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Back home from Hobby Lobby, now need to get started on x-mas gifts.

Jenn, hugs to you. I've never had to go thru anything like that so I'm at a loss for words. Just know I'm sending you all my good vibes. Hang in there.

Tracy, woot woot. You go girl.

Thank you so much! Dont work too hard tonight.


Jolly, do not worry about the slight unfill. I was scared too, but I’ve found I’m losing big after. Who’d have thought being too tight might contribute to no loss or some gains? Seems illogical but for some of us is the case. Take care of yourself and your band. That was the case for me...I could not eat anything but sliders... :thumbup:

Tracey, good luck on your fill today! I’m planning a tiny fill too on the 3rd. I’m saying maybe .1cc or .2cc max. I really don’t even want to be tight again, but I know I’m eating too much. bread doesn’t even bother me at all. That’s just crazy. I’m very close to my sweet spot. I think a little top off just might do it.

I am very happy that the dr agreed to the same amount I wanted. The nurse that unfilled me saw me today and said she could tell I had the spark back in my eye. Wow, this time next year, these hardships of plateauing/gaining will be a distant memory (amen)

I’m also not really worried even, because I’m working with my nutritionist for as long as I need to get this down.

Jen, hope your family court goes well as can be expected. I bet that is very stressful for you, but you seem to hold your own. I really admire that. amen...Jenn is very strong. Sometimes she just doesn't remember that...but she has really come a longgg way and I am SO proud of her! :huggie:

Kat, enjoy the snow! It sounds so lovely and cozy. J

Michelle, so sorry you were feeling so bad. L I really hope you’re on the mend; whatever is going around is just the worst. It’s really nice to see you though.

Amen...(I am the Amen choir today)

I completely understand you about the HCTZ. I’m still on it, but on the lowest dose possible. I’ve been being weaned off the strongest dose twice a day since surgery. Every time my doc lightens my rx I end up gaining within days. It just stinks!! I’m dreading getting off all together because the gain is going to make me feel depressed. Just try keeping your body flushed and it will work itself out. Watch those salts too!

Umm, not to be nosey but...are you talking about hydrochlorothiazide? (I think that is how you spell it). If so and somebody needs some PM me...I have a bunch of them. :wink2:

Congratulations by the way! That is my ultimate goal (even thought I’m avoiding it) to get completely off my hbp medicine. That’s awesome!!

Suzie, sorry it’s raining so much there. L I know that always puts a damper on my mood. I can’t get out for my walk during work and I just feel so sluggish.

I hope it lets up soon! We need our Vitamin D!!

Our weekend here is supposed to be beautiful! YAY

Well as for me yesterday was not a good eating day. Oh well, I feel over it today and I’ve been good today. That is what counts! I can’t stray anymore anyway because I’m out of my weekly points. Now I have to stay on point through Saturday. No biggie, that’s what the points system is for. Keeping it real!

My Mom’s agnormal diagnosis had us in the hospital until late last night. It turned out good though, she is completely cleared of anything that might be wrong. :thumbup: That is great news! Praise God! J

So, I think I can sum up my bad eating day with the stresses of that. Other than that, regardless I got my hour workout in, so it covered me just in case. In fact, I’m getting ready to do my miles here in a few. It’s 59 here right now and slight breeze. I love California! I'll bet. One day I wanna go there. One day...:yikes:

Turns out they are already closing up shop whereas my work trip is concerned. I’m not too broken up about it. I think I just wasn’t up to it really. I know there are alternatives, but I’m such a major creature of habit. A place for everything, and everything in its place. Know what I mean? Change one little thing and I seem to fall off track. Glad you will be able stay home :thumbdown:

Hope everyone has a successful day! J

I am gonna go surf the web....I will check back in later ...

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~Jenn, I'm sorry it's been continued til Dec. That's sucks. Lots of hugs and good thoughts to you.

~Kat, had to LOL at the snow drivers. I love snow but you're right, no one seems to be able to drive in it!

~Irene, thanks for all of your support. I appreciate it. I am just going to have to work thru this process. And it is the HCTZ. I'm glad to be off. I'm still checking my levels to make sure I'll stay down but seems to be doing alright so far. Had just gotten a new bottle too so I have tons leftover.

Congrats to you on reducing your meds! That's great news! Good news re: your mom, too. Must be a relief!

I am pretty sure I'm on the mend. I'm feeling a lot better. Stuffy still but it might be some allergies too. I don't really have them but I've noticed that every year something bugs my nose.

Very cold here. I've got a fire going in the stove. It took a long time to get the house warmed up today. We were out the door right after getting up so I didn't factor in time to get the fire going and taking the chill off before we left. We get our new furnace next week so we'll be able to use that to take the chill of in the AM while I get the stove going or if we have to rush out the door.

We got bales of straw yesterday to surround the veggies pots to insulate them a little and be able to cover them with plastic when needed. Most stuff will be done soon and then I won't have to cover it. Once it's consistently cold and not warming up at all (supposed to hit 80's next week!) I'll use some of the straw to finish covering the artichoke plant and bed it for the winter. Wishing I had a greenhouse right about now!

Have a great evening. I'll BBL.

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I don't know if I can get caught up

Michelle: I hope you get a lot better soon, being sick sucks. How is your head?

Tracy and Suzie: I HATE THIS RAIN....DANGIT!:thumbdown:

and Suzie: step away from the candy, remember, it is the food of Satan!:thumbup:

Jenn: sorry about the court crap...that sucks

Irene: congrats on your mom being cleared

I am so tired...oh, and I ate ice cream at school:ohmy:. Michelle, my para, brought ice cream to make sundaes for our students because in BOTH of our classes, every student had their agendas signed by their parent. She is so sweet to our kids, and she is an incredible asset to our classroom. I love her!!!:thumbup: But, she brought that ice cream...I would like to pretend she forced it on me, but alas, my big butt willingly ate it:blushing:. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

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hey all

Thanks for your good thoughts

It just sucked, it always does, he wanted to work out a deal and his atty was a jerk. I didn't get a word in because his atty was like no reason for modification and no braces... I said... excuse me, before we leave can I say something..... and I stated the facts, nothing personal, just clear cut facts, and when done, the judge looked at me, still being recorded and said, Ms Stroman, I can understand why you could feel like you need an attorney, but there are many cases where it is really not necessars and gave me a look with a smile, I think it was his way of saying he is gonna get screwed, which was what happened last time when I was point blank facts and not emotions.

We have to bring info on Health insurance, which I got declined for lower cost and it would cost me $200 a month for insurance to add the kids and that is without dental, which is the issue at hand, i'm' still not pushing for other stuff, it is petty and I don't care about $10 here and $10 there, I care about $600 down and 120 a month for 2 years!

anyway, so I didn't think would be over today but it just over all sucks and then I am so angry when i left, I walked 3 miles in under 40 minutes and then went for a drive, cried, washed my floors, vaccumed all my rooms with carpets and we went to dinner and came home and did dylan's homework, family assignment to decorate a turkey with what ever art supplies we had around the house. it is so cute! DS is nuts and spends way too much time with older girls, he gave the turkey pom pom boobies... LOL

lordy, he is so cute and makes me smile.

Ok i'll really catch up in the morning, I'm mentally done!

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I don't know if I can get caught up

Michelle: I hope you get a lot better soon, being sick sucks. How is your head?

Thanks! It's doing better. Now if I can just get this cold to go away! I was pretty well okay all day and now feel like crap again. I hate colds!!!!!

I am so tired...oh, and I ate ice cream at school:ohmy:. Michelle, my para, brought ice cream to make sundaes for our students because in BOTH of our classes, every student had their agendas signed by their parent. She is so sweet to our kids, and she is an incredible asset to our classroom. I love her!!!;) But, she brought that ice cream...I would like to pretend she forced it on me, but alas, my big butt willingly ate it:blushing:. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

Your para sounds wonderful! Ice cream is EVIL!! I have peppermint in the freezer right now. This is the only time of year Dryers puts it out. It's slow churned but still. I'll be eating it til it's off the shelves. I do every year. Granted my portions are WAY smaller than they used to be but still. It's my weakness. Okay, well one of them. I seem to have many lately!! :)

Oh and the image of your butt eating ice cream should cure me but alas, it doesn't! :lol::lol::lol:

hey all

Thanks for your good thoughts

Ok i'll really catch up in the morning, I'm mentally done!

You're very welcome and it always does (suck, I mean). Just know that we're here for you!

Go to bed and get some rest!

Oh and as for your DS. :eek: LOL! Had to laugh tho b/c DD is obsessed with boobs and babies in tummies! She's 3 so what are ya going to do! LOL!


So DH goes to work today to find they've got a working structure fire. He grabs his gear and drives over to relieve the Engineer on duty and takes over. Unfortunately it was a total loss. It was fully engulfed before they even got the call.

He calls me this afternoon and asks if I wouldn't mind picking up pizza for them. Nope, don't mind a bit. They're tired and after the fire they had to clean and put the engine back together so they don't want to cook but they definitely want to eat! LOL! So then he asks if I can call in the order too! Sheesh! So I do! Of course! He knew I would. :sad:

Anyway, so DD and I go take the pizza to them and stayed to have some too. DD and I each ate 1 piece. By the time they got thru, there was only 1 piece left! I honked when I pulled in so I could get some help carrying everything in. (I'd also brought left-over dessert I'd made for IL's when they came for dinner and there was a lot left over. Knew we wouldn't eat it and I didn't want to have to toss it later so I took it to the station. Knew they'd eat it. I'm sure they wiped it out after we left!) So when I honked ALL of them came out to help!! LOL!! They wanted their pizza!! The pumpkin cake was a nice surprise for them!

Off to bed soon. Have a great night y'all!

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Good morning-I did well on liquids yesterday. Today I am going to do liquids & mushies. Only have a few minutes so....I will be quick

Jenn & Michelle-my 6 year old dd is obsessed with boobs too. LOL Now she has started saying "ooh, he is hot" (heard that on TV) or "ooh he is cute...look sissy, aint he cute?" Oh my... ;). But, most of the time she is anti-boys, lol. Kids are so funny.

Jenn-macy has the same project to do with that turkey!

Cindy-:sad: ICE CREAM.....seriously my downfall. I can attribute my 60 pounds weight gain to BlueBell. I have converted to SF. But I would LOVE a bowl of Cookies & cream or Mint choc chip right now :)

Gotta run...ttfn

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Hey girls~~~

Going to be in and out quickly for the next couple of days. With Halloween, and a crappy mood---I don't see a lot of time ahead. Although I may take the lap top and hide out in the bedroom...away from EVERYONE. Please don't take it personally. It is real life that is getting me down, not my online friends.

I'll be back when I am fit company.

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Hey girls~~~

Going to be in and out quickly for the next couple of days. With Halloween, and a crappy mood---I don't see a lot of time ahead. Although I may take the lap top and hide out in the bedroom...away from EVERYONE. Please don't take it personally. It is real life that is getting me down, not my online friends.

I'll be back when I am fit company.

:):scared2: PLEASE DONT GOOOOOOO!! (this is where I drag you back here kicking and screaming) ;)

I always think you are fit company. :sad: I like the 'take the laptop in your BR and hide out' idea!!!

Sorry you are in a crappy mood. I hope you are feeling alot better real soon!! Love you sista! ((((((hugs))))))

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love ya' - I understand crapy moods, but just drive by post so we know you are ok???


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Morning girls.

Kat, my hideout place is my bathroom. The family knows when I go in there that they are not allowed to even knock on the door. The only time they can bother me is if the house is on fire, other than that they are to leave me alone. sometimes I just go in there to be by myself and get my head back on straight. I put the lid down on the toilet and just sit and do my thinking or not. My alone time, I can do what I want. It just so happens that the drawer on the counter pulls out right in front of me and make a little desk for me. I can put a magazine there or a puzzle book or even my laptop if I ever think I need to get away for that long. LOL.

Michelle. I love the smell of wood burning. When I take my walks on cold days, I love to get a whiff of a wood burning stove. Good job on getting the pizza for those hardworking guys. Bless you.

I need to get ready to head to a funeral. Than I have to work later today. I get off at 6pm and than will go pick the kids up and take them over to church for their BooFest. I'm so looking forward to it. I love to do things like that with the kids. I miss Abagail, I haven't seen her in about a month.

Everyone have a great day and I will check in later.

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hola gals

Just got back from Breast Cancer awareness fundraiser! Cloudy day and i'm ready for a nap before I have to get Dylan



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Jenn, is that a real tattoo???

Stopped by my sisters to drop off her bills and to pick up the sewing machine. I was in a hurry and left real quick. I than drove to the church for a funeral. I went in to go to the bathroom and I checked my phone. There was 4 calls. I listened to them and it was my sister, she was calling to see why I was mad at her. She was crying in each call. I called her back and she was afraid that I left so fast becasue I was mad at her. I reassured her I wasn't, that I had to leave to go to a funeral. She was all wigged out, so I got her calmed down and I headed back into church. Ughh.

Home now and resting for awhile before I head back to work. When I get done there I'm gonna go pick the kids up. I'm looking forward to spending a little time with them.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

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Man, 2nd time I posted this week and it never showed up!

Yes Suzanne, it is real, there forever, my shirt is a little stretched out from them tucking it in, so it can be very easily concealed, yet visible, the first one I have that I can see and has lots of meaning! My cousin died back in 88 - she was very young. Anyway

going to relax and eat my salad.< /p>

hope you are all enjoying the night

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It is late...I have been studying, blah, blah, blah :mad2::mad2::lol::scared2:

:lol:;):lol:HERE IS THE THINKER:lol::Yawn::lol:

If Jen tattoos her chest (which I understand):thumbup:

does that mean

the GUYS would tattoo their brains (u know where) :ohmy::ohmy::laugh::rolleyes2::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:

or matching nuts:w00t::w00t::laugh::laugh::laugh::w00t::w00t:

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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