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Tracy: I am feeling a little better everyday...I should, I am on day 8 of the antibiotics and did I mention I HATE prednisone?!:) This really messes up my October/Halloween Challenge. How much longer do you have to take it? That sucks!

I realized there are way too many movies that I want to see this weekend. I am currently trying to convince my teenagers they want to see the Toy Story movies in 3D with me. I think they may cave, if not, I will look like a major dork, but I will go solo. I LOVE TOY STORY!:w00t: i would look like a dork with you because I LOVE Toy Story...one of my favs!

Home from work and my meeting and I'm glad.

I'm gonna just relax the rest of the evening and keep my feet up. I'll have a long day tomorrow. Busy finishing putting things away for the winter.

See ya in the morning.

You have to be one of the busiest people I know!!

Good morning ladies! I am not going to weigh in today since I gave a new start # yesterday. I will do it next Friday. October is going to be a great month, I can just feel it! :smile:

The new ticker is my whole goal...to (re) lose 50 pounds by summer at least. That will put me at 185 and the perfect size for me. I had gotten to 173 before but my face was so skinny and my neck look like a turkeys' gaggle. My face looked like achmed the dead terrorist (know who that is? one of jeff dunham the ventriloquists puppets of a skeleton) :thumbup: Being 5'7 I pull off 18something really well. I feel good and look good at that weight. Forget the 35" waist thing, never gonna happen. What matters is how I feel. :w00t:

Jen-how goes it this morning?

Have a good day...gotta get my girl ready for school. I am so glad she is better!

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Hi everyone

Thanks for the well wishes...

Kat has known my story for the last 2 years, but I am ok, I needed to be let go, it is not what i wanted but I needed to either be together or let me find someone who could be with me. I will be ok, I feel like I lost my best friend but will be ok.

I had my surgery yesterday, I'm still foggy from meds so I'm sorry no major personals...

i can't remember what I was going to say, except...

Tracy - you know me so well... but no vodka..lol was oxycodone... I have been seriously soul searching and have not been drinking, other than Wed night when kev told me the truth.

Ok I'll update chart when I can really read and understand.

Laura - just thougt of you, I'm glad you are taking care of yourself, asthma is nothing to mess with and this swine bs. Take care of you!

nothing left upstairs... be back later!

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Running late.....slept like a log, feeling a little better this morning, heading to work. I think I got it in a milder form, but maybe I am just less wimpy I tell him!!!

We have family in for the weekend, both Dads and youngest DD birthdays on Sunday. So today is working, then shopping, then family. Will be back as I can.

Hugs to you all, and tchr, read my signature, the prednisone was part (only part, but a BIG part I think) of my regaining weight!!!

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Great, like we need one more thing against us. Now they are saying that kids that were given candy as kids are more likely to commit crimes in their adulthood. Well, I do have to confess that I ate a grape without paying for it one time. Please don't turn me in. I promise to never do it again.

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Are you Kidding me????? that is insane! So when adults eat candy they are going to turn into rapist when they are eldery? Come on ....

I had to do a paper for my nutrition class... and it is scary what is really added to our food, mostly pre-packaged stuff. Some of it became illegal in the States so we ship it out to other Countries, Africa was a big one.. and funny.... isn't it the poor contries that most of the disease and stuff comes from? Just a thought....

Not that China is any better with the stuff they are putting in our products....

And society with pushing the biggie size or supersized meals... and you wonder why I needed to be banded...

OK that is enough of that... the one subject that makes me crazy.

Ok so how is this, Went to the Nutritionist, mad because I gained 2lbs from this am, but I'm sure not drinking was the cause so I'm not too worried, she was still super happy with me.

But she did say I need to eat more, 900 cals a day is not nearly enough, but suggested adding fruit or veggies as a snack, no more Protein, and not to change more than than. I go back November 17 and I told her i wanted to come in for an adjustment Mid December so I stay at 1.5 and good for the holidays. She told me to come in the begenning of Dec so I have that on 12/10. She asked my ultimate goal, I told her 150 and my mid goal is 175 which she said is very doable. So I want to be there by my Nov appt. and I don't want anymore, I just want removed and replaced to 1.5

I'm going to hit my goal by year 3 (4/16/10)

So that is my rant and my story, and I'm sticking to it.

So I hope some of that nutrition info helps someone... anyone....

I am on a mission to prove everyone wrong.

OH another thing... My mom told me 25lbs more I would be way too skinny... WTF????? are you kidding me????? I almost cried, but when I told her how much I weigh right now, which I never have done, she was shocked and said I don't look like it. Seriously 150 at 5'5" is still on the high end of the range for that height... when I said that she was better with it, but still thinks it will be too thin ... woud be about a size 8.. Be happy for me.... seriously... size 8 is very average

xoxxoxoxo love ya'll

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Challenge update:

Last week: 174.9

This week: 172.5

Goal: 170

Took me all of September to lose 3/10ths of a lb so we'll see what happens with the last couple of lbs for this challenge!


Jennifur, I don't remember you saying anything about surgery! Heal well!

Kat, glad you're feeling better. Just wish you could rest this weekend. :frown:

Tracy, I think your goals are very realistic. Too many people go by the BMI stuff. Granted I do too but more as a guideline to where I MIGHT want to be at goal. I also base it on where I was when I graduated HS and before I started gaining weight. Don't imagine this body will every see 120 again but I think 130 might be realistic. We'll find out as I get closer.

Suzie, at the very end of the story, on my local channel, they real quick said this was in regards to parents who used candy for bribing purposes with their kids. :smile: Great, one more thing to blame the parents on when you go the therapy! LOL! They also said, again, very quickly, that it was a small study and probably has some validation issues. :) :thumbup: So WHY even report it?! Sheesh! Dumb, dumb, dumb!!!


Another quiet day. They don't happen too often so when they do, I take full advantage! :w00t: I do need to do some laundry and change the bedding tho. Suppose I should clean the house but that will probably NOT happen. I like things clean but hate doing it! When I was working full-time I was blessed to be able to afford a housekeeper every other week. I miss that!

Had another bad Migraine last night. Made me a little sick. Doing okay today. Hopefully I don't get hit with another one later today. That'll be all week except Wednesday, if I do. :w00t: Thank God for my meds!

I need to plant my new veggies today or tomorrow too. Bought some Thyme, Spinach, Asian Greens and Peas. We'll see what else comes in to the nursery later this month. I've never done a Fall garden. Have always just done a summer one. We'll see what happens! :w00t:

Also bought a blueberry bush! Now I need to buy some straw for it, the artichoke and the herbs to over-winter. I may even try garlic. Need to get on the ball for that one tho If I'm going to do it b/c I'll have to order it. It's all stuff I've never tried to grow before. We'll see if I can keep it going or not! :tongue:

Well, I'd better get moving. Have a great day!

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Tracy: I am feeling a little better everyday...I should, I am on day 8 of the antibiotics and did I mention I HATE prednisone?!:smile: This really messes up my October/Halloween Challenge.

I realized there are way too many movies that I want to see this weekend. I am currently trying to convince my teenagers they want to see the Toy Story movies in 3D with me. I think they may cave, if not, I will look like a major dork, but I will go solo. I LOVE TOY STORY!:)

I got your update, congrats on the -3 and I would go see Toy Story with you... I love them too.:thumbup:

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Ok just did some chart updating!

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The pool stuff is put away and we got out the Halloween stuff. Most of it is put up. I had to quit so I can get some lunch and head to work. I'll finish the rest when I get home.

I'll be back later.

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Ok just did some chart updating!

psssst....take that 228.5 off and replace the START with 235 (and dont tell anyone) :smile:

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Tracy, I think that's a great goal! I have mine set for 170. I don't care if I'm heavier. I'm almost done with my blood pressure meds and that is why I did this from the start. I personally feel great and healthier than ever.

Then if I get there and am there for awhile and decide to go further, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. You can do it!!

Suzie, that is a very interesting study! Maybe I can go back to my childhood, eat lots of candy, then I'll come back here and let you know. :smile:

Kat, have a great weekend! Family is the best. :)

Michelle, have fun with the gardning and hopefully you'll have a headache free weekend too. Those things are no fun.

Jen, I really wouldn't worry about the 2 Lbs. I can gain that in one day and lose it by weigh in the next morning. Our bodies fluctuate throughout the day.

Okay everyone, I really have nothing to report. Just flying through the day and it's quiet here at work today. Life's good. My co-worker and I are going to do some Halloween decorating here in a bit. My weekend will be pretty quiet too. However next weekend... Well, I'll travel a total of 700 miles in 2 days. yay... :thumbup: Oh well, the reason is a very good one, or two.

Have a good one y'all!

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I jumped on the scale today and can not figure it out again... I will be at the asthma doctor on Columbus Day.... I can not figure my weight... one side one amount and I even placed my feet where I did last time and I think it is a loss of 2 lbs but who knows... so put zero I guess....

The scale is driving me crazy :thumbup:

Laura who is not Jolly now

A friend is having a dinner party and usually I say no... but actually are going. Decided that I can trust myself... its the eaters... it is ...Attack of the food :0

Good note :)

My DH took MIL to the city for her to visit a specialist. I made DH sandwichs and snacks... my MIL...I DO NOT WANT ANYTHING...in other words... you are always cooking ahead and it drives her and my SILs crazy...tuff

Well, I made my husbands stuff and added just lunch for MIL...decided she will be hungry but would not give her a snack

When DH left this morning, I decided to be nice and called her to tell her my DH was on the way. Bitchs that SIL blah blah but how about son who drives her etc etc... SIL is in the city

Yours truly tells her not to worry packed DH food and make sure he has his Snacks because he is diabetic and should not miss meals (like his crazy family)... and that there is a lunch in DH bag... well did she yell... I said TUFF>>. you are in the city and if you do not use it... bring it back..by the time he would come home.. I would through it out...but would not tell her

Well, they get to the city and DH has his snack...SIL arrives and leaves DH so MIL can now have loads of tests (another 2 hrs after specialist visit)... MIL and SIL do everything to the second and was peeved that she had to be a second longer in the city... My DH finally gets into the car he is driving to take MIL to her next stop and she calls to say they are coming home (took her over 4 years to learn how to use the cell pphone ) and first thing I said...DID MY HUSBAND EAT

and she says... yes... and thank god you packed me a sandwich I WAS SO HUNGRY>>>> huh.. she repeated it again...you know I never would have thought I needed lunch....brilliant woman but dumb it takes a few hours to the city and you know that it is always a wait at a doctor and then they will always have tests :)

Well.... one more point for me...who cares...other SIL ...is also a pain in the butt....

gotta get ready for the dinner tonight...

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Irene-your avatar pic reminds me of my mother in law...LOL When I lost my weight the first time my goal was 169..I made it to 173 and now that i look back on it, i was sick looking. You are right, the best way to do it is go by how you FEEL! :)

Laura-do you realize you did not have one single :) :thumbup: or :blink: on your long post? I am so used to seeing your posts like that! :tt2:

So, what is everyone doing this weekend? dsd is at her moms so it is just me and macy here tomorrow, dh is working.

Jen-sorry I didn't call you back. Hope you are feeling good :thumbup:.

Have a great night everyone!

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Laura, How terrible that you get treated that way. But hopefully they now understand your good heart. I bet hubby appreciates you.

Hubby and I have a baseball party to go to tomorrow. Greinke is pitching his last game of the year and we are going over to watch. So you know that means lots of food. Holy Cow. Sunday I should stay home and relax but I think the neighbor and I are going to the local craft fair at the Farmstead. Depends on how cool it gets.

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I was in a hurry .... I am back from the party:confused:



do you think I was :sneaky:

or do you think I :drool: over the food

or do you think I was :thumbup:

No...:tt2: I was :thumbup:

Had a great time :lol: and :lol: and :lol:

so I got some much air in my lungs... could not eat that much :wub:

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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