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Has anyone dealt with the Kane Center or Alexian Brothers Hospital ?

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Kris, I have apnea and currently use a CPAP so I am not required to have a sleep study. It sounds like you and I are on just about the same schedule. It is funny though, I haven't been asked to have any other testing done yet. They just told me to go for the 3 months. Oh well, I am sure they will let me know what I need to do. Are you going to their place in Elgin for your diet? That is where I went. I figured they know exactly what is needed for the paperwork.

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I am actually not going to there place in Elgin. Mainly becasue they do not except BCBS PPO. Plus I wasn't to sure about having to go to a psych. everytime you went to see the nutritionist.

I think I actually jumped the gun on going for the sleep apnea test. I went to the first consultation and Dr. Guske made it seem like the test was imparative. So I made sure to do it right away. However, it turns out I didn't need to do it until probably during my third month.

I will just be going to see my normal doctor for the three month diet. They told me to call back after my second month to get things going with the psych. eval, pulmanary, and so on. So I suppose I am in limbo at the moment!

Yes I do beleive we are on the same scheduale it looks like! That's comforting! Sorry to talk to your ear off, it's just nice to talk to someone who is literally going to/through everything I am.

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I am actually not going to there place in Elgin. Mainly becasue they do not except BCBS PPO. Plus I wasn't to sure about having to go to a psych. everytime you went to see the nutritionist.

I think I actually jumped the gun on going for the sleep apnea test. I went to the first consultation and Dr. Guske made it seem like the test was imparative. So I made sure to do it right away. However, it turns out I didn't need to do it until probably during my third month.

I will just be going to see my normal doctor for the three month diet. They told me to call back after my second month to get things going with the psych. eval, pulmanary, and so on. So I suppose I am in limbo at the moment!

Yes I do beleive we are on the same scheduale it looks like! That's comforting! Sorry to talk to your ear off, it's just nice to talk to someone who is literally going to/through everything I am.

I have BCBS PPO too and my husband had BCBS federal. My ins requires 3 months, his doesn't but because it is secondary ins they told my I would have to do the requirements of mine. I am not positive, but from what they told me today, the only thing ins does not cover is the nutritionist. They will pay the doctor and the psych. I will let you know when I get the EOB from the ins. Actually, I have never seen a nutritionist and with diabetes it might be a good thing. They psych thing went ok too. Maybe I will learn something about why I can lose weight but am unable to keep it off.

Is your primary doctor ok with the band? Mine had a fit. She doesn't believe in WLS. I don't know what to think about that.:(

Don't worry about talking my head off. It is great to have someone to talk to who is at the same place at the same time. I have been reading the message boards since I went for the seminar to try to get a good handle on what to expect. I will admit, I am a bit fearful. Some days I am ready to go and on others my confidance is shaken. I wish I was more positive all the time.

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I know that the nutritionist is covered if you have diabetes. That is mainly why I will not be going there because I do not have that.

I'm not quite sure what my primary doctor thinks I suppose! Ha! I suppose I will find out Thursday. As for what she may think. I suppose I will take it with a grain of salt. My mind is already made up people can agree to disagree I suppose.

That is unfortunite that more often then not you are not excited for the anticipation of starting a new life. I'm not sure what age you are at. But I do know that I am just elated with the idea of everything a "new life" will have to offer me. Just the thought of wondering if going to try on clothes will make me cry this weekend or perhaps the next. Not wanting to go out with my husbands friends because I'm afraid what there wives will say behind my back. but Mainly for myself. I simply want to be happy, I know the only obstacle in my life is my weight. It is making me very unhappy, I know I do not and will not live like this much longer. So it was either do something about it or just let it conquer me. and so here we are. But you do have to do it for you. Are you afraid of the surgery party? The lifetime commitment?

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I know that the nutritionist is covered if you have diabetes. That is mainly why I will not be going there because I do not have that.

I'm not quite sure what my primary doctor thinks I suppose! Ha! I suppose I will find out Thursday. As for what she may think. I suppose I will take it with a grain of salt. My mind is already made up people can agree to disagree I suppose.

That is unfortunite that more often then not you are not excited for the anticipation of starting a new life. I'm not sure what age you are at. But I do know that I am just elated with the idea of everything a "new life" will have to offer me. Just the thought of wondering if going to try on clothes will make me cry this weekend or perhaps the next. Not wanting to go out with my husbands friends because I'm afraid what there wives will say behind my back. but Mainly for myself. I simply want to be happy, I know the only obstacle in my life is my weight. It is making me very unhappy, I know I do not and will not live like this much longer. So it was either do something about it or just let it conquer me. and so here we are. But you do have to do it for you. Are you afraid of the surgery party? The lifetime commitment?

I am 52. The new clothes and looking better are really nice but to me they will be a bonus. My main concern is that I take 3 medicines a day for diabetes. Scarey stuff. I am not afraid of the surgery - I have had surgery before. I guess I am afraid of the lifetime commitment and all of the associated changes. In the past, the dieting wasn't bad but I always fell back on old habits. I fear not being able to fall back.

I know it sounds crazy but I fear not having my food safety net EVER, EVER again.:(

It certainly sounds like you are ready for this. How old are you? Any kids? I have one kid, one dog two birds and a whole mess of fish. And of course there is hubby:wub:

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Hey! I just realised that the above post covers one of my 4 homework questions!:(

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YAY! Well I am certainly always glad to kill two birds with one stone!

I am 23 soon to be 24. I just got married 4 months ago. We have been together about 5 years. When we first started dating I was the "ideal" 155. I gradually and unwillingly gained slightly over 100. I suppose I was in denial for years of the gradual weight gain. However, It was always that elephant in the room!

I saw my wedding photos and I was just astonished.:( It was almost like a slap in the face, I knew I just was so unhappy. I didn't get to have the wedding dress of my dreams because every bridal shop we went to only have sizes 4-10 to try on it felt like.

I havn't told my husband yet what I am going to do. Not that I think he won't support me but more like I would love to not bring attention to something we have always know was there but yet opt not to talk about.

Obesity runs in my family, my uncle and my mother definitely struggle. My Mom fortunitely had gastic bypass 6 years ago. I thank god every day I see her that she did. She is so happy and loves life and lives it to the fullest everyday! I have never seen her so happy. I wish she would have done it sooner. So I know I do not want to let it get that out of control I want to put an end to it now.

As for not having a safety net. I suppose it will still be there however, you will probably learn really quick as to what it is willing to take and what it just won't. At first it's hard to get things "threw" In time in moderation I hear it's easier but simply only as a "treat" not a permanent fixation.

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Good evening everyone ...... it is so great to see everyones progress and the positive attitudes :thumbup: i think we all have moments were we questions an wonder if we are doing the right thing or not . Personally i am mentally there .... ask me 2 weeks before surgery - hehe ( the nerve will kick in )

I am seeing Dr Guske thursday afternoon .... have all my medical records in my binder and ready to go ... i actually have some questions about the pulmonalgist --especially since i am approved for surgery already and i dont have sleep apnea. but we will see -- other then the pulmanology - i have everything done so i am praying that they will put me on the fast track program .

I am fortunate that my internist supports wls - plus i am a practice manager for an Internal Medicine practice so i understand the "medical " side of things..BUT when you are going thru something yourself .. it is still the same as everyone else.. maybe a bit more extreme because i know a bit more of the "what ifs...." but our patients at work that have gone through wls- of both types all seem to be doing really good and making the lifestyle changes they needed to .

As for the comment - i wont be able to eat what i like anymore ...YES we will be able to - just not for a while and when we do it will be in very small portions :tongue: and honestly we all became the people we are today because of Portion Control of some sort :( I am joining a healthclub tomorrow ..... I have given up my tanning for exercise .... but i know it will be worth it ...Honestly my hardest part will be not being able to use a straw :scared2: you actually inhale to much air .. that is pretty much all i drink with ..... sounds petty but its a security thing ...

well everyone have a great night !!


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Kris, I am probably making a big deal about nothing. Like I said some days I worry some days I am positive about what I need to do. It is probably part of the emotional process of coming to terms with all of this. Are you planning to tell your husband? It would be really good for you to have his support. Girl, it is time to bring the elephant out of the closet! You deserve his support and to have someone in your corner. My husband is my rock, I couldn't do this without him. He even offered to do the 2 weeks of liquids with me because I told him that that is what scared me the most and I didn't know if I could do it. Now if that isn't support I don't know what is.

Annette, good luck with your appointment tomorrow. That is great that you get to see successful patients in your practice. I wish I knew somebody, anybody who has had the band for a while. I literally do not know anyone who has one. I know a couple of people who had bypass but no one with a band.

You are right, we didn't get this way because we practice good nutrition. I will be glad when I have the band so I can look forward and not obsess about what life will be like. At that point I can just live it.

Glad to hear you gave up tanning. It is really rough on your skin.

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im in th process of getting approved by my insurance. I have to say that I have to basically submit my own paperwork to the insurance as well as do follow up calls. I feel that the doctors office is not interested in doing my surgery, at least that's how I feel, sometime it take them a week or longer 2 return my calls.

My PCP recomended a different surgeon and i have an appoinment tomrrow. Do you by any chance would know that if I decide 2 go with this new doctor, that the insurance would be okay with it?

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very intersting post because i have felt like the front staff i cold and i am just a hassle ... i have been approved by another surgeon and am told that the approval i transferable ... may i ask who you are going to ? -- the hard part --- or perplexing part is teh first surgeons office is calling to schedule my procedure .. so i am a bti torn ..... i also have my own feelings about some of the testing they make you go through ... techinically a sleep study i req'd for bypass ...

for everyone else readin this please do not think i am bashing them i am not ... just maybe venting .. i think i am a little confused .. i want to go to some one that has a lot of experience but i do not want to be nickel and dimed to death with un-neccesary testing and delays --

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I can relate to you, because I'm going through the same thing. As a matter of fact I have a doctor's appointment with a different surgeon today. This doctor, my PCP had recommed first; however last year he would not accept BCBS, and now he does. I have heard wonderful things about him through a patient of his and from my PCP as well.

I hope that if it all goes through with this doctor.

But to anwser your question, the surgeon that I have been seeing (or saw twice) Is Barry Sanchez in Burlingame Ca. and the surgeon that I'm seeing today is Dr. John Feng in Redwood City, Ca.

Anyways you think that if the insurance has all the medical records and other requirements , that my case can be transferable to Dr. Feng?


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accordign to the insurance - it is the procedure that gets approved, and yes that can get transferred to another surgeon as long as that surgeon is contracted with that insurance. :) Goog luck to you .. it is a long journey and YOU have to be comfortable with your decision , not just with what procedure you are having done , but with who is doing it and all of the people involved along the way ..... Keep a positive attitude and outlook :smile:


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Annete, thanks for your comforting words, I really appreciate them.

Yes, it has been a long journey, once is over, I 'm sure it will be well worth it.

I'm really excited about seeing Dr. Feng and I pray that everything goes well.

I will let you know the outcome of my dr's visit today.


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I had my appointment with Dr. Feng. He is wonderful and very detailed in the information he gives you. He was glad to see that I had submitted everything to the insurance so this is what happened today.

  • visit with dr. feng
  • he provided me with the pre-op tests that are required
  • completed 2 out of the four he requested
  • called insurance. they received my paperwork and since it was marked Urgent!, it was already delivered to the reviewers:biggrin:
  • like you said, insurance will approve the procedure and I choose the doctor

I'm very happy with dr. feng. I was very surprised that after I left his office, he had a question and "he" actually called me! the personnel at the office was very nice. So far I'm delighted with Dr. Feng:biggrin:

So I'm praying that the insurance has a response for me soon!:)


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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