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I know right?

they do know me well... I have been super depressed before and usually go do things that I regret ... I'm trying to be an adult.

So, i talked to my guy friend, who is the unaviable one, he is just a great friend - ya know the guy you can go shopping with and jus be happy with no ties... He has guy night tonight, but is going to call when he gets home so we can chat.

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thank goodness all the junk is out of the house. the only damage I could do right now would be to actually BAKE something from scratch. Now theres a thought! lol

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thank goodness all the junk is out of the house. the only damage I could do right now would be to actually BAKE something from scratch. Now theres a thought! lol

UGH! speaking of which, my daughter and I have to bake 6 dozen Tollhouse Cookies tomorrow night:ohmy:

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Is he gay? that is as safe as you can get!
LOL, no, he is the guy I was dating last year's breakup ... he actually loves me and won't lay a finger on me because he respects me too much... that was our last talk we had on thanksgiving... too bad i can't see myself with him, he would take really good care of all of us, and he has a daughter who I talk to all the time too
thank goodness all the junk is out of the house. the only damage I could do right now would be to actually BAKE something from scratch. Now theres a thought! lol

Yea, that is a good thing... but no baking.. holidays are over, make a healthy dinner!

All the talk about food, I wish I could eat, but just thinking about food turns my stomach. 15lbs to goal, maybe I'll stay like this until I get there.... JK ladies... I hope to be able to choke down some broth or Protein Drink or somehing soon... just because I worry about nutrition.

I'm going to mediate and pass out. 4am comes early

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So, I just changed my ticker since I reached my short term goal and want to track my next one...

anyway, I just realized that I was 218 on July 31 and at Dec 31 (5 months later) I am down to 180, that is almost 40lbs. I can get down 15 more by my bday in March right?

Here is the other thing, I don't see it.... none of it, the only huge change I see are my tiny boobs are sagging and I only have 1 dimple in my butt .... that's all I get for 40lbs?

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Jenn, I think it is time to break out the phone book, and look up some support groups. You could fit into several categories. Grief support, in dealing with the accident from Kev, singles groups, family support for those with head injuries--cannot remember what they call that here, we (Mom and I) went for awhile learning about my brothers injury.

Meet new people, people who have an idea of where you are at with things.

Bars and alcohol are only going to make it seem worse when the haze wears off IMHO.

I know my friends have let me down, and I am sure I have done the same with them. I hate that it happens, but it is such a crazy time of year, for EVERYONE. The friends who are not there right now, may be going through their own thing, it does not mean you are not worth it, or that they are ditching you---it just means that right now is not a time for them. If it repeats everytime you need them, then I see where it would feel that way.

Another thing to think about, is DO SOMETHING for someone else. Volunteer time at the local homeless shelter. It will get you out of the house, among kind hearted, helpful people, and helping others who are so obviously in worse shape, may help you to view your situation differently.

If you don't feel like right now you could handle all the people, go to the animal shelter and volunteer. Animals love without expectations.

There is a ton of need for volunteers this time of year. It will get you into a new group of people--good people usually, and you would not be sitting home alone.

MIL's surgery went well. She was convinced, she was going to have to be opened up, and was going to be nauseated after surgery and have to spend the night in the hospital, etc. All gloom and doom. She went in, the surgery was done in less than 20 minutes, she was awake just minutes later, and sitting up eating crackers, and was dressed and out the door headed home 2 hours later! She is settled in, snacking on crackers, and soda, taking her pain meds all without issue. And shocked (and I daresay a bit disappointed!!!) as heck!!!

Dr. said her gall bladder was full of stones. He also told her she was in remarkable health for a woman over 80....she did not appreciate that! LOL

Rick put in 36 hours straight on the clock! Went out at midnight yesterday, come home noon today. He has to be present on the location due to the type of job they are doing. And he is the only one certified to be on hand for it. He said he got a little rest in the truck. But tell me that is safe! I told him he even got a hangnail I was finding an attorney! I was joking, but in all seriousness, with those hours they are pushing, if he were to be hurt I sure as hell would sue!

I ate ok today----hard to eat much junk in the hospital waiting room! Had a couple of cheetohs. Then had half a small burger on the way home. I have kept a bottle of Water with me all day and done my best to drink steady.

I think that is my plan, my resolution is not going to be to deprive myself of anything but to make myself include it. I am going to resolve to drink minimally 64 ounces of WATER a day. Anything else I drink is bonus, but I must have that much water. The rest of my life, I need to keep well hydrated---might as well make that a habit now!

Well I am off to call some folks let them know all is well.

Snow is beginning to fall outside......

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Jenn, I think it is time to break out the phone book, and look up some support groups. You could fit into several categories. Grief support, in dealing with the accident from Kev, singles groups, family support for those with head injuries--cannot remember what they call that here, we (Mom and I) went for awhile learning about my brothers injury.

Kat, I'm starting with Head Dr. and will take it from there, I don't have insurance to cover but I can't put it off anymore, it is short term, I'll have it in April, so I'll go 1 or 2 times a month until then

Meet new people, people who have an idea of where you are at with things. I have a military valentine fundraiser I'm going to start working on Tuesday night, so that should help a lot!

Bars and alcohol are only going to make it seem worse when the haze wears off IMHO.

I know, I've learned that over the last couple years, that is why I'm home... But if I was at a dance hall and a cowboy asked me to dance... now that would be very distracting. ;)

I know my friends have let me down, and I am sure I have done the same with them. I hate that it happens, but it is such a crazy time of year, for EVERYONE. The friends who are not there right now, may be going through their own thing, it does not mean you are not worth it, or that they are ditching you---it just means that right now is not a time for them. If it repeats everytime you need them, then I see where it would feel that way.

Yup, this is the friend who bailed on me several times, including when I was banded and couldn't eat or drink ... along with several little tifts... so I miss her, but you know what... that is not a friend for life is it? Just wrong time for it to happen, and btw, I did apologize and wished her a merry xmas, and she ignored both!

Another thing to think about, is DO SOMETHING for someone else. Volunteer time at the local homeless shelter. It will get you out of the house, among kind hearted, helpful people, and helping others who are so obviously in worse shape, may help you to view your situation differently.

If you don't feel like right now you could handle all the people, go to the animal shelter and volunteer. Animals love without expectations.

I have my military thing picking up next week, so that should help a lot, I am going to be busy with that. I am taking tax return money and taking th kids on a real vacation too, not quite sure, maybe NM or TX???? or somewhere in between???

There is a ton of need for volunteers this time of year. It will get you into a new group of people--good people usually, and you would not be sitting home alone.

MIL's surgery went well. She was convinced, she was going to have to be opened up, and was going to be nauseated after surgery and have to spend the night in the hospital, etc. All gloom and doom. She went in, the surgery was done in less than 20 minutes, she was awake just minutes later, and sitting up eating crackers, and was dressed and out the door headed home 2 hours later! She is settled in, snacking on crackers, and soda, taking her pain meds all without issue. And shocked (and I daresay a bit disappointed!!!) as heck!!!

Dr. said her gall bladder was full of stones. He also told her she was in remarkable health for a woman over 80....she did not appreciate that! LOL

That is amazing, but glad it is over, how many cuts did they do? My lapband surgeon did mine, don't trust anyone else... but did 1 cut, in my belly button. Hurt like hell because it was so swollen, but after the initial shock, i felt great!... OMG 80... amazing

Rick put in 36 hours straight on the clock! Went out at midnight yesterday, come home noon today. He has to be present on the location due to the type of job they are doing. And he is the only one certified to be on hand for it. He said he got a little rest in the truck. But tell me that is safe! I told him he even got a hangnail I was finding an attorney! I was joking, but in all seriousness, with those hours they are pushing, if he were to be hurt I sure as hell would sue!

I ate ok today----hard to eat much junk in the hospital waiting room! Had a couple of cheetohs. Then had half a small burger on the way home. I have kept a bottle of Water with me all day and done my best to drink steady.

I think that is my plan, my resolution is not going to be to deprive myself of anything but to make myself include it. I am going to resolve to drink minimally 64 ounces of WATER a day. Anything else I drink is bonus, but I must have that much water. The rest of my life, I need to keep well hydrated---might as well make that a habit now!

That is my problem too, I tend to eat ok, but have huge issues of drinking water.

Well I am off to call some folks let them know all is well.

Snow is beginning to fall outside......

My new year resolution ... hmmmmmmm I have 2

Continue to work on me, so i can let that someone special in my life

Lose my last 15lbs and get my tt by the end of the year!

anyone else

I think they are both realistic right?????

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Glad to hear you sound more upbeat, and that you have plans in the offing to get you involved in something.

You and all my other "homeless homies" are always welcome in my little corner of NM!!!

And BTW--I am living proof, you can meet a cowboy in a dance hall, dance with him, and remain by yourself!!! LOL The only reason I remember him is he was sooooo confused by who we were and why we were there, and thought we were messing with him that Terry's name was Terry, since that was his name. Then Pamela threw in her distraction.....and he was just confused all the way around! Such fun!

MIL looks like she was banded! Seriously! She has one larger incision in about the same place as my port incision! Then she has a small little one on her belly button and 2 poke holes. Now if we can keep her from overdoing the pain meds all will be well! She had both knees replaced at one time several years ago--and addicted herself really quickly to the pain meds, and figured out which ones of us were harder and made her do her PT, and which ones of us she could get away with things with! She is a sly old woman!!!

Resolutions sound good, but rather on focusing on someone else special--focus on you being special to yourself. Then and only then will you be ready for someone else to appreciate you!!!

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Resolutions sound good, but rather on focusing on someone else special--focus on you being special to yourself. Then and only then will you be ready for someone else to appreciate you!!!

I like that and think that is what I'm gonna do.

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I met Jeannine (military) on Vet's day at ds's school, she touched my heart. We always laugh about how we were brought together for a reason.

I'll take a cowboy, they are real down south.... it is all a pretend world up here in NY.

So, I'm off to bed, I am drugged and have to get up at 4am

love to you all

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Night Jenn, Hope you get a good nights sleep.< /span>

Maybe Tracy or Kat know of a cowboy. We only have farmers here. LOL.

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Lotsa farmers are real cowboys!!! LOL

Surgery was great---if anything she was disappointed it was not as big a deal as she was anticipating! LOL She does love attention!!

I just called and checked on her, and she is in bed, and sleeping well. She had a bowl of Soup and crackers for dinner, so she seems to be doing great.

BIL& SIL are leaving tomorrow, so the local SIL and I will alternate taking food in for a few days.

Any suggestions on what to take her----besides more Campbells???

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Now I have read so many posts that I dont know what to say. ME, at a loss for words....imagine that! OH, the first thing that sticks out in my mind is

OMG Cindy! 6 dozen Cookies? Has anyone told you that the dough of cookies causes cancer? :wink5: (yes, I lie to myself regularly)

Kat-Rick working 36 doesn't surprise me at all. Sad and very dangerous. I would sue too if something happened. I was in the oilfield 20 years. I have seen those guys work some long hard hours. The companies must think these guys are robots. :sad:

Jenn-Don't go putting all our guys on pedastals. We have jackasses too. But they (for the mostpart) are genuine. AND I would love for you to live here :) Congrats on 180! That is awesome!

Suzanne-what did you do with the ice cream???

Laura-I'll bet you are a busy lady getting everything ready for the big BASH for all your sons friends! Have fun! :blink: :tongue2:

Check this out...last night Nanny woke up, recognized all the people in her room and starting chatting with them and asked for some Soup because she is hungry. :w00t: Strikes me as odd that as soon as they take her off all the meds that she was on she wakes up and is coherent. I think the meds were knocking her for a loop!

Have a great day everyone. I will check back in later.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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