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Your First Fill Date!!!

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I went for my first fill yesterday and the doctor was amazed with my results. I was shocked! I guess I've lost quite a bit of weight but it has seemed to be a slow process more recently. I was down 30 pound yesterday; that's since my pre-op diet started on August 30.

The fill didn't hurt what so ever, just a little pin prick. After my fill he had me drink a dixie cup of Water. I took my first sip and my stomach made a high pitched squeak sound while I felt an air bubble come up. When the doctor heard that, he told me I was drinking too fast but also I am probably close to my "sweet spot" which really excites me! I didn't know it but he put 3cc's in my band at surgery and 2cc's yesterday so I have a total of 5cc's in a 10cc band. He said most patients need about 7cc's to be at their "sweet spot". Next appointment is in 5 weeks. (they couldn't get me in for 4 weeks)

Anyway, motivation is fully here and I am ready to help motivate anyone else needing it!

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Hi all-Just got my date for my first fill. Its next Tuesday (11-3) in Troy Michigan -Fill Centers USA. I have not lost any weight since about a week after my surgery, and I am hungry about every 3 hours, so hopefully this fill will help! I am excited and nervous. Thanks for all your input on yours and I will let you all know how mine goes.

Love to all-


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Had my surgery on Sept. 16th and had my first fill today (10/27). Perfect, right before Halloween. No candy for me. LOL

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Today, the 27th, was my first fill date. I decided to not have a fill. I have 3cc in my band from my surgery date, and that still is working fine. It seems to me if I get desperate, I can go back in for a fill. I have my next fill date for December 10th.

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I got my first fill on 10/20/09 so it will be a week tomorrow. I had 2cc so that takes me to 5cc in a 10cc band... yes I asked because I always want to know what goes into my body, nurses just love me when I'm in the hospital, lol... anyway I did the recommended 48 hours of liquids and finally ate food on the third day and everything went to easily, maybe to easy...

This past weekend is when I finally thought I felt some restriction and only when I eat more solid foods... and then today I had some cold Water before I ate and I felt even more restriction and was able to just eat about 1/4 cup of tuna with 5 small crackers. I felt very full afterward and almost uncomfortable so about an hour after eating I had just a few sips of coffee and now my stomach is growling again, lol...

I did read somewhere that cold and Hot drinks can affect the feeling of tightness because they cause your stomach to relax or get stressed. So now I'm going to eat a SF popsicle before I eat my dinner to make sure I only eat a small portion but this time I'll stop when I feel full to avoid the uncomfortable feeling I had earlier...

All this experimenting is fun...

Lucky you. I'm so ready to feel that fullness.

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My appointment will be next thursday on 11/3. Does anyone's dr do the fill under flouroscopy? I have to go to the hospital for my fill.

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I had my second fill on Tuesday. I scheduled another fill appointment because my restriction was wearing off. Still doing mushy food and can feel better restriction. Totally forgot to eat lunch today... only had an oatmeal for Breakfast and filet of sole (mashed) for dinner and was not hungry at all.

I love my band <3

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stardustic do you know where you are at w/ the fill now? also the size of the band? I've got a 10cc lapband and was given 4.7 cc's and its been borderline tight - i've got an appt on friday actually w/ my surgeon which i am keeping whether she fills me or not. some days i'm eating a lot other days NOTHING its all over the place - weird. I have had about 4 pb's since this fill 2 weeks ago.

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^^^^^ Good Idea to see Dr. Ren about these eating issues, it will get sorted out, I can see you are working hard!

Good luck and come by and visit my blog sometime, I am there alot and not on here so much.

take care,


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stardustic do you know where you are at w/ the fill now? also the size of the band? I've got a 10cc lapband and was given 4.7 cc's and its been borderline tight - i've got an appt on friday actually w/ my surgeon which i am keeping whether she fills me or not. some days i'm eating a lot other days NOTHING its all over the place - weird. I have had about 4 pb's since this fill 2 weeks ago.

Hmarko, no, my surgeon does not tell his patients the fill amount and I did not ask because it does not really matter to me as long as I have a restriction. I have the 10cc Lapband as well.

I had very good restriction after the first fill and it subsided after about 2 weeks. My surgeon does not pre-schedule fill appointments and he wants his patients to call once they can eat more food than the size of 2 decks of cards. This is what happened to me, I was able to eat more and was hungry between meals.

I have never been borderline tight and have never PBd but I do get stuck once in a while especially when I eat too fast or do not chew enough. Beef causes severe problems and white chicken meat needs to be chewed until liquefied. I can eat about 3/4 of the size of 2 decks of cards.

When you say that you are able to eat a lot on some days what do you consider a lot?

I learned that I am much tighter after a workout and also when I have a stressful/emotional day and I am tighter in the evening than in the morning and throughout the day.

Sorry that I am writing a novel.

What I want from the lap-band is that it restricts my food intake to the size of 2 decks of cards max and that the food will satisfy me for at least 4 hours. I assume every one has different needs and there are also people that want to feel extreme restriction and be limited to a couple of bites.

I was very confused about the entire restriction thing for a while because there are so many different opinions on the subject... I guess everyone has to figure out what kind of a restriction works for them... The best thing is to keep the appointment with your surgeon and to discuss the restriction with her. Let me know how it is going for you.

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^^^^^ Good Idea to see Dr. Ren about these eating issues, it will get sorted out, I can see you are working hard!

Good luck and come by and visit my blog sometime, I am there alot and not on here so much.

take care,


Hi Vanessa! Will check out the blog.. I am pretty sure this has to do w/ eating too fast. I'm also all over the place some days not feeling much restriction so i can eat fast w/o repercussions and then if i try the same thing the next day no good.

Hmarko, no, my surgeon does not tell his patients the fill amount and I did not ask because it does not really matter to me as long as I have a restriction. I have the 10cc Lapband as well.

I had very good restriction after the first fill and it subsided after about 2 weeks. My surgeon does not pre-schedule fill appointments and he wants his patients to call once they can eat more food than the size of 2 decks of cards. This is what happened to me, I was able to eat more and was hungry between meals.

I have never been borderline tight and have never PBd but I do get stuck once in a while especially when I eat too fast or do not chew enough. Beef causes severe problems and white chicken meat needs to be chewed until liquefied. I can eat about 3/4 of the size of 2 decks of cards.

When you say that you are able to eat a lot on some days what do you consider a lot?

I learned that I am much tighter after a workout and also when I have a stressful/emotional day and I am tighter in the evening than in the morning and throughout the day.

Sorry that I am writing a novel.

What I want from the lap-band is that it restricts my food intake to the size of 2 decks of cards max and that the food will satisfy me for at least 4 hours. I assume every one has different needs and there are also people that want to feel extreme restriction and be limited to a couple of bites.

I was very confused about the entire restriction thing for a while because there are so many different opinions on the subject... I guess everyone has to figure out what kind of a restriction works for them... The best thing is to keep the appointment with your surgeon and to discuss the restriction with her. Let me know how it is going for you.

Do you drink Water when you are there? how does that work out? Does it go down in 5 mins ? 15 mins etc? When I was there i was too tight i couldn't drink it at all in 45 mins (little dixie cup) so they took .8 cc's out.. then i could drink it in about 15 mins. Now I can drink pretty fast.

Good question on what do I mean a lot - let me go look at my food journal and I won't count the halloween candy as it is a slder food (I did slip up a day or two).

OK the days I call a lot amount to about 1500 calories and it may not be so much about the calories but how I feel when I am eating ie its just going down ok and I am eating like 4 means a day of more than a cup. Today I'm very tight for some reason.

Here is a good example of a starving day: The day before mind you I got a bit stuck...whatever that is worth:

Unjry Protein at 10 am

1pm hummus - about 1/4 cup; 2 wedges toasted pita; 4 oz baked salmon (typically I can only eat the baked salmon)

5pm - was STARVING - so i had had a tuna pouch w/ some olive oil and lemon

7pm home 370 cals worth of crackers and cheese

8pm - grilled chicken (about 6 oz) peppers and onions

THEN I was STILL hungry later

so at 10 or 11 I had the 0% greek yogurt and some flax seed meal.

Total cals 1515 not including any working out.

I won't even get into the next two days which involved PMS and candy (It must have to do w/ PMS) eating more... THEN NOW

Friday 870 cals

Sat 1433 (I drank a bit so that relaxes things and makes it go down - seriously they tell us this)

Sun - 800 cals - I pb'ed filet mignon which i ate more of yesterday and it went down just fine today nope. I had some warm choc powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury and then i just tried to eat ground sirloin and it took me 45 mins. But at least it went down.

We have to preschedule or else we aren't getting an appt for 3 weeks.

I haven't figured out if I am tighter after a workout - today I worked out hard and yesterday too but after the workout I drank ( we had a little party :scared2:.

I'm ok with this - I'm just trying to figure it all out. In my support group I think we established that I have the first bite syndrome thing where the esophagus gets tight or something - plus though I am eating 5000 times slower than before its prob still not slow enough nor small bites (they are like 1/2 teaspoon but just now i was at a 1/4 teaspoon since today seems to be a tight day).

I've had probs w/ chicken too but as you see on that 'hungry' day 6 oz no problem. It wasn't dry though.

I'm glad they tell us the fills I would want to know I don't obsess but I want to know how my body handles certain things. I'm going on Friday and I don't care whether i get a fill or not I just want to check in w/ my surgeon because I've been seeing the NP's and i haven't seen her since the surgery. I had to run over there Friday cuz i felt a small lump that i never felt before (not my port) - they checked it out - they think its fatty tissue (size of pea) - and then I was asking about traveling and what to expect in the air... so one of the NP's goes to me you want a fill today - i said no way - I'm not even dealing w/ this one 100 pct.... plus i'll be back here friday right after my trip. So I can always get a date to go there w/ an NP but to see the surgeons we need to plan. So I booked appts a month apart. I'm losing somewhere between 1-2 lb s a week. I'm up and down 2 lbs a lot so w/ that noise its hard to tell week to week.

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I had my first fill yesterday, after an hour of poking and prodding, she finally got the needle in. There is some confusion about the fill quantity of the band. I have a 10CM band and was told it holds 10cc liquid, but yesterday they told me it only holds 4cc????? Anyone know anything about this? They put in 2cc yesterday and I feel nothing...hmmmm


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I had my first fill yesterday, after an hour of poking and prodding, she finally got the needle in. There is some confusion about the fill quantity of the band. I have a 10CM band and was told it holds 10cc liquid, but yesterday they told me it only holds 4cc????? Anyone know anything about this? They put in 2cc yesterday and I feel nothing...hmmmm


my understanding is that there are 2 bands you can get that are lap band. you can get the 10cc or there is another on that is bigger. i am not sure of the cc's though. i thought that a 10cc band would hold 10cc. you might want to just give a call to your Dr and ask again.

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:) Hi September bandsters!

I am new to this forum. I am in Australia so forgive me if I am unfamiliar with the way things are done where you are!

I had my first fill 9 days ago, - exactly 5 weeks after surgery. I walked in, the Dr asked me how I was, weighed me, told me to get on the bed, stuck the needle in and then I was out of his office in about 3 minutes!

I had 5ml put in but I am really not feeling any more restriction than before. I hope my next fill on December 2 will be a bit more noticeable! I am eating normal foods, but being careful to eat slowly and chew carefully. I have not had any pain or vomitting.

I have lost 10 kilos since my op on Sept 24. Sorry I need a kg to lb calculator!

Lou x

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Sorry for not responding right away.

I think your are doing fine with the food, I realized over the last couple of days that I can eat certain foods one day and can't eat them on another day. In the end I believe it comes all down to proper chewing. When I am really hungry I tend to eat a little faster but when I chew everything properly I can get almost anything down. I am sure you have met with your surgeon by now, what did she say? Did she give you another fill?

I am doing great on my second fill but unfortunately get some shoulder pain when eating. No idea what causes it, but will monitor it as well as the port pain that I am having for the last couple of days.

Cannot wait until we have everything figured out and know what is considered "normal" and what not.

Again, sorry for not responding right away. Happy weekend!

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