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Hey y'all!

Rick is not going to TX until after Christmas, looks like he will be gone right after, and miss New Years. Which is not a huge deal to us---------I will fix him all his favorites, which is what we do for NY anyway when he gets back.

He has an employee who wants to go now, does not want to miss a NYE party. So he is going to go now and let his wife get everything ready for Christmas by herself----Rick thinks the guy is ok, I think he is an alcoholic married to someone who deserves him, they are very dysfuntional. Now all that said, it would not surprise me for things to change at the last minute, but I am not worried about it. We went this weekend and pretty much finished up the shopping except for an electric skillet I want to get for his Mom at Target, and they are out of stock, so going to watch for it, or check on line---then we are done---so whenever he goes I will handle it.

The guy keeps telling Rick he needs the $$$ for Christmas. Rick has told him, it WILL be great money but it won't come in on the paycheck until AFTER Christmas, the way time goes in.....so... we'll see!

Snowed about 5 inches, and has stopped for the most part now, it is spitting slowly, but nothing to stack up. I took my Mom to look at sofas. She got rid of hers.....just got rid of her furniture! Now is wanting to just walk in and buy some, and most places have to order it, so she may be without furniture for 3 weeks! LOL leave it to my Mom! She did find a really nice leather set in the Oak Super Store place, so Dad is going to go look and see if he likes it -- and it is in stock, so maybe she will be ok!

Met Rick for lunch, ate a piece of fish----fried, but fish!!! And nothing else. I smell my chile and my Beans cooking, and they smell wonderful!!

While we were in the mall we were coming out of Sears, and ran into an old neighbor. He and his former wife and 2 boys my kids age lived next door for years. Nicest guy--got great kids. Had a wild one for a wife! She is nice, but she is wild---she is teeny tiny, and thinks she is 7 foot tall in invincible! She has attitude to spare! They divorced not long after moving from here----she was messing around with one of their horse trainers. The son that is Manda's age told her about it. Anyway--we stopped and talked and caught up on the kids. He told me I looked "incredible". He said the younger son --the one Abbeys age had told him I lost a bunch of weight---but he was just shocked you could tell. Which was flattering, but yet embarrassing, to know he was thinking how fat I was.....hard to explain----I know he was being complimentary, but it is a fine line!

I let it go, and took the compliment!!! LOL

I have a nice fire going, dinner done.....think it is time to go change into some hang around the house comfy jammie pants!!!

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Wish I had the fireplace going.

I went to Church class tonight and all went well. I was waiting for the kids to be picked up and thought I would give hubby a call. He answered but was all out of breath and said that he was helping to get BIL in the car. They think he broke his leg. My sis was taking a walk and BIL got on his bike and he must have hit a slick spot. So I get home and hubby said that it was his nub that they thought was broke. See, this is very serious stuff. He only has one leg. He was born with no bone in one leg and they amputated it just below the knew. So that part is what they are thinking is broken. He won't be able to put his artificial leg on. Now I'm just going to have to wait till they get back from the ER to find out what happened.

Cold here, only 26 degrees. Supposed to snow starting around midnight but I think most of it is going to stay a little north of us. But I still have enough here to make another pot of good Soup to keep us warm and we had firewood delivered on Saturday.

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Morning all

off to get ready, wanted to wish you all a good day

Suzanne, keep the snow... please? We are going to get some tonight into tomorrow morning, so I'm going to have to leave at 6am. YUCK

Have a great day all


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So far no snow but it looks like TracyKS is getting dumped on. There's about an hour drive between us and she ia a little more north than me.

I have to work for 3 hours this morning and then off for the rest of the day. That's going to be a tough one. I'll need to find something to keep myself busy and away from the fridge. Think I'll head into the spare room and clean the closet out.

All is quiet here, not sure if Sis and BIL came home last night, so news on if he broke his leg or not. Hope he is ok.

Have a great day.

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Good morning...just checking in. The kids are getting ready for school, I am cramping (tmi, I know). I will post again later.

Kat-I am so glad for you that Rick is going to be home for Christmas!

Have a good day everyone...I am going to grab a heating pad & go back to bed.

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Well our storm is giving us all the components they spoke of----wind and snow....but not so much together! We got snow yesterday, then last night it turned to rain and got warmer than it has been in over a week, into the upper 30's--almost 40 degrees over night! So it rained and melted all the snow away. Then about 3 AM I heard a noise---it was the snow shovel on the front porch being blown over, and the trash dumpster of our neighbors was blown over---ours have been since---no snow currently, but the wind is ferocious, and the temp has dropped back down to the low 20's. Grrrrrrr I would rather have snow than wind!

Sorry about the cramps Tracy----I do not miss them. The reasons behind my hysterectomy were traumatic, but all in all, it was probably as much a blessing to my quality of life as my band was. I had severe endrometriosis, and it caused pain all the time, I was NEVER regular, it was a nightmare. There are people who say they feel like less of a woman after hyst. NOT me! I feel so much better---and More of a woman I would say! When you have the problems I did, there was months of bleeding, and hurting, and really who wants to do ANYTHING when you feel like that. Got rid of it all, and feel fantabulous!!

Need to go to Targets website and see if they have the skillet I want for my MIL. The one I want is a small square one, and while the lid is removable, it has a piece that fits down over another piece, and allows the lid to be hinged. My MIL at 80+ years old, has pretty severe arthritis in her hands, along with some tendonitis disease, and has limited motion with her fingers. She has recently had to begin using 2 hands to lift her drink, one won't open wide enough to hold something. So I thought the hinged lid would be perfect for her. But they are out of stock at my local store.....of course! Actually I think it is Presto brand, I should just research it, I might find a better price!

Gonna go do it while it is on my mind.....or my oldtimers disease will kick in!

Let us know about BIL Suzanne--

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just took a break from studying and I am so scared that i WILL FAIL..told dh will take again next week if i do..always drama here when mommy needs time for herself..sounds familiar...but that is not why I jumped on the board


I know from my older family members that they have a problem with getting themself stuck in things

example...my MR FORMAN which I LOVE>..i let no one near it...because the top can fall on my guys because they are guys but an older person may not have the quickness needed or not realize that you have to use barbeque gloves ..so you never burn yourself...

My waffle maker lid opens and it is great...cost 20 dollars in Walmart ... yet that also...you have to be careful and barbeque gloves again

I know that if you googled ... her condition..there should be a blog or organization that lists the products that would be safe for her..maybe consumer reports???

As for my DMIL, she has to give up her pressure cooker becasue she can not lift more than 10 lbs, but I know she will use it again... found some items in her home that my DH and thought unsafe but she will not remove...

HOW MANY TIMES >>I HAVE BURNt MYSELF BECAUSe AS i am at the stove one of my angels, just has to break my concentration......

Edited by jollygreen1955

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Well, the weather people got it wrong again. Never saw one flake. But it is very cold and it did sleet for a little while. They are still calling for it to snow over night so I guess we will see.

Hubby told me last night that he had a toothache and wanted to know if I would call the Dentist. This morning as I was leaving for work, he once again asked if I would call the Dentist. I said I would when I got home because I didn't really think he would appreciate me calling at 6am. So I get off work at 9am, go to the store and on the way home I call and ask to get hubby in. If we can be there in 15 minutes, they can get us both in for a cleaning and to look at his tooth. Rush home to get him and back to the other side of town. Made it in time in the sleet and rain. Hubby has an abcessed tooth and needs to be on antibiotics and will have aroot canal next tuesday. I have not cavities but do have a filling that has to be replaced. So I get to go in next tuesday also. A fun day for both of us. NOT.

Made a little pot of steak Soup for dinner. Just need to cook the noodles and put it in one pot. It'll feel good with this cold weather going on here.

Chat soon.

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good morning all

well Suzanne, i'm glad you didn't get any snow, but it is here

I'm leaving for work 30 minutes early today, good thing... kids have a snow day o I don't need to get them up.

soup... mmmmmmmmm

I go for a fill tomorrow, I can't wait, I'm out of control, plus... horrible pains I can't get rid of, I have not gone to the bathroom in 5.. yes I said 5 days, I am up a few lbs but I can feel it is all gas and bloat, I'm sure I'm going to get yelled at but what can I do? I jus want this pain to go away.

so are you all ready for xmas? I still have a few things to get but since I am $400 short on my support this month... I'm ready to take the bridge. I had a perfect budget that allowed me to do it all, and well, $400 is a lot. Kev says he is going to help with presents this week, we will see, not going to hold my breath.

well, off to get changed and head out to work. I hear the plows on my side street so might need to snow blow my way out.

later all


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Jenn, good luck with the snow. We ended up getting about 1/2 inch but now the winds are howling. It's 10 degrees with a windchill of -4. Looks like I'm not going anywhere for awhile.

Maybe back to bed.

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mornin' friends...

Suz-10 degrees? :ohmy: OMG Bed is the best place!

Jenn-have you tried to take something for your pains? i wish I were getting a fill! I will be there with you in spirit. :thumbup:

Laura-think postive. You will PASS! B)

I am gonna finish my :) right now while I surf the net then I may take a nap!

Have a great day!

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School was on a two hour delay, so DS is crazied.....and now it is raining.

I am scared silly for the exam and told DH, I could retake it next week...if there is a time slot...and boy is our calendar booked.

We even have a school appointment that was canceled due to MILs health.

If it is SH@# I know it...

Vitamin E pills every day or

2 stool softenors for a week

but for quick results

Miralax in Water before bedtime

and do that and the next day B)

if it does not work one more day:scared2::)

In NY/NJ area some of the Doctors make you take half a bottle when you have the up the bottom down the top exam:laugh::thumbup:

:eek:gotta go:lol::ohmy::lol::lol::lol:

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It is COLD here this morning too. When Rick got up it was 13, about 20 minutes later when I got up it was down to 11, and just now when I looked it was down to 9. Winds are blowing and wind chill is well below zero---have not turned on the TV to get an exact wind chill factor. I talked to my SIL in Denver a few minutes ago, and it was actual temperature there of -16!!! Not counting any wind chill!

They want us to go in together to buy for the parents, but we aren't. Usually the parents are here so they have us buy, and to get the money is an issue. They are willing and able to pay, but it gets forgotten---and I HATE asking them for it. Well this year the parents are going to be with them, and she thought maybe we wanted to go in on a gift, even mentioned the other sister---who is here---and I could send our $$$ together. I told her thanks but no thanks, we had already shopped for them. Which I have, I have several things already, but have one still to get----the skillet.

Speaking of the skillet, I think the hinge is designed pretty well, it allows you to raise the lid and it goes to the left side, not to the back--and it allows the steam and liquid from the lid to roll back into the pan. It seemed fairly solid---all while being removable, and used as a loose lid as well if you chose. I found it in several locations online. Will look in the store today, and if there is not one, I will order it in.....and that finishes me up.

From there on, it is little stuff, and stocking fillers--I have a few things for stockings, but need more---6 kids.......LOL

I posted the grandkids pics on my Facebook--the studio pictures will be in on the 11th.

I could not sleep last night. I was awake until almost 2---not sure why. Then I crashed HARD! I got up with Rick, with full intentions of going back to bed. Which I did, then he come back home to take his meds, and decided maybe he wanted to eat, because his stomach was feeling wierd again---he has had some sort of virus---so he was going to cook Breakfast, and did I want some, and he yakked and yakked and yakked, and I did not get to sleep. I did not want breakfast thank you! I finally told him when he left---he better not plan on sleeping the evening away again, because I was not going to let him sleep any better than he did me this morning. Made him feel bad.....but me without sleep in the morning, makes me GROUCHY!!!

I called and we made nice!!! LOL

Tracy Thanks for the address update----I am getting ready to send cards, if I don't have your address PM me, or you will be without....and I just KNOW that makes you feel heartbroken!!! LOL

I am off to feed the fire, and do something---or I will be back to sleep, and I have to get ready soon, I go get my teeth cleaned today----and have to premedicate in an hour.

See y'all later!

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Kat-what kind of premedication? B) Are margaritas involved? :)

Jolly-sounds you are the B-M queen! haha My mom is too. She always knows the answers!

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but back up

is painful

so any help

is wanted


:sneaky::sneaky: seriously. went on one of those crazy diets ...years ago with balls behind my ears....OMG...since then, I had to learn and the foolish doctor, just said take a laxative...well, it never worked.. so I had from crying so much...I AM NOW the BM Queen.

So glad Lapbanded and not on crazy diets....but that other diet did ruin my body :thumbup:

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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