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Michelle: I'm not at 100%, but getting a little better everyday. Thanks for asking. I am just hoping the prednisone doesn't put a few more pounds on me. I am truly fighting it. I am so glad it is Friday...Just went and saw Whip It. Cute movie. Now, I have to meet up with my 17 year old and a few of her friends for the midnight showing of Paranormal Activity.:thumbup:

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PJTP...Happy Friday, People! :) :) :thumbup: :blink:

Can ya tell I'm in a really good mood? :tt2:

Hun, you are riding that "I am wearing a freaking size 12 Jeans" high. You won't come down off of that high for a while. At least I know I wouldn't.:thumbup: Enjoy it, you certainly deserve it.

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PJTP...Good early morning everyone! :thumbup:

Had a wonderful end-of-the-week - healthy lunches with friends at work which required an extra walk to reach them (bonus!) and went out dancing last night with my hubby after a First Friday concert event. Had a great time - while I don't necessarily recommend this to everyone, I danced the 'Cupid Shuffle' and the 'Cha Cha Slide' back to back at the club in 5-inch spike heels! :-)

Just goes to show what living a good banded life can do for ya! My legs were feeling strong (all the running and walking) and my knees didn't hurt (losing 69 pounds helped) and for me, since I'm a diabetic, no alcohol, but plenty of Protein before (dinner at First Friday show).

Sometimes I wonder why it took a major health challenge for me to wake up and treat my body right...but that's in the past. I am so enjoying my 'normal sized' life (thanks to my band!), and while I would NEVER look down on someone still fightiing their weight (because I'm not at goal yet) I WILL become more of an evangelist regarding living a healthier life, and getting there by using the Lap-Band.

Everyone have a wonderful Saturday - rainy and chilly here in CT, but I've got my brand-new elliptical trainer in my house that's ready for me so I don't miss a workout prior to my Penguin 5k run in two weeks.

Have a wonderful day - going with my daughter and a good friend to New Haven to see "The Cleanup Woman" (musical / play in the Tyler Perry vein) and have dinner after the show.


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Michelle: I'm not at 100%, but getting a little better everyday. Thanks for asking. I am just hoping the prednisone doesn't put a few more pounds on me. I am truly fighting it. I am so glad it is Friday...Just went and saw Whip It. Cute movie. Now, I have to meet up with my 17 year old and a few of her friends for the midnight showing of Paranormal Activity.:thumbup:

Glad you're feeling better. I know how frustrating it is being down for so long.

Prednisone SUCKS!!!! Don't beat yourself up tho IF you do gain. There really isn't a whole lot you can do about it. :thumbup:

How'd the midnight showing go? :blink: Better you than me! LOL!

PJTP...Good early morning everyone! :)

Had a wonderful end-of-the-week - healthy lunches with friends at work which required an extra walk to reach them (bonus!) and went out dancing last night with my hubby after a First Friday concert event. Had a great time - while I don't necessarily recommend this to everyone, I danced the 'Cupid Shuffle' and the 'Cha Cha Slide' back to back at the club in 5-inch spike heels! :-)

Sounds like a wonderful start to the weekend!

Just goes to show what living a good banded life can do for ya! My legs were feeling strong (all the running and walking) and my knees didn't hurt (losing 69 pounds helped) and for me, since I'm a diabetic, no alcohol, but plenty of Protein before (dinner at First Friday show).

Sometimes I wonder why it took a major health challenge for me to wake up and treat my body right...but that's in the past. I am so enjoying my 'normal sized' life (thanks to my band!), and while I would NEVER look down on someone still fightiing their weight (because I'm not at goal yet) I WILL become more of an evangelist regarding living a healthier life, and getting there by using the LAP-BAND®®.

I think a lot us of can ask ourselves why we didn't do this sooner. Whatever the catalyst, whether health or...

Everyone have a wonderful Saturday - rainy and chilly here in CT, but I've got my brand-new elliptical trainer in my house that's ready for me so I don't miss a workout prior to my Penguin 5k run in two weeks.

You go girl, with your 5k! So exciting!

Have a wonderful day - going with my daughter and a good friend to New Haven to see "The Cleanup Woman" (musical / play in the Tyler Perry vein) and have dinner after the show.


Have a great time at the theater!


Got outside this AM and planted some fall veggies. Still need to plant the blueberry bush but I'll need DH's help with that one. Cleaned out the remains of the poor marigolds from their pots. They were so decimated that even the empty, dirt filled pots look better than what was left of the marigolds! Deer usually leave them alone but this time of year, they'll eat anything. Then the squirrels were pulling them up to eat the roots! Good thing they were pretty much done for the year! LOL!

Okay, better get. Battery on the laptop is dying and DD is hungry. Thinking I'm getting some signs that I need to get off the computer for now! LOL!

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How'd the midnight showing go? :smile: Better you than me! LOL!

The movie was creepy, but it didn't scare me. My daughter and her friends, however, were VERY scared. My 17 year old slept in my bed last night/this morning.

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The movie was creepy, but it didn't scare me. My daughter and her friends, however, were VERY scared. My 17 year old slept in my bed last night/this morning.


Were you able to get any sleep? I know when the kiddo is in bed w/me, I don't sleep well. Could be tho that it's b/c she's 3 and besides being a little volcano (HOT!), she's ALL over the place! Or I wake up with curls in my face and I can't breathe! LOL! Or a puppy dog (stuffie) ends up in my back as I turn over or some such thing. Then there's the arms and the FEET!

I sorta woke up sometime this AM to find her climbing in bed w/me. Since I was "awake" I, of course, had to go the the bathroom (sorry!) and when I came back looked at the clock. It was only 1:30!! UGH!! She was already asleep so I just left her there. Happens almost once a week when DH is gone. She misses him and has a hard time sleeping sometimes so I let it go. Not too often but once in awhile is okay.


Headed down the hill tomorrow (Sunday) for the day. Nephew is getting his religious studies merit badge (scouts) at church. Very proud of him. Took him a whole year to do it. Pretty in-depth thing. Afterwards we'll have a family picnic at a near-by park.

Then it'll be home to have dinner at our favorite place before they close for the season that night then home to watch the Steeler game.

Hope y'all have a great Sunday. I'll check in tomorrow night.

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Hi everyone. Spring has well and truly sprung here and I've been taking advantage of the lovely weather to get out into the bushland and do some walking. These pics are from an afternoon at a place called Churchman's Brook, which is in the hills just on the outskirts of the suburbs:

Churchman's Brook

I'm working on a set of photos that I took today, from my 6km walk around the little lake in my suburb. I was amazed at the number of birds and wildflowers everywhere. Got some great pics - will post soon!

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Michelle: I slept like a log. We have a king-sized bed, and my husband loves when she sleeps with us, because I sleep in the middle and have to be up against him. When it is just us, I don't sleep that close to him. I love him, but in the bed, I like my space. Have fun at the picnic today!

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I go away for 2 weeks, and everything changes! Thanks for the assorted messages.

I has a wonderful holiday/business trip - but got ZIP, nada, rien, NO exercise at all. And ate alot and drank more...so much for the size 8's; back to the 10's for a while I think! It is amazing/annoying/depressing how quickly I can revert to an old unhealthy lifestyle.:(:sad::smile:

So...PJTP - It's Tuesday, huh? Wow...time flies. I had this weird dream that I was gone for, like, a week something. Wow. Shaking that off...


***Major NSV Alert***

I tried on several pairs of women's jeans, and the best fit was a size - are you ready for it - 12!:wink2::w00t::w00t:

Going to go put them on and try them over my cowboy boots - gotta make sure they fit over the boots, ya know! Next time my DH wants to go line dancing, I've got the perfect pair of jeans to wear! :thumbup:

That is FANTASTIC!!! Congratulations! Yahoo!!!

I am sitting here sipping my coffee thinking that my body still doesn't want to run today. I am going to try it anyway, but I really don't want to.

I'm here sipping my coffee thinking that anyone who would want to run is beyond my comprehension!

Ran my 3-mile course this morning - only walked 2 blocks, so I'm getting stronger and still loving the c25k.

NSV - Put on a size 16W dress this morning and it fits beautifully! I look skinny - for goodness sake - I NEVER thought of myself that way.

I was so discombobulated this morning after how well the dress fit that I totally FORGOT jewelry...that is so NOT me, but oh well...

Ran 3 miles - unbelievable! That's just wonderful!

Hi everyone!! So here you are! I was wondering where everyone went... Thanks for the link, Heartfire :)

I'm doing well. The fill is REALLY tight but, so far, that's a good thing. Lost a whole kilo already! It feels so good to see the scale moving again. I just have to be really careful with going back to basics on the rules.

The countdown to your PS is on, Fanny. You must be getting really excited!

Well, it is yet another cool raining day here...I need to go outside and start putting away patio furniture etc before the snow comes, but I REALLY hate to do it. Today I just want to spend doing laundry and maybe doing some baking..it's beginning the hibernation season!!


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Takiing a short break before I return to writing my final paper for my Humanities class...

Had a wonderful weekend - the play and dinner in New Haven was wonderful - funny, I got to spend time with my DD and one of my BFF's, and had a great time.

Brought home 2/3rds of my dinner - a heavenly Risotto with sun-dried tomatoes and broccoli - YUM! There's enough for two lunches this week, along with the steak I broiled today for dinner...

Am going to make Italian Herb chicken in the crock pot tomorrow, so there will be additional leftovers to use the rest of the week - I'm getting the hibernation feeling too - wanting to cook more, and cook 'comfort food'...

Had a wonderful potato Soup on Friday - will be looking for a recipe for that one - and I also love chili when it gets cooler.

Penguin 5k in two weeks - I think I'm ready, but I can always get better. Was told by one of my church 'elders' - one of our senior members - that I've lost enough weight. I said "Thank you for the compliment, I really appreciate that" and she responded "I don't want you to appreciate it, I want you to LISTEN!" :(

Only this particular lady (in her late 80's, a real firebrand, feisty as all get out, though her step is getting a bit slower) could get away with that, with me...I love and respect her so much...and I've heard that so much from family and friends lately that I've reset my goal to 175 lbs (instead of the original 155). My losses have come much slower and much tougher lately, which may be my body's way of telling me I'm near my goal as well. I'll see how I feel at 175 and use that as a stopping point. If - no WHEN - I get there, I'll evaluate how I'm feeling.

At that weight, I will have lost 90 lbs - and I'm shooting for it to be gone by my bandiversary on November 17th. That would be the coolest! :smile:

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Hi everyone. Spring has well and truly sprung here and I've been taking advantage of the lovely weather to get out into the bushland and do some walking.

Fanny, absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love it when you post your pics. I still think you should go pro! Either selling your prints or taking them for people to sell back to them!

I love him, but in the bed, I like my space. Have fun at the picnic today!

LOL! I'm totally the same way. MUST. HAVE. MY. SPACE!!! LOL! We only have a queen right now. Only get my space when DH is gone and DD stays in her own bed!

Picnic was good. DD and I headed to the family stuff on our own today. Will be on our own all week. DH was supposed to come home today but at 4:30AM got a phone call sending them 6hrs south to a fire. He'll be gone all week. :thumbup: Tis the season!

I go away for 2 weeks, and everything changes! Thanks for the assorted messages.

I has a wonderful holiday/business trip - but got ZIP, nada, rien, NO exercise at all.

Well, it is yet another cool raining day here...

Tap is back! WhooHoo!!! Glad you had a wonderful time! Sorry about the excess. It doesn't take much at ALL for me to revert to the old, bad habits. Constant struggle.

Woke up to rain this AM too! Snow higher up. :smile:

Only this particular lady (in her late 80's, a real firebrand, feisty as all get out, though her step is getting a bit slower) could get away with that, with me...I love and respect her so much...

LOL! There is ALWAYS one!

I think you make a good point if you are hearing "it" from EVERYONE, then maybe it is time to re-assess your goals. And certainly no reason you can't re-assess again when you get there. I'll probably be doing some of that as I get closer too.


Had a nice time in town with the family but always glad to get home. Good thing I get along w/the ILs!! Tho the BIL's wife could go away and I'd be happy. Nothing horrible about her except she's just a PITA! LOL!

MIL is so excited b/c DH and I want to start preserving/canning food, neither of us have done it before. Well, she's got TONS of jars, some from HER grandmother, books, a GLASS funnel, etc. Anyway, she's boxed all of it up and they'll be bringing in up in a week or two. She has always enjoyed doing it but she works and just doesn't have the time or energy anymore. She's happy to pass it on to us.

Oh and when I say a ton of jars, she told DH she has a good 10-12 DOZEN!!!! :wink2: Where we're going to put all of those jars, I have NO idea!!! :(

As I mentioned earlier, DH was supposed to come home this AM but got sent to a fire instead. :wink2: Always worry about him and miss him when he's gone. DD has a hard time w/it too and tends to act out more b/c of it. Hopefully I can keep us on an even-keel this week.

Thinking of heading back down to town later in the week to do some clothes shopping for DD. She needs her winter stuff. Making a list of exactly what she needs so I don't get carried away or forget something important! She's growing so fast I'm not shopping too far in advance and it got cold all of a sudden so she doesn't have everything she needs.

We were in the high 90s/low 100s last week, today we didn't make it out of the 40s!!!

Have a fire in the woodstove right now. LOVE this time of year!!

UGH! Tired! Off to bed soon. 'Night!!!

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Morning all!

Heart - I used to do a lot of canning, preserving. Now, I don't do as much, but still manage to fill a few dozen bottles each fall. So far this year I've made the applesauce (in the marathon before I left), and am hoping that this coming weekend I may start making some other seasonal things.

Ebony - A penguin 5K - that sounds like something that should be happening where I live...but good luck on it. Maybe my new years resolution for 2010 could be to try the couchto5k....but who am I kidding - I don't like to run!

As for your weight loss - Goals are not absolutes - they are things we establish in advance and then reassess constantly. Just keep going until you decide 'that's it'.

Fanny - your pics are fabulous. I agree with Heart - there is money in that talent you have.

NEWS: My first step-grandchild was born! He came into the world late and by C-section. They live a few hours away, so we don't know when we will get in to see the boy, but I'm sure it will be soon.:frown::w00t:

Time to get moving - work awaits - and after 2 weeks away, I'll have email up the ying-yang! Catch you later...

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Thanks everyone. It's not really talent though - it's hard to take a bad pic when the subject matter is so pretty. I do love doing it though. Just love spring time - my favourite season without doubt! I find our bushland, birds and flowers just endlessly fascinating. Hope I don't bore you guys with it all.

If anyone is interested, I posted the Bibra Lake pics in the old PJTP thread, coz I wasn't quite sure where everyone is looking. I can repost here if people don't want to go back to that thread. There are some really gorgeous ones of the black swans with their cygnets and quite a few others that I'm rather proud of...

Edited by Fanny Adams

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Hi, TAP!!!! :frown:

Had a great weekend in Dallas w/Lu & KC. Great times...

For the foodies: We tried a bunch of the fried stuff. Mainly we would take a bite and then toss.

Fried butter - YUCK. They should rename it to fried Petroleum Jelly.

Fried Cookie Dough - Oh, WOW...so good. But, I have a sweet tooth and could have sucked the whole thing down.

Fried Oreo - eh. Fried Peanut Butter cup macaroon - ick. Worse than the butter, IMO.

All in all - I had more fun taking pictures of the fried food signs than actually eating it.

Back to the grind today, sipping on coffee and Water and trying to be good...and not think of cookie dough.

Up 4 pounds - and I'm surprised my ring still fits.

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Hi everyone. I can't tell you how excited I am to see Tap back! It seems like Tap has been gone for months instead of weeks!

Glou-I would love to see some pics! I know that you all had a wonderful time. That much had to be a given.

I am sitting here procrastinating. I am working alone (not normal). All is quiet, but I am not accomplishing anything. I can't say that I have even tried really hard. I had better get because the day will be over before I know it. Have a great day!

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