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Thanks for replying. =.]

Im trying to do it on a break, but idk if I will or not, and I know im not going to be able to miss a week of school. =./

Yeah I was told 4 to 6 weeks before doing anything like, excersizeing and heavly lifting..

Lol, I read that you can have a little bit of soad but you have to let it sit and.. well kinda drink it flat. xD

Gross- yes? But you kind get some taste, and who knows maybe after you won't really mis soda so much lol.

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Lol, i tend to be odd too. And my body has always acted weird to things so im hopeing nothing goes too wrong for me. Oh, I heard there are different types but I didn't know if they could change anything, or were even really all that different. I guess there not really lol. Wow that really is way too long to be sick. =.( I think ive read about PBing and Slimeing, but I wasn't sue. Im not really sure what they are other then not good, painful, and kinda like vomit? Yeah, Ive read other people lost weight that way too, and had to get an unfill... I think. xD It really sucks that you feel so Icky, when your trying to get healthy. =./ I wish you were doing better. You seem like a really nice person, and you diserve to be feeling better.

=.] that seems nerve calming. I hope I do okay, and don't freak out at the last minute. xD Thats kinda why im nervous. Too many horror hospital movies i guess. xD lol.

My cousin actualy had 2 wolves he saved. He was told they were dogs, but they were actualy Wolves. They were very abused. I was really little when he had them but I remeber them being really cute and soft lol. =.]

I would love to have one like, half wolf and half husky or something. Or even a husky that lookes like one, I love their pretty blue eyes. =.]

haha, we have things in common :blushing: my body hasnt ever reacted to something before, im guessing my body doesnt want to get along with the foreign object and i have a feeling its not gonna get use to it or else it would have by now. i dont think anything would go wrong for you (: i dont think they change anything, the only different ones i heard was the realize band and the different sizes. but im pretty sure they all work the same way. the kind i have is just called lap band. it is indeed, i thought i was feeling fine today, but i spoke too soon ): PBing is very painful. heres what my book says about Pbing-ingestion of a piece of food that will not pass through the stoma causes great discomfort, creating a thick saliva ("slime" and PBing) which is the need to regurgitate the contents of the stomach. this is not the typical forceful vomitting of the pre-band days, filled with chunks of food, but typically pinkish goo of half digested food plus the offending chunk. that was from Lap-Band For Life The Complete Patient Guid To Success with The Lap-Band by Ariel Ortiz Lagardere MD FACS. so yeah its digusting lol you just have to make sure you chew your food very well and slowly and small bites and you should be fine. hmm idk lol. i know i have a feeling it wont go away, im so tired of it, i felt so sick i missed a week of school, that makes me sad. i still cant believe that i was the one that the band chose to make my life hell >.< i wish i was doing better too, if i was feeling better id be outside doing something, its so beautiful out, ugh but idk. awh, thanks (:

i know you'll do fine, no more horror movies for you lol read some success storys, those might help

ohh thats awesome, i bet they feel just like a husky, and wolves are cute :biggrin:

same here, the eyes are lovely, they're piercing :biggrin: one of my friend has two huskys, the normal black kind, he has blue eyes, and she just got a puppy back in may i think and shes a red husky with green eyes :blush:

ohh i know where that is kind of lol

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Yeah we do lol. I guess your body don't want it. =.( & I hope so too, I really want to know what it feels like to be a healthy person, ya know? Eh, they should really make one that is anti-nausea, or something. Well that don't sound so healthy lol. I hope I don't do that. xD Now im gonna end up chewing my food until it pretty much evaporates in my mouth lol. =.] Thats sucks, I know I can't miss that much time, id be kicked out or something lol. xD And yeah it is nice outside, and your welcome, but I really do wish the band wasn't effecting you so negitively. I wonder if you had a fill, if you'd do a little better? Not even any medication helps? Like tylonal, or peptobismol? Lol when I first started on birth control to fix my cycle, I drank a bottle of peptobismol every morning cause they made me so nauseated in the morning.

I hope so. Lol, I think your right. =.] & I read a few, they excite me to see how well... or bad, I do.

Yup. & thats cool, lol you can always preted one of the puppys are yours, every time you visit. My friend couldn't have any puppys in her apartment, so I let her keep one out of a litter that my dog had, and let her keep it at my house, until they got a new place. =.]

Lol, yeah. Though I tend to live in about the smallest town in the middle of nowhere, near the catskills. xD

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haha its awesome :blushing:. yeah i guess it doesnt. i know you'll do great (: i want to know what it feels like to be a healthy person too. haha yeah totally. i know right? it sounds scary lol try practicing chewing and when you get the surgery, you'll be pro when you get to regular foods :biggrin: atleast 30 times ahh lol. its weird cause some of my classes you can miss 25 days and then in others you can only miss 13 its dumb lol. i really dont want to be missing any, but i dont feel well enough to go, yeah it does suck blahh. i wish the same too ): and i dont think a fill would help right now, it might make things worse O.o nope, my nausea pills kinda dont even work so heh, and i guess im not supposed to have peptobismol, well lol thats not good, i have birthcontrol too but i have depo i get a shot every 3 months and i dont have to swallow a pill ahh

haha, yeah the stories are interesting

i wish they really were lol . thats cool, i dont like appartments that dont allow pets , awh sweet :biggrin:

lol ohh that stinks, i live in a sort of a buisy town lol

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Yeah. =.] Thats a good idea, thanks. =.] If I get used to it, maybe it can start comeing naturally. =.] lol. Wow that kinda sucks, I rather not miss any time either. Do you get them homework sent to you, or can you pickit up. Thats what my school does. At least you have a good excuse, its not like your purposly skipping or something. Oh that sucks, I used to like live in the stuff lol. & ehh.. Id rather take a tiny pill, then a shot xD

Yeah they are. I was reading about how someone lost a ton of weight went to a high school reunion, and the people who used to pick on her were bigger than her, and how she was so happy and they were all trying to come up with something mean to say, but couldn't. xD

I don't either, but sometimes if thats all you can find, or afford, then you really can't do anything about it.

Lucky, I kinda wish I did. I have to drive 8-10 miles to find someone my age. lol

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haha welcome (: yeah maybe (: it really does, it's my last year of high school and I feel like I'm missing so much = yeah one of my special teachers (I guess she's a special ed teacher) brought me my homework, I usually email her when I'm out, she said if I was gonna be out longer to let her know and shell tutor me. Mymom won't pick my homework up for me, ugh. Yeah I know right, a lot of people I know and see everyday all know I've been sick, I guess that's helpful so they could let the techer know right? Haha (:. I like the shot cause you don't have to take a pill everyday and you don't have to worry a bout missing one andddd the best part is you don't get your time of month (:

Haha awesome

Yeah, you're right

Oh really? Man that sucks

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Yeah, isn't your seinor year suposed to be like the best year or something? & thats good at least your not falling behind or anything so you still pass and graduate this year. Oh my mom would have to go pick up my homework. But shes a stay at home mom, and she'd do anything for me, I got really really sick one morning, and she went out and got me apple juice, and it was like 4 in the morning, and she had to go pretty far to find a place that was open. =.] Thats good, I have no friends in my classes really cause im a Jounior, but Im takeing most Seinor classes,(don't ask why, cause idk, it was the way my schedual was lol.) So they couldn't really thell my teachers lol. But I do have a couple friends in my only jounior class, so they could tell that teacher. But I would have to tell the school and they would e-mail all my teachers. Eh, I don't like shots, if im getting a peirceing its like.. ehh whatever, but with shots I tend to flip out lol. I have to get my monthly friend, because I went until I was 15 without it, and I got it when I was 9, but it stopped, so I have the pill so I can get it, and it saves me from trouble in the future with my body. xD

Yeah it does, I hate being so far out of town, but its more peaceful, and we have more land then if we where to be in town, liveing so close to everyone else. xD

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dude! i was replying back on my ipod and i was getting close to being done and it dies on me! then i put it on the charger, and all i wrote was gone, grrrr, >.<

anyways i'll start over.

yeah, its supposed to be the best year out of them all. and so far it sucks cause of being sick =/ i'm hoping that when i get the band out, my body will be at peace once and for all and i can enjoy my last year. yeah atleast, my mom is a stay at home mom too but her and my grandma watch my brothers kids every day besides fridays and sometimes sats and suns so its hard for her to leave the house cause my grandma cant do that on her own, but atleast now i know my teacher can bring it to me (: you have a nice mom (: when i was really sick, my mom use to buy me sprite or ginger ale, it use to help my stomach all the time, and i guess i could have it but it has to be flat, gross! i could never drink flat soda eww. my school does that too, some kids do take senior classes cause theyre smarticle lol idk thats how i see it lol thats good you have some friends in one of your classes. i only have one best friend in one of my classes and thats gym, people in my other classes are friends but i dont usually hang out with them but i talk to them lol thats confusing. i think my school does that too but im not sure haha. needles dont really bother me but the only ones that do are IV needles cause i had a bad expeirence with them when i was younger, i use to be very afraid of needles when i was younger too, its weird. and i didnt like the needles i had to get in my stomach before and after surgery, they kind of burned O.O. i love piercings lol i have 10 but i use to have 13, miss them, =/ i was supposed to get my lip repierced the weekend beofre school started, i felt kinda ok but when it got closer to leave i started feeling sick, i didnt want to get sick on them or faint, so i didnt go ): im thinking about getting it done after the removal. i got my monthly friend when i was ten lol i was freaking out cause i thought something was seriously wrong lol but thats weird, it stopped? i dont think mine has ever did that. well thats a good end note (:

it takes about less than 10 minutes to go to town here in the spot where i live, i live on a buisy-ish road but i dont live in the town, i have a nice patch of land too, sometimes its peacefull here too but i rather be closer to the country part. (: yeah i dont think id want to live in the town either, but id like to hang down there, if i was feeling better that is lol

Edited by Erin18

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Lol, that sucks. My phone does that to me sometimes. I always grr about it too. lol

Yeah, you should be enjoying your last year. Eh.. I hate being sick too, I missed today cause my mom gave me benadryl, and it knocks me out hard, and I had a fever. xD I hope it goes away soon. Cool, my siblings don't have any children (thank god) lol. Yeah my moms really nice shes always sticking up for me with my father, hes a drunk, so hes always trying to pick a fight with me or my sister. =./ Lol, I always dank sprite too when I was sick, or apple juice =.] Yeah I can't handle flat soda either. Oh well im not very smart so.. I don't really think thats it lol. I think it had to do with what I could fit in with my Boces. I know what you mean with the friends thing, I do that too. Or I will start talking to some random person just to talk.. lol. =.] Im not afraid of needles, but Im not a huge fan, pierceings on the other hand I am.Cool, I used to have snake bites but they got infected cause the lady did them wrong, and I changed them too early. I have my tounge pierced, after surgery im planning on getting my tounge pierced a second time, and putting a 16g in front of my 14g. =.] But other than that I just have my ears, 3 on each and my industral done. I thought the same thing, I thought I was dieing or something lol, and I was at a friends house, for a graduation party lol. It sucked. xD Yeah it stopped but the pill regulated it again, but I think its cause im so overweight that it stopped. =./

Yeah, it takes 15 for me, to the closest town. We have alot of land, like 70 acers, my father inhareted, and bought. & because of it, its hard to get help with stuff cause people think were rich, but really were kinda going to the broke side. =./ And im going today to see if I can get insurance, (child health plus) and see if they cover it, and if not I might not be able to get it. =.( I like to hang out in town too. =.] & im guessing your not feeling any better at all today huh?

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hate when that happens lol

i know =/ . ahh thats not good, feeling better?..lol thats good, then you wouldnt have to chase them around lol. thats not good either lol he should get that fixed. i dont like when people get so drunk >.< i tried apple juice but unfortunately it dont work for me ahh lol yeah its so gross eh? ohhh, you have a Boces too? sweet theres one where i live too, they also call it CV-Tech, i was gonna go there to take cosmetology =/ being sick, i had to make a hard dicission and tell my councelor about it and dropped it ):..haha nice. ohhh i use to have snakebites too, i got them pierced at different times though, the second one i got done on my 18th birthday and she pierced it wrong too and it wasnt even, then i changed it like the 3rd day of having it and later got infected and took it out. the one i had longer got messed up ever since i took it out at the dentist soo i took it out boo and my eyebrow, it rejected, stinks, but i think it was due to the plastic jewlery/cheap. blahh so all i have now is my tongue, nose, industrial, 2 standard earrings on each ear and my 1st holes are stretched to 5/8". cant wait to get more. one tongue piercing is good enough for me lol. haha i think id die if it happened at a friends house id be SOL haha. awhh atleast its back to normal

i want a lot of land lol thats funny cause people think we're rich too and i really dont know why lol. awh, that stinks, my insurance is blue cross blue shield and with that one you need to be 18 =/ good luck (: its always more exciting in town, and nope, not any better, last night when i was writing back, i started feeling really nauseated and it sucked so bad, so i walked around for awhile and layed down, i woke up this morning and i was sooo thirsty and when i got a drink, it started coming back *sigh*

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Yeah me too. =./

Yup, and not really, but I can't miss anymore school so.. =./ I'll get over it. & Ehh my sister isn't even responsiable for a dog let alone a kid. xD Yeah I wish he would, but he rather die then listen to his family.. so we kinda gave up. =./ Oh that sucks I love apple juice lol. Yeah it is gross lol. Yeah we have a boces, yeah you told me about that, that really does suck, but maybe if your feeling any better you can take it next semester for the whole day or something then in summer school and get your licence, if that something you really want to do. =.] Coolie, yeah im weird, but it looks really cool, well to me anyways, =.]. And it was the least painful of everything I got.. well to me , so I know I can handle it. =.] Oh believe me I was SOL lol. Yeah it is for now at least. lol.

It sucks cause they always look at you different. Then if your like, ehh I don't have money for this, there like.. pssh yeah right your rich! And its so annoying, and it always makes me feel like, are they really my friend, or is it beacuse they think I got money to hand out, ya know? Oh, well im going for Child Health Plus, but I have to wait probably 2-4 more months cause my mom blew it off. =.( It made me so depressed when she told me. Oh that sucks.. Im guessing you cant wait to get it out and start feeling better huh? I probabaly would too.

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bad haha

yeah after wednesday i cant miss anymore either, but im so scared that ill get sick again so therefore id have to miss school =( and thats also another reason why i want to get the band removed, i cant risk getting sick anymore. lol sometimes thats how i see my brother lol but he takes care of them pretty well. oh wow, what a meanie lol i dont think i can do that, i have to start it at the begining of the year, so im just gonna wait and do it next year (: i was gonna get venoms but i decided i just want one tongue piercing lol its ok, it does look cool though (: yeah i agree with that, it was least painful but i barely felt it when i got my eyebrow pierced so its a tie lol. thats good then haha (:

haha yeah i know right? i dont like people like that, they're only in it for your money. oh man, that sucks, how rude. wish ya luck on that though (: yeah i cant wait and the best thing about next weeks appointment, we have a half day at school so i'll have time to relax and stuff before we go, get to leave at 9:48 while everyone else has to stay til 10:28, love the early dismissal (: and the appointment is at 1:30 or 3:30 cant remember lol ughh

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Wowness. Well that sucks, I hope things turn out good for you. Ehh.. My sister drives me nuts shes 21, and lives of my parents. =./ Thankfully no kids but still. xD & she hates me just beacuse I actualy want to do something with my life.. anyways. Thats what my friend did for Cos, in Boces.. so maybe its different there. Iono. lol. Eh, im to chicken to get my eyebrow pierced, but im thinking about it. =.] I really want my tounge, or I might go for my eyebrow instead Iono yet lol. Yeah.. I guess.

Im really sad today. I feel icky, and Im going to have to wait until probabaly December to get it, and I really wated to stat by late october-november.. but b/c of stuff its not gonna happen. & Idk if they will even cover it cause of my age and stuff. =./ Im kinda depressed lately casue of this, and I don't want my sister to know and shes back in the house, and shes so nosy, and shes always putting me down, for everything she can. Especally being fat. =./ (Sorry about my venting but I had to talk to someone, and you just seemed like a good person to talk to, if you don't like me to, you can tell me.)

Yeah I don't like people like that either. =./ Thanks, im gonna need it. Yeah that sounds good, for you to relax.Lol, I like early dismissals too. =.] & half days. I can never remeber mine either lol. Im glad my mom does. =.]

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yeah, it sure does. me too. today, im actually feeling a bit better, but i think i still want it removed so i wont have to worry about getting sick again *sigh*. haha. hmm thats dumb, she should be supporting you. maybe im not even sure either lol. trust me, you barely feel it, and when you have a hot guy piercing it, all your pain goes away lol but i really didnt feel anything. (: nice, theres a lot of piercings i wanna get but yeah they have to be put on hold for now.

awhh, cheer up, you'll be okay. it took a long time for me to even get it, it was a good thing though, and im glad it took a long time, and im glad i got it done over the summer, but that could just be me. well what you could do to help yourself a little, practice some of the rules, i dont know what your dr.'s rules would be but i'll tell you what mine were..i had to count my colories pre op so i dont go over 1,000 cals and i had to have 80 grams of Protein. but id keep the cals at 1200 and the Protein about the same...dont drink 30 mins before or after your meals, eat small pieces, eat slowly. always eat at a table so you can concentrate on your chewing(chew atleast 30 times) eat more fruits and veggies and dont forget the protein . start trying Protein shakes, start trying to cut out junk food, probably have it every 2-3 weeks, start exercising, walking, do the biggest loser workout dvd (you can really feel it) oh by the way, i think thats what im gonna do also whenever i get it removed is to do the biggest loser plan, like i have the biggest loser cookbook and i have the dvd (:...and ill follow the rules as if i still have the band like i said before...whenever you go to the appointments, hide your papers where you know your sister wont find them, i hid my papers from my brothers but i told them after i got it done cause i didnt feel right if i didnt, but keep the information somewhere safe. the next time she tries to put you down, just tell her, her words mean nothing to you. its alright, i like helping someone when i can (:

you're welcome (: haha yeah! ohh believe me, me too :tongue2: haha same here

Edited by Erin18

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Well that good you feel better a little, that means you can get through until you get it out. Everyone tells me shes "Jelous" of me but I don't understand how, or why she would be. She knows ive always been envious of her. =./ Lol, Im sure it wouldn't if the guy was cute lol. Yeah same here.

Thanks im trying. Its okay that its gonna take a while because I was told about the sleeve, and I want to more research on both of them, and it gives me time to come up with questions so I can make the right decision for myself. & Im thinking about getting it on Christmas break so, if I set it for then, I will make it positive. Yeah Im going to start on that. Lol I don't even know where to get the dvds and stuff lol. But I hope you do very well on the diet and stuff, lose the weight you want and keep it off forever. =.] Yeah im going to try to hide it. She lost a ton of weight by starveing and abuseing her body, and I know this sound mean, and selfish, but I want her to see me lose weight healthy. I know she will be mad, but she won't be able to say anything to keep me down anymore. & Im going to try to tell her that, but idk. =./ Thanks you help alot, I really enjoy talking with you. =.]

Yup. =.]

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