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Good morning!!

Ashley, this may sound harsh...but I think you need to cut the ties with Lee completely. Meaning, don't be present any where that he is. It might be a little difficult at first because of his ties to your family but he is reaking nothing but havoc on you and your husband.

Suzie, Lordy! Take care of your foot!! Is hubby waiting on you hand and "foot"...you deserve it.

Kat, love the pics of Kinsey and your dog! She is a little doll. I hope your inlaws make it in safely. That is a little scary!!

Bethany- Hang in there!! Come back and post so that we can help you along. I think most of us are struggling right now.

Debbie, I took some of your "medicine" and took off yesterday. I think sometimes you just need to!! Oh, and you are pretty terrific, too!

Tracy, you must have had me on the brain :frown: . You posted twice to me but I think you were meaning Ashley! LOL...

I know I am not getting everyone, but hello to you all...and TGIF!!!

Last time I will bring this up, I promise....Dad did request a recount. It looks like he missed it by 15 now?? Or so his local paper is reporting...but originally they said 12. According to the paper he gained one vote (I know, the math doesn't add up!) so...hopefully he is not out the $800.00. I know his heart is broke so I haven't talked to him directly yet. He has been spending a bit of time at the courthouse. I just leave good messages with my mom and I am thinking that I will try to call him on Sunday when he has had a little time to heal.

I did enjoy yesterday...quiet house, then went shopping big time!! I have a bunch of family/friends coming to the bayhouse for Thanksgiving. I had bought nice dishes and some small pan/baking sets but it's not going to be enough for all the cooking that I am expecting to happen! I had a $10.00 coupon (minimum purchase $10.00) and another save $10.00 on a purchase of $25.00 or more from JC Penny so I bought some new pans and mixing bowls.

I am frugal (can't bring myself to say cheap!! :blush: ). I saved $88.00 at the grocery store yesterday!!!!

I joined the Proctor Gamble web. If you have a grocery card (like a discount card that some chains offer) you can go to the PG site and download coupons directly to your card. I then clip coupons and use them with the PG coupons. I am not sure how legit that is...or why the grocery chain allows you to use 2 coupons on one purchase, but it works. This particular store offers double (up to .50) and triple coupons (up to .39) so it really adds up.

It takes me a while to get through the store....checking the ads against my coupons but saving $88.00...it's worth it! I was glad to go without my child yesterday, lol. He likes to add to my basket and chit-chat. I can't think proper with him there. How sad is that!! Speaking of which...my little angel turns 15 on Sunday. Soooo hard to believe. His girlfriend's birthday is next week so he asked if we could bring her along to dinner. Too cute...

Have a good one!


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Angela...I wish I had the will to download all the coupons. The best I have is the Bi-Lo bonus card. lol I don't know how to cut all ties with Lee because it would break my mom's heart if we didn't come to Thanksgiving. My mom is really big on the family being together on Thanksgiving and Christmas. I guess we will see what happens. I do feel better knowing I have the support of my mom. Can you tell it's a slow day at the store? lol I feel like I'm constantly on this website today.

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Ashley, I agree with Angela, 100%. Lee is sounding somewhat stalkerish, and extremely controlling. It also sounds like while YOUR Mom has YOUR back, HIS Moms has HIS. Possibly skipping Thanksgiving with your Mom will send the message how serious you are about him being a problem, whether the marriage works out or not. I don't say that doubting it will, I say it, meaning they need to know that. That you do not want him waiting in the wings to rescue you, that even in the worst case scenario, you want Lee GONE. It sounds as though your Dad has no love lost for them either if he realizes that they think they control him as well.

Tonight when your inlaws come over, try to make Thanksgiving plans with them. It would #1 show your Mom you will NOT be there, and only hope he behaves, you will simply NOT be there is Lee is. Period. #2, it would show a solid effort to establish your marriage to ALL involved.

Jealous, controlling men are scary. From a young a immature viewpoint, it sometimes feels good that someone cares that much about you.....but it smothers you, and they don't care. It is not you they want. It is that they want no one else to have you. They want control. If he gets that control by working your entire family, that will be fine with him.

I agree with Angela---cut ALL ties. Accept no phone calls, and report any you get, let the local police know you feel harrassed by him if it comes to it. With the neighbor upstairs and everyone else in your life as well as your Moms, it may seem harsh, but so is death, and MANY stalkers take it that far.

I spent years speaking with a Victim Impact Panel, and the stories ALL start this way Ashley! They like to involve other people, make you question yourself---it is mind manipulation.

Get him out of your life, out of your husbands life---he sounds (DH) like he is seriously trying to make changes to correct problems within your marriage, and this guy is making it twice as hard on him. And be honest----would you put up with another woman doing the same with you? Being at the same gatherings, knowing some of his family preferred her, her watching your comings and goings? I wouldn't and give him kudos for putting up with it for this long!

Be careful around Lee, AND his family----he has had a lifetime to make them his followers.

Well I went and got my flu shot this morning.

Izzy goes and gets her rabies this afternoon.

Us girls should be good!!


Tracy--- I don't know how to say this without soundsing like a heathen or a bible thumper!! I wish I had the morning prayer thing down. Seems like the alarm goes off, and I begin my stretches, which would be an ideal time to pray, but all my groaning interferes......I am old and extra achy in the AM!!! Then I get up and get busy---lunch packed, Kinsey comes. I send little Thank You Gods up off and on all day--for good things, beautiful things. I ask for guidance when I face the unknown. But to settle down and give proper thanks....and to reflect on my own belief, I tend to do that at night, and end up falling asleep. I feel ungrateful.....that I fall asleep! I guess I need to set my alarm, and give myself time to prepare for the day rather than reflect upon it......hmmm

Suzie, how is the foor this morning, cast feeling tight? Mine always tighten up the first 24 hours, then the swelling eases. Let me tell you what you will need!!! An old fashioned fly swatter! They have the round wire handle. They are sturdier than a hanger---yet flexible. Will slide in and get that itch!

If you were here you would need an old wool sock to cover your toes! It is cold out! It freezes every night, then gets up to 70 in the day, and we all wonder why we have colds. I know they are germ based, but the incubation in those temps has to be involved somehow! Everywhere you go people are sick! Cold medicine on the shelves is wiped (pun intended) out!

The County Clerk called me to tell me she put my check in the mail, along with a letter left for her commending my polling place, and the way in which I handled potential voters coming in. Ends up my watcher was not a political party watcher, he was from the Attorney Generals office, which is why when the other AG guys come in, they did not stay---gave me a card and left.

Not that the letter does me any good, but it boosts my self esteem!! LOL

Michelle, how much more wood do you expect to need? I am so glad to be done! We cheated this year and had the youth group at church bring in a cord! BUT it was affordable, and a tax write off too!

Which we will need, because we sold out our Halliburton stock (with the cement news on the spill), before they dropped too bad. Rick wants to take some of the cash and buy a truck. New to us, but not new. 4-5 years old, and low mileage.

Tracy, having been in the step parent business, I can imagine your situation. We have one of our own brewing. Ever just wanna run away from it all? I would if I could take Rick with me!!! LOL

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ANGELA....lol. You have been on my brain believe it or not. I have been wanting to get together and catch up. I need to join that P&G site! Sounds great :frown:

Kat-I say a short prayer in the mornings. The get down to it prayer comes as I lay in bed recapping what happened during my day. I used to pray everyday and as I gained my weight back, I got out of the habit of talking to God. When I realized that things were better in my life when I was talking to Him, I started again and now I am better for it. :blush:

I have not attended church in a long time. I need to find us one around here and there are some good prospects.

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Kat...I told my mom that if she ever had to fire Lee, she was in a bad position because of his mom being my mom's cleaning woman. And my mom said "Oh, no. I almost fired him before and his mom and dad were in agreement with me." I honestly do not know what to do. I wish my mom would just un-invite Lee and his family. We always do Thanksgiving with DH's family for lunch on Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving night with my mom and step-dad and the Saturday following Thanksgiving with my dad and step-mom. Lee doesn't call me. My mom said that he probably took it upon himself to check it out since his wife works for me. But if she worked for someone else, he wouldn't do that. His parents watch my mom and step-dad's house like hawks. It used to be that even I couldn't go to my parents' house (when they weren't home) without getting 20 questions from Lee's mom and dad. They finally backed off. And I feel like Jacque (my employee) should have came to me if she thought someone was coming in (since I own the store), and not have gotten Lee involved. This situation sucks.

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Here's my story;

I got up at 4:30 this morning and wasn't happy that I couldn't take a shower. I did my usual routine and then left for work at 5:45. I did all my duties at work and even ran the sweeper. I got off work at 9:00 and headed to the grocery store to get some stuff that was on sale. I bring it home and put things away. I mess around for about 45 minutes and then take off to go meet my friend for lunch at Panera's. From there we went over to the dog park and walked around and let the doggie run for about a half hour. I came home and peeled chopped potatoes, onions and celery and made a big pot of potato Soup. Boiled some eggs, sept the kitchen floor. Did a few other things around the house and then ran the sweeper......................And then I wonder why Darrell gets so mad at me.

He actually believes that I should stay home and rest and put my casted foot up. When the Doc was putting it on, I looked at Darrell and made the statement that I wasn't going to let this get in my way. The Doc just laughed. How little he knows me.

So now that everything is done, I'm sitting here in my chair with my shoe off and my feet up. Relaxing for the rest of the day.

Kat, my cast allows me to move my ankle which makes walking a lot easier. So far no itching but if I do I will grab the flyswatter. Actually I had already thought that. I'll be glad when it's off so I can scrub my foot real good.

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NSV....my pajama pants are a little looser (no, not because I went 3 days in a row wearing them, lol). These came right out of the dryer and pretty soon I will have to tighten the drawstring :eek:

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Yay Tracy!!!

Ever have one of those days, where no matter what you do, you're gonna be wrong?? I am there.

It is all my Aunt I don't like, it is her fault. She butted in to something we had planned (again) so then my folks decided to go, then she backed out, but my folks still want to go. why I don't know, they won't like the place, it is a restaurant/bar---more bar than restaurant on the weekends, loud and busy as hell. But when I tried to get them to back out rather than tell them they shouldn't go, Mom decided none of US should go, let THEM, and we will all go to dinner together ourselves. Which would be fine, except it is my cousin and I who were planning the dinner with my Uncle. So I can't really cancel without being rude....but, wth. Someone is going to be unhappy regardless.

Think I will stay home and eat a turkey sandwich. GRRRRRRRRRRRR

Tracy I am happy for you, I needed to hear your happy news!!!!

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hi all

shoot ! I actually typed out more than what posted, I'm sad but it is kinda funny

well, I am just gaining and gaining. Tomorrow is DS's bday and then that is it, I need to get a grip and lose 10 quickly - I have a fill appt on the 18th and I don't care I can't eat turkey - I'm grossing myself out

ok well GO TRACY

I'm off to bed, I'm tired.

sorry my personal's didn't post, they were good.

night all

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Tracy, I am assuming they did. Rick talked to them when they stopped last night. I would guess we would have heard from the siblings if they had not. We tried to call, but no one here has service there.....stupid place!

My MIL, love her to pieces, and yet she drives me totally batty at the same time. She is a martyr. She will not call us to tell us they got there. She will not call the family there to let them know they arrived. Then she will feel sorry for herself and do a lot of deep sighing and depressed acting for days because no one bothered to check on them.

She does this with everything. And lately she does it when I call, she doesn't answer, then tells Rick, she just never hears from me. Gotta love a phone log. Rick believes me, he knows his Mom---he knows her well.

Like I say, we tried to call, no answer. I told him to call his sister, I have no idea if he tried, I did not hear him talking to her. If his Mom checks in with anyone at all, it will he his sister that lives here near us.

Thanks for asking. I hope they are alright, we have no way to know. Taking it like "no news is good news" at this point.

Just got Izzy out of the bath. She is so funny afterwards. Shake....run....shake....roll.....shake....

scratch.....shake...... See the pattern here? LOL

She got her rabies shot, Dr. said she was in good health, could stand another 5 pounds. By her teeth, she seems to be aged right, near a year he said.

They checked her chip to make sure all the info was right, and it was.

They checked her much more thoroughly than they did me for my flu shot!!! LOL

My arm is a little sore, but I didn't hardly feel the needle, no burn....was all but pain free!

Well, I am going to bed.....will watch TV from there with Rick.

We went to dinner with my parents. Not sure who all went with my Uncle, besides my cousin. She feels bad about it, and she knows it was her Moms drama!!

What is up with Moms??? LOL yeah......I'm a MOM!!!

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Good morning everyone...

Today Macy is going on a field trip to a place called Dewberry Farms. They have a corn maze and petting zoo and all kinds of neat stuff. She is excited. I was gonna go but my pocketbook says otherwise, so I will stay home and clean house :eek: Oh well, when I am done at least I will feel like I accomplished something.

What is everyone doing this weekend?

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Good morning! Chili night with DH's family was great!! His step-dad's aunt made me feel so good. She was hugging me bye and said "We're so glad you're in the family." Everybody was happy, and had a great time!!

DH is winterizing our camper today. I'll be glad when it sells! And then we are having pictures made, and having a double date night!

DH was still mad about the Lee incident when we were both heading home from work. But thankfully he got over it and had a good time last night. He even said "I think having everybody over helped you too." Because with the Lee thing I was on the verge of having a break down. I think that's why DH calmed down so he could help me.

Anybody got plans??

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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