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Hey y'all

Poor Terri! I had that reaction to eggs----not long after being allowed to eat solid food again, I fried an egg, chopped it up, and put it on half a piece of toast, to eat on the run---OMG, I slimed, and hurt, like nothing I can describe! Finally hiccupped, and it eased!

I have had 2 bad stuck type episodes with my band over the years, one was due to a donut, that I know swelled to 6 times its size once I ate it!!! The other was a piece of popcorn chicken, eaten without thinking, chewed once or twice, and swallowed. About the time I swallowed I realized what I had done, and Oh I hurt with that one! Lessons learned for sure!

Today we went to Octoberfest. Went to Breakfast with my parents, brother, daughter and granddaughter. Then we watched the parade, and hit the vendors on the street. Rick and I left, come home and checked on Izzy, who was in her dog run outside for the first time. She was fine, so we went into Farmington, and did some shopping. Serious shopping. I woke up this morning, and my monitor had gone out! It was making a high pitched noise, and no picture, nothing, gone! So it could not wait long, we went to Sams and bought a new one. Spoke with my nephew in regards to changing our phone service. We are with Alltel, and they sold out here, so we have to find a new provider, and get new phones. I have had the same account for 10 years----so, he thinks our best bet is Sprint, I have no idea! We need something that will provide us with service in Texas as well as here.

Then we come home, got the dog, and walked back down to the park, she did so well! Someone has trained this dog! She is housebroke, she heels on a leash, she does not get on furniture, she is good with kids and other animals. She sits, she shakes.....it is amazing. She is not hyper, but still has puppy left! She began fetching for me last night. Rick is enjoying her. Me too!

We are trying to decide who to let cook for us tonight!!! LOL

I have red chile in the dehydrator, oh man it smells good! I am drying it to crush. Sooooooo good!

Cindy, about the time my DD turned 14, I found myself washing things I KNEW she did not wear! I would go in her room, and be knee deep in clothes!

So I told her I would not buy her a single thing to wear, not clothes, socks, underwear, shoes----NOTHING until I could see her floor for a week straight! And I taught her to use the washing machine! Then the issue come up that she thought it was perfectly fine to throw ONE thing in the washer alone! Rather than do a load. We put a stop to that! Occasionally when I was doing my laundry or later the family laundry I would offer to throw the kids stuff in---but did not make a habit of it! LOL She was SOOOO bad! Our son, did his faithfully in the evening, in 2 loads, and he put it away. The girls might fold it, but still lived out of laundry baskets!

Good Luck!

I do all the laundry here, I sort, wash, dry and fold it all. I leave Ricks folded on the bed, and he puts it away. I feel for you......

Yay Debbie, more money, that is always good!!!

Jenn---good job, I knew you could do it!

Suzanne, it was nice walking here the last couple of days----yes y'all heard me, I walked 2 days in a row!!! The dog is good for me! LOL

But it was like Terri said, kind of chilly here, heck it was almost freezing here this morning, 35 degrees or so. Cold!

2nd week in November still looks like our time.

Tracy----feeling better yet?

When we change our phones----we will be doing them ourselves, til now the company has supplied them. so we will add our texting onto the plan. I can be back in the loop!!! LOL

Well Rick is ready for dinner, so I'll be back in awhile!

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Well, it was an absolutely amazing day for football here in the bayou, my good people. First, BAMA got their butts handed to them on a platter (that is always wonderful news to a tiger fan)and THEN, LSU beat Florida!!!! Yes, it will hopefully wipe away a little of the embarrassment we felt after last week's sad win.

I hope you are all having a nice weekend. I have to get up fairly early tomorrow and drive 30 miles to go work in my classroom. I have so much to do!

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Hi everyone. special welcome to Joan and Shalee.

When I was driving to work yesterday evening, I kinda drove slow taking in the beautiful weather. I started thinking about my life and I realized that my weight/size has been a major focus of life for at least 35 yrs (even when I was not obese). And I am tired of. I have wonderful accomplished children. I got out of a very bad marriage and went back to school and became a RN. I now have a wonderful husband and a beautiful home. But there is still that small part of me that feels like a failure everytime I look in a mirror.

Starting today, right this very moment I am done with judging myself by what size I wear. I want to be healthy and here for my family and that's it.

I will no longer let my weight define me. No more obsessing I what I'm going to eat or have eaten. I'm going to eat right but, it can no longer be the major focus of my life. I have missed so much because of my obsession with my weight. I've been on every diet, quack weight loss program, diet pill, etc, that you could possibly think of.

I am done. I am going to healthy, and do what I need to do to be healthy. But the obsession is officially over.

God bless you all.


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Congratulations, Shar. That is amazing! I am glad you were able to let all of that go,and it sounds like it has been extremely freeing for you.

I hate to think about the time I have spent hating myself... must be 30 years or so. Sad.

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Good Saturday morning Folks.

We have been having some of the most beautiful weather here. I wonder how much longer it will last. I know they are calling for in the 60's about the middle of the week. That's still not bad. Great walking weather. It is beautiful here right now too - just about peak leaf season, I'll take some pics and post them as it gets perfect. I so want to go for a nice drive next weekend, wish i had company to enjoy it with

Jenn, WOOT WOOT. Thanks

T&A, I forgot to mention to you guys that Darrell and I stopped by Buc ees on our way back. Holy Cow. You could spend a fortune in there. And I have to admit that they do have the nicest, cleanest bathrooms ever. We actually got out of there without buying anything, :hand:, go figure. I highly recommend it to everyone. A Texas must see.

Ok, off to go do my walk. See ya all soon.

Did my walk and it felt good. I miss my long walks

I took off and mailed a package to my brother in California. I think it would have been cheaper to drive it there myself. And get there sooner then Thursday. lol.

Went over to Zarda BBQ. They are having their Rib Fest. So I got 4 slabs of ribs, 1 quart of cole slaw, 1 quart of Beans and 2 lunch specials. I asked the girl if $60.00 would cover it. She charged me $45.00. She used to date my nephew and the lady in line in front of me is a good friend of mine and her son owns the store. She got hers free and I got mine at a reduced price. I'm happy. I'm gonna freeze 2 slabs for Christmas. Normally their ribs ar $21.00 a slab.

Got my housework done. Working on laundry and then I'm gonna chill for awhile. YMmmmm i LOVE bbq - we are getting a bbq place here but it won't be open for a couple of months, it is a big biker hang out and I can't wait for one to be open here, my 3 favorite things, bbq, bikes and biker guys :cake:

I just realized I folded 40 articles of clothing and NOTHING WAS MINE!!! I have gone seriously wrong somewhere in the raising of my children that I don't have them doing this...mmmmm....must rethink this.My dd has been doing her laundry since I can't remember when and ds (6) brings his down, folds it and puts it away - I hate laundry so I trained them well.. ROFL[/QUOTE]
It sounds like we are all knee deep in cleaning and laundry! Oh what fun...

I actually have Zach shampooing the carpet! I went to buy a new carpet cleaner yesterday - I was ticked - finally decided to spend the money and they didn't have the one I wanted in stock.

Congratulations, Jenn!!! Thank you

Suzie, glad you got to see Bu-cee's. The largest I have seen is on I-10. Did you go back that way or is there a Buc-ee's I am missing???

Mmmmm....ribs. I made lasagna last night and there is plenty left. We are doing left-overs tonight! I have not had lasagna in 3 years

My nose/head issues seemed to have passed but Mike feels terrible. I rubbed his chest with Vick's last night and well...we both slept good! It was strong. I could still smell it after he left this morning, lol. I was sick as a dog yesterday and today, couldn't breathe and slept more than I have in an entire week - I'm going to dig the vicks out tonight

I am going in tomorrow for a 10 hour shift. Mo' money...mo' money!

Have a good one...


:D Good luck! Let us know how it works out!! Tracy - I see better mood but you are still quiet..... feel better and come visit me :)
Happy weekend everyone! Well except for the cleaning and laundry part lol. I've tried catching up on posts and see there are a couple new people. Hiya new guys! :) I'm still kinda new here too but you'd never know by how they've welcomed me.

ughh Suzanne your bbq sounds soooo good. It's very chilly here today and windy so that sounds like nice warm comfort food. I hope it freezes soon so my allergies will get better. I can't hardly go to sleep at night because of the ringing in my ears. It's driving me crazy, anybody have any tips for lessening it? claridon D

I've got to tell you guys what happened on Thursday. I got to work and was hungry (I haven't been eating breakfast since LB, well really before either!) and I had an Atkins Protein Shake in my little fridge (NP told me NO cold anything first thing in the morning ever) so I poured it in a cup and drank it. Filled me up.

About 30 min later my back started hurting BAD and then it moved to include the middle of my gut just below my breast bone. It was hurting so bad y'all I started getting queasy and felt lightheaded. I was afraid of 2 things, somehow I did something bad to my band or those dang kidney stones were starting to move (I've got 4mmish ones on both sides ugh).

So I left work and made it home and laid down for about 20 min. Got just a tad better but still hurt bad. I was getting really scared by now. Trying to figure out what doc to try to see, the one that was open to LB has had to leave her practice as she has cancer and the other 2 PAs I've seen there don't seem very open to it. And our ER is awful. But it's a 3 hour drive to see the NP at the surgeon's office. ugggghhhh panic time.

Then it kinda started feeling like a really bad muscle cramp in the middle of my belly. So for some reason I thought I would drink some really really warm (read: HOT duh) Water. It actually felt good. And made it hurt a little less. So I got the heating pad out and put it on my belly. After about 15 min better still.

Got up to go into the kitchen and just as I got in there I let out the biggest longest burp you've heard! O.M.G. it was the worst one yet lol. But.........

the pain went totally away!! ROFL I was starting to think I was going to die right there and all I needed to do was BURP! So I've learned 2 things...... NO cold drinks at 8am and SLOW DOWN. I love how the band gets your attention.

over. and. over. again. MY FAVORITE THING IN THE WORLD... GAS X!!! I can't travel in the car for more than 2 hours without that horrible pain

Been quite awhile since I've felt that goofy! :)

Hey y'all

Poor Terri! I had that reaction to eggs----not long after being allowed to eat solid food again, I fried an egg, chopped it up, and put it on half a piece of toast, to eat on the run---OMG, I slimed, and hurt, like nothing I can describe! Finally hiccupped, and it eased!

I have had 2 bad stuck type episodes with my band over the years, one was due to a donut, that I know swelled to 6 times its size once I ate it!!! The other was a piece of popcorn chicken, eaten without thinking, chewed once or twice, and swallowed. About the time I swallowed I realized what I had done, and Oh I hurt with that one! Lessons learned for sure!

Today we went to Octoberfest. Went to breakfast with my parents, brother, daughter and granddaughter. Then we watched the parade, and hit the vendors on the street. Rick and I left, come home and checked on Izzy, who was in her dog run outside for the first time. She was fine, so we went into Farmington, and did some shopping. Serious shopping. I woke up this morning, and my monitor had gone out! It was making a high pitched noise, and no picture, nothing, gone! So it could not wait long, we went to Sams and bought a new one. Spoke with my nephew in regards to changing our phone service. We are with Alltel, and they sold out here, so we have to find a new provider, and get new phones. I have had the same account for 10 years----so, he thinks our best bet is Sprint, I have no idea! We need something that will provide us with service in Texas as well as here. I have sprint, had it for 14 years, they just revised plan and is now cheapest around. no extras for data plan for blackberry like other providers $69.99 covers it all, and you can talk to ANY cell for free, not just sprint cell numbers. I pay $150 for 3 phones with unlimited data and texting. I'm not allowed to text on iphone because it is an extra $30 a month - give me sprint anyday. I just wish they got a new blackberry released, but I do love my tour

Then we come home, got the dog, and walked back down to the park, she did so well! Someone has trained this dog! She is housebroke, she heels on a leash, she does not get on furniture, she is good with kids and other animals. She sits, she shakes.....it is amazing. She is not hyper, but still has puppy left! She began fetching for me last night. Rick is enjoying her. Me too! I'm getting yard ready for dog this weekend, I"M Getting reallyexited... where are the pics?

We are trying to decide who to let cook for us tonight!!! LOL

I have red chile in the dehydrator, oh man it smells good! I am drying it to crush. Sooooooo good!

Cindy, about the time my DD turned 14, I found myself washing things I KNEW she did not wear! I would go in her room, and be knee deep in clothes!

So I told her I would not buy her a single thing to wear, not clothes, socks, underwear, shoes----NOTHING until I could see her floor for a week straight! And I taught her to use the washing machine! Then the issue come up that she thought it was perfectly fine to throw ONE thing in the washer alone! Rather than do a load. We put a stop to that! Occasionally when I was doing my laundry or later the family laundry I would offer to throw the kids stuff in---but did not make a habit of it! LOL She was SOOOO bad! Our son, did his faithfully in the evening, in 2 loads, and he put it away. The girls might fold it, but still lived out of laundry baskets!

Good Luck!

I do all the laundry here, I sort, wash, dry and fold it all. I leave Ricks folded on the bed, and he puts it away. I feel for you......

Yay Debbie, more money, that is always good!!!

Jenn---good job, I knew you could do it! thanks !!!

Suzanne, it was nice walking here the last couple of days----yes y'all heard me, I walked 2 days in a row!!! The dog is good for me! LOL

But it was like Terri said, kind of chilly here, heck it was almost freezing here this morning, 35 degrees or so. Cold!

2nd week in November still looks like our time.

Tracy----feeling better yet?

When we change our phones----we will be doing them ourselves, til now the company has supplied them. so we will add our texting onto the plan. I can be back in the loop!!! LOL Sprint is included in the plan -

Well Rick is ready for dinner, so I'll be back in awhile!

Hi everyone. special welcome to Joan and Shalee.

When I was driving to work yesterday evening, I kinda drove slow taking in the beautiful weather. I started thinking about my life and I realized that my weight/size has been a major focus of life for at least 35 yrs (even when I was not obese). And I am tired of. I have wonderful accomplished children. I got out of a very bad marriage and went back to school and became a RN. I now have a wonderful husband and a beautiful home. But there is still that small part of me that feels like a failure everytime I look in a mirror.

Starting today, right this very moment I am done with judging myself by what size I wear. I want to be healthy and here for my family and that's it.

I will no longer let my weight define me. No more obsessing I what I'm going to eat or have eaten. I'm going to eat right but, it can no longer be the major focus of my life. I have missed so much because of my obsession with my weight. I've been on every diet, quack weight loss program, diet pill, etc, that you could possibly think of.

I am done. I am going to healthy, and do what I need to do to be healthy. But the obsession is officially over.

:tt1::thumbup:Shar - I am jealous -I wish I could come to that conclusion - I gained 10lbs and I am beating myself up. I don't even feel healthy right now.

God bless you all.


Good Morning all

Plain - why am I not responding to you???? where are you

I want company - someone come visit me..:tt2:

So - I sent Kev a text last weekend for insurance cards and well... you know what that turned into - I miss you, i can't live without you - I'm so sorry - I'll do whatever it takes....

Does he not remember what he has not only done to me but to our children? I gave up my life for him and waitied like a lost freaking puppy for 19 years and he doesn't see why he wouldn't have a chance of getting me back - He doesn't even care that I told him I was seeing someone who I let into my life and if he didn't move away - I could spend the rest of time with - but... he did move away, so thatis not an option, but neither is going back to that lie I lived for so many years.

and I'm sure this is why I hae gone to hell and gained 10lbs this week, oh that and being sick.

Well - I'm going to get some breakfast - I'm hungry

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Congratulations, Shar. That is amazing! I am glad you were able to let all of that go,and it sounds like it has been extremely freeing for you.

I hate to think about the time I have spent hating myself... must be 30 years or so. Sad.

I was going to say It has not been that long for me, but I think longer since my family was telling me how fat and horrible I was at 4 years old.... so It would be about 36years for me.

It is sad, and ironic - we are here in lapband world and me personally - have acknowledged and realized why I am where I am - I just can't let go and will never see what anyone else does.

That pic I posted - that is now how I see myself, and I never will - all I saw in that was the rolls in my shirt and why they won't go away

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Good morning everyone~

Shar-I am really moved by your post. I could hear relief in your post as well. That is wonderful.

Jenn-I am really alot better than I was. Not one hundred percent but I am getting there. If I had the money I would come see you. If I send you some valium will you come see me? :)

Wow...I had so much to say and now I can't remember. That is one thing I do not like about these pills....they make me more scatterbrained than I normally am. :tt1:

Oh well, I hope you all have a great day. I did GREAT with my eating again yesterday. My stomach feels that hunger like it did when I was first banded....so I KNOW I am on the right path. :D

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*Yawn*...good morning.

Cindy, love the new pic. I can see where your daughter gets her good looks from!

Shar...good for you! Love yourself!!! It's taken me forever to figure that out too. I don't think anyone judges us as harshly as we judge ourselves.

I too see pics of myself and zoom in on the tummy rolls...the underarm "dingle-dangle"...the double chin. Being overweight for so long has done that to me.

I wish we could see ourselves as others do. Jenn, you are a very pretty girl...we see it!!

GAS-X is my friend too :). Since being banded, I have "blown away" both my husband and my son with my skills. We will just leave it at that, k?

Hiya Tracy!! I should PM you but I am just going to post here. We have been having some really good deals here lately (Have I mentioned I love sales??). Walmart has alot of brands of toilet paper and various paper towels (the big packs!!) for $4.00. I also picked up the 2-pack of lysol wipes for $2.50 yesterday. I love Viva Paper Towels because they are soooo soft but I refuse to pay over eight dollars for six rolls. Yesterday they were $5.00 at Walmart! I am wondering if they are just clearing out stock from the back of the store. I went Friday and Saturday and both days it was different brands on sale. Add in a coupon and it is a steal!

One more (lol) HEB has their store brand canned veggies 3 for $1.00. I have been stocking up.

Back to work! Enjoy your Sunday...


Edited by AngelaW
Jeez...I said I had a third chin! I am scaring myself!!!!

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Tracy - glad you are getting there~ I wish I could come visit, and I can fly without drugs. I think

I'm just not able to take time off of work but I am going to come visit -who knows, maybe I will get a job there next year and stay for a year or 2

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i just bought my carpet cleaner at walmart.com 97cent shipping so I did it. I want clean carpets

Going to buy a garage door opener Thursday

off to clean the garage

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Everyone has been very chatty!

Shar, I tell myself that and then start in on myself again. How do you DO it?! And mean it and not start in again? I am so happy for you!!!

Cindy, like the new pic.

Kat, I'm so glad Izzy is adjusting so well! We've got to start walking ours. UGH! They love the yard but it's not the same as walking them.

Oh and we have Verizon. Have has them for years. We originally went with them b/c of their coverage. DH will get cell service on some of those fires that others don't.

I lost a couple of pounds and am stuck again. I am going to try something different just to see what happens. I've been snacking horribly and not getting all of my liquids in. SOOOO, for a few days I'm going to try having a shake instead of food for Snacks. My snacks are horribly high in calories and my shakes are only about 160 calories. We'll see what happens. I can't do a shake instead of a meal b/c it doesn't hold me long enough but as a snack, it might work. We'll see. Maybe I can break that over-the-top snacking that I've been doing.

Have a sweet 16 b-day party to go to this afternoon for a friend. Her mom and I have been friend for nearly 30 years! Can't believe she is 16!!! :)

Need to move along. Have a great day!

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Thanks Michelle and Angela. I just finally put up another pic. I am so critical of myself. I hate pictures. It is so bad that I don't even have a before pic. The only pic I have is a month after I was banded and I had already lost 25 lbs or so. I have come so far, but still refuse to let people take pictures of me. It is so sad how we beat ourselves up. I don't know if I will ever truly be happy with myself, but I am satisfied with my weightloss enough, that if I never lose another pound, I will still be happy with where I am; but not enough to want to face myself in pictures...does any of that even make any sense? I don't see myself as others see me. It is weird.

Cell phone service...I have T-mobile and it sucks bad, but I hate to change. I have unlimited text on all 4 phones for a total of 9.99 a month. My total bill for all phones is $114. I would love to have a fancy, schmancy phone with all of the web and crap, but refuse to pay more, so it isn't going to happen.

Well, I am off to work in my classroom. Have a good Sunday, my dear ladies and Plain.

Edited by crzytchr

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Hey y'all~

House is clean, clothes ready for the week, groceries bought, and put away, and dinner is in the oven. Rick starts his field tour at some time past midnight, and it will be a long 2 weeks for him, and with me working it gets kind of crazy! Normally, I just adapt myself to his schedule and now I can't! LOL I don't work many hours, it is just different!

I am so glad you made that hurdle Shar!!!! I hit a point that it clicked with me as well. Now I will admit, I hit that point AFTER getting most of the weight off. The obssessing over what I was going to be able to eat, was seeming to overtake everything! And mine has never been an issue of being able to eat it due to the band, I am a lucky one who can eat most anything, as long as I am cautious with bite size and speed I eat at! But it was more of a question of would I kick myself after eating something I deemed bad for me. I think the realization of getting my health under control helped me immensley. I began this taking 2 different blood pressure meds, metformin for high blood sugar, and border line type 2 diabetes, celebrex for joint pain, and something for high cholesterol. Within a year, I no longer took a single solitary prescription medication. I could walk miles, not blocks, miles! So.....it made me feel successful in that respect.

I see the rolls in pictures, but I see less of them! I do my best not to focus solely on the negative! I used to literally hide from the camera, now it is not a big deal.

I love walking, and breathing deep, knowing I CAN!

I love being able to walk in almost any store, and buy clothes. I love wearing jeans that button and zip. I love not feeling ashamed to be introduced to DH's co workers or the kids freinds. I feel more pride than I can tell you when people comment on how much my DD looks like me----and I am ever grateful that maybe she is not horrified by that!!!

I know I have weight still to lose, but like Cindy, if it happens I will be really happy, if it doesn't, I am not going to stress over it. I will do what I need to to remain healthy, and if I remain healthy at this weight, then so be it.

Well, I yabbered (yeah it's a word!!!) on about that for so long, I need to go get some things finished for dinner!!!

It is my TV night! LOL------I plan on watching the bedroom TV---kicking back and totally and completely relaxing!

I'll try to get back, but it might be tomorrow!!!

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running late... have a wonderful....

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running late... have a wonderful....

LOL :)

Good morning everyone~another day has come and gone and I did a great job with my eating again. I am proud of myself. :puke:

Hope you all have a fantastic day!!!

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