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So..I have to ask. How do I join in on this lovely conversation?

First, you have to remark how creepy I am, or make a sexist joke at my expense, or dole out some other harsh treatment. If you do that, you'll fit in well with these ladies. :)

What? I kid because I love!

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Welcome Ashley! Hope you enjoy hanging out with us.

Shar :)

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LOL Trey, you are sooooo abused. Aren't ya glad you like that!!??

Welcome Ashley, this is a good group of people, very diverse, very honest, and supportive without being cheerleaders!!! LOL

Made spaghetti for dinner.....why? I cannot eat much of it, it is a hard thing for me, the Pasta is. But ate a couple of meatballs, and some pasta, about 2 hours ago, it feels like I ate 2 minutes ago. grrrrrr

Went out to my inlaws. My FIL trapped a skunk. Not in a humane trap...it got caught in a coyote trap. It is near the house, and not in an ideal place to be shot---so he is in a quandry what to do. Rick is lettin ghim deal with it, he is not stepping in to this one. Could be interesting. Good thing I cut his hair today, he may not smell good tomorrow!!! I should not laugh, but it was stupid. I know the coyotes were getting his cats, and he thought the cats would never go to the area, but the skunk did, and now he has to deal with it!!

My knee is hurting. I think it is the work shoes---the heels, or flats, but nothing with real support. Possibly the weather change, it is raining here. One more day of the shoes, then Fri. & Sat I can wear jeans so have full intentions of wearing my good walking shoes---they are really supportive.

I wanted to walk the river tonight, but missed my chance with Rick's brother being in town tonight, the rain will change the leaves. In the morning it will be awesome the wet leaves, and dark wet bark.....but I have to be at work before the sun even thinks about coming up. So........not gonna happen!!

Rick is in the backyard with the dog and the laser light, I hear him laughing!

Well, I am going to get in the tub.....listen to the rain.....in the dark....totally relax. See ya tomorrow!

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Hi Ashley! Welcome...we DO have a great group of ladies here...and of course, Mr. Creepy! He keeps us on our toes. You gotta watch him!!

Tracy...you described Chuck E. cheese to a "T". I had to lol at the "most important" decision of their life.

Michelle- Yuck on the flies! We have wood roaches here too. Big as you thumb, I swear! Yuck, yuck, yuck!!

I should be in bed, but here I sit. I have made three kinds of Soup this week already. Tonight was a lighter version of a potato soup recipe my sister shared. The one she makes has heavy cream, country gravy, cream cheese and sharp cheddar. This one was more of a chicken broth base and not so fattening, lol. I am just trying to give my band a break for a few more days.

It looks like I might have to work both days this weekend. It makes me sad because "Wings Over Houston" is this weekend and that is a family tradition with Zach. Dang it!!



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Did I really lose you... I had to take a hot shower to get warm.. which is why my dear sweet Tracy said she doesn't roll that way... LOL, which by the way is where I am going right now, to take a long hot shower instead of to snuggle up in bed with someone to keep me warm..

That is how I roll!!

I didn't think anything different from you

Yay! I'm going to go peek!!

I love, love, love the rain. Lots of rain here , soon to be snow

Yes!! You'll find a lot of us on there.

I'll do the same thing, Deb.

I had a blast at my 20th HS reunion. I also had a blast last Saturday when I "crashed" another reunion. You are a brave soul! I wouldn't have the nerve

Hi Michelle! You might want to down a couple of shots before you attempt Chuck E. Cheese!! :w00t: I have children and I second that!!!!

Chuck E Cheese....is fantastic until....ticket redemption time at the junk counter where it cost an obscene amount of tickets for a TINY plastic snake or tiny ball. First you get to wait for all the kids ahead of you to make the biggest decision of their life, then when it is finally your turn, and you are wishing you could just talk your child into getting something better at Walmart or target and they holler "no no no mom please no, I will hurry, I promise", you get to stand there and wait to let YOUR dd browse the junk there and make what seems to be the most important decision in their life. Then you finally make it to the car, bow your head, and thank the dear Lord for letting you survive the trip.

Other than that, I like Chuck E cheese. Oh, bring Advil or Tylenol. I am having a bowling bday party for my ds, that and the waterpark with 15 6 year olds, I've had my fill. I love my children - Don't have a single second of regret, but I have such a problem with background noise and children that don't listen and are out of control - It's funny, I was never going to have any and never going to get married, well I accomplished 1/2 of that - ironic how things turn out, but I am definately not the "soccer mom"

Hope I didn't offend anyone
Hey yall! I guess since I've never posted in this thread before I should introduce myself.

I'm Ashley from Cleveland, TN! I've been married to my husband for a little over a year. We had a very very rough 1st year of marriage, but I decided to give him one last chance. And things have been AMAZING! I go to school full time (but I'm taking this semester off), majoring in Business: General Management. I am also going to get my MBA. And to top it off, I own my own ladies shoe boutique, which I love! I have 2 wonderful dogs: a Boxer and a Yorkie. They are our children...that is until we have our first little one (which we are trying for). So very nice to meet you! I live in NY, have 2 children my dd Alex is 16 and my ds Dylan is 6. We are waiting for our Berenese Mt. Dog to be born and we can't wait for our new family member in December and our 2 cats, who we picked when they were 5 days old. They are confused and act like dogs. I am in EMT school, volunteer FD, and work on one of the largest construction sites in the US - working as Safety. I get to go to work in Jeans and workboots and then get to play at night with firemen in my gear, so on the rare occasion I get an offer to go out, I enjoy dressing like a normal "girl" LOL

Stick around,

And oh... I forgot to mention, watch out for Plain... everything he said... all true :(:tt2:

Thanks for letting me join in on the conversation!!!

First, you have to remark how creepy I am, or make a sexist joke at my expense, or dole out some other harsh treatment. If you do that, you'll fit in well with these ladies. :)You are not creepy at all...it is nice to have you here with us

What? I kid because I love!

Well, its now going for 11, and I'm so over tired and I think I'm blonde again

I'm sitting here after class, having a drink and watching the breakup

Anyone see that movie??? The end conversation they have about he realizes and she is empty? ME ME ME

why is it that when I begged I wasn't good enough, and now I don't have much left in me for anyone, he is nuts and wants me back and is talking to me like we are back together and I should give up my life.

I'll be friends and hope someday our children forgive him and will talk to him,

BUT - really I've been more emotionally drained in the last 2 weeks than I have in a long time.

Guess what... I am having company tomorrow and if he decides to stalk me he is not going to like what he sees... and I don't care.

George is not a long term, and I know this, but really the only man i can possibly trust, and yes that includes my dad too

Well - I hope you all have a fantastic night, I'm going to pass out, and my alarm goes off at 4 so I will be taking a nap tomorrow after work cause I'm going to have someone to keep me warm tomorrow and will actually sleep well - i can't wait

Have a wonderful,

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Hi folks!

thank you all for the Pm's. I can't wait to figure out everything so I can start chatting, but it might take me a while. I'm going to go there tonight and try to see what I can do. There's just so much information for me to sort through but my friend Marissa explained things to me, so I'm going to give it a shot.

She told me she'd posted a before picture too, so I'm not sure where it is, but I'll ask her, because I want y'all to see what an oinker I was. You think I'm fat now?!

Michelle, that's gross about all those flies! I hate insects of any kind. When I lived alone years ago I had infestations of ants. I hated that. They were coming in the kitchen and there's nothing so disgusting as feeling zillions of those suckers crawling all over your hands! YUCK!!

One morning at camp, when I was a kid, I found a caterpillar in my tennis shoe! I'll never forget how disgusting that felt. Of course it scared me, so I took it out and was going to throw it down--I was on the top bunk in a cabin. I remember one of the adults saying, "Oh, don't hurt it!" I thought, Screw that! It's me or this creepy thing!

Kat, your description of the leaves and the v wedge of geese sounds absolutely beautiful. This is why I love reading about different parts of the country--and the world.

Jenn, I hope it's really cold so when you're snuggling tomorrow night, it'll be extra cozy!

Ashley, I'm a relative newcomer to this group, but you really won't find a more supportive bunch of people, even Plain! hahahahaha!!! Welcome, and I look forward to getting to know you.

I love you all! Stay warm, and be safe.



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I'm Ashley from Cleveland, TN! I've been married to my husband for a little over a year. We had a very very rough 1st year of marriage, but I decided to give him one last chance. And things have been AMAZING! I go to school full time (but I'm taking this semester off), majoring in Business: General Management. I am also going to get my MBA. And to top it off, I own my own ladies shoe boutique, which I love! I have 2 wonderful dogs: a Boxer and a Yorkie. They are our children...that is until we have our first little one (which we are trying for).

Hi Ashley, I'm Trey. I'm from the backwoods of East Texas, and my accent reflects that. Much to my chagrin, I'm no longer married. I work in a hospital wearing three hats: respiratory therapy, sleep medicine, and echocardiography. I am most certainly a dog person. The two best dogs I've ever had were a Newfoundland, and a puggle. I have 3 kids, and trying to crack them up is a hobby of mine. I'm a little weird, and I'm a smartass, but I'm glad to have you join us.

Guess what... I am having company tomorrow and if he decides to stalk me he is not going to like what he sees... and I don't care.

George is not a long term, and I know this, but really the only man i can possibly trust

That's why I was puzzled @ your earlier comment. I knew you had a "George" to keep you warm. Now I'm guessing you don't live together. See how perceptive I am?:wink2:

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Hi folks!

thank you all for the Pm's. I can't wait to figure out everything so I can start chatting, but it might take me a while. I'm going to go there tonight and try to see what I can do. There's just so much information for me to sort through but my friend Marissa explained things to me, so I'm going to give it a shot.

She told me she'd posted a before picture too, so I'm not sure where it is, but I'll ask her, because I want y'all to see what an oinker I was. You think I'm fat now?! That is so something I would say - actually I say that I use to be a cow, now I'm a baby calf:lol:

Michelle, that's gross about all those flies! I hate insects of any kind. When I lived alone years ago I had infestations of ants. I hated that. They were coming in the kitchen and there's nothing so disgusting as feeling zillions of those suckers crawling all over your hands! YUCK!! Ditto!

One morning at camp, when I was a kid, I found a caterpillar in my tennis shoe! I'll never forget how disgusting that felt. Of course it scared me, so I took it out and was going to throw it down--I was on the top bunk in a cabin. I remember one of the adults saying, "Oh, don't hurt it!" I thought, Screw that! It's me or this creepy thing!

Kat, your description of the leaves and the v wedge of geese sounds absolutely beautiful. This is why I love reading about different parts of the country--and the world.

Jenn, I hope it's really cold so when you're snuggling tomorrow night, it'll be extra cozy! Ah thank you!

Ashley, I'm a relative newcomer to this group, but you really won't find a more supportive bunch of people, even Plain! hahahahaha!!! Welcome, and I look forward to getting to know you.

I love you all! Stay warm, and be safe.



Hi Ashley, I'm Trey. I'm from the backwoods of East Texas, and my accent reflects that. Much to my chagrin, I'm no longer married. I work in a hospital wearing three hats: respiratory therapy, sleep medicine, and echocardiography. I am most certainly a dog person. The two best dogs I've ever had were a Newfoundland,That was my 2nd Choice and a puggle. I have 3 kids, and trying to crack them up is a hobby of mine. I'm a little weird, and I'm a smartass,Ya think? LOL but I'm glad to have you join us.

That's why I was puzzled @ your earlier comment. I knew you had a "George" to keep you warm. Now I'm guessing you don't live together. See how perceptive I am?:wink2: No we just met this year when I was recovering from rock bottom and I knew he traveled with work, but... he was not suppose to leave for 2 years, but things happen and he left in July, we are still playing the long distance thing but he gave me hope there is a nice guy who actually cares about me out there... Unless we plan a trip If he has work he plans it around my schedule so we can see each other. Its been going on 3 long weeks.

Good Morning ya'll

I'm running late - frustrated as can be, I've eaten great and lost 3lbs and gained them back yesterday. I can't give up - I do need a fill

Yesterday was horribly stressful, I'm sure that is not helping. I so need a fill. I'm disgusted and embarrassed I've gained 8lbs and I feel it.

Trey - you up to speed now? :biggrin: Thinking about it, I'm sure that is part of why I'm in class 3 nights a week and drill 1, keeps me out of trouble and hopefully hang with a different crew and stay away from that crazy life i was living

Tracy - how is your new attitude? I'm so proud of you, help me get there:blush:

Well, time to run, sitting here, have to leave in 15 mins and still in my sweats and soaking wet hair

Have a great day all

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Hi everybody, It has been a really busy past few days. I'm happy to say I have been eating like a bandster without much difficulty. Once I decided that I was in it for the long haul and not a quick fix, I don't make what I'm eating (or not eating) the focus of my entire day. Oddly it makes staying on track so much easier.

Shar :blink:

Congrats on the new groove! Keep on keeping on, and i will too :wink2:

I'm Ashley from Cleveland, TN! I've been married to my husband for a little over a year. We had a very very rough 1st year of marriage, but I decided to give him one last chance. And things have been AMAZING! I go to school full time (but I'm taking this semester off), majoring in Business: General Management. I am also going to get my MBA. And to top it off, I own my own ladies shoe boutique, which I love! I have 2 wonderful dogs: a Boxer and a Yorkie. They are our children...that is until we have our first little one (which we are trying for).

Hi Ashley, I am Tracy and live just south of Houston. I have a daughter (7) Macy which I talk about endlessly. For the past couple of years I have been a stay at home mom. Before that I worked 18 years in the oil and gas industry. Good luck on the baby making :wink5:

First, you have to remark how creepy I am, or make a sexist joke at my expense, or dole out some other harsh treatment. If you do that, you'll fit in well with these ladies. :biggrin:

What? I kid because I love!

Never have truer words been spoken. :tt2: But me thinks you love it!

Went out to my inlaws. My FIL trapped a skunk. Not in a humane trap...it got caught in a coyote trap. It is near the house, and not in an ideal place to be shot---so he is in a quandry what to do. Rick is lettin ghim deal with it, he is not stepping in to this one. Could be interesting. Good thing I cut his hair today, he may not smell good tomorrow!!! I should not laugh, but it was stupid. I know the coyotes were getting his cats, and he thought the cats would never go to the area, but the skunk did, and now he has to deal with it!! hahaha, i gotta hear the ending to this one!

Well, I am going to get in the tub.....listen to the rain.....in the dark....totally relax. See ya tomorrow!

That sounds heavenly!

Hi Ashley! Welcome...we DO have a great group of ladies here...and of course, Mr. Creepy! He keeps us on our toes. You gotta watch him!!

Tracy...you described Chuck E. cheese to a "T". I had to lol at the "most important" decision of their life. If they would just take out the ticket redemption booth that place would rock!

Michelle- Yuck on the flies! We have wood roaches here too. Big as you thumb, I swear! Yuck, yuck, yuck!! I second that!

I should be in bed, but here I sit. I have made three kinds of Soup this week already. Tonight was a lighter version of a potato soup recipe my sister shared. The one she makes has heavy cream, country gravy, cream cheese and sharp cheddar. This one was more of a chicken broth base and not so fattening, lol. I am just trying to give my band a break for a few more days. Good job! By the way, congrats on the -6. You rock! :w00t:

It looks like I might have to work both days this weekend. It makes me sad because "Wings Over Houston" is this weekend and that is a family tradition with Zach. Dang it!! ugh, that bites! mo money mo money :scared2:



Hope I didn't offend anyone

Well, its now going for 11, and I'm so over tired and I think I'm blonde again

I'm sitting here after class, having a drink and watching the breakup I love that show, but i love Vince Vaughn

George is not a long term, and I know this, but really the only man i can possibly trust, and yes that includes my dad too Isn't it great to have someone to trust completely like that?

Well - I hope you all have a fantastic night, I'm going to pass out, and my alarm goes off at 4 so I will be taking a nap tomorrow after work cause I'm going to have someone to keep me warm tomorrow and will actually sleep well - i can't wait have fun :wink2:

Have a wonderful, you too

Tracy - how is your new attitude? I'm so proud of you, help me get there:blush: I am doing OK. I weigh tomorrow. I really hope the scale has gone in the right direction.

Well, time to run, sitting here, have to leave in 15 mins and still in my sweats and soaking wet hair

Have a great day all

Michelle-we had a fly problem like that. Absolutely gross. When we found the source (a weiner dd dropped and left on the patio) all the flies left. But not until we killed about a thousand. My heart goes out to you!

Everyone~ macy just now came to me and told me she packed her own school lunch. I double checked her lunch kit and she did a great job. Made her own sandwich and everything! She is growing up WAY too fast. :thumbup:

Tomorrow is weigh in day. I am praying that I did well enough for the scale to move. :blink:

I am going to try to make dd a bat costume today ... complete with wings made out of an umbrella. Wish me luck!

Have a great day everyone!

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Good Morning everyone.

Welcome Ashley, I'm Suzanne and I live in Missouri. I've been banded since "06" and lost 200 pounds but gained back about 20 after a recent surgery. I'm back to losing again, very slowly. I hope you stay around and keep us posted on how things go.

This training for the 5K is going to kill me. Yesterday we did 4 miles and then I had to work last night. So this morning I took some Aleve and will take a rest day. Tomorrow it's the gym and do my upper body exercises.

I was just thinking that if Trey came up here and stalked me, I would probably come in first place in the 5K. Think it might work?????

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Thanks for the welcoming!!

It's finally starting to feel like fall here! My hubby told me that he is going to take me to Gatlinburg (it's only about an hour and a half away) on our Harley this weekend (since it's my weekend off) to ride through the mountains because the color is in peak now. I've been so stressed lately, so I need this little day get away. I grilled for the first time last night! Usually Jason does the grilling. But he is building his 2nd rock crawler (you might see me refer to it as "the buggy"...I'm open to all sorts of questions because most people look at me and say "a what???!"), and he and his cousin were working in the garage while I cooked. I must say...it was delicious!! But we are grilling steaks tonight, and that is his speciality! I wanted to walk this morning, since it's my day off, but it is so cold! The walk will have to wait till the afternoon.

Trey, I'm sure we will get along just fine! As I can have a smart mouth at times too! haha

Tracy, that is too cute! I bet she is a doll! I love kids, so I will definitely enjoy your stories!

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Midday check in because I am craving chocolate. Luckily we have NONE in the house. But this is one of those moments of craving that i would settle for anything as long as it is unhealthy....make sense? Absolutely horrible....self destruction at its best. I will pull through this weekness. I think maybe I will get dressed and get of the house to make me get over it. Talk to y'all soon.

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Tracy, try some Jello sugar free dark chocolate pudding. It always takes care of my sudden choco craving.

Shar :wink2:

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Shar, that is one of my favorites to snack on when I have a craving. It always seems to satisfy my cravings and if you eat it slow enough it stays with you.

I'm home from taking sis grocery shopping.

The weather is absolutely lovely here today. Nice day for a walk. But I have to go to work so no walking for me. But I'm gonna go out and enjoy what I can for a little while. We have a storm heading our way and the next 3 days will be cold and rainy.

Debbie, I have a question for you if it's ok. How do you know where to put the cursor at? I got to thinking about how you would know where to click on to.

Have a great day and Tracy, have strength.

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Tracy, try some Jello sugar free dark chocolate pudding. It always takes care of my sudden choco craving.

Shar :wink2:

I love the SF pudding. My fav has to be the dulce de leche. But the chocolate is great too. I wish i had some in the house. I will get some later when i get out. For now, the craving is gone. I went and took a shower to get my mind off of it.

Another 30 minutes or so and i will go get dd from school. She is going to see her grandma and her aunt julie tomorrow. She is excited.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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