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Well, I got home from work/tutoring/shopping about 7:45. I opened the door and was greeted to the most amazing smell. My dh had cooked me dinner. Now, I am a really good cook, but this man made the most incredible meatloaf I have ever eaten! After almost 20 years, it seems he is still a keeper!

Ashley, I hope you are able to get the mice under control. Once you get their entrance into your home blocked, it will be easier to get rid of them. Again, good luck!

Tracy, this time of year is here to tempt us! It sounds like you have the right idea though...Just do the best that you can and make adjustments where you can.

Kat, I hope Manda is able to get back to roller derby soon. I remember how excited you said she was about it.

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Tracy, this time of year is here to tempt us! It sounds like you have the right idea though...Just do the best that you can and make adjustments where you can.

Thank you Cindy. :thumbup:

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Angela-her costume ended up being alot easier than what I had said it would. It is cute but, I ended up not having to sew anything. To me it is kind of plain, but it is what she wanted. I may change it up for actual trick or treating. But, you know I will post pics either way. :lol:

Good morning everyone~dd goes back to school today. She was out yesterday for a teacher workday. Then tonight is the girl scout halloween party. (God help me stay away from the goodies).

I am kind of down this morning. I will spare you all the details. Please pray for me. :thumbup:

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I think the bat would be cute. I sent Amanda one year as the cutest spider you ever saw!!!

I dressed her in a black one piece long sleeve dance set----then took black knee high panty hose, and stuffed them, and attached them to the shirt part--she wore white gloves, and we put white gloves on the end of each of her additional legs---2 extra on each side, and she wore white tenny shoes. I hooked the ends of the new legs together with elastic thread made for jewelry making, so each time she moved her arms, they ALL moved. Then we put big long fake black eyelashes on her and a little black derby hat. She was adorable. Won a prize even. However she did not like it----she wanted to be a scary spider! Yeah----sure-----grrrrr!!! Kids!

Speaking of kids, Kinsey just walked in, in a winter coat, and gloves---it is down into the 20's this morning.

Do you realize in 2 months, Christmas will just be a memory? It was 2 months from yesterday----how scary is that???!!!! LOL I have to get my shopping done for taking to Texas! Maybe Rick and I can do some this weekend, since he is no longer on call and not gonna go get himself "lost"!!! LOL

Gotta go do the girlies hair! See ya afterwhile.

Edited by Kat817

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Angela-her costume ended up being alot easier than what I had said it would. It is cute but, I ended up not having to sew anything. To me it is kind of plain, but it is what she wanted.

Wow, she's being me for Halloween? That's flattering !

I am kind of down this morning. I will spare you all the details. Please pray for me. :thumbup:


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Angela, how'd the squash turn out? I love squash of all kinds.

Cindy, how cool that DH had dinner waiting for you!!

Kat, Manda's spider sounds great! So creative!

Trey, honestly Hun, it's always about you! LOL!!!

Tracy, prayers being sent. Hugs, my friend.

We were going to go woodcutting today but the brakes are going out on DH's truck. He's out there now, working on it. Then it's off to the grocery store. We have a party tonight at church. Potluck, then pumpkin carving, then a parade of pumpkins on the back deck all lit up. The kids all get "prizes" for the best pumpkin if different categories. The categories depend on the pumpkins! :thumbup: So each kid gets a goody bag. It's totally hokey but the kids all get a kick out of it.

I'm going to make slugs for dinner and spiders for dessert.

Slugs - lil smokie hot dogs wrapped in crescent roll dough and shaped. Then use food coloring to "paint" it and bake it off. Going to color green some shredded coconut to make "grass" and lay the slugs on.

Spiders - melt chocolate morsels and creamy Peanut Butter together, add broken pretzels, scoop spoonfuls and add pretzel legs and white chocolate eyes, freeze to harden.

Should be cute. Never done either before so we'll see how it goes!

DD is going as Daphne from Scooby Doo. I thought she was going as a mummy but she changed her mind. :lol: I liked the mummy idea better! I had it all planned out. Hadn't bought the stuff for it yet but had it figured out. Oh well. Maybe next year.

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Hi guys

here is a drawing of the building, I am looking for the link to the video. The big building on the left is mine and the good size building in the middle of the right is mine.


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Ok here is a link, not of the open house so you can't even get the full effect but the building with the yellow deck on the side is my big one, they don't show my smaller ones.

GlobalFoundries delays - YNN, Your News Now

So how are you all

Tracy - check out Southwest, they are having a 72 hr sale, could get a round trip flight for $120 to come visit me

Trey - nice to see you... I'm sure you can handle our abuse

Angela - nice - you changed your name. and I think was you... yes, My alarm actually goes off at 3:45 so I can be in the shower at 4. So, I'm going to shower now so i can go to bed and just wake up in the am, get dressed and run

Well, I do have to quick shower, have to be at the FD at 6:45

Have a great night all if I don't check back in

Sorry if I missed some of you, I had thoughts and well, they just went away

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lol Kat I had no idea we had a dog park either! Where is it? I hope I never have to work anywhere that I have to deal with the public. Most of them aren't nice!

Tracy mmmm homemade Cookies. Love them!

Well, I got home from work/tutoring/shopping about 7:45. I opened the door and was greeted to the most amazing smell. My dh had cooked me dinner. Now, I am a really good cook, but this man made the most incredible meatloaf I have ever eaten! After almost 20 years, it seems he is still a keeper!
Nice!! I love meatloaf and I love it even more when someone else cooks it!!

Tracy, prayers and hugs to you

As Kat said it is COLD here! But she could have left out the part about Christmas....... :thumbup:

I go to Albuquerque early in the morning for my 3rd fill. I'm getting close I hope! Seems to be alot of negative posts on LBT lately and it's kinda got me worried a little. Oh who am I kidding, I'd be worried with or without the posts lol. No little kids anymore for Halloween, they are all grown up. And where we live now we get no trick or treaters. That is a major good thing because now I don't buy any candy. whew another dodged bullet lol.

Hope everyone has a good evening, I'm going to go home and load up the pellet stove and get it going. Gonna be another cold one. Then back to 70 by Saturday. Crazy spring weather lol!!

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Terri, Rick's co worker is supposed to get with Rick to give him the details on where this park is. I'll pass on the info.

I am going to PM you my cell # again, as well as Rick's. We too are headed to Albq. early in the morning, he has a cardiologist appt. at the Heart Hospital at 9. We will be nearby if you have any problems on the road or anything.

As for the negative posts. Have you went out onto another area, and started a thread saying "Another good day" or "Problem free fill"? Probably not, most people don't. We get busy with things, and other than coming here for friendship and support, we tend to come when we are having problems, so there is a higher percentage that look to be having issues than not, but in reality, those of us not having any problems, are just not posting daily about all being good. And other than long lasting friendship, many who have been banded as long as I have, have made goal, and left LBT.....just living normal lives, no longer feeling a need of the boards. Here we have no other support, and have to go so far to a Dr. it is priceless to me, especially if I have a question or concern that may be band related.

That is not to say that you shouldn't proceed with caution, and follow your Dr.'s orders, just keep in mind, that many don't post unless they need help.

Well I am off to finish dinner.< /strong>

Jenn the building is huge----I had no idea!!! I was imagining a muddy lot with early construction phase---like we get here!! LOL

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Michelle, the squash turned out really well. I think it compares to pumpkin pie. I used brown sugar, allspice, butter and some cinnamon to flavor it. It tasted like dessert!

I had also brought home an acorn sqash and one spagetti squash to experiment with. I think we are hitting our margarita hot-spot a little later on tonight (lushes we are!!!) so they will have to wait!

...to tell you how much I cook and how bold I am? Mike said something to the effect of thinking those were meant for decoration on the Thanksgiving table. Turd. I am getting out of my comfort zone and trying new things!

Michelle...my eyes popped out of my head when you said mummy. MUMMY??? Don't do that to her!!!

My mom dressed me as a mummy in kindergarten. We were not poor but darn close. My mom used an old sheet torn into strips and wrapped me (over and over again) and secured the strips with what I remember was a ga-zillion safety pins.

We had a Halloween parade where we walked across the stage and showed off our costumes. Well....I had to pee. And I couldn't reach all the pins. Looking back, I must've thought nobody would notice.

I am still tramatized from that incident...and I still remind her about it! LOL. What was she thinking? I know she was young and broke and did the best she could...but man! Thirty years later and I can STILL hear them laughing.

...now I am going to have to drink a double tonight! LOL.

Have a good one!


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hey all

Kat - I don't really post for support here, I should, but don't. I am here with my friends and that is more support than anything.

That was built in 17 months, I was told I still have at least a year there with the company I'm with, but it is huge. Up until the last few weeks, I had work all over all of my 3 buildings, and now I'm starting some outside work again, just in time for fall/winter

Well, got done with drill and the Lt. pulled up on his bike and offered me a ride home.... on his Harley... which he knew I live a block away... so we went for an hr ride, it was a perfect day...

As much as I want my own bike again so I can just go when i want to, I really do enjoy riding bitch, you get to see so much more....

Well, went to drill, we had scott pack on and practiced putting out a fire (real hose and pressure and mock fire preping for next weeks real car fire we are going to put out. All I can say is I BETTER START WORKING OUT AGAIN.. holy crapola the gear is heavy, so adding a tank strapped to your back, how did i ever weigh 100lbs more than i do and survive

ok off to bed, falling asleep on couch

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SUZANNE!!!!!! Where are you??? Are you recovering from your walk? I hope you did not over do and hurt something, I am missing your posts! Loved the pics!

Will post tomorrow night when we get home. Everyone be good! LOL....ok fine, have fun then!!!

Oh yeah, I did one of the hardest things ever tonight.

Our high school did a program today called every 15 minutes. When the kids got to school there were cops everywhere and a faked car accident in front of the school and 4 "fatalities" all classmates. A helicopter flying overhead... Then every 15 minutes through the day an officer and the Grim Reaper went to a random class and pulled a student....and they were a "victim" of a drunk driving fatality.

The parents had to write their childs obituary, and loved ones wrote letters to the "lost" child.

Megan was involved. I cried a river of tears writing her letter about how it would devastate me to lose her, how she would take a part of my heart with her. And that I prayed she would remember that if ever she think about drinking and driving or riding with a drunk driver. Reminding her I would have picked her up anytime anywhere.....

Each person read their letter if they could. The "lost kids" watched via closed circuit---they are gone for the next 24 hours roughly. They are at the Civic Center, they are driving golf carts with drunk goggles on, and learning about that, and writing letters back to each of us.

Megan wanted to get involved, now I wonder how she is handling it. No cell phones, no contact. Her Mom had to go to meetings, and agree to the guidelines. they have councelors with the kids---they lost a classmate last year, when he was hit by a drunk driver, so it is close to home. I hope she learns from it.

Anyway....sorry I have rambled on again----see ya tomorrow night!

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Hi all,

Kat I think you're right; lots of people who have been banded and are doing well just don't come back to the site any more. I try occasionally to write something encouraging to people who are just starting the process because I knew how frustrated, then frightened I was. But I never feel like what I said was really appreciated. I always felt that people made connections with others, and I could never figure out what it was about me that kept them from really understanding how sincere I was and how much I wanted to help.

OK, enough whining. Tracy, I hope you feel better soon. I will keep you in my thoughts. And whatever you may be going through, I hope you don't go through it alone. It's because of you that the rest of us have a home. :laugh:.


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LOL Angela! I was going to buy a white pair of pants and a t-shirt and pin everything to those. She's going to get to wear her costume at least twice.

I'm sorry you had to go thru that. How horrifying! At first we were just going to wrap her and my first thought was that as soon as she's wrapped, she's going to have to go potty. You poor baby! I bet your mom felt awful about that. I would have!!! Sorry about reminding you of an awful experience from your childhood. :biggrin:

Kat, we do the Every 15 Minutes program here too. Some kids have been adversely traumatized by it so I have mixed feelings about it. If it saves a life tho...

Angela again, LOL at your DH about the "decorations!" Ours are decorations right up til I whack em up with my knife and cook em!!! I love roasting my squash. Cut them up into chunks or large bite size pieces [they shrink... a lot!] and roast em in a 400 degree oven til you can easily pierce them with a fork. Yummm!!! I should add that you need to peel them first if you're doing bite-size. If you're just doing large, say 1/4s then you don't have to peel them.

Jenn, huge buildings! So, I'm confused, you are an area site supervisor over a construction crew? Or? What a nice treat the bike ride was! I'll be a bitch forever! [in more ways than one!] I don't want my own bike! :laugh:

Terri, I actually stopped roaming around on this site b/c I got tired of all the BS. People get full of them selves or are not very supportive, etc. So much drama. Sorry, I have a 4 year old and a husband and 3 dogs. I've got enough drama in my real life! I am not going to deal with complete strangers and their issues.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: You guys are NOT included in that statement. You all are my FRIENDS so your drama is my drama!!!

Debbie, I felt like that too sometimes. Trying to help and being completely ignored. Course that's b/c someone usually started some shit so the good stuff got buried in the stinky pile.

Had fun tonight. Both the slugs and the spiders went over very well. DD made a 4 faced jack-o-lantern! And each face was different! She did great! Of course DH helped her with the hard stuff but she actually did most of it.

And yea, where is Suzanne?! Kat, do you have her number? Prayers that everything is okay.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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