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Hellz yeah!! WTG!!

I went to a huge 3-day music festival in Austin. More on that later....I have to pack if I'm coming up to visit you. Whatta ya mean you weren't talking to me?? Nice sounds like fun! ... and Well my door bell is not ringing yet! Where are ya' lol

well I don't know what I might have been saying - that was a few days ago and I worked 36 hrs straight last week. I already have my 40hrs in for this pay week and have all of Mon and Tues will be all overtime. So... I might have started to say something and well, just stopped..

If you send me some Valium, I'll come see you. Of course I'll be all tripping from the valium, but that makes for a more fun visit. Heehee...Tracy is good to me, she knows that I don't fly - When I went TX to meet her and Kat and others, I left a day ahead of everyone and was completely wasted! I was entertaining - and then I cancelled a trip last year because I just couldn't do it

I AM HAPPY TO REPORT... I might be able to do it again, now that I had overcome a major part of my fear of heights working where I am now. I've been in some pretty scary places.

Verizon is a friend to those that live in far-flung corners of the Earth...

What?!? Your new picture rocks!!


Why have you given up? Don't make me come up there and slap a blind woman!!

I'm here. I had to work days all this week. My evil Overlord bosses change my schedule frequently to suit their evil whims. Unless they're reading this......in that case, I love all my bosses.

Ok, so I went to AustinCityLimits fest this last weekend. There were dozens of groups spread out over 3 days The Eagles closed Sunday night. It was a blast!! Kinda bad news, though....I found out I can tolerate beer just fine. Ruh-Roh!

Anywho, I'll try to post pics, or you can just friend me on FB. Whateva. This weekend I'm going to a kind of multi-year class reunion and will try to pick up every desperate lady that might might have me. :) (That was a joke) Oh that stinks you can drink beer. I can't do any carbonation at all - I have to stir bubbles out of my redbull, it is bad

Sounds like a great time, and have fun with the desperate ladies... oh I mean your reunion :lol:

I'm going to pm you my last name, FB friend request me

So, I've been busy, but I'm watching you ladies!! And yes, I meant it as creepy as it sounds.

Hi y'all....this is just a quick note to say thanks for all the kudos.

Gotta run go pack tho....goin' to Louisiana for the night. It was a spur of the moment, ok lets do it kind of thing.

I will talk to you all tomorrow! You are great sister, Have fun in LA, you have not been in a while have you? Stay out of trouble:tt2:


Hey Y'all!

Tracy, congrats on your loss!

Jenn, congrats on passing your test!

Plain, glad you had such a great weekend!

Hello to everyone!!!

I am sooooooo flippin' tired! wow - someone was as crazy as i am lately

Monday: worked w/new secretary at the office, soccer, visit to a friend's house to pick up a HUGE dogloo for Reggie (free!), grocery store, dinner, bath, bed.

Tuesday: woodcutting, dinner, bath, bed.

Wednesday: cleaned the entire house, meeting w/insurance friend, dinner, bed.

Thursday: can't remember [and yes, I know that was only yesterday] :eek:

Today: office again, errands, home for an hour then took a friend to the city so she could pick up her car and DD and I went to costco and Target, dinner, then home finally about 9:30. THEN had to unload the truck and get the kiddo to bed.

Geez, what a week! Tomorrow is soccer pics at the field before the game at noon. I hurt too. :wink2:

Night y'all!

OMG what a busy morning at the polls!!! What strong opinions people have and no issue sharing them in the one area we cannot have them doing so!! LOL

Waiting for Manda then we are off to get the phone issue dealt with, and have lunch.< /strong>

Got a kind of wake up from my Uncle last night. We were chatting on FB, and I mentioned how yucky I have been feeling, and when I said I was getting the sour stomach several times a week, he told me it is very likely my gall bladder, he said pain is the most common symptom of gall stones. The sour/gassy issues I am dealing with indicate a sluggish or diseased gall bladder. Hello! My Grandma had hers out after YEARS of this and they found it diseased. Told her for years it was fine because they saw no stones on ultrasound! Then last fall my Mom had hers out because it was sluggish---I swear! They did a test where they actually watched it, and it was non active. So out it come. I ask her, and very similar symptoms. Dr.'s told her for years her symptoms were IBS, or thought she was having an attack of diverticulitis.

So.....when election is over, I will go have it checked out, and if need be they can yank the little sucker out of there. Whatever it is, it is making me miserable, and carbonation irritates the you know what out of it. No more diet DP for me, I was so mad at myself last night, I know it and the salad were not good plans, but they both sounded so good. SO WHAT!!?? It did not feel good! LOL

Kat - you still have your GB? remember how long mine went and I lived on gas x and was a mess. I didn't have stones, it just was not working anymore. I feel great now

We voted over 140 people this morning. 2 of us, they did not start coming in heavy until about 8:30 or 9, then it was steady. That is 2 of us, getting identification (that the state will allow us to), finding on the computer that person, printing an application for early voting, having them confirm that, and sign it, and print the 2 sided ballot, precinct specific, since at this time we are voting the entire county, explain the ballot, and get them into a voting station. We put that many people through by 12:30!!! We stayed hooked up! I can only imagine 2 years from now, the last presidential was so unbelievably busy---I forget how it is, until we get slammed again! The keeping your mouth shut no matter what they say is the hardest!!!

Well Manda is here.

Tracy keep goin' girlie, I am SOOOOO proud of you!!

I am proud of ME even, I have walked every day since getting Izzy----she deserves it.....and I do too! I missed Rick last night tho---and I think she did too! Good for you! I can't wait for mine, the puppies are going to be born next week, I just can't wait


Well good morning all

I lost a lot of my thoughts, I'm just chugging along, drinking coffee and relaxing - I slept 10 hours and probably would still be sleeping if DS didn't wake me up. I don't think I got 10 hours of sleep this week

I'm going to work on yard this weekend - I want to get it all finished for the winter/puppy

I hope you are all having fun

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Rick is working overnight, the job had problems, they are waiting for more chemicals, and will pump the job when they get the product. Will likely be tomorrow evening before I see him.

So I have my bestest friend ever spending the night with me. We are going to be bestest friends forever -- just ask her! We had some caramel apple --- more apple less caramel sauce, but she did not complain! I really thought about just going to bed, and sleeping the evening, and night away, but when Kinsey ask to stay, that sounded like a better plan. So I am off to do something.....play with Play Doh I think.......we are going to have a Play Doh restaurant she says........wish me luck, finally food I might be able to resist!!!

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Did y'all see that?! Plain's gonna come up here and slap me! Do it! It made me laugh! And I heard that burp after all that beer too, buddy! Remember blind women slap back! LOL!

Not much happening here this weekend. I went shopping today, groceries. Came home, had lunch, and helped my roommate straighten out the garage. We had termite inspection and you have to move crap so they can spend thirty seconds telling you there aren't any, or they're in places where stuff didn't have to be moved. Grrrr!!

I went on the treadmill, and read a little.

Tomorrow I'm going to play at the hospital.

Everybody take care of yourselves!



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Rick is working overnight, the job had problems, they are waiting for more chemicals, and will pump the job when they get the product. Will likely be tomorrow evening before I see him. Wow, I totally understand how hard that is now, for everyone!

So I have my bestest friend ever spending the night with me. We are going to be bestest friends forever -- just ask her! We had some caramel apple --- more apple less caramel sauce, but she did not complain! I really thought about just going to bed, and sleeping the evening, and night away, but when Kinsey ask to stay, that sounded like a better plan. So I am off to do something.....play with Play Doh I think.......we are going to have a Play Doh restaurant she says........wish me luck, finally food I might be able to resist!!! That sounds like you girls had a great night


Did y'all see that?! Plain's gonna come up here and slap me! Do it! It made me laugh! And I heard that burp after all that beer too, buddy! Remember blind women slap back! LOL! Now that is funny

Not much happening here this weekend. I went shopping today, groceries. Came home, had lunch, and helped my roommate straighten out the garage. We had termite inspection and you have to move crap so they can spend thirty seconds telling you there aren't any, or they're in places where stuff didn't have to be moved. Grrrr!!

I went on the treadmill, and read a little. Good for you- I flopped on the couch most of yesterday

Tomorrow I'm going to play at the hospital.

Everybody take care of yourselves!



Good morning ya'll

I think its time to go back to the dr, I've had horrible pain in my lower stomach since my accident and it goes and comes right back, I can't sleep and the pressure is horrible, right about where my seatbelt was.

I can't wait for my fill too, I need to stop eating - no excuse but I know I'm eating for comfort. Kev just doesn't get what he did to me for 19 long hard years and I just want to be happy - and because of him I am afraid to trust anyone, and the one good, real thing I found is gone - I'm more confused than ever.

Well I'm off to have another cup of coffee

Tracy - hope you are having a good weekend

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Hello everyone! I'm baaaaaaack! :thumbup:

We got home yesterday but i was too tired to do anything.

Our trip was exciting because we spent ZERO money (thank God). We had coupons for free play on their slot machines. The deal with that is you play their money on the slots until it is gone, then whatever you win above that you can cash out and keep or keep playing. Well, I had 90 dollars of slot play and frank had 40, when we were done we had 160.00 that we won and we took the real money and left. :wink2: THEN we went to coushatta because we had free play there as well. Anyway, long story short, we came home with 80 dollars, ate free, slept there free AND was able to get free gas. sweet....

Angela, did you make those pancakes? congrats on doing well with your eating...its difficult to get back into the swing of it.

Jennifer-well....i woke up and you still aren't here. Where are you? (can you tell I am excited for you to come here?)

Cindy-the dirt cake sounds like something i need to stay away from. I do not have 100% of my self control back yet. lol

Kat-did you eat the play-doh? Sounds like you and your BFF had fun :)

Michelle-I like your weekly update :lol: We have missed ya!

Debbie-I heard what plain said about slapping you. Your response is right on. It made me laugh. Have fun playing at the hospital today. Wish I were there to listen. I love piano music.

Plain-you rent friends? Too bad, you prob can't afford me. LOL

Terri-how is the weight loss going? I am excited for you!

Suzanne-what you up to? My team plays your team today? Sweet :bolt:

Shar-hope you aren't working too hard. How have you been since your aha moment?

I have been doing good with eating. I ate a piece of bread and a piece of candy over the weekend, BUT i still have not had ice cream and that is huge for me. I haven't had any carbonation or rice or Pasta. So far so good. When i was losing before, i was working and i had a routine and now i am trying to find a new groove that works for me.

Well today is Walmart shopping day. I also need to go ahead and find macy a halloween costume.

Have a great day everyone. Gotta go make macy some Breakfast. Make healthy choices...and drink plenty of Water. :eek:

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Good Morn' everyone. I've had a kinda lazy weekend, just did housework and hung out with Larry (hubby). We are going to hog roast later this afternoon.

Tracy, all is good. I have been keeping a food diary and it really helps. Diary helps me to be aware of what I am eating and proportions. Feels good to just have some down time. Sounds like you had fun on your trip. Spare of the moments trips are the best. :)


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Morning girls.

Tracy, so glad you had a great time. Sometimes I wish hubby and I did things like that. Bt we are just not gamblers, I guess I have no patience. But to just get away is good in it's self.

Debbie, a slap-fest??? Make sure the camcorder is going. That sucks about having to move all the stuff in the garage, but you got lucky. we had them years ago and I had to move my Mom out while they treated the house. They said with her age and health problems that it would just be best to take her some where. So my cousin and I took her down south to go visit and Aunt and Uncle.

Jenn, Jenn, Jenn, I hate that Kev has done that to you. I hope and pray that someday you will find yourself able to trust again but most of all that you will love and respect yourself. You are a lovely person and a great mom. You deserve to treat yourself better.

Last night we went to a trivia party and had such a wonderful time. Our table had only had a 4 day notice that we were a table. We didn't have months like the other teams. Well, they elected me as captain and I sent out e-mails stating that we didn't have a lot of time to do a lot of shopping so here goes. We can either do a halloween theme or Chiefs. So we did the Chiefs. Good choice because we ended up winning first place for table decorations. There were 8 tables and at the end, we ended up in 4th. place. We moved up 2 places after I rocked at music trivia, I got 9 out of 10 right. And then again in general trivia we got 8 out 10 right, so those moved us up. But the last category we sucked at and oly got 2 answers right. That's ok, we had a blast anyway. The food was great and they supplied all the beer and drinks we wanted.

Today is our prayer walk and what a beautiful day for it. It should be right around 73 degrees when we start. There is a nature refuge about 3 miles from here and you can pick any trail to walk. They give you some papers that the people from our church had wrote out their prayers on and you walk the trails praying for them. So my sister and I will head over to do that.

Then we are off to Richmond for a small family reunion. I'm taking a pot of chili with us. It will be good to see a lot of these people. I haven't seen alot of them since my FIL passed away.

But the biggest thing going on today is a good hearted friendly rivalry between me and "T". Her Texans are playing my Chiefs today. Don't make me come down there an whuup some A$$.

Hope everyone has a great day.

PS. Tracy, did you get the envelope I sent?

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Hello everyone! I'm baaaaaaack! :smile2:

We got home yesterday but i was too tired to do anything.

Our trip was exciting because we spent ZERO money (thank God). We had coupons for free play on their slot machines. The deal with that is you play their money on the slots until it is gone, then whatever you win above that you can cash out and keep or keep playing. Well, I had 90 dollars of slot play and frank had 40, when we were done we had 160.00 that we won and we took the real money and left. :bolt: THEN we went to coushatta because we had free play there as well. Anyway, long story short, we came home with 80 dollars, ate free, slept there free AND was able to get free gas. sweet....Now that is the kind of trip I like to have

Angela, did you make those pancakes? congrats on doing well with your eating...its difficult to get back into the swing of it.

Jennifer-well....i woke up and you still aren't here. Where are you? (can you tell I am excited for you to come here?) I know, I need to plan a long weekend when mom gets back into town - leave thurs night back sunday night maybe? I'm going to have to go before we need to layoff a safety person, after that I'll be in charge and won't get much time off

Cindy-the dirt cake sounds like something i need to stay away from. I do not have 100% of my self control back yet. lol and it goes down so easy ... yummy

Kat-did you eat the play-doh? Sounds like you and your BFF had fun :wink2:

Michelle-I like your weekly update :eek: We have missed ya!

Debbie-I heard what plain said about slapping you. Your response is right on. It made me laugh. Have fun playing at the hospital today. Wish I were there to listen. I love piano music.

Plain-you rent friends? Too bad, you prob can't afford me. LOL

Terri-how is the weight loss going? I am excited for you!

Suzanne-what you up to? My team plays your team today? Sweet :lol:

Shar-hope you aren't working too hard. How have you been since your aha moment?

I have been doing good with eating. I ate a piece of bread and a piece of candy over the weekend, BUT i still have not had ice cream and that is huge for me. I haven't had any carbonation or rice or Pasta. So far so good. When i was losing before, i was working and i had a routine and now i am trying to find a new groove that works for me. I need a fill, and liquids for a month

Well today is Walmart shopping day. I also need to go ahead and find macy a halloween costume.

Have a great day everyone. Gotta go make macy some breakfast. Make healthy choices...and drink plenty of Water. :thumbup: Dylan is going to be a Toy Story Alien, we ordered online and saved $10 even with shipping - I get to do stuff at FD this year, might keep me out of trouble

Good Morn' everyone. I've had a kinda lazy weekend, just did housework and hung out with Larry (hubby). We are going to hog roast later this afternoon. Sounds like fun!

Tracy, all is good. I have been keeping a food diary and it really helps. Diary helps me to be aware of what I am eating and proportions. Feels good to just have some down time. Sounds like you had fun on your trip. Spare of the moments trips are the best. :)


Morning girls.

Tracy, so glad you had a great time. Sometimes I wish hubby and I did things like that. Bt we are just not gamblers, I guess I have no patience. But to just get away is good in it's self.

Debbie, a slap-fest??? Make sure the camcorder is going. That sucks about having to move all the stuff in the garage, but you got lucky. we had them years ago and I had to move my Mom out while they treated the house. They said with her age and health problems that it would just be best to take her some where. So my cousin and I took her down south to go visit and Aunt and Uncle.

Jenn, Jenn, Jenn, I hate that Kev has done that to you. I hope and pray that someday you will find yourself able to trust again but most of all that you will love and respect yourself. You are a lovely person and a great mom. You deserve to treat yourself better. I've come a long way in 3 years, but he is just stupid if he thinks all will be ok, at least I'm not letting him talk me into taking him back. You know what is insane, he is talking like we are back together and I'm not involved with anyone - don't get me wrong, George is gone, but if we are still traveling from time to time to see each other, then we are still together until we say other wise. I'm very deovted to who I'm with. Don't get me wrong we have an understanding at this point that if we meet other people we are ok and just to let the other know - we didn't sign up for long distance thing. But I am not going to sign up for kev to treat me like a bag of crap either. I gave him all i had... someday... someday I'll give that to someone else - just don't think it will be here, people suck here

Last night we went to a trivia party and had such a wonderful time. Our table had only had a 4 day notice that we were a table. We didn't have months like the other teams. Well, they elected me as captain and I sent out e-mails stating that we didn't have a lot of time to do a lot of shopping so here goes. We can either do a halloween theme or Chiefs. So we did the Chiefs. Good choice because we ended up winning first place for table decorations. There were 8 tables and at the end, we ended up in 4th. place. We moved up 2 places after I rocked at music trivia, I got 9 out of 10 right. And then again in general trivia we got 8 out 10 right, so those moved us up. But the last category we sucked at and oly got 2 answers right. That's ok, we had a blast anyway. The food was great and they supplied all the beer and drinks we wanted.

Today is our prayer walk and what a beautiful day for it. It should be right around 73 degrees when we start. There is a nature refuge about 3 miles from here and you can pick any trail to walk. They give you some papers that the people from our church had wrote out their prayers on and you walk the trails praying for them. So my sister and I will head over to do that.

Then we are off to Richmond for a small family reunion. I'm taking a pot of chili with us. It will be good to see a lot of these people. I haven't seen alot of them since my FIL passed away.

But the biggest thing going on today is a good hearted friendly rivalry between me and "T". Her Texans are playing my Chiefs today. Don't make me come down there an whuup some A$$.

Hope everyone has a great day.

PS. Tracy, did you get the envelope I sent?

Well, I'm off to get ready to go, have to pick up dd, and bday present for my neice and get up to water park, which is over hr away. I am not sure if I'm actually going to play in the park or study - or do a little work. my BIL is going to be there and I have some issues with stuff old boss is saying, and I'm concerned the company is going to be in deep shit

Well have a wonderful day all

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Hi everyone!

Still have not seen my husband since he left for work yesterday morning at 4 AM. Talked to him a bit ago, they are still on location.....but should be done in a couple of hours, but he has work to do in the shop when he gets back, so who knows when I will see him!

So I hear all the radios and crap, keeps interupting him when he calls. But I was in Safeway a little while ago, and run into a "friend" of Ricks--a guy he used to work with, one of the ones who was layed off. His 'girlfriend' (she is 70---15 years older than he) said to me, that I must be trusting, he was probably spending the night with his girlfriend! I laughed and said nope I trust him, to which his so called friend tells his gf, not to forget he is old too so he couldn't keep up with 2 women. I told him, "ya know just like the song says, he may not be as good as he once was, but he's as good 3 or 4 times as he ever was!" He just looked all surprised I would say that!!! Put my husband down, and accuse him of cheating, and then present yourselves as his friends! HAH! Idiots! I think he deserves his OLD LADY!

Kinsey had a blast last night. I did not dine on Play Doh....tyvm!

She and Izzy, were hilarious. Kinsey took her blanket and threw it over the dog, and it was on, they rolled over and over and over around the living room floor inside this blanket, with the dogs goal to be able to lick Kinsey's ears, she was almost frantic with wanting to lick them, and Kinsey was just as adamant about her not and that child giggled non stop for an hour. It was so funny. I managed to tape a bit of it. I laughed right along with them because they were so funny. The dog outweighs her a little but they are close in size, and they literally rolled over and over one another!!! Then she got the dog to chasing the laser light. It was a fun night. I missed Rick, wished he had been here to see it, although I know my husband well enough to know he would have wanted in the middle of things, where I sat back and let them play! Now when Kinsey goes outside and swings, the dog sits in the kiddie 2 sided lawn swing on the swing set----she things she is human. Now Kinsey is gone and the dog is sleeping soundly.

Just got home from my parents, my Dad called and my Mom fell, she lost her balance getting out of her chair, and when she tried to grab it, it spun away--- damn swivel rocker! So I went and helped him get her up. She is having so much pain in her hips, she could not lift up without help.

Come home to find the church youth group unloading wood at my house. My woodshed is completely full, that is the easiest way to get wood ever....call them, they back into my drive, and unload it, I do not have to touch anything!!!

I have stuff simmering to make a chicken pot pie. Will mix up the biscuit dough when Rick heads in, so it will be hot. I sent him with a days worth of lunch for yesterday-----and he has been out almost 36 hours now. The company usually caters food to them for those jobs, but they are way out in the middle of nowhere, so I have no idea if they did or not.

Everyone take care, I am going to get some work done, and read awhile!!!

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Good Morn' everyone. I've had a kinda lazy weekend, just did housework and hung out with Larry (hubby). We are going to hog roast later this afternoon. Awwww, I am jealous!!

Tracy, all is good. I have been keeping a food diary and it really helps. Diary helps me to be aware of what I am eating and proportions. Maybe i should start doing that again too. Feels good to just have some down time. Sounds like you had fun on your trip. Yes ma'am we had a ball!Spare of the moments trips are the best. :thumbup:


Morning girls.

Tracy, so glad you had a great time. Sometimes I wish hubby and I did things like that. Bt we are just not gamblers, I guess I have no patience. But to just get away is good in it's self. We did have fun. Fast trip but it was worth it. Kept my mind off all the hum drum stuff.

But the biggest thing going on today is a good hearted friendly rivalry between me and "T". Her Texans are playing my Chiefs today. Don't make me come down there an whuup some A$$. Speaking of which...How bout them Texans? :tt2: Great game!! :tt2:

Hope everyone has a great day.

PS. Tracy, did you get the envelope I sent? Yes we did and we went to the store today and she got it. We have listened to that thing all evening. She is so excited. She is going to send you a thank you e-mail. I will let her write it herself.

HI! Hi right back at ya! :) :smile:

Kat-hope your mom is OK!

Well everyone, I am a brunette now with hints of red. I love it!

OK, gotta go root on the phillies.


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Apparently the defense forgot to get on the plane to Texas. They looked like 3rd stringers. Oh well.

We drove up to the in-laws and had a great time. The weather is just fabulous around here and we were able to sit outside most of the time we were there. Got to see a lot of people we hadn't seen in years. Lots of good food.< /span>

My nephew was ther that had his band done a couple of months ago. He's doing great and looks wonderful. We ahd a good talk about what to expect. His wife is going thru the 6 month diet right now. I think she is going to have her surgery in April. I'm so proud of both of them.

I have a big week this week, lots of training to do for my 5K.

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My Mom has fibromyalgia, and it is exacerbated by stress, among other things. She began an acupuncture program recently and it has only gotten worse, seriously worse since. She is stressing over my Dads biopsy, but no idea why it has flared so badly. Especially one hip, she stood up from her chair, and that hip did not want to move like to walk, and she kind of staggered, then hit the chair which swivelled right out from under her, leaving her on the floor, it was a slow slide, so she did not hurt herself, but her hip would not allow her to put any weight on it to get up. Nor could she crawl for the same reason, so she just sat there til Dad come in from church.....

I have no idea how to help. I have no idea how things are going to go in the morning, she has been coming and staying with Kinsey for the 15 minute crossover time that I have to leave for work before Kinsey gets on the bus. My Dad is coming in the morning. We have until the 28th or 29th...so 2 more weeks of this to figure out......ugh!

Tracy your mini vacay sounds so much fun!!! Glad you won!

Suzie, the fall days outside are so wonderful, glad you saw your family!!

Michelle, soon you will be covering Teagan in the leaves, we always have fun doing that. I have pictures of only the kids faces peeking out---you cannot tell the difference between Manda and Kinsey only in the age of the picture!!

Well I am off to watch Desperate Housewives, and pay real attention!!!

See you tomorrow!!!

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Hey everybody!

I enjoyed reading all your posts.

Jenn, I don't know the whole story, but I'm truly sorry anyone could treat you badly; based on what I know so far, you're a terrific woman, and don't deserve that. I hope you will find someone who will give you all the joy you deserve.

Suzie, the prayer walk sounds great. I love reading about all of you who have changing seasons, and beautiful trails to walk on.

Kat, I think just the fact that you went to help your dad says a lot. You say you don't know how to help, but you are. (Just my opinion.) :smile:

Michelle, we love you too!

Tracy, keep up the good work! Sounds like you're on the right track!

Plain, I know you're watching. Come out, come out, where ever you are!

It was a nice cool day here with a little rain, and we're supposed to get more.

I went to play at the hospital today, and my friend Ariane went with me. We take public transportation, basically it's curb to curb, from our door to our destination. When she was going down the stairs outside our complex, Ariane fell, so we spent the first hour in the emergency room. She's OK, just a sprained ankle. But that means I'll have to go on the treadmill this week because she's my walking partner. I don't like to go up on the track alone; it's on the roof of the place where I work and kind of creepy--you know, like Plain! :thumbup: That's probably why it is like that; he's watching me, aren't you? Fess up!

But it's supposed to rain all week anyway, so we probably wouldn't be able to go even if she was all right.

Gotta go. Time to get ready for work tomorrow.

Talk to y'all later!


PS. Hi, Angela, Shar, and Terri!

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Hi ya'll!

Tracy... I am so glad you guys won! I love the free gas and I am grateful you guys told us how that works. I meant to tell you last time we talked that we comp'ed our gas too. Did you go to L'aburge Du Lac (or however you spell it, lol)? I haven't heard a lot of good things about it, so I (we) have been hesitant to go.

I did make those pancakes. I had to add a bunch more spices than what it called for. To me (and I only had a couple of bites...tiny ones at that-yay me!!) they tasted very bland. A little vanilla and some more pumpkin pie spice saved them. I don't think it is a recipe I will try again.

Debbie, I wish I lived close enough to come and hear you play!!

Suzie, a prayer walk? I like the sound of that. Maybe I need to turn off the music and try prayer as well. It sounds soothing...

Love your "bestie" Kat! How cute is that?? Sorry to hear about your mom. Thank God she has you!

We spent the day at the bayhouse hanging motion sensor lights and laying patio bricks. I was a wow'ed by the lack of outdoor lighting this house had back when we bought it. It was dark as heck down there! Nothing over the driveway, walkway or stairs (we have had a running bet on who was going to "eat it" first by falling down the stairs. You guys just don't know, lol. My son and I are both ridiculously clumsy!!). Also, there was no stepping stones, sidewalk or any form of brick between the driveway and the stairs (the entire length of the house). It gets real muddy when it rains so we have been tossing around ideas about how to fix it. Pour a concrete sidewalk...patio bricks?

Mike picked out (and subsequently "picked up") a style of brick that he really liked a few weeks back on a trip to Home Depot without me. I am not liking the pattern at all but if he loves it, I will learn to like it :thumbup:. It's the small things, right?? LOL.

Hi everybody I missed!!

I have an early start tomorrow. Have a good one!


Edited by AngelaW

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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