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Good morning all~

For everyone that is working the band and not giving into Satan, i applaud us. Not easy, but we are doing it. I wish my hip did not hurt this bad, I would love to go on a 5K like Suzanne.

When we went on our trip, we ran into Franks dad and his step mom. We have not seen them in 4 years. To make a long story short, they seriously disrespected both Frank and myself and Frank decided that he was done being the whipping post. Now since I was the new woman in town (and frank had NEVER

stood his ground before,) they thought I was the mean one that brainwashed their son. Anyway...I knew all this time and told Frank that they thought it was all my fault. So, we saw them in the parking garage and his step mom cried and apologized to me for hurting my feelings and I told her that it has been Franks decision all along not to go to family functions and she said "well I will make sure to let everyone know that it wasn't you". Anyway, the end result is everything is all good and we are going to their house for Christmas this year. Now hopefully when we get there we will be treated like family instead of outsiders like we used to. I am glad Macy will get to know that side of the family. She does not even remember them. I am glad this happened. I have tried to convince my husband that he needs to see his dad....now he will be part of his life again. Makes my heart smile. I would give anything to talk to my dad again.

I hope you all have a great day!

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Plain, I know you're watching. Come out, come out, where ever you are!

Dang! Busted again!! I need to work on my stealth skills.

I don't like to go up on the track alone; it's on the roof of the place where I work and kind of creepy--you know, like Plain! :thumbup: That's probably why it is like that; he's watching me, aren't you? Fess up!

You mean the roof likes to carry dolls around Wal Mart and mutter things? Because that's how I roll. And yep....I'm watching.

I've been working days, and my posting has suffered because of that.

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Went to work this morning and when I got back, there were so many leaves right at the garage door that I went ahed and swept them all down the driveway. When the wind blows, they come back in and keep the garage door sensors from letting the garage doors come down. While I was doing that my cell phone rang and it was a friend wanting to know if I wanted to go walking with her and the dog. So I drove over to the dog park and we watched the dog play for a little bit. We then took off walking on the path that goes around the lake. We got to the other side and asked someone coming the other way what the distance was. They said the trail was 1.5 miles long. So we did 3 miles plus the walking back thru the dog park. Man, I'm pooped.

Now if I can get out of the chair, I'll get some housework done.

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Home from another day at the polls, another busy day!

My Mom is doing some better, I made her sit on the sofa and stay out of her broke down chair!!! I think IT is a big part of her problem. She hurts, partly FROM that chair, so what does she do? Sits, IN that chair and gets worse. So yesterday I used one of infamous Grandma sayings on her and told her that in order to change something, she had to change something. So change the chair, or her exercise routine, or whatever, but unless she made a change, not to expect anything to change. She has not sat in her chair for almost 24 hours now, and can actually walk without the walker......seems like a positive step to me.....yeah pun intended!!!

Angela, we did some paver bricks, and I swear that was so much harder than making and pouring cement!!! I smashed my finger to the point of losing my nail---was NOT pretty for almost a year! Everytime we powerwashed we had to resand......so while I like ours....cement worked best for us. And girl, I am a cement mixing fool!!! LOL, we have a mixer, and we go get the truck filled with sand/gravel mix, then buy the bags of portland cement. I add Water, and only I know where to add it to!!! Then 1 can of cement mix----large 3 lb coffee cans---then 12 cans of sand and gravel, then 2 -3 more of cement, and add more water! The guys all guess with the shovel----and theirs crumbled!!! I have issue with the shovel, so I use cans, and I mix while they pour and skreet --- I ama filthy mess---but I keep telling myself, each stretch each bend, what GREAT exercise it is!!! I know much more fun exercise, btw......cementing is not fun!!! And even with all that it was easier than the bricks. I feel for you!!! Have you seen the solar motion lights? We use them in our woodshed, and on the shop. They have a solar panel, then at night motion lights up LED lights. No electricity. So if you have problems like we did with the neighbors cats, it does not raise the bill a lot!

Tracy---I hope Frank's family does not dissappoint him again. Will hope for all good things. Did you get my text? My new phone is up and going....if, make that a big IF I ever figure it all out. Too much junk on it, all because Rick wants to stream music at work! I got the same phone, because I will have to figure his out anyway!! LOL

Michelle, you not knitting away for Christmas this year already??

Debbie, hope your friends foot is ok, sprains seem to take forever to heal, people treat them like they are nothing, but they sure hurt!

Trey---good to have you around again. Although you do make me rethink some things before I say them, because you tend to catch me on things that sound not too nice.....and we know you like the not to nice!!!

Being the idiotic person I am, I am getting things ready for Kinsey to make Cookies when she gets here----my lack of control should not affect her fun I guess, will just have to try harder!

See y'all in awhile!

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Kat, glad to hear your mom is doing better. How scary! How's your tummy? I'm sick again. :sad:

Haven't been working on my crocheting. My fingers hurt. :( May have to come up with some other gift ideas and just work on the other stuff when it doesn't hurt so much.

About the only leaves we've got falling are the little tiny oak ones with the little spikes on them. No good for playing in them!

Debbie, your friend falling must have been scary too! Yikes! Glad it's "only" a sprain but still pretty painful for her. Hope she heals well and quickly. Okay, ummm, a blind woman walking on the roof of a building!!!! :eek: LOL!! If I were you, I wouldn't be up there by myself either! MY luck and I'd fall!! I'm SUCH a klutz!!

Angela, you wouldn't believe the stuff we need to do around here. And WANT to do around here. I can't imagine having TWO homes! We'd NEVER get anything done!

Tracy, glad you had fun! Like all the comps! Hope the family thing works out.

Jenn, how are you feeling? All this pain from your wreck worries me.

Shar, how was the hog roast? Glad you got to have a lazy weekend. We all need those on occasion!

Plain, I love how creepy you are! LOL!!!

Suz, sounds like a wonderful walk you had with your friend!

I'm sick again. :mad: Canceled going to Bunco tomorrow night. :smile:

DH is at the grocery store for us and he has called no less than 6 times!! :eek: The list isn't that big either! LOL!

We'll have chili tonight for dinner and shrimp/corn chowder tomorrow night. Tis the season!! :smile:

It rained yesterday and is seriously looking like it again today. Love it! Fire Season is pretty much over. It's just a matter of the head honchos calling it. Next Monday or the 1st. We'll see.

Have a great night!

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Ok, so I went to AustinCityLimits fest this last weekend. There were dozens of groups spread out over 3 days The Eagles closed Sunday night. It was a blast!! Kinda bad news, though....I found out I can tolerate beer just fine. Ruh-Roh!

Anywho, I'll try to post pics, or you can just friend me on FB. Whateva. This weekend I'm going to a kind of multi-year class reunion and will try to pick up every desperate lady that might might have me. :( (That was a joke)

It sounds like an awesome time! Oh, and I used to love a good, cold beer, but I haven't had one in 2 1/2 years!

Oh, and reunions...I have mine at the end of this month. (25th):smile:

Hello everyone! I'm baaaaaaack! :eek:

We got home yesterday but i was too tired to do anything.

Our trip was exciting because we spent ZERO money (thank God). We had coupons for free play on their slot machines. The deal with that is you play their money on the slots until it is gone, then whatever you win above that you can cash out and keep or keep playing. Well, I had 90 dollars of slot play and frank had 40, when we were done we had 160.00 that we won and we took the real money and left. :smile: THEN we went to coushatta because we had free play there as well. Anyway, long story short, we came home with 80 dollars, ate free, slept there free AND was able to get free gas. sweet....

I am so seriously jealous! I am glad you had a good time.

Last night we went to a trivia party and had such a wonderful time. Our table had only had a 4 day notice that we were a table. We didn't have months like the other teams. Well, they elected me as captain and I sent out e-mails stating that we didn't have a lot of time to do a lot of shopping so here goes. We can either do a halloween theme or Chiefs. So we did the Chiefs. Good choice because we ended up winning first place for table decorations. There were 8 tables and at the end, we ended up in 4th. place. We moved up 2 places after I rocked at music trivia, I got 9 out of 10 right. And then again in general trivia we got 8 out 10 right, so those moved us up. But the last category we sucked at and oly got 2 answers right. That's ok, we had a blast anyway. The food was great and they supplied all the beer and drinks we wanted.

I love trivia games. I am just a big nerd sometimes. Ok, that isn't true, I am a big nerd ALL the time.

Just got home from my parents, my Dad called and my Mom fell, she lost her balance getting out of her chair, and when she tried to grab it, it spun away--- damn swivel rocker! So I went and helped him get her up. She is having so much pain in her hips, she could not lift up without help.

Come home to find the church youth group unloading wood at my house. My woodshed is completely full, that is the easiest way to get wood ever....call them, they back into my drive, and unload it, I do not have to touch anything!!!

Sorry to hear about your mom and congrats on the wood being unloaded!

When we went on our trip, we ran into Franks dad and his step mom. We have not seen them in 4 years. To make a long story short, they seriously disrespected both Frank and myself and Frank decided that he was done being the whipping post. Now since I was the new woman in town (and frank had NEVER

stood his ground before,) they thought I was the mean one that brainwashed their son. Anyway...I knew all this time and told Frank that they thought it was all my fault. So, we saw them in the parking garage and his step mom cried and apologized to me for hurting my feelings and I told her that it has been Franks decision all along not to go to family functions and she said "well I will make sure to let everyone know that it wasn't you". Anyway, the end result is everything is all good and we are going to their house for Christmas this year. Now hopefully when we get there we will be treated like family instead of outsiders like we used to. I am glad Macy will get to know that side of the family. She does not even remember them. I am glad this happened. I have tried to convince my husband that he needs to see his dad....now he will be part of his life again. Makes my heart smile. I would give anything to talk to my dad again.

I hope you all have a great day!

I hope everything goes well with his family. Things were rough with my in-laws for a while, but I told my husband he still needed to visit with them. My kids were in their teens and did not want to go and I wouldn't, but I insisted he go. Things are ok now, but it was rough for a while.

I'm sick again. :mad: Canceled going to Bunco tomorrow night. :sad:

DH is at the grocery store for us and he has called no less than 6 times!! :mad: The list isn't that big either! LOL!

We'll have chili tonight for dinner and shrimp/corn chowder tomorrow night. Tis the season!! :eek:

It rained yesterday and is seriously looking like it again today. Love it! Fire Season is pretty much over. It's just a matter of the head honchos calling it. Next Monday or the 1st. We'll see.

Have a great night!

I hope you get to feeling better soon, Michelle.

Well, it has been a crap couple of days.

Friday, on my way to work, a dog (BIG dog) ran in front of my car. It was 6:05 am, completely dark and rural. I was so upset that I hit the dog and then upset again, since I just paid the second note on the car today. That road is awful and now I am looking at whether or not I need to travel on the interstate through Baton Rouge to go to work, since deer season is coming up. It will be about 50 more miles round trip each day, but if I hit a deer, it could kill me. Not sure what I am going to do at this point.

Well, my mom is officially in the final stages of Alzheimer's and is not doing well. My dad is doing his best to care for her at home, but it is getting difficult. He is getting less than 2 hours of sleep per night. He is delaying the 4,000 per month nursing home as long as possible, but I am not too sure how much longer that will be. Yesterday, I fixed her plate and we were eating dinner when she looked up at me and asked me where my mom was. I keep it together pretty well, until she gets upset and cries and then I just hold her and cry too.

Ok, depressing post is over.

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Oh cindy, I am so so sorry you are dealing with Alzheimers in your Mom. We lost my Grandma to it after MANY years, much longer than normal. Perhaps your Dad could check into the local college, many students are looking for night time jobs, that is what we used for years. We have a strong nursing program here, and worked through them, it was not cheap, but it was much better than the $4K you are looking at. Even if he just has someone come in now a couple of nights a week so he could seriously sleep.< /strong>

There is nothing worse than when they realize something is wrong, it rips at your heart. I will keep you, and your family in my prayers, it is a hard road to travel on. My heart goes out to you all.

It is official, my granddaughter hears too many political ads on my TV in the morning. I leave the TV on the news, because to put on cartoons, she is too distracted. They do not have cable at home, so it is only here ---- and today when Manda picked her up, manda and I were not really arguing, we were on the same side, but getting the conversation heated up in how some money here was missing from the Navajo Fair. Kinsey tells us "Enough arguing already, they spend too much money, my name is Kinsey J.........and I approve this message"!!!!!

Had to share that.

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Oh Cindy. My heart goes out to you. Prayers for you, your father and the entire family. So difficult!

Kat, I :smile: Kinsey! Too flippin' funny AND cute! LOL!

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"Enough arguing already, they spend too much money, my name is Kinsey J.........and I approve this message"!!!!!

Had to share that.

:smile: Thank you, I needed that laugh.

And super thanks for the prayers. You too, Michelle.

I love this thread and the peeps here!

Edited by crzytchr

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Hey ya'll

Debbie - thanks - horrible nightmare, I waited like a lost little puppy for 19 years - lots more mess but that pretty much sums it up. Gave up a marriage proposal from my best friend from 15 because I "was in love" what a dumb ass I was.

Anyway, obviously I still have lots of anger but you know what I'm not going to do again...

Tracy - I recall the beginning stages of your family mess, I'm really happy for you and hope they stay this way for Macy's sake. I know how horrible that is since Kev's mother vanished when I had DS, so she bailed on her granddaughter and never got to know ds.

Crap - the heat just turned on, it must be cold

Well - I guess I should go to bed, I'm never going to get up

I still hurt, but left a message to start p/t and I'm going to follow up with my primary too. I'll get over it, always do

have a good night, I'll talk to ya'll in the am

PS... Plain - nice to see ya' back... I can see you are a bit of a trouble maker aren't you???

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Aww...my prayers are with you too, Cindy. That is heartbreaking.

I cannot imagine $4000.00 a month. Hopefully Kat is on to something that will help you as well.

Kinsey is a hoot!

Well folks, I did it. I went to margaritaville. That means I am no good at the keyboard tonight and must sign off before I get myself into trouble, lol!

Have a good one!


Edited by AngelaW

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Cindy, I have a friend whose mother had Alzheimer's, and my heart goes out to you. We ride home together once a week and it was really hard for her; she had to put her mom in a nursing home. For awhile she was asking when she could go home, and then one night my friend walked in and her mom didn't recognize her. She asked who she was. I too hope that your dad finds an alternative to the $4,000. It's sad that we have to spend so much for something that's so necessary.

Michelle, I hope you feel better. Chili sounds good, though. BTW, I did go up on the roof once, just to prove I could. There's a railing around so I can't jump! LOL!!

Tracy, I'll send out positive thoughts that everything goes well at Christmas. I know it's still a ways off, but it can't hurt to start early, right? :smile:

Suzie, you're a whirlwind! You walk for miles, come home and do housework--after going to work.

Well, I went on the treadmill tonight when I got home, so I'm kinda proud of myself, too.

Plain, I hope that just because you're on face book, it doesn't mean we'll see less of you! You're fun to have around, so don't forget where you live! :( And I'm going to be watching you, too!

Angela, for someone who was in Margaritaville you wrote pretty dang well! Hahaha!!

Thanks everybody for the good wishes for Ariane. The doctor prescribed 600 milligrams of Motrin, but she's taking Advil, and icing it. He gave her some kind of splint, but it isn't very comfortable. Right now she's reading--actually I think she's asleep, poor thing.

Everybody be good!


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Morning all

Freezing here... going to be a long winter

Cindy - Hugs! that is hard enough situation to deal with but then add the financial aspect = will send good thoughts to your family

off to work,

have a great day

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Good Morning. On my way to work. Not as cold as Jenn here but it's only 46 degrees.

Cindy, I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers. We have dealt with the diesease in our distant family and I saw how hard it is on the immediate family. I hope your Dad has luck finding a nice place for your Mom.

Have a great day everyone.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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