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Good Morning all

just a quick check in. Running late, pray for me :)

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Good morning!!!

Jenn..prayers for you!!!

My mom still hasn't heard back from the doctor. And I'm trying so hard not to be my usual emotional eater.

The place where we board our dogs had their open house last night. They've become good friends of ours. We got the dogs 2 new toys. We got one that is a stuffed small basketball and when you squeeze it, it goes "booiiinnggg". Babe loves it. It's hilarious.

I'm hoping my Christmas sale brings people in! I've got my fall/winter shoes and handbags 25% off. And what I have left over from summer is 55% off. People need to shop!!!! I've got spring coming starting in January. It needs to be gone!!!!! I wish I had the money and resources to be online. I would ship where ever if someone wanted to buy something! lol I'm trying to decide what kind of refreshment to serve on Sunday for my open house. If yall were going to an open house, what would you like to have??

DH's snoring has died down a bit. Enough to let us back into the same bedroom. I'm thinking about getting up with him in the mornings and getting on the elliptical. But man, that thing kicks my butt. lol I guess that's the point. :)

Well, I guess I'm going to go hit all of my other websites before getting ready for work. I hope everybody has a great day! Prayers to all that need them!!

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Ashley, what about a crock-pot full of apple cider on warm, good to drink and also will make the store smell yummy. Then you could also have a few bottles of cold apple cider. Good Luck.

Now I'm starting to get jealous. Kat's gonna be in Tx.

Jenn, good luck and keeping you in my prayers.

Lazy, rainy, cold day here. This might slow me down.

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Hey all

so they hired the other guy to start Monday, and I was told they will have me on board within 2 weeks. So I've been told I will be working there but need offer in writing and I'm giving my notice.

Pay is tremendous, benefits are great and they have a ton of work on this site an 2 other jobs just starting in the area and have jobs all over the country.

So I'm anxious - but gonna be great! Just want things firmed up

so emotionally drained, just want to give my notice

hope all are well, I'll keep you posted!


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Hi everybody,

Not much going on here. I'm going to have a pretty low key weekend.

I think it's cool that y'all are meeting up in Texas.

Michelle, are you going to Disneyland? I haven't been there in years. I went to Knottsberry Farm last year, and walked so much that I'd lost a pound when I got on the scale the next day!

My foot hurts. I've been having stabbing pains, I guess, for quite a few weeks, sometimes out of no where. Today at work, it hurt so bad I could hardly walk. Looks like I may have to go to the doctor. It's on the right side of my right foot, like maybe there's a bone there. It's sore, and though it feels a little better now that I'm home it's still not easy to walk, and I have to go to the store tomorrow.

That's just peachy, a blind gimp! Hahahaha!!

Jenn, congratulations on the new job, and more money! That's always a good thing.

Suzie, I can't believe you said the cold rainy day might slow you down! Did it?

Everybody take care.

Good night.


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Leaving early in the morning.....think 3 AM!!!

Will meet you any day....just let me know! I'll figure it out!

Call or text me, I will PM you the # again, just in case.

Will check in with y'all if I get a chance, or will see you in about 10 days.


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Met my sister and her kids in the city today at Chuck E. Cheese's. We had so much fun! DD loved it! We were there for about 4 hours!!! I didn't tell Dd we were going. She didn't figure it out til we parked and even then she still wasn't sure!

Ear is feeling better. Tired.

Jenn, best wishes and hope the actual offer comes thru soon for you. Sounds great. Prayers for the follow-thru!

Debbie, blind gimp! Too funny! LOL!! Sounds like you might have a bone spur. Sounds like a lot of what I'm doing w/my left foot. Sorry! My Doc says to take ibuprofen to keep the inflammation down. An x-ray will diagnose it. Feel better!

Yep, headed to DisneyLand. Trip is all booked. going next month. SOOOOO excited!!!!!

Kat, have fun and a safe trip!

Ashley, still got your mom in my prayers. Hope she gets some answers SOON!

Shar, good to see you! Hope the weekend goes well. Family can be tough!

Hi to all!!

Have a great night!

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Hey all! I'm still here just been real busy. This Saturday is "wood day", every fall my hubby's family gathers at my in-laws to chop wood for them for the winter. The men chop wood and the gals make homemade Soup, breads, Desserts. Oh my...this sounds like fun! Enjoy!

I've been sticking to my LAP-BAND® healthy eating habits, this weekend will be stressful though (just a little too much of hubby's family, it does not always go well). Anyway, I'll let you guys know how it all turns out. Hope everyone is well and keeping their chin up, the journey continues. Thanks Shar. Seems we are all helping each other. Stress? I know a little about that too. Have a great weekend!

Shar :P

Good morning!!!

Jenn..prayers for you!!!

My mom still hasn't heard back from the doctor. And I'm trying so hard not to be my usual emotional eater. Please let us know as soon as you ehar something about your mom. Prayers for you & your family.

I'm hoping my Christmas sale brings people in! I've got my fall/winter shoes and handbags 25% off. And what I have left over from summer is 55% off. People need to shop!!!! I've got spring coming starting in January. It needs to be gone!!!!! I wish I had the money and resources to be online. I would ship where ever if someone wanted to buy something! lol I'm trying to decide what kind of refreshment to serve on Sunday for my open house. If yall were going to an open house, what would you like to have?? Coffee & Cookies (maybe hot chocolate)

Well, I guess I'm going to go hit all of my other websites before getting ready for work. I hope everybody has a great day! Prayers to all that need them!!

Ashley, what about a crock-pot full of apple cider on warm, good to drink and also will make the store smell yummy. Then you could also have a few bottles of cold apple cider. Good Luck. That sounds heavenly

Now I'm starting to get jealous. Kat's gonna be in Tx. You will be here in spirit.

Jenn, good luck and keeping you in my prayers.

Lazy, rainy, cold day here. I love days like that. This might slow me down.

Hey all

so they hired the other guy to start Monday, and I was told they will have me on board within 2 weeks. So I've been told I will be working there but need offer in writing and I'm giving my notice. Good for you sista!

Pay is tremendous, benefits are great and they have a ton of work on this site an 2 other jobs just starting in the area and have jobs all over the country.PM me the name of the company

So I'm anxious - but gonna be great! Just want things firmed up

so emotionally drained, just want to give my notice

hope all are well, I'll keep you posted! You better :w00t:


Hi everybody,

Not much going on here. I'm going to have a pretty low key weekend. I like those kinds of weekends.

I think it's cool that y'all are meeting up in Texas. Me too

My foot hurts. I've been having stabbing pains, I guess, for quite a few weeks, sometimes out of no where. Today at work, it hurt so bad I could hardly walk. Looks like I may have to go to the doctor. It's on the right side of my right foot, like maybe there's a bone there. It's sore, and though it feels a little better now that I'm home it's still not easy to walk, and I have to go to the store tomorrow. I am so sorry that you are hurting. Feel better soon!

That's just peachy, a blind gimp! Hahahaha!! lol, you silly thing.

Jenn, congratulations on the new job, and more money! That's always a good thing.

Suzie, I can't believe you said the cold rainy day might slow you down! Did it?

Everybody take care. You too.

Good night.


Met my sister and her kids in the city today at Chuck E. Cheese's. We had so much fun! DD loved it! We were there for about 4 hours!!! I didn't tell Dd we were going. She didn't figure it out til we parked and even then she still wasn't sure! I'll bet she had a ball!

Ear is feeling better. Tired. Glad to hear it is a little better.

Yep, headed to DisneyLand. Trip is all booked. going next month. SOOOOO excited!!!!! We have never been. It is a dream trip. I am so excited for y'all.

Kat, have fun and a safe trip!

Ashley, still got your mom in my prayers. Hope she gets some answers SOON!

Shar, good to see you! Hope the weekend goes well. Family can be tough!

Hi to all!!

Have a great night!

Everyone~ Lets see...yesterday I took dd to the dentist for a filling. They gave her a valium to take one hour before her appt and she was laid flat out in the living room saying "mom, i feel weird". lol She came through like a trooper. Her dentist is great with kids. I wish he was MY dentist.

Then after I took her to school I had a dr appt of my own. Got my meds refilled.

Last night dd and I went with the girl scout troop to see Disney on Ice. It was great! I felt like a kid all over again.

Today is my moms 71st birthday. Macy and I were supposed to go see her today but yesterday mom said she might have some kind of virus. SO, I will call her shortly to see if she is up for company. If not, we will just hang out here.

Today is a fresh start day...sugar detox for a lack of better words. I have had a rough couple of days but I am going to stop the insanity today before I undo all of my hard work. I am not going to get on the scales and see what I have done to myself because that will only depress me. :) I am just gonna jump back on the bandwagon, dust myself off and follow the rules again. Then maybe 3 or 4 days from now I will get back on the scales.

Have a great day friends. :( Eat right, drink plenty of H2O and park further away from the entrance of wherever you go. :wink5:

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Hey guys,

Cold day here today but at least the sun is shining. I've had the fireplace going all day long keeping my toesies warm.

I heard that Kat made it to Tx. Hope they got all the way.

Not much going on here. Did some housework and a few ittle things here. Kinda taking it easy. I'll get busy tomorrow.

A little girl scout came by today to sell Cookies. I actually turned her down. That's only because I have already ordered 3 boxes from a cousin of mine.

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Tonight at church I was an usher. One of the things I do is stand at the door and greet people as they come in. So I'm standing there and there is a row of chairs behind me with a lady and her 2 year old grandson. I walked away from the door and it slowly shuts. I step back to the door and the lady comes up to me and tells me that next time I leave the door to let her know because her grandson had his fingers in the door jam and I let the door go and he could have gotten hurt. Seriously, are you saying it's my fault????? Why don't you teach your grandson to not put his fingers where they don't belong.

Sorry for the rant. Just kind of urked me.

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Good morning!!! I ended up getting cranberry trail mix and red & green M&M's. The other shops are doing thumbprint Cookies, cheese & crackers, chicken tortilla wraps, chicken & cheese ball, hot spice tea, cold cider, coffee and Christmas candy.

DH and I went to O'Charley's last night with some of his family. The service is usually great because we get seated in a certain section, but last night we didn't. I'm the type I always tip even if the service is bad. The service was HORRIBLE. We had to ask at least 2 or 3 times for everything. She forgot DH's Soup and his uncles salad. Everybody (except for me cause I barely drank anything) ran out of tea multiple times. I told DH that we weren't going to tip her. The table behind us had the same waitress. We and that table told the manager. I mean, it was ridiculous. DH looked at me and said "You always want me to tip." I'm sorry, but when service is that bad, you don't deserve a tip.

I didn't sleep for anything last night. DH snored, tossed and turned, slept on top of me, and took up the whole bed. lol So now I'm having coffee so I can get awake enough to take a shower and get ready for work at 1:00. It's only 8:00 now. I hope this Christmas Open House pays off!!

Have a great day!!!!!

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Good Morning all

up way too early, going to wallyworld to go get new xmas lights and getting things done. House is nice and clean from party last night so going to work outside before it gets cold again.

Tracy - I'll pm you

Until i have my start date I'm still anxious, but very excited. I need this more than anything - it will do so much for my future.

hope all is well

Kat be safe :)

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Suzanne-that is absurd. The woman needs to watch the kid, ya know?! UGH...some people.

Ashley-good luck on open house! Hope you rake in lots of moolah :lol:

Cindy-good morning....i see you there :crying:

Jennifer-I am so excited for you. When should you get word of a start date? I hope you do not have to wait long!

I drove over to see my mom for her birthday. It was so priceless. She did not think I was coming and I kept it a secret. When I got there, she was taking a nap so I went and got in bed with her and was about 1 foot away from her facing smiling at her and she slowly opened her eyes...focused and when she realized it was me she grabbed hold of me and held me so tight and giggled and squealed. So excited to see me. That was a moment I will never ever forget. Of course her other children that live local to her did not even go see her. Sad sad sad. She has been a great mother to us. I just do not understand them. They will regret it one day...and I will be there to smear it in their faces. The only reason I have not said anything to them yet is because she made me promise not to. She said she does not want them to visit her because I made them feel guilty and they feel like they HAVE to. I understand that. Sure is hard to bite my tongue.

Today I promised dd to bring her to play at chuck e cheese. DH is still on nights.

Angela-whatg are you doing this weekend? I need to call Kat and ask her what dates would be good for her and we can pick one to go meet her, ok?!

How is everyone today? Anybody have anything fun planned? I saw that Toys R Us is opening at 10 PM thanksgiving night. Are you kidding? Ugh....earlier and earlier.

Have a great day friends :)

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Suz, that is ridiculous! I would have politely told her that I am an usher NOT a babysitter!!!!

Jen, still praying for the new job!

Ashely, sounds like DH got used to having his own bed REAL quick! I'd have been pushing and poking him all night. Or given up and finding my own bed! Hope the open house goes GREAT!!!

Tracy, so glad you got to surprise you mom. I've done that w/my mom too. Just driven up there [3 1/2 hrs] and then calling her when I'm outside. It's fun! Have you signed up on Chuckie's website? They send you coupons! It's free and they're worth it! Have fun!

Nothing fun going on today. My ear hurts and I can't hear out of it. The drops aren't working as well as I'd hoped. I'll head to Kaiser in the AM after dropping off DD to pick up the antibiotics that doc Rx'd for me. I was hoping to avoid that but there's too much pressure and pain. Thinking the ear drum is fully involved now when maybe it hadn't been last week.

Also, in regards to my left ankle/foot, I'm going to e-mail my doc and have him send me a referral to the podiatrist. Figuring if it's bad enough for surgery, I'm going to have to have it next month. DH is off all month so he'd be home to take care of everybody. Otherwise he's not home for any length of time other than just days off. Hoping I don't need surgery for it but who knows. Need to talk to the foot doc first.

DH is working overtime today. He'll be home tomorrow. Other than that, nothing going on. Feel too icky to do anything. Steelers are playing tonight so we'll watch them for sure.

Have a great Sunday!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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