great for me), warm tea, clear juice and Water right out of surgery. Everyone is different tho and it depends upon your doctor. For the past 10 days, I have been on a diet of Clear Liquids. Not to lose weight but to allow for healing. Today, I was given permission to move on to muschies - basically, Protein and such that is soft and blended. Again, not to lose weight but to enable me to not be hungry and still heal. In another week, I will move onto soft foods.

8) I have lost 14 pounds in the last 10 days. I do not count anything I lost while being on the pre-op diet, but from the day I was weighed in at surgery to today. I will tell you that I am not so focused on the amount lost at this time, as I simply want to get thru the healing phase and then actually start my new lifestyle, complete with exercise and proper eating. Some folks like a lot of weight lose during this time but for me, it was all about getting off all my meds and moving into a lifestyle that would be more normal for me. I am completely off my diabetic meds and will be off of my high blood pressure meds in 3 months. Success! At least, in my book.

9) I am beginning to be very proud of my choice and very happy that I made this decision. I will admit, at first, like most folks, I wondered if I had made the right decision. But remember, when you are still under the fog of the anesthesia, your emotions are very screwed up. You have to wait to get thru the chemical warp before you can begin to think clearly. Today, as I take my blood sugar counts and realize that they are normal, not because of insulin, but becasue of this choice, I am very happy!

I hope that this has given you some idea of the process. Keep reading this forum and you will get a lot of useful, truthful info. Good luck whatever you decide.


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Can you feel the device once it's in? NO NOT AT ALL

Any complications at all? NONE

Ladies: Can you take birth control afterwards? YES I DO

Sex: When can you start up again, and is it safe...? MY DOCTOR SAID WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE IT BUT NOT IN THE HOSPITAL!!!

Did you experience a lot of vomiting? JUST ONCE WHEN I GOT A PIECE OF pizza STUCK


Right after surgery, what did they give you for nourishment?


How much weight did you lose within the first month? I know it's slow and healthy weight loss, but do you feel like it goes quickly? I LOST ABOUT 9 LBS RIGHT AFTER SURGERY THEN 2 LBS A WEEK SO FAR


Good luck to you! Hope you make the right choice for you.

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Hi there.... I can't speak for all the "more experienced" banders... I have been banded for almost 6 weeks. But I will try and help you with any answers that I can

  1. Can you feel the device once it's in? Not at all, I mean the first few days or so after surgery you do bc it is new to you - now forget it is there at times.
  2. Any complications at all? (I know it's different for everyone, but still...) I haven't had any complications from the surgery.... would gladly do it again... the closest thing I have had is my periods are off now- I guess to to the quick weight loss... dunno?
  3. Ladies: Can you take birth control afterwards? I'm using Yaz right now...will they put me on something different? as far as I know--- yes... but my gyno won't let me take it for other reasons...

Sex: When can you start up again, and is it safe...? ( Not quite sure how to ask that without sounding like a complete idiot! lol. I have heard to wait 4 - 6 weeks, but I would say whenever you feel up to it... just dont get pregnant!

Did you experience a lot of vomiting? no not so much- when I have had an issue, it has been bc I didnt chew well or tried bread...(wouldnt advise that) and I just had my first fill - so I have had a few episodes but now I am fine... and by the way its not like stomach flu vomiting... its more like spiting up kinda thing.. hard to explain

Will you ever be able to eat food? yes you will be able to eat food, I have found that I am actually wanting helthier options of things.... but yes I eat and am satified with the amount I get down... even though I thought for sure that I wouldnt be.

  1. How much weight did you lose within the first month? I know it's slow and healthy weight loss, but do you feel like it goes quickly? around 22 lbs-- I am 5 weeks and 3 days out of surgery and this morning I was down 28 lbs.

  1. Any change in emotions? (Not hormonal, just all around feeling great - confidence?) umm- think that is a personal experience. I find I vary... I will say that for some reason I was more critical of myself than I was before the surgery.... and then sometimes- I am like wow, I feel so much better about myself... to follow by -- wow my stomach is huge... It is an emotional journey I think- for me.... but well worth it so far. I have learned things about myself and get frustrated at times... but overall I am more comfortable in my clothes, feel better, workout everyday (and at times...even enjoy the gym!lol!)

I hope that this has answered some questions- and I am sure there are people alot further along in this journey that can help you more, but I am here if you have any other questions.

Good Luck to you in whatever your plans are... Wish you the best! and if you want my vote-- I would jump on that operating table again in a second.... the recover is not bad at all... in fact, probably the best rest I have taken for myself in 3 years! LOL!

and I am gonna say the "classic" thing I saw said so many times-- the only thing I regret is not doing it sooner!

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Well I'm not a girl so I can't answer all the questions, but I'll answer the ones I can :smile:

Can you feel the device once it's in? I've never actually felt the band itself, but I can feel the port on my side. It doesn't stick out or anything, but I feel it.

Any complications at all? (I know it's different for everyone, but still...) No. I haven't had a single complication.

Did you experience a lot of vomiting? Not once. I mean I drank too much one time and vomited, but not as a cause of the band. I did eat plain bread once and it got stuck and I kind of spit it back up, but that hasn't happened in a long time.

Will you ever be able to eat food? I pretty much eat whatever I want, just a lot less of it. And to be honest I've changed what I like to eat. I eat a lot healthier and I never go out to eat.

Right after surgery, what did they give you for nourishment? I was on an all liquid/broth diet. I had some Jello as well.

Followed by a week-to-week deal? Generally. It slowly goes from all liquid, to kind of liquid, to more solid til you're all the way up to regular food.

How much weight did you lose within the first month? I know it's slow and healthy weight loss, but do you feel like it goes quickly? Well in the first month after surgery I lost about 10 pounds. Once I was able to exercise and eat regular food I started dropping weight even quicker.

Any change in emotions? (Not hormonal, just all around feeling great - confidence?) Oh yeah. I am SO much more confident than I used to be. I can openly talk about my weight now, tell people how much I weight without feeling embarrassed and talk to girls no problem. Not to mention I don't get those looks from strangers anymore. You know what I'm talking about :)

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1. Can you feel the device once it's in?

You can't feel the band around your stomach. However, if you press down, you can feel your port. But it's not like you walk around with this conscious awareness that your band/port are "in there".

2. Any complications at all? (I know it's different for everyone, but still...)

None for me.

3.Ladies: Can you take birth control afterwards? I'm using Yaz right now...will they put me on something different?

I'm too old for that issue, LOL BUT no you don't have to change your BCP. You can swallow small pills almost certainly. I can swallow the one pill I do take (to help me stay asleep) and I have taken Tylenol caplets 2 at a time with no problem.

4. Sex: When can you start up again, and is it safe...?

For me, a week I guess it was. Maybe don't swing from the chandeliers right away....

5. Did you experience a lot of vomiting?

No nausea post-op. Vomiting is bad for your band. The doc should give you a prescription pre-op so you can have it on hand. Nausea and pain meds, actually.

6. Will you ever be able to eat food?

What do you mean, will you "ever be able to eat food"? You'll be on liquids for some short period of time post-op and then mushy food for a little while and then youo literally can eat anything your little heart desires. That doesn't mean you should, of course. Discretion is part of losing weight!

7. Right after surgery, what did they give you for nourishment? Followed by a week-to-week deal?

Post-op was liquids like Protein shakes, broths, Water, sugar free Jello, SF popsicles, etc. For me, it was 10 days. Then mushy foods (for me, again 10 days)....soups, SF pudding, mashed potatoes, grits, refried Beans, that sort of thing. After 7 days of mushy foods I was told to start adding regular food and move forward to a fully "normal" diet as soon as I wanted to. JUST BE SURE TO DRINK 64 OZ. OF WATER!!!! You must stay hydrated. Oh yeah, NO MORE CARBONATED beverages, EVER.

8. How much weight did you lose within the first month? I know it's slow and healthy weight loss, but do you feel like it goes quickly?

I've lost 80 pounds in 8 months. Sometimes, it's slow like 1 or 2 pounds a week and sometimes you might not lose anything, and other weeks can be 3, 5 or even more.

9. Any change in emotions? (Not hormonal, just all around feeling great - confidence?)

duh! You will have more energy (enough to drive the people in your house insane), more desire to go and do because you feel better.

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Thanks! This set of conversations was very helpful! I'm at the same point - looking at surgery in January.

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7. Right after surgery, what did they give you for nourishment? Followed by a week-to-week deal?

Post-op was liquids like Protein shakes, broths, Water, sugar free Jello, SF popsicles, etc. For me, it was 10 days. Then mushy foods (for me, again 10 days)....soups, SF pudding, mashed potatoes, grits, refried Beans, that sort of thing. After 7 days of mushy foods I was told to start adding regular food and move forward to a fully "normal" diet as soon as I wanted to. JUST BE SURE TO DRINK 64 OZ. OF WATER!!!! You must stay hydrated. Oh yeah, NO MORE CARBONATED beverages, EVER.

I don't know if it's just me or what, but I have no problems with sodas or carbonated drinks at all. I tend to avoid them because they're so fattening, but I enjoy a good root beer every now and then with no ill effects. But I agree with the Water. That'll also help with loose skin.

Edited by drew05
Fixed quote tag :)

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I don't know if it's just me or what, but I have no problems with sodas or carbonated drinks at all. I tend to avoid them because they're so fattening, but I enjoy a good root beer every now and then with no ill effects. But I agree with the Water. That'll also help with loose skin.

I believe that we need to avoid carbonated beverages, not because they will be so hard to tolerate, but because the carbonation, over time, can stretch out the small pouch that has been made. And of course, because of the calories in non-diet sodas.

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I believe that we need to avoid carbonated beverages, not because they will be so hard to tolerate, but because the carbonation, over time, can stretch out the small pouch that has been made. And of course, because of the calories in non-diet sodas.

I visited your blog and you are doing so great! Thank you for the encouraging photos! I can't wait to get banded...I have no date yet, but I'm very impatient lol.

Keep up the amazing work!! :frown: :eek:

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I'm on the fence too. This has been very helpful. What I want to know is for those that have had the Lap Band for a couple years, have you gained weight back like the gastro bypass does to most people?

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I visited your blog and you are doing so great! Thank you for the encouraging photos! I can't wait to get banded...I have no date yet, but I'm very impatient lol.

Keep up the amazing work!! :frown: :eek:

Hey thanks for visiting the blog! Sometimes I'm really not sure anyone is reading it, so I'm glad that some people are! :-) And thanks for those nice compliments. I'm trying to break into onederland by Thanksgiving! Are you waiting for insurance approval to schedule your surgery date?

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Hello everyone,

  1. Can you feel the device once it's in? Nope, just when it is doing its job, I feel full faster.

  2. Any complications at all? (I know it's different for everyone, but still...)None so far, almost 15 months out.

  3. Ladies: Can you take birth control afterwards? I'm using Yaz right now...will they put me on something different? Wasn't on birth control before and not now, I had a hysterectomy 6 months after being banded.

  4. Sex: When can you start up again, and is it safe...? ( Not quite sure how to ask that without sounding like a complete idiot! lol...:frown: )As soon as you feel up to it.:eek:

  5. Did you experience a lot of vomiting?I have not vomited at all. I have been stuck a few times and pbed, but it is not vomiting.

  6. Will you ever be able to eat food?I eat real food, every day. I even eat out, I just eat about 1/3 what I did before banding.

  7. Right after surgery, what did they give you for nourishment? Followed by a week-to-week deal?I was on Clear liquids for 5 days, then a few days of full liquids, then moved on to mushies at day 8.

  8. How much weight did you lose within the first month? I know it's slow and healthy weight loss, but do you feel like it goes quickly? I lost about 25 lbs in the first 4 weeks.

  9. Any change in emotions? (Not hormonal, just all around feeling great - confidence?)You said not hormonal, but you may experience that from the amounts of fat loss you experience, since estrogen is stored in our fat. As far as confidence, oh, but yes. I carry myself much different than a year ago. My confidence is much higher. Everyone notices it.

Thanks for your help guys! I TRULY appreciate your time!!

I hope that helps

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  1. Can you feel the device once it's in? I am 2 weeks out and still healing. I dont feel the band but the port is right over my bellybuton and i can feel it.
  2. Any complications at all? (I know it's different for everyone, but still...) once they got in they found i had a hernia, they fixed it but the surgery took a little longer and some extra internal stitches...so when i woke up i did feel pain..but nothing the drugs did not help
  3. Ladies: Can you take birth control afterwards? I'm using Yaz right now...will they put me on something different? I am sure. I already had my kids and had my Tubes tide
  4. Sex: When can you start up again, and is it safe...? ( Not quite sure how to ask that without sounding like a complete idiot! lol...:thumbdown: ) HHmm.. lets just say that it has been 2 weeks and i have not felt sexy,,maybe it is the bandages covering part of my insicions...i still feel swollen
  5. Did you experience a lot of vomiting? no jet.
  6. Will you ever be able to eat food? I just had my 2 weekd post off appt and i was given the go ahead to go on soft foods...i was so happy!!! but i almost overdidi ti. THe liquid diet was hell fo rme, i am not a good drinker of warm/hot liquids and all those sweet Protein Drinks yuck!
  7. Right after surgery, what did they give you for nourishment? Followed by a week-to-week deal? 24 hours of sipping water...once out fo the hospital pure clear liquid diet
  8. How much weight did you lose within the first month? I know it's slow and healthy weight loss, but do you feel like it goes quickly? In the 2 weeks i have lost 10 lbs. I am in no rush, so i am hoping to loose 2 lbs a week
  9. Any change in emotions? (Not hormonal, just all around feeling great - confidence?) YEs, i still dont see much chance so my emotions change to day to day...but i do not regret it.

Whatever decision you make it will be the correct one for yourself. Dont let anyone influence you.

Take care

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Hi All,

Wow, thanks for so much information, I am looking to get banded in November and this was a great set of questions to start with, so thanks.


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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