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Good morning Neen, welcome to our little corner of the site! Great group here, although some are MIA right now, and I am getting concerned!

I am off to work, just stopped in as I was making motel reservations for tomorrow night. We are going to go down and spend the night, and see the balloon fiesta, since we had to change Ricks appointment due to his jury duty.

Will be in after work.

Izzy did ok overnight. She was not thrilled with the kennel, but settled pretty well. I am worried about her licking her incision while I am gone today, but not much I can do about it.


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Welcome Neenornina. We love having new people. Glad you found us.

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Today is Family Breakfast day at Cracker Barrell. I really look forward to these. We always have so much fun. I went yesterday to Wal-greens and had pictures made from our trip so everyone can see.

Kat, I haven't had a chance to look anything up on that tree. The trail we walked on was really cool but we had to watch out for Sumac. That's easy to do this time of year because it turns a real vibrant red and you can spot it a mile away. I look forward to walking that trail again. I think Friday we are going to walk Railroad Park. We have to go places were we can take the dog with us.

Can't wait to see pictures of Izzy.

Tracy, after my Mom had passed away I was having a hard time dealing with it. I went to the Docs and he put me on Celexa. I took it for about 4 months and then weaned myself off. It really helped me out. I didn't have any problems taking it. I just needed a little help getting out of the slump I was in. I would take it again in a heartbeat if I need it.

I'm so jealous of Jenn. I keep thinking of the pic she posted. She looks wonderful. She's my incentive.

Ok, need to go dry my hair. Have a great day everyone.

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Hello Kat and Hi Suzy x

Thanks for the lovely welcome ! Hope I can contribute in some way :thumbup:

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Kat, I'm so glad Izzy is home! Keep crating her and pretty soon she'll love it and when stressed NEED it. Keep the door open when you're home so she can use it all the time as she needs too.

Jenn, how'd your test go?

Nee, welcome!

Suz, I can't really tell but there is a fungus or "bug" that gets ahold of trees and causes those big bulges on the branches. The leaves didn't look all that healthy either. I'd have to see the whole tree to even try to guess as to what it is but the bulges under the bark are not normal to trees.

Not much going on here. Tried to train the church secretary yesterday but Pastor didn't put the software on her new computer for Quicken! Can't get a whole lotta nuttin' done w/out that!!!! :thumbup:

Been raining ALL week! Love it! Had another t-storm yesterday afternoon and it rained into the night. Sun was out this AM but it's clouding up again. Don't know that we'll have soccer games this weekend if this keeps up. The HS doesn't like them playing on the wet fields as it tears them up. We'll see what happens.

Still sick. Blech! At least I'm way better than I was last week but still dragging. Really body stiff too. That's the Lupus part of it. :thumbup: Hard to move. The weather might have an effect on me too now. It's been cold and the last 2 days I've had a fire in the woodstove. We'll see if I need one today.

Hope y'all have a great day!

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Thanks Michelle, if I get back that way I will take a better picture of the tree. That was with my cell phone.

I called the Band Doc this morning and told them to file the insurance to get the hiatal hernia repaired. I told them that I know it will take about 2 weeks for it to go thru so if possible I would like to schedule surgery right after Halloween. Now to really work on getting some more weight off.

Came home and started in like a tornado. I got a lot of windows washed and did a bunch of other stuff I had been putting of done. Now I need about a half hour nappy before heading into work.

I'll check in later tonight.

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Michelle, glad to see you post---was getting concerned not hearing from you. Now the others better check in or we will have to send out the flying monkeys to find them!!!

Izzy did ok. yesterday in the backyard it began thundering and she went right into the kennel. Last night, she whined awhile, and even tried out her bark ability (we have only heard her bark a couple of times)---but she settled down. Today, she dug a hole in her pad in the kennel! But nothing serious, she was happy to see me, went straight out, and did her jobs. Now is wandering around in here, hoping I will share my lunch.....not. All in all, she is settling in really well.

We did make a change in plans. We had intended to go to Albq. tomorrow night, Manda was going to stay here, so Izzy was not moved yet again. Well we had some other things come up, so we offered Manda and her friend our motel, so they are going down I guess and we will be home. Rick has to help with a booth during Octoberfest Saturday, which is ok, it will be fun.

If Manda decides not to go, we can cancel our reservations prior to 6 and be ok.

I had a grouchy old woman complain about me at work today! When they come in, we print out an application to vote, which is what you fill out to get an absentee ballot, well early voting works the same. I print it out, and ask them to check the name and address then please sign and date the bottom. I was nice to her, friendly even! She ask me "is it the 7th" I said to her "Yes ma'am all day and half the night", she kind of rolled her eyes at me, so I quit, and kept it professional, explained her ballot to her, and went on. She left, and went next door to the clerks office and said I was a smart alec to her, that she did not come to vote, to listen to my sarcasm. She told them exactly what I said---which was true, she did not embelish it or anything, but I didn't think anyone would take that as being flippant, which she also accused me of. The clerk is a friend of mine, and was laughing it off, but it irritated me, and left me in a mood the rest of the morning. Good grief----what is the big deal, I didn't tell her to figure it out herself! Just to be "a smart alec", I said the exact same thing to the next person who ask!!! They didn't mind a bit! LOL Some people!

Then I had a guy not want to remove his political badge in the polling place, he got pissy----was quite the morning!!

Suzie, you saw them, you know my windows need attention too....when you get done....hint hint!!!

Well off to take a walk with the dog....see how this goes, it is getting ready to storm here too, so it might be a short walk.

Edited by Kat817
someday I will learn to type....maybe

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Hi Ya'll

Neen - welcome, nice to have you

Tracy - Are you feeling better even if you are queezie?

What you doing with yourself during the day? I miss ya

Suzanne - that is so very kind of you to say, I wish I could see myself as others see me - plus I'm bouncing 10lbs, which is not helping me right now

Kat - how is Izzy doing? I can't wait to see pics! Are you guys getting those crazy storms? My mom is in AZ and the tornados hit 20 miles from her house

OK - Have to get ready to go to the dr for a follow up

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HI all! Went to an all critical care seminar yesterday. Now today I feel like I am coming down with a cold. Someone must have coughed on me, lol. Weather here today was nice and warm finally.

Think I am just gonna take some allergy med and hit the sack early. Catch you guys later.:thumbup:

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Shar, that "someone" coughed on me too. UG! My head feels heavy and my nose is running!

I took today and tomorrow off to get some things done around here. I didn't know what I was signing up for!! I got up at 5:30 am...took Zach to school and then white-knuckled it all the way over to the other side of Houston in rush hour traffic to have Mike's truck serviced.

He had heard of this place called Skeeter's Auto Repair on the fishing show (AM radio station) and they come highly recommended. GAH!!!! 50-something miles away...on my day off?

When he had originally asked me if I would take care of it today, I said no problem. I envisioned a couple of hours being spent at a local place (or even better...being shuttled home to wait). Instead, I drove over an hour to Cypress, Tx. to wait in their ass-numbing chair for 5 1/2 hours...and make the drive back. I hate to knock my own people, but Houstonians are ridiculous drivers. I had a splitting headache when I got home!

Actually, I am not as grouchy as I sound. It just made for a heck of a long day.

I came home and ran to JC Penny's to use a coupon I had been hanging on to. While in the bra section, I squatted down to get to the bottom racks (those long ones that stand out off the shelf) and managed to ram the one behind me directly into my right hip/buttcheek. I have a huge knot and a bruise coming up. Nice. I actually saw stars for a minute and briefly envisioned being found face down in the lingerie section. Ha!

I did find a stellar deal on a bra though. Less than 5 bucks! I love sales.

I am excited about your new dog, Kat! I love the name Izzy.

I just bought our little malti-poo a life jacket. She loves to go out in the boat with us but is a little too curious for us to feel safe. One of our friends told us it would be cheaper to put a cork in her butt :thumbup:. LOL. She doesn't know what to think of it...and keeps trying to chew it off.

Welcome, Neen. Is Neen your first name? Just let us know what you would like to go by. This is a great group...stick around!

Jenn, how was your test?

Hi Michelle! Good to see ya.

To all of you and anyone I missed, have a great weekend!


Edited by AngelaW

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Hello all!

Neenornina, welcome. I haven't been here for very long, but it's a great place with a terrific bunch of people.

Where in the UK are you from? I've been to England twice and would love to go again.

Not much happening here, but I have a question. A friend and coworker says she's interested in having the mini gastric bypass. She doesn't want the band because she's not interested in getting fills. I don't think she's done much, if any, research--she didn't seem to know a lot, and I think she's probably looking for a quick fix, because she's hoping it will help her eat fewer sweets. I'm just curious if anyone knows what the procedure is.

I posted this on the Other Weight Loss Forum, and hope that maybe between the two I'll get an answer. She's going to a seminar this weekend, has been through nutrition classes and counseling before, but she says her kids talked her out of having anything done. .

I took my pictures to my friend at work, and she's promised to post them for me. When she lets me know, I'll tell you all. I'll be interested in your comments. (I think!) LOL!


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Good Morning ya'll

Angela - I don't think I did well on the test but I'll find out tonight, but if I fail I can re-take it toniht after we review and do class, he has a back up, same test different order. I wouldn't be proud of myself but it will be ok

Debbie - i didn't know they had mini bypass surgery.

I went to dr last night, sprain in my neck, and the only reason I got to go was because it is under no fault, i don't have ins. My pa I waited a week to get into see went to work with my band dr full time, I told her I needed insurance and needed a fill. I love her and I need a fill. I'm out of control.

Anyway, my neck is bad and my ribs, she put me on the ultrasound machine for 10 mins and gave me pain pills, I was in bad shape last night from the day yesterday, I almost couldn't walk last night. I'm a little foggy but slept wonderful and feel much better this am. I told her I just want to be able to hold my head up straight again.

anyway - off to get ready for work. I am sleeping in until noon tomorrow, I'm so exhausted

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Hi there friends~

Debbie-I have never heard of a mini gastric bypass either!

Angela-your post made me LOL about the cork in the dogs butt! TOO FUNNY! I hate driving in Houston as well. I lived there for a while and I did not drive that way at first but I was in survival mode, so I HAD to! lol

Kat-sounded like that woman needed a laxative. Some people are just mean like that. Grumpy ole hag. lol

Nina-I wish I was gaining and losing the same 6 pounds. I am gaining and losing 60. lol I will win this thing though....and so will you.

Shar~sorry you caught someones crap! Hope you are feeling better today!

Michelle-I hurt when I move too but I am seriously thinking mine is weight related. I am so sorry that you are in pain.

Jenn-lets see, what do I do with myself during the day? Ummm, not alot. I look for jobs and clean house and cook. But you know what? Today, in your honor and for my health, I am gonna walk on the treadmill. I used to do 3 miles but I will strive for one today (unless I am screaming in pain). At least it will be a start. :thumbup:

Suzanne-when is the 5K you are gonna do? I am so proud of you!

I am so glad to see that about everyone posted. We missed y'all.

I am gonna make a vegetable Soup today :thumbup: DH is supposed to be off today but they asked him to go in for a few hours. I need to get off here and make sure macy is gedtting dressed for school. We are having the kids over this weekend.

OH....i started Christmas shopping. What a relief! I was really worried about that, and now at least I know Macy will not be snubbed by santa :tt2:

What is everyone doing this weekend?

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It is my understanding that the sleeve they do now is what they used to refer to as a mini bypass----it was done before in a 2 part surgery for the super obese. The biggest difference in the 2 is what portion of the stomach theycut away. In the mini bypass, they leave a section similar to what we have banded, in the sleeve procedure it is a long tube as opposed to a pouch. The long tube runs through a stronger portion of the stomach, and is supposed to be less likely to stretch back out over time, as the pouch is known to do. They do not have long term studies done to prove or disprove this yet. It is a more muscled area of the stomach, as it was used to knead, and help our food move, so it is stronger.

The mini bypass was done, and the name was misleading, as in the first phase of the surgery---it was leaving the pouch, then when the patients weight dropped into a safer area, then they would go in and complete the actual bypass part of the surgery.

According to the show I saw explaining the mini----many patients were having excellent success with just the cut away portion of the surgery, not wishing to complete it with the actual bypass of the intestinal tract.....and thus we have the sleeve, a new and improved version they are hoping.

Now keep in mind the show I saw it being referred to, may be a total different issue.....that is just what I gleaned from the show!!!

I do nothave Kinsey to get ready this morning, so I have a few minutes!!!YAY!!! No, I don't mind getting her ready, she is fun in the morning, once she abandons her grouch!

Sorry so many of you are feeling bad. Allergies are killing us here-----but we have a chance of a freeze tonight, so when that happens it should help with some of the allergies anyway, but I am sooooo not ready for winter!

Well enjoy walking Tracy!!!

Will check in after work---short day, jeans today....should be a good one, I am gonna go be a smart ass again!!!

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Hey everyone! Just a quick drive-by post finally lol. For some reason I can't log onto here from work most of the time. Use the same login/password as from home but still no go. Finally today it let me in!

I just don't seem to have time when I get home to sit down at the computer anymore. Last week it finally hit me WHY..... I feel so much better and I'm doing to so much more! Plus I don't have to sit and rest inbetween now! Amazing what 34 pounds will do!

So Suzanne I did see you made it home safely, it was SO great to meet you! And glad to see you made it thru Roswell in one piece hehe.

Kat it was great seeing you again too. I need to come see you again so I can vote and have that done! I'll be over there Monday at a class maybe I'll have time to run by.

Hope everyone is well, I'll try to start catching up this morning while it is quiet around here. DH and our new Op Mgr are at a meeting so I've got a few alone. Even tho I SHOULD be writting a chapter for our safety manual on sandblasting..... ughhhh I HATE trying to write that stuff. I'm not a very good writer as it is, then throw in OSHA language and I'm lost lol.

Will try to check in again this weekend, but DD is coming home for Fall break and she usually kidnaps my computer while she is here lol.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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