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Taps-----this former DIL, is a crazy situation! DS met her when she was seeing someone else, when she ended up pregnant the boyfriend vanished. Against our strongly worded advice, he stepped in, was there when the baby was born, brought him to us and ask us to treat him like he was his----we still do. They got married, a year or so later, she was pregnant again, and guess who shows up....Daddy #1. So she ends up leaving DS and going back to him. That means Daddy #2 raised baby #1 and Daddy #1 raised baby #2 which is our biological granddaughter---just backwards! Our DS and she divorced, and eventually she divorced the other guy as well (who my DS now works with quite well in helping raise the kids to be loved by everyone.) Then she had another baby, with a Goth dressing mortician (DEAD ---yeah lol, serious!) so she has a second son. THEN she decided she is gay. So she has a live in girlfriend. Who yes the kids said would eat their candy. My son is extremely unhappy about it, but the judge said he needed to look beyond what society has always deemed normal, and just try to help his daughter be happy......yeah!

Her parents are nice people, and I think they have the kids a LOT of the time, all 3 of them. When we get the kids we get the 2 oldest 2----we spent years with the oldest in our hearts as a grandson, and he will always be ours, she is very good about letting us have them both. I know it wears me out with just them! They are 7 & 8 then add in a 2-3 year old and I am sure they are exhausted both working full time, and then having the kids as much as it sounds like they do. But she is unwilling to allow the Dads more time....as is the court system.

I think they just did not want to go out in the cold, so made the kids stay home and hand out candy rather than trick or treat. Last year the other Dad had them, and he brought them over....so maybe next year.

Sounds like a soap opera now doesn't it!!! You should have lived it---was not pretty! She went to jail one night for biting the hell out of my son! It was always something.

Now I could go on, and tell you about my sons birth Mom who is truly certifiable!!! As in, has spent many years locked up in mental institutions......life is such fun!!!! She got in the middle of the DS's divorce once.

Man I am so glad that is all behind us!!! LOL I like my life nice and boring again!!

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Hello everyone! Hugs to you all. My DD came over at 8:00pm and informed me she is staying with me for a few days. So she brought her laptop and her hubby hooked up an x-box for me. I start chemo tomorrow. I heve 4 meds to take at home. Then there is a coctail of 5 meds for my chemo. 1 good thing about chemo, I won't have to shave or pluck anymore! Yay!

I want to thank you all again. I love my LB family so much.

Kat, with all you have been through no wonder you are so wise. It is good that your DS and the other father thinks more of the children and thier happiness than the pettiness that could be there. That shows true men.

I will get on tomorrow and up date ya'll.

Love ya and have a blessed night.:thumbup:

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Hello everyone! Hugs to you all. My DD came over at 8:00pm and informed me she is staying with me for a few days. So she brought her laptop and her hubby hooked up an x-box for me. I start chemo tomorrow. I heve 4 meds to take at home. Then there is a coctail of 5 meds for my chemo. 1 good thing about chemo, I won't have to shave or pluck anymore! Yay!

I want to thank you all again. I love my LB family so much.

Kat, with all you have been through no wonder you are so wise. It is good that your DS and the other father thinks more of the children and thier happiness than the pettiness that could be there. That shows true men.

I will get on tomorrow and up date ya'll.

Love ya and have a blessed night.:thumbup:

You have all our best wishes and prayers, Paula. Beat the crap outta that cancer, lol!!

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So taps you don't care for people who dress their dogs up like bumble bees? (laughing so hard it hurts, my friend did this to his poor pug)

Poor little dog....

Temp hit 40 degrees - at the max yesterday...

Bristlecone, don't even get me started on the candy! I did GREAT! Til yesterday when we went to the store and it was all 1/2 off Bought a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter cups and DH got a bag of crunch bars! :thumbup: :cursing: :tt2:

He asked me if b/c of the band have I just said to hell with it and even tho I'm eating less, expecting the band to make me lose weight even tho I'm not eating RIGHT? I actually think he might be right! :eek: Thinking that b/c I can eat LESS, I can eat WHATEVER, healthy or not. Using the excuse of more Protein to eat a lot of cheese for example.

I'm starting to think that I'm unconsciously sabotaging myself. I had decided that after surgery I was no longer on a diet. Think I need to get my head on straight and get back to basics. Gonna be hard tho.

DD seems to be feeling better. .

Glad to hear about DH.

I can SO relate to the eat less/not a diet therefore eating sensibly disappears. Having my own struggles with that!

I strongly dispute that.

Am too, am too, am too!

My DSD is doing a little better. Her husband has taken a three week leave to help until they can try to get her pain regulated. We will be going this weekend to see them, so I will know more then.

Glad to hear.

Sounds like a soap opera now doesn't it!!! You should have lived it---was not pretty!

Man I am so glad that is all behind us!!! LOL I like my life nice and boring again!!

WOW! Just... WOW!

Hello everyone! Hugs to you all. I start chemo tomorrow. I heve 4 meds to take at home. Then there is a coctail of 5 meds for my chemo. 1 good thing about chemo, I won't have to shave or pluck anymore! Yay!

It is good that your DS and the other father thinks more of the children and thier happiness than the pettiness that could be there. That shows true men.

I will get on tomorrow and up date ya'll.

Take care, G4E!! We're rooting for you!

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Random drive-by post....What do you call a 'Charlie Horse' that happens on the front of your let? Why does one get them? and most important - how the hell do I get the muscle to relax....Ithe freakin spasm woke me up, I can barely walk and it HURTS!!:thumbup::crying:

Tap hobbles back to bed.....

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At least you hope that was a Water pistol, right?!?


I strongly dispute that.

Hah! You would! LOL!!

You have to leave them some dignity, lol.

Totally agree with that! Never understood dressing up the critters! We do have seasonal kerchiefs for DDog to wear that our vet's office gave us but 99% of the time we forget about them! Poor dogs!

Michelle: yes, my name is Cindy. My DSD is doing a little better. Her husband has taken a three week leave to help until they can try to get her pain regulated. We will be going this weekend to see them, so I will know more then.

Oh thank goodness! I thought I was losing it, always wanting to call you Cindy! Whew!

Glad she's doing better. Good news w/her DH. Does that mean he's handling/dealing better? I sure hope so. She really needs his support!

I hope y'all have a wonderful visit. I know it will be hard b/c of her diagnosis but I hope it's good all the same. I'm sure it will help you 2 seeing her.

Then she had another baby, with a Goth dressing mortician (DEAD ---yeah lol, serious!) so she has a second son.

:tt2: So does that mean the HE dressed GOTH or did he dress his, ummm, dead as GOTH?! :eek:

Sounds like a soap opera now doesn't it!!!

WOW! She is nuts!

Man I am so glad that is all behind us!!! LOL I like my life nice and boring again!!

I like nice and boring too. I so hate drama!!!

Hello everyone! Hugs to you all.

Paula! So glad you checked in! Nice to hear that DD is going to stay with you. I hope all goes well. Glad you can see the positive amongst all of this! LOL! Lots of continued hugs and prayers!!!

You have all our best wishes and prayers, Paula. Beat the crap outta that cancer, lol!!

What he said!

I can SO relate to the eat less/not a diet therefore eating sensibly disappears. Having my own struggles with that!

Sounds awful b/c I don't wish struggles on anyone but I am so glad that I'm not the only one! :thumbup: Now we just gotta figure out how to fix it!

Random drive-by post....What do you call a 'Charlie Horse' that happens on the front of your let? Why does one get them? and most important - how the hell do I get the muscle to relax....Ithe freakin spasm woke me up, I can barely walk and it HURTS!!:cursing::crying:

Tap hobbles back to bed.....

Oh no!! I swear by Therma-Care (or store brand) heat wraps. If you don't have any on hand (I tend to b/c of my bad shoulder/neck) use a hot water bottle and maybe that will help. Do you have any tylenol or anything? Maybe that would help take the edge off. Oh and I think it's called a "shin splint" but I'm not sure.

Oh (again) and I think muscle cramps are from a lack of Water and potassium. Might have to WebMD that one.


Made a new recipe tonight. Persimmon Muffins! Yummy! One was almost too much for me too eat but DD and DH inhaled theirs! This one's a keeper. Love when a new recipe works out!

DD won't be going to school tomorrow. She's still a little too sick. She has an appt w/her ped for a check up and she'll get the H1N1 shot while we're there. She needs to get well and then stay well til that appt. :eek:

Having some side effects from the Prozac. I took it this AM and was fine til late afternoon/evening. I'm going to try moving the dose to the afternoon and see when the effects start again, if they do. I'm hoping it will be about the time I'm heading to bed so I'll just sleep thru it. We'll see.

Well, I'm going to finish watching Alaska State Troopers then head to bed. Goodnight!

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I am so glad that I'm not the only one! :thumbup: Now we just gotta figure out how to fix it!

I think it's called a "shin splint" but I'm not sure.Oh (again) and I think muscle cramps are from a lack of Water and potassium. Might have to WebMD that one.

Made a new recipe tonight. Persimmon Muffins!

DD won't be going to school tomorrow. She's still a little too sick. She has an appt w/her ped for a check up and she'll get the H1N1 shot while we're there. She needs to get well and then stay well til that appt. :cursing:

Having some side effects from the Prozac. I took it this AM and was fine til late afternoon/evening. I'm going to try moving the dose to the afternoon and see when the effects start again, if they do. I'm hoping it will be about the time I'm heading to bed so I'll just sleep thru it!

Morning Heart!

Seems odd it would be shin splints, but having never had them before, what do I know?? For some reason I think of them as constant pain or burning rather than a 'wake me from a dead sleep cramp with my toes pointing up and unable to return to a flat position' phenomenon. Potassium and Water are not a problem for me - I drink a minimum of 3 liters of water a day - usually 4, and have a banana a day. Oh well, maybe it is just my body rebelling at aging! And because I couldn't get back to sleep after my leg spasms, now I'm exhausted..

Would like your persimmon muffin recip, pls.

Glad to hear that DD is going to get her shots - but I bet she isn't - OWW!!

Are you supposed to be adjusting the time of the Prozac? Sometimes docs get a little sensitive about that...

OK - the snow has stopped, the temp is up to 38 degrees.

I went to the Y - that's my 4X/week standard...any more is bonus!

Hope everyone is having a good day;

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LOL Michelle~~ No the 3rd Daddy DRESSED himself in what I referred to as Goth fashion. I was corrected he is Emo, not Goth.

He is Navajo Indian, so dark skinned, black hair, dark eyes. He wears all black, skinny tight, tight black jeans, and fitted shirts, with black hoodies over, every time I have seen him he has high top black converse shoes on, his hair hangs over one eye completely blocking you seeing it, and is fringed over the other eye. He wears black make up and nail polish. And he is little! Soaking wet I bet he is 135 pounds! The former DIL is NOT little! She is taller than I am and I am 5'9", and she is well over 240 pounds. She does not look fat, she is hefty, but just big. And she is beautiful! She is one of the most strikingly pretty women I have ever seen. My son was the only "Daddy" who was not little. The other guy she married, was about 5'5" but he was a body builder, and buffed out. All 3 guys are amazingly different, and now they have all been replaced by a woman of similar size to her, although shorter, of Navajo descent. Both are quite manly in their appearance. When I see her she seems happy, the kids overall seem to be. We of course have issues with different things, Halloween being one of them, but that is so in every divorce/custody situation. So.......anyway, no I do not think he dresses the bodies in any manner, it is my understanding he embalms and does that sort of thing.

Still weighing things in my mind with my job. Time is of the essence.....

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Morning Heart!

Seems odd it would be shin splints, but having never had them before, what do I know?? For some reason I think of them as constant pain or burning rather than a 'wake me from a dead sleep cramp with my toes pointing up and unable to return to a flat position' phenomenon. Potassium and Water are not a problem for me - I drink a minimum of 3 liters of Water a day - usually 4, and have a banana a day. Oh well, maybe it is just my body rebelling at aging! And because I couldn't get back to sleep after my leg spasms, now I'm exhausted..

Would like your persimmon muffin recip, pls.

Glad to hear that DD is going to get her shots - but I bet she isn't - OWW!!

Are you supposed to be adjusting the time of the Prozac? Sometimes docs get a little sensitive about that...

OK - the snow has stopped, the temp is up to 38 degrees.

I went to the Y - that's my 4X/week standard...any more is bonus!

Hope everyone is having a good day;


I looked up muscle cramps/shin splints and that doesn't sound like what you have. It actually sounds like restless leg syndrome. Get on WebMD and see if that sounds more like what you're doing. There are meds for that.

Oh and it's magnesium for cramps! I really should just keep my mouth shut unless/until I know FOR SURE! LOL!!

I'll post the muffin recipe by itself below.

DD is NOT going to be happy about getting yet ANOTHER flu shot. I forgot how much they hurt!

Doc didn't say WHEN to take the prozac. I'm going to be adjusting the time by degrees. I'll take it this afternoon and see how it goes, then move it to evenings, then nights depending on how it makes me feel.

You have snow?! Wish we did!

Good job on getting to the Y. Still not walking myself. Need to get off my butt. Just haven't felt like it lately.

LOL Michelle~~ No the 3rd Daddy DRESSED himself in what I referred to as Goth fashion. I was corrected he is Emo, not Goth.

LOL! I figured he was dressing himself and not his... clients. WHAT do you call them????!!!

Have NO idea what EMO is. I thought you said ELMO at first! I need to slw down when I'm reading posts! LOL!

Your ex-DIL sure is a strange one. I am so glad that the kids all seem happy and healthy tho! THAT is the most important thing!

And I still think you should just quit in a blazing exit of glory. In front of a full waiting room! LOL!!!! :tt2: I am NO help at all! :thumbup:


Finally started a load of laundry and have another load in the basket ready to go downstairs. I've only been TALKING about it for 2 days now!!! LOL!

DH is outside with the chainsaw working on some downed oak trees. I'll be checking on him periodically to make sure he's okay.

We'll head into the forest tomorrow for another load of cedar and maybe pine. Still need at least another cord of wood. Hopefully 2 but we're fast running out of time. Only have til the 30th if the weather holds.

It was HOT yesterday and today we dropped about 20 degrees and it's cloudy! THIS is November weather! Not that garbage we've had for the last week! :cursing:

I hope y'all have a great day! BBL!

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Persimmon Muffins

Adapted from napafarmhouse1885.blogspot.com

Dry Ingredients:

1 1/2 cups unbleached flour (I used Whole Wheat)

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. Kosher salt

1 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp. nutmeg

1/4 tsp. ground cloves

1/4 tsp. ground ginger

Wet Ingredients:

2 lg eggs

1 cup persimmon puree

1/3 cup canola oil (I used a 1/3 measuring cup and poured some applesauce in to at least half (little more than) and topped off w/the oil. Cuts the calories and oil but still moist using the applesauce.)

1 1/4 cup brown sugar


1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

2 Tbls. brown sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line muffin tin w/paper liners. In a small bowl whisk together Dry Ingredients. In a mixing bowl w/an electric mixer, beat eggs for 30 seconds, add remaining Wet Ingredients; beat until thoroughly combined. Stir in Dry Ingredients and mix until just combined. Pour into prepared muffin tin, til 3/4 full. In a separate bowl mix Topping together; sprinkle mixture evenly over each muffin. Bake 25-30 minutes or til toothpick inserted in middle comes out clean. Place pan on cooling rack until muffins are warm and them remove from pan. Makes 8-12 muffins.

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Hello everyone. I pray you are all doing good.

Well I had my first chemo treatment today. I have another one tomorrow. It was interesting. They lost my files after an hr. they called me back and they continued to hunt. They finally had the Dr.'s office fax them back over. Then they had trouble finding the port with the needle. Push, push, poke, push, shove, twist, not happening. She gets a larger needle and does it all over again. Then she gets someone else, thisnone doesn't poke me because she didn't take the needle out. Twist, twist, shove, I think it's in. No blood verreturn, but saline IV drip is dripping. Dr. says no that I am going to the hospital to have it checked under fluro. Thank God he did. The hospital places needle in proper place. Now mind you of the part I left out, My DS had left to go visit her husband in the nursing home before they started to try to access my port. So I had no way to the hospital. So CCI called a cab. I'm thinking who is paying for this, I am broke. But they paid for the trip. Cute cab driver, very freindly. Maybe I need a cab for tomorrow:rolleyes2::smile2:. He is divorced with a 16 yr. old daughter. Name is Todd. My DD asked me how I ended up with so much info and I said he offered it up. Any way I call the CCI and told them I was done. By this time my DS was back at CCI. So she came and picked me up. Got part of the treatment today and the rest tomorrow.

Also my youngest dear grandson and dear granddaughter have chicken pox.:frown: I have never had them.:thumbup: I was around them Tues. My life is so full of drama! One day it will settle down.

Love ya'll and thank you again.:smile:

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Stopping in with a quick update. Had a heart to heart with the Dr. told him I was planning on leaving. He told me to take my week in Texas and think about it. The way I see it, I have nothing to lose, if I come back, and anything changes GREAT!!! If not, I won't stay, and if the OM gets pissy and fires me, I will draw unemployment......

So bottom line is I am leaving tomorrow to go to TX. I will not have internet access! Yikes!!!!

Our place is 14 miles from the nearest small town, and we don't keep all utilities going year round, so we have basics--water & lights!!! LOL no phone, no TV. Living in luxury let me tell you!!! LOL.

We have the DVD player, and we have lots to do, so it will all be ok. We will be back in just over a week.

Someone keep a running update of highlights for me!!! LOL

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Hello everyone. I pray you are all doing good.

Well I had my first chemo treatment today. I have another one tomorrow. It was interesting. They lost my files after an hr. they called me back and they continued to hunt. They finally had the Dr.'s office fax them back over. Then they had trouble finding the port with the needle. Push, push, poke, push, shove, twist, not happening. She gets a larger needle and does it all over again. Then she gets someone else, thisnone doesn't poke me because she didn't take the needle out. Twist, twist, shove, I think it's in. No blood verreturn, but saline IV drip is dripping. Dr. says no that I am going to the hospital to have it checked under fluro. Thank God he did. The hospital places needle in proper place. Now mind you of the part I left out, My DS had left to go visit her husband in the nursing home before they started to try to access my port. So I had no way to the hospital. So CCI called a cab. I'm thinking who is paying for this, I am broke. But they paid for the trip. Cute cab driver, very freindly. Maybe I need a cab for tomorrow:rolleyes2::smile2:. He is divorced with a 16 yr. old daughter. Name is Todd. My DD asked me how I ended up with so much info and I said he offered it up. Any way I call the CCI and told them I was done. By this time my DS was back at CCI. So she came and picked me up. Got part of the treatment today and the rest tomorrow.

Also my youngest dear grandson and dear granddaughter have chicken pox.:frown: I have never had them.:thumbup: I was around them Tues. My life is so full of drama! One day it will settle down.

Love ya'll and thank you again.:lol:

Paula, you definitely have your share of drama! Sure hope you don't get chicken Pox on top of this too!

Well, at least the cab driver was a nice benefit to the chaos at the office! LOL!

Hope they've got everything figured out for tomorrow for you!

Stopping in with a quick update. Had a heart to heart with the Dr. told him I was planning on leaving. He told me to take my week in Texas and think about it. The way I see it, I have nothing to lose, if I come back, and anything changes GREAT!!! If not, I won't stay, and if the OM gets pissy and fires me, I will draw unemployment......

So bottom line is I am leaving tomorrow to go to TX. I will not have internet access! Yikes!!!!

Our place is 14 miles from the nearest small town, and we don't keep all utilities going year round, so we have basics--water & lights!!! LOL no phone, no TV. Living in luxury let me tell you!!! LOL.

We have the DVD player, and we have lots to do, so it will all be ok. We will be back in just over a week.

Someone keep a running update of highlights for me!!! LOL

Kat, I'm glad you had a good talk w/the doc. He needs to know that you're unhappy and why. I am really glad you are going to Texas after all. I think it will be good for you. And I think the down-time from the electronics will be good too. Get back to basics. Sounds like heaven to me, actually! Even the hard work! Yes, I know, I'm weird!


DH got lots done outside. He had time to clean up some areas that he's been working on since we moved in. Looks good. He was even able to get the resulting burn pile, burned!

I am very proud. I got 2 loads of laundry completely DONE! LOL!! Big accomplishment for me. I can never get one load done, let alone TWO!!! :smile:

Took my prozac this afternoon and not feeling any side effects yet. Depending on how I do tonight, this may be what I need to do for myself. May need to end up moving it to around dinner-time tho. I'm gone a lot in the afternoons and don't want to be missing my doses. I'll get it figured out.

Other than the remnants of my cold, I'm actually feeling pretty good. I can't believe there would be changes so quickly. Depo is still in my system and I can't imagine the Prozac working so fast. Who knows, maybe it's just the knowledge of not being on the Depo anymore!

Off to go woodcutting tomorrow so don't know if I'll be checking in at all or it will be late. Have a great Friday and a great night!

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Good morning everyone. I pray all is well.

Kat enjoy your trip and be safe. I agree with Michelle about down time and working around the place. This will give you the chance to figure out about the job sisuation also.

Thanks Michelle. I figure I should have some sort of immunity built up against the chickenpox after all these years and children I have been around when they had them. I'm a tough ole buzzard!:smile2: This face is what I think about all the crap satan is heaping on me.

I am hoping thinds go better today.

Have a blessed day everyone.:thumbup:

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Morning all!

G4E - Keeping the prayers and good thoughts going. I hope you don't get the pox too; have you advised the medical team of the situation?

Kat - enjoy your trip to Texas...and the downtime from electronics!

Heart - glad to hear you are feeling better (who cares whether it is drug effects or mind processes).

Headed out for a fill today - 2+ hour drive there, and anothe back - lots of time to sing at the top of my lungs with no one saying 'shh'! :thumbup::w00t:I'm hoping this fill helps me control the ravenous beast - 'cause it is working with me doing it alone! :smile2:

I'll check in later this evening....

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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