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Got my first fill today!

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I went and got my first fill today!

I'm jealous that some of you guys get a fill with an x-ray and barium swallow. But, my doctor does so many of these, that his nurse must do 10-20 fills/day, so I must say, she knows what she's doing!

I got a numbing shot (which, IMO, wasn't necessary... my threshold for pain is very high, and I've given myself a million shots in the abdomen when I was taking fertility meds!) and then she put 4cc's in band. I was STUNNED. I totally felt the band squeeze up on my stomach to the point of discomfort! I told her so when it happened, and she backed out 2cc's, and then slowly put in 1.5cc, and then I felt that choking feeling again.... so I ended up only getting 3cc's.

I do have an appointment in 2 weeks for another fill, this time, it will be 2cc's. The doctor said I could come back in yet another 2 week's time, and get another 1-2 cc's if I wanted to.

I asked how much fit in the band, and the nurse said 14cc's, but that about 4 of their patients actually have 16cc's in the band. I cannot fathom having 16cc's when I felt that 4cc's closed my stomach completely!

They gave me one of those little chubby bottles of Water (perhaps 8-10 oz) and asked me to drink at least 1/2. If I didn't throw it up, I would be fine with the 3cc's. I drank 3/4 of the bottle, and felt totally FULL. I was just amazed!

Although I haven't been put on any type of food restriction, I've decided to put myself back on liquids for 2 days, and then mushies for 2-3 more before going back to regular foods.

Doctor says I'm exactly 40 pounds down from when I first met him in June. He told me to say goodbye to them, because I'll never see those 40 pounds again :biggrin: I did tell him that I gained back 5 pounds from my low of 305 (the day I started eating regular food) and he said it was completely normal, and that some people gain a lot more than that.

I'm just thrilled again....... I hope the 3cc's gives me good restriction until my next fill on October 2nd. The doctor said that the 4cc's might not give me good restriction yet.... but then again, I couldn't handle the 4cc's either!

I'm still amazed at all of this, and feel blessed that I was able to have this surgery!


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Great post! I have my first fill Wed of next week and was wondering what it would feel like. Thanks for sharing. Anxious to see how you do now that you have some restriction. I am not hungry, but I know there is no restriction, so I am going on will power right now. I like that you felt that 'full' feeling, because I want it too! Keep us posted and let us know how you do the next couple of weeks. Congrats on your successful weight loss!:biggrin:

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I went and got my first fill today!

I'm jealous that some of you guys get a fill with an x-ray and barium swallow. But, my doctor does so many of these, that his nurse must do 10-20 fills/day, so I must say, she knows what she's doing!

I got a numbing shot (which, IMO, wasn't necessary... my threshold for pain is very high, and I've given myself a million shots in the abdomen when I was taking fertility meds!) and then she put 4cc's in band. I was STUNNED. I totally felt the band squeeze up on my stomach to the point of discomfort! I told her so when it happened, and she backed out 2cc's, and then slowly put in 1.5cc, and then I felt that choking feeling again.... so I ended up only getting 3cc's.

I do have an appointment in 2 weeks for another fill, this time, it will be 2cc's. The doctor said I could come back in yet another 2 week's time, and get another 1-2 cc's if I wanted to.

I asked how much fit in the band, and the nurse said 14cc's, but that about 4 of their patients actually have 16cc's in the band. I cannot fathom having 16cc's when I felt that 4cc's closed my stomach completely!

They gave me one of those little chubby bottles of Water (perhaps 8-10 oz) and asked me to drink at least 1/2. If I didn't throw it up, I would be fine with the 3cc's. I drank 3/4 of the bottle, and felt totally FULL. I was just amazed!

Although I haven't been put on any type of food restriction, I've decided to put myself back on liquids for 2 days, and then mushies for 2-3 more before going back to regular foods.

Doctor says I'm exactly 40 pounds down from when I first met him in June. He told me to say goodbye to them, because I'll never see those 40 pounds again :blushing: I did tell him that I gained back 5 pounds from my low of 305 (the day I started eating regular food) and he said it was completely normal, and that some people gain a lot more than that.

I'm just thrilled again....... I hope the 3cc's gives me good restriction until my next fill on October 2nd. The doctor said that the 4cc's might not give me good restriction yet.... but then again, I couldn't handle the 4cc's either!

I'm still amazed at all of this, and feel blessed that I was able to have this surgery!


hi Karen

I too have a 14cc band and had my first fill today, I had a really surreal experience!

the clinic I go to was REALLY busy and the staff were running all over the place, seemingly confused and under pressure. one lady in the waiting room with me told me that the staff had flights booked for 1.00pm and were running late, my appointment was at 12.15 and this was now 12.30! there were several other ladies in front of me and I started to get worried. I was eventually seen at 1.00pm ( they must have missed their plane or else someone was winding me up!)

so by then , I was rightly stressed!

the nurse called me in and she was really nice but didn't know much about me or details of my band, but I thought..... ach she is very busy.

she asked me what my band size was and I explained that this was my first fill, as she was lying me down on the table, she said she didn't think I needed a band, I looked well and didn't seem too overweight, I looked at her in horror, i'm 5' 5'' and 229 lbs! was she an imposter? was she really a nurse? was she wise at all? of course i'm fat! I would not have gone through all of this if I hadn't been fat!

anyway.....she lay me down and told me she really enjoyed giving injections and asked did I enjoy getting them? again, what was I dealing with???

I am very nervous about needles and asked if she was going to numb the area, nope! she had me raise my feet up and started feeling for my port...couldn't find it and asked ME to tell her where it was!! well by this stage, I wasn't full of confidence. she hoked and poked about and finally found the port, OMG did it hurt! she injected the saline and I asked her how much she was putting in, about 3cc or so she said and then promptly removed the needle and stuck a plaster on. OK she said, have a drink of Water so that you can feel the restriction, I drank a glass of water and felt nothing! I asked her what was I supposed to feel and she said I should have felt the band tightening, nope! she then asked if I wanted to try for more, I reluctantly said yes and we went through the whole palava again. OMG I thought, what am I doing to myself? I didn't think that this was going to be like this.

anyway, I now have 6, yes! 6 cc's in and although I can drink water easliy enough, I feel as if there is a vice around my stomach! i'm dreading this blooming band tightening even more and I am not looking forward to eating food. the clinic advises fluids for 3 days and mushies for 3 days.

what does everyone else think about my first fill experience? I wonder was it really the cleaner in disguise LOL:eek:

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Karen: Sounds like you had a great experience!! Congrats!!

Eileen: Wowza.. I think I would possibly ask for someone else next time or at the very least give some feedback on the service you received. Being too tight isn't good... It was my thought that they would "slowly" fill the band over time, to meet that "sweet spot".

I have my first fill on Thursday, 4 weeks out from surgery. I am glad that my doctor does his first fills at 4 weeks. I heard from others in the support group that he does 3cc's on the first fill. I can say now that I feel like I can eat just about anything and I am probably in bandster hell. I feel like I want to have something bad... but I am trying to hold myself back.

Good luck to all as we continue through our journey!!!!

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Wow, I am a little nervous I get my first fill on Tuesday which is 6 weeks since my surgery, I don't know what to expect, I don't think he uses a flouroscope or x-ray, but I too and 5'5" and now at 230 from 253 before surgery, but I have been at a stand still since starting regular but I do see the inches disapearing I am already down a whole dress size, even since the weight loss has slowed down. know I have a 10cc band, but not sure how much he will put in. I keep hearing some doctors are aggressive and some are more conservative, but I know I get full fast now, but then I get hungry again rather quickly, and I can pretty much eat anything. I will be sure to post something once I get done.

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Holy Moly, Eileen. I would definitely ask for someone different next time and I would consider looking around for a different place to get fills!

I had to pay for my WLS myself, and the first 4 fills are included in the package, so I can't really go anywhere else for my fills. the nurse was really nice and I wouldn't want to get her into trouble, I just hope that a different nurse is on the next time I go.

I am feeling very 'out of sorts' since my fill, is it just me being a bad sufferer, or is this normal?

I am feeling very full and uncomfortable although I am managing to drink a Protein drink and some Water. should I persevere and hope this feeling goes away or should I arrange an unfill?


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just an update, I have been in a lot of pain this past 2 days and I rang my provider today to ask for advice, the consultant nurse I spoke to tells me that I am probably overfilled and I would need an aspiration (sp?) this is the same as an unfill . unfortunately, they couldn't take me at my usual clinic in Belfast (which is an hours drive away) until next Monday, I am in too much pain to wait that long, so they say they will take me tomorrow in their Dublin Clinic which is 2 1/2 hours away, thankfully my brother has offered to take me to Dublin in the morning, I can't wait!

I live in a rural part of Ireland (it's gorgeous ) and I am not used to driving through cities so I really appreciate the fact that my brother is doing this for me. it is great to have family support at times like these.

I have currently 6 cc's in a 14cc band, so it will be interesting to see how much they take out. at this stage, I would dearly love to pull the b****y band outta my body right now!:biggrin:

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I had 3cc's put in my band on 9/10 and I have hardly and restriction.. It was not painful at all for me, but I have a high tolerance to pain. I get full a little faster but I still get hungry in about 2-3 hours, and i can eat anything i want! I go for another fill on 10/8. Hopefully I will get more restriction then.

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Eileen, I'm so sorry about your experience!! I had a great experience. They sprayed a numbing solution on my skin so I didn't feel the needle go in, and they did it in front of the xray so they could see liquid going through the band. I have 6cc's in and I have never had any trouble with it at all. Hopefully you will get a better nurse this time!!

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I went to the doc today and all is well! I did not get a fill today. Doc said that my weight loss is good and steady. I am down to 191 as of this morning. I am happy about the weight loss. I will get a fill in November before the holidays. I must admit, I saw the needle for the fills and it was damn big. I am terrified of needles and my doc doesn't have the best bedside manner. Smart guy, but you know how some docs are. I was sitting there thinking if he would be gentle. I'll see in November.

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Eileen, I'm so sorry about your experience!! I had a great experience. They sprayed a numbing solution on my skin so I didn't feel the needle go in, and they did it in front of the xray so they could see liquid going through the band. I have 6cc's in and I have never had any trouble with it at all. Hopefully you will get a better nurse this time!!

thanks Sarah

I had to go to Dublin this morning for my aspiration (unfill) I had a different nurse, she was lovely too but unfortunately after one and a half hours of trying, she couldn't get into my port! I had another really traumatic experience and I am in tears as I write this. apparently my port has turned on it's side and everytime the nurse thought she had located the centre of the port ,it moved. she also said that my port is very deep, I suppose she really means it's buried beneath a lot of fat, the majority of my fat is on my stomach.

she rang through to the main hospital in Birmingham GB for advice and they were considering flying a nurse over here to Ireland to have another go, I honestly don't think I can face it! the pain during the whole procedure was horrendous! I have had 4 children without anesthetic (sp?) and I did not until now consider myself to have a low pain threshold. I now feel an absolute failure and I knew if there would be any complications , I would be the one to have them.

the nurse told me that she has done many LAP-BAND® fills down through the years and she has had only 2 other patients where she could not reach the port, trust me to one of the few difficult ones!

sorry to be such a misery guts today, I probably shouldn't be writing this in case it scares other people off having their first fills, but I feel I need to talk to someone, hopefully someone else understands what this feels like.


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I'm so sorry you again didn't have a good experience.. :thumbdown::sad:

I hope that it gets resolved soon and you will be back on track and have a POSITIVE future experience with the band.

I hope you are feeling better today??

Take care and let us all know how things go.. I'll be thinking of you!!! ((hugs))

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I had my first fill today... Nothing seems to be any different. The doc did tell me to do 2 days Clear Liquids, then 2 days full liquids, then slowly proceed to solid foods. I havn't felt any restrictions at all. I can eat what I want and as much as I want, but I have still lost 42 pounds total. Haven't lost but 2 lbs in last 3 weeks, hope the fill helps to continue loss.

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:thumbdown: Eileen, I'm so so sorry about your experiences. Just hang in there. Someone will be able to help you. What does your surgeon say?

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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