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Well, thanks for the well wishes BUT...no go on the house. The owner must be smoking crack. He wants an obscene amount of money for a down payment and with Christmas around the corner we just do not wanna put ourselves in a financial bind. I believe in what is meant to be, will be. We will see what happens after Christmas! I sure love that house though!

Have a great day everyone.

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Tracy, you won't be the only one that way with the house, he may be more flexible on his "wants" after he makes a couple more payments out of his pocket without any help. If it is meant to be, it will be! Personally I love the house, I have a barn thing as you know....so it is right along what I would have if I could do whatever I wanted!!!

Well gotta run, we are off to town to shop and deliver "that damn spider". Had to wait til today because I cannot carry the container, I will wig out and throw it, so need Rick for the transport. Plus someone has to watch that it does not escape in the car. I have the lid taped every way but Sunday!!! I am so brave.....in a controlled kind of way!!! Will talk to y'all later!

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Tracy, sorry to hear about the house. That guy is just doing the wrong thing. Your time will come to be a homeowner.

Off to the nephews to get some money that he owes us. He said he would pay us wednesday and we haven't heard from him since. So we are doing a surprise show-up. lol.

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Watching the Music awards. Pretty good so far. Now if I can just keep my mind off the bowl of ice cream my sister put in the freezer for me.

I just want to wish all of us Good Luck during this week of food. I know it will be hard but I hope we can still enjoy the company and friends and family with it not having to be all about the food.

See ya in the morning.

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Music awards just come on here, surprised me, as I was waiting for my usual Sunday night shows.

I do have to wonder what in the world Janet Jackson was thinking with that safari outfit and the clunky boots. She may have put on some weight, but she is still nicely curvey and shapely, and she hid it in not only an ugly outfit, but an ill fitting one. The crotch of the pants was half way down her thighs as she danced. Wierd!!!!!!

Rick is sick, chest congestion, and massive headache---wondering if he will make it to work, or if we will be going to urgent care in the morning. I have Kinsey tomorrow.

A girl my DD and her ex husband went to school with (he dated her sister when married to my DD...losers all) anyway the girls daughter who was 9 died following a fire in the mobile home she was staying in with her father, he died as well, along with his girlfriend. Anyway, Manda's ex, wants to take Kinsey to the funeral for this little girl none of them ever even met.

I will not speak too badly of her mother, because it is never deserved to lose a child, but this girl, caused massive trouble with my DD in HS, brought drugs around, is still involved in that lifestyle---is why she did not have her child. The boy she had in HS, has been removed from the home years ago, and she has 2 others.

DD is not going to the funeral, and REFUSED to allow Kinsey to go. Well he was MAD. So she ask if she could stay here, so he doesn't get any wild ideas of taking her out of daycare. If Rick is still sick, I will see if my Mom can keep her. She is not any work, just wants attention----and lots of it!

Sorry if I am rambling, it has been a confusing night for me!!! LOL

Everyone take care....

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Hi everyone! Finally felling better. Still have gunk in my chest and will for awhile. That's just how it works with me. Unfortunately.

Kat, there is no bloody reason for Kinsey to go to that funeral! What the heck would be the point? And WHY would you WANT to take a young child to a funeral in the first place? I understand there are times for that but this is NOT one of them!

Your spider story cracked me up!

So sorry about Rick. Hope he's feeling better soon!

Tracy, bummer about the house. I love your attitude about it. And he may just be calling you after the first of the year once reality hits him in the head hard enough!

Jen, congrats on the job interview!! Best wishes for the morning!

Suzie, hang in there with the eating thing. Don't beat yourself up. Just try to do better. It's all any of us can do.

Laura, I got bitten by the creative bug! I bought yarn the other day and crocheted a little scarf for DD and have started a lap robe that I'll donate to a needy Vet. The local yarn shop is part of a program called Laprobes for Vets, so I'm taking my pitiful one stitch I know and making one. I under-estimated the amount of yarn I need tho so I have to go buy more! Next I'm going to crochet a wide scarf/shawl for me. I'm too cold all the time now!

I know I'm missing people! Sorry!

This week is going to be a busy one! Work, grocery shopping, cooking, school, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning!! UGH!!!

Have a great Monday!

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Hi all just checking in. So busy with work and school. Looks like your all doing well

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Good morning all

just wanted to quick check in...drinking coffee and trying to stay calm and ready to go.


i'll post personals when i get back

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Hi Cari & Michelle...good to see you again! :biggrin:

Kat-that is a sad story about the family that passed away. :biggrin:

Jenn-the interview is today? Gosh, I am so forgetful! Let me know your day goes! I will keep my fingers crossed.

Suzanne-did the ice cream make it through the night? Mine didn't. Boo.

I am so glad that dh is off for the next couple of days. He goes back on nights the day before Thanksgiving, so he will not be able to with us to my sisters house. I will bring him lots of leftovers though.

Have a great day ladies!

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Wow Jenn, your color is totally impossible for my old eyes to read!!! LOL

Maybe later, and maybe with my glasses!

I have my Kinsey girl, and we are having such a good time. Basically she come in, climbed in my bed, and passed back out! Oh well, she will wake up and THEN we will have a good time.

Tracy she turns 5 on the 1st of December!!! Unreal! Seems like yesterday in some ways, it has gone so fast, and yet it is hard to remember life without her. Hard to explain.

Rick went to work, he is going to go into Urgent Care at 9 this morning. I expect them to send him home. So Kinsey and I are taking my Mom shopping early this morning, then if he comes home, I will send her with my Mom and come look after him.....poor baby! LOL

MY fear is, I will catch it, and be sicker than a dog while trying to host Thanksgiving dinner. I sure hope not!

Looks like for Thanksgiving we will have our son, DIL and their 2 boys. Manda and Kinsey -- her bf is going out of town to take his Mom to her families house. My parents, my brother, and a friend of Rick's who has nowhere to go. Ricks parents are refusing to go anywhere, because the family is not going to be together. Well his sister DID invite us, but made special effort to mention it is the extended family that made it too big to handle. Well that leaves my parents and brother alone. And I won't do that. I do not have room to have her entire family here, she has 3 daughters with kids and I simply do not have enough room. We do all the summer gatherings so I can do it in the yard---but the inside ones, I am limited.

So if his Mom cannot make her mind up to say eat with one of them, and come have dessert with the other--which I recommended. I told her I had plans for 2-3 sugar free Desserts, so they could come by after dinner with his sister, and have dessert with us, and she refused, saying no they would just stay home. Her damn martyr attitude is making me furious! Rick sees it. He says he just wants to eat too much and watch football, and he would prefer to do it in his own house! So if he is not going to worry about it, and try to make it right by them, neither am I. We just spent a week with them in Texas, having our meals together, the whole 9 yards, and his sister was there, so she had a healthy dose of family togetherness, she can either grow up (LOL she is 82) and deal with things the way they are, or sit at home alone. Maybe we should chip in and send her to Denver to the other kids house!!! THEY get together! Yeah and his sister there is MUCH nicer, and also has a 5000 sq. ft. home! Actually Rick's Mom would love to go, his Dad flat out refuses to leave. They act like preschoolers, and you cannot put them in the corner!!!

Will check in later......gotta go take out the turkey we are frying on Wed.

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Hello all

Well, I start working Monday, and on the biggest project in NYS... yipee

MW Zandri... You guys hear of them, corporate is in TX

So... I have a week to get a lot done and Monday I get back to the real world... and will have health insurance in March... yipee... even better

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OH YEAH... I forgot

Went to Nutritionist today, get a fill on 12/10, but she was so proud of me, I gained 2lbs but super pms so she is happy, and even if not she is happy hovering around the same and said they expect banders to be in the 40% of weight loss and I'm at 72% and right where bypass patients are, and she was just so happy for me. She is also going to document my rashes and stuff to help me get a tt when I'm stable. What a difference 2 years makes. I'm just so happy I can't stand myself.


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Oh Jenn, that is great news all around. And to top it off, you will have insurance. What a big plus. I'm so proud of you and your weight loss. Thanks for being an inspiration.

Kat, I know it sounds sad but we are actually going to the casino Harrah's for Thanksgiving. I'm actually starting to warm up to the idea of it. The thought of me not cooking all day is both a weird concept and also a blessing. I don't have to do all the clean up either.

My best friend that passed away last April, well I ran into her duaghter and asked her what they were doing for the day. She said all of her brothers were going to their in-laws. So that left her and her dad and they decided to go to the buffet at Harrah's. She asked if we would like to go. I asked Hubby and Sisters and they all agreed to do this. Not to leave Bob alone on his first Thanksgiving without his wife, well, it just wasn't an option. And we get to avoid all the drama of who is going to make what and who is going to do what and etc. etc. etc.

Still haven't heard about my cat-scan yet. I talked to the Doc's office friday afternoon and she was hoping that by today she would have approval on it. I'll keep you posted on it.

Off to take a quick nap. See ya soon.

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Actually I don't find that sad at all!!! LOL, makes sense to me, for it to be totally 100% different for this year anyway, for your friends husband. Times tempers the ache of the loss, it never goes away, but as time goes by it seems you can better remember the good times without the hurt being so acute, so then you can go back to having your traditions, but for now, this seems totally logical to me.

With my family this way, it is pretty simple, Mom and I buy groceries together, and I do most of the cooking, she does the sides she plans on. The girls---as in DD, and DIL, will do the clean up! They don't do much of the prep, due to time constraints, and multiple families to see, but they always clean up. And I let them!!! LOL

DD changes up what she brings, but I just ask DIL to bring some pop, because she is dealing with both boys now, and I wanted to make it simple, and we need drinks....

Yay Jenn!!!! I am so happy for you! What is it you will be doing in your new job? What a load off your mind! You can relax going into the holidays, and enjoy them!!!

Manda dealt with her ex all day she said. He was still mad. Then he wanted to text her with a play by play of the funeral. He is so wierd! Anyway, he is mad, so he is pulling out of the birthday party they had planned for her this Sunday. They were going to a place called the Big Bounce. It is a big place, full of those inflatable bouncing things, and inflatable slides, and all that type of thing. They have areas for parties, and you provide the cake, and they do the rest. She is having Tinkerbell. They had agreed and invited family and friends from both sides. Now he is mad so he is not going, and is supposedly going to have his own party for her the next weekend. Meanwhile, I betcha the kids from his side show up and Manda has to pay for them too. He is such a PITA!!! So at lunch Rick told her he would pay the other half if her ex didn't, because it is not cheap, they only did it since they agreed to split the cost.

Rick has bronchitis, and a sinus infection......and cancer on his nose the Dr. thinks. He is really worried about the sore on his nose, we thought it was a zit that would not go away because the nose piece on his glasses rubs it. He told Rick to see a dermatologist immediately, and when we could not get in til Jan. they called and he goes in the first week of December.

Meanwhile he feels crummy----and is taking antibiotics and cough Syrup.< /strong>

Put on a pot of chili, when I got home---not sure it is what I want but he thought it sounded good. I always reflux chili----always have even long before banding.

Keep us in the loop on your Dr. Suzie!

My eating today sucked!!! Ate taco salad for lunch, and THAT was my healthy eating!!! LOL

Better go get some onion chopped and cheese grated to finish the chili off. See y'all later!

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Oh Jenn, that is great news all around. And to top it off, you will have insurance. What a big plus. I'm so proud of you and your weight loss. Thanks for being an inspiration. Thank you Suzanne, that is very sweet and I am just so thrilled... going to be some major changes around here.

Kat, I know it sounds sad but we are actually going to the casino Harrah's for Thanksgiving. I'm actually starting to warm up to the idea of it. The thought of me not cooking all day is both a weird concept and also a blessing. I don't have to do all the clean up either.That actually does sound nice!

My best friend that passed away last April, well I ran into her duaghter and asked her what they were doing for the day. She said all of her brothers were going to their in-laws. So that left her and her dad and they decided to go to the buffet at Harrah's. She asked if we would like to go. I asked Hubby and Sisters and they all agreed to do this. Not to leave Bob alone on his first Thanksgiving without his wife, well, it just wasn't an option. And we get to avoid all the drama of who is going to make what and who is going to do what and etc. etc. etc. You have such a great heart...you are a very special person :thumbup:

Still haven't heard about my cat-scan yet. I talked to the Doc's office friday afternoon and she was hoping that by today she would have approval on it. I'll keep you posted on it.

Off to take a quick nap. See ya soon.

Please let us know as soon as you hear ... you are in my thoughts and prayer
Actually I don't find that sad at all!!! LOL, makes sense to me, for it to be totally 100% different for this year anyway, for your friends husband. Times tempers the ache of the loss, it never goes away, but as time goes by it seems you can better remember the good times without the hurt being so acute, so then you can go back to having your traditions, but for now, this seems totally logical to me.

With my family this way, it is pretty simple, Mom and I buy groceries together, and I do most of the cooking, she does the sides she plans on. The girls---as in DD, and DIL, will do the clean up! They don't do much of the prep, due to time constraints, and multiple families to see, but they always clean up. And I let them!!! LOL

DD changes up what she brings, but I just ask DIL to bring some pop, because she is dealing with both boys now, and I wanted to make it simple, and we need drinks.... that just all sounds nice. only 4 of us here!

Yay Jenn!!!! I am so happy for you! What is it you will be doing in your new job? What a load off your mind! You can relax going into the holidays, and enjoy them!! thanks Kat, it is a great thing... I am going to be assistant to project manger and do the meetings and scheduling.. so excited! It is going to be nice to have a paycheck to get xmas presents, you have no idea what $200 a week extra is going to do for me!

Manda dealt with her ex all day she said. He was still mad. Then he wanted to text her with a play by play of the funeral. He is so wierd! Anyway, he is mad, so he is pulling out of the birthday party they had planned for her this Sunday. They were going to a place called the Big Bounce. It is a big place, full of those inflatable bouncing things, and inflatable slides, and all that type of thing. They have areas for parties, and you provide the cake, and they do the rest. She is having Tinkerbell. They had agreed and invited family and friends from both sides. Now he is mad so he is not going, and is supposedly going to have his own party for her the next weekend. Meanwhile, I betcha the kids from his side show up and Manda has to pay for them too. He is such a PITA!!! So at lunch Rick told her he would pay the other half if her ex didn't, because it is not cheap, they only did it since they agreed to split the cost.

Rick has bronchitis, and a sinus infection......and cancer on his nose the Dr. thinks. He is really worried about the sore on his nose, we thought it was a zit that would not go away because the nose piece on his glasses rubs it. He told Rick to see a dermatologist immediately, and when we could not get in til Jan. they called and he goes in the first week of December.

Meanwhile he feels crummy----and is taking antibiotics and cough syrup I will keep him in my prayers, I hope he gets over the bronchitis and sinus thing quickly

Put on a pot of chili, when I got home---not sure it is what I want but he thought it sounded good. I always reflux chili----always have even long before banding.

Keep us in the loop on your Dr. Suzie!

My eating today sucked!!! Ate taco salad for lunch, and THAT was my healthy eating!!! LOL Kat, my eating sucked too... stupid pms... but how funny is this, I had a taco salad for dinner, ,, and mmmmmmmmmmm it was so good!:(

Better go get some onion chopped and cheese grated to finish the chili off. See y'all later!

Well ya'll that is the summary, I went to he gym tonight, I'm about to fall over on my face I'm so tired.

xoxox night all, talk to you in the am!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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