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Tracy, I am sorry you are experiencing that. Remind me, meds changed or none at all? Hun, if it continues, please see your doc, because the dang meds take weeks to kick in and I hate to see you this down for this long.

Ok ladies, I found the original recipe on allrecipes.com but then I modified it to suit myself.

1 pound ground beef

1 pound bacon, diced

1 medium onion, chopped (I sautee this in a little of the bacon grease)

2/3 cup packed brown sugar

1/3 cup ketchup

1/3 cup barbecue sauce (more if you like)

1 tablespoon prepared mustard

1/2 teaspoon pepper (start with this, but I usually add more)

1 teaspoon chili powder

3 (16 ounce) can pork and Beans, undrained

1 (16 ounce) can kidney beans, drained

1 (16 ounce) can Great Northern or pinto beans,drained

Cook the ground meat and set it aside, then cook the bacon. Sautee the onion. Then mix all the ingredients together and put in either a baking dish or a crockpot. The recipe calls to bake it for about an hour at 400, but I always put mine in the crockpot and I like it that way. I cooked on high for an hour to heat it, then I cooked them all day in my classroom yesterday on low and they were fantastic.

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Welcome home Kat!! What a nice thing y'all did for that man! Wonderful folks...you both are truly wonderful folks! Did Kinsey say anything much about missing home?

Cindy-I want the Beans recipe too! I have eaten them before and always wanted to attempt my own. Are they sweet and tangy? YUMM!!

Michelle-hello Oh Voiceless One :smile2: My dh would not know how to act! You feeling better?

Angela-you must be getting your butt handed to you at work! You are not posting much! Take care of yourself.

Suzanne-that wall was here within the last year or so but we did not go see it. We did not find out about it until the last day. Glad you are liking your fill :drool:

Jenn-there is no way I could be a first responder. It takes a special person to do that. God bless you!

Shar-I see you there....how are you today?

Debbie-so what is new with you?

Today I got a new definition of crying uncontrollably. I always thought of that as sobbing and not being able to stop. Well, I know a new one. Sucking it up and sucking it up and just when you think you have succeeded, the tears just fall out of your eyes and you can not stop it no matter how hard you try. That was a new experience. I can laugh about it now....frank and i were at our favorite mexican food joint when it happened and i am SO glad I was facing a wall and only dh could really see me. I kept saying "sorry sorry sorry, i tried not to". That was pretty wild.

Tracy - I've been there, I'd be driving down the road and couldn't stop crying, for hours, looked like I was punched in the face ... the only thing that calmed me down was going to the Cemetary to "talk" to my friend who I miss. Its funny you brought this memory up, I've been pulled that way *to visit and not cry* for a couple of weeks. This is my sign.. I'm going next week

I am gonna go watch lasst nights episode of Survivor....have a great night everyone! :)


nice to have you back! That is scary about the tire but glad you guys are ok and had a nice tome.

Michelle -

Thanks, I am sore today but much better, I'm going to bed at 8:00. I hope to have a quiet weekend and relax

Suzanne - the rain is just starting really hard here, it has rained all day, but not like this.

well, i'm off to bed... night all

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Thanks for posting that Cindy

that sounds good

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I'm baaaaack!!!

We had a blow out on the way home. 70 mph, in a van, pulling a trailer! Could have been bad, but the guy in the outside lane we were passing, was paying close attention, he slowed, swerved into our lane, giving us a clear path off the road. Got the donut on (Rick kept saying that thing had to go....then forgot it!!) Drove on to Clovis NM, and found the tire store and bought 2 new ones. He refuses to replace one, he says it makes a difference. So the woman at the counter could not get it through her head what we wanted. The blown out tire and wheel are sitting on the trailer we were pulling---we want one new tire on that wheel, and the other new tire on the other back wheel, then rotate them, and put the new tires on the front, it is a front wheel drive vehicle.....omg, she could not get it! Well there was a little man in there, trying to find a cheap tire to use on his oldsmobile, he could not afford much, but he sure needed a tire he said, he was telling the woman about delivering meals on wheels, and she was just rude, she didn't care. Rick noticed he was given the same prices we were, so he ask what size of tire, and ended up giving our extra tire---that we were originally going to use as a spare to this man, and paid to have it mounted and balanced for him. The little man was so happy, and grateful!

It is great to have you back! Your random act of kindness will be repaid tenfold. You are, as they say, good people.

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<------- Needs to take advantage of spell check. LOL...too many post on the fly. Oh, well...hopefully you get what I am trying to say!

Hi Kat!! Welcome back. I too think what you did was wonderful. I bet that man is still telling everyone about you guys and what you did for him. Too neat!

Suzie, that wall was right here on Spencer Hwy...not far from where we all ate. Like Tracy, I did not get around to actually seeing it up close but I could see it from the street. I think it's awesome that they are moving it around to so many locations. It gives a lot of people an opportunity to pay their respects that they may not otherwise have had. Love it!

Beans!!!! Thanks, Cindy!

Tracy...call me!! I am here if you need to talk. I have been walking every night this week and I would love your company. I can't pinpoint a time but around six or so is when I am usually out there. We can meet at the college where there is a closed track if you are up for it.

Better yet, providing I don't work, we need to go to San Leon this weekend to mow...why don't you join us? You are welcome to come down and hang out on the deck with us. We could get the blender out and make some girl-y drinks (in big glasses with little pink umbrellas!!). *sigh* I could soooo go for one right now!

Zach can help Macy fish and we can do some meat maintenance (BBQ...but that phrase makes me laugh every time!!). Ok...on second thought...maybe that is a phrase that I should leave to the men? ...but it's still funny sounding!

I am just a phone call away...

Hi to all of you I am missing. I am headed to bed. Thank you Jesus that tomorrow is Friday!!

Oh! I am a super proud momma. I drop Zach off at a restaurant in front of the high school once a week (on my early weeks) so that he can get Breakfast and then attend tutorials. The other day one of the high school principals came in and was chatting with him...asking if he played ball, what classes he was taking, how he liked high school and whatnot. Well, Zach was "yes, sir" to everything the guy was saying and apparently was very respectful.

He told Zach he was really impressed with his manners and to keep it up on the football and grades...and then he picked up his breakfast ticket! Zach was so proud. Mom and Dad too! We are old-school in the manners department!!

Have a good one,


Edited by AngelaW

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So good to be home----except what did we do today? We hauled wood!!! Well, we also did something else.......we adopted a dog! Yes we did it! She is not with us yet, we are waiting for her to be spayed. She is right at a year old, she is half lab, and half boxer. Not the mini dog I was looking for! But, Rick fell for her--she was in a kennel with another dog, who was being a little aggressive towards Rick, who went in wearing his cowboy hat and shades---on purpose, to see the reaction! He is crazy sometimes. Anyway, when the other dog acted aggressive, this one, she tried holding him back, and tried to make it behave! She was protective without being aggressive herself. So we took her to the run area, and she is a little wild on the leash, but calmed down by the time we returned to the kennel. She sat and shook on command. When we went back in AFTER spending time with her, she seriously did not want the other dog barking at us. She put herself between it and us, and kept nudging it back.

We would have liked to bring her home, but the town we live in does not allow adoptions without spay or neuter,if the dog is over 6 months old, which for cost affectiveness, they do not do, until the dog is adopted. The schedule will not be where they can do the spay until the 5th. Until then we can go see her as much as we want, but we wait. The papers say her name is Mattie, but the tag she was wearing when she was surrendered due to the fact she was picked up, and the owner could not pay her fine, nor show a fenced yard---say her name is Izzy. She was a little hyper today, so as she calms down and becomes used to us, we will see what she responds to. If she seems to respond to either we will keep it, if not we will find a name for her.

She is kind of reddish tan and white, her face has a boxer nose, but lab ears---she is cute. She looked so sad being put back in the kennel, I just wish she knew that she now has a forever home, waiting for her.

You guys are too kind over the tire, it was not a big deal. We all need help at some point. It felt right he said.

Cindy, your daughter is beautiful. Nothing quite like a daughter....the highs and lows! LOL

Suzanne, they had the wall at Sturgis, it sit behind a field with 50 American flags spaced one every 5 feet or so, and a huge beautiful, metal art, 3D cross---I loved the cross! And around the perimeter, were each state flag. There are many veteran bikers, and many runs held from there for different veteran agencies. It was an emotional place to be. The flowers, I expected, the other items, sunglasses, shot glasses, even a prosthetic leg---they surprised me in many cases. Glad you got to go.

Tracy, were you having a serious conversation with Frank that brought on the tears, or were they without "reason"? I agree, if you feel better from the release, then good, if not, then try the Dr. There are lots of medication options....and it is not something that lessens you to do by taking them. It isn't like you walked into Walmart and bought a box of depression!!! Silly girl!

Angela, how exciting for your son, his first college football game! And what a way to reinforce the desire for him to want to go! Sorry work is sucking!

Shar, sorry you are struggling, I have good stretches, then bad. Hoping the adoption of this dog will get me walking again. I will do it for the dog, shame I won't do it for me!!

Jenn---I think the first responder thing is something I could do, but physically I doubt I could handle it. I am too old! but go YOU!!!

Trey---I noticed I had no compliments from you either......sniff sniff......lol, well, we found out with the sale of our Alltel, we no longer have any cell service when we go to TX. Was a challenge with my granddaughter checking in with her Mommy!!!

Michelle---girl I will talk enough for both of us---how's that? Hope you feel better quickly!

Debbie, your own CD? How cool!! My DD wanted to play piano, but she wanted it at a time in my life, I was so poor, I had no idea what I was going to feed her next week, let alone pay for lessons, or something for her to practice on. When life improved, she changed her mind.....wish it had been different.

Terri---where are you? Hope it is going ok, and that your second fill went ok. Check in with us!

My brain is foggy, I know I am missing someone....and I hate that!!! Don't take it personally, just remember who you are dealing with......

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...I have been editing for almost 30 minutes! I am sooo glad this thing doesn't show how many times you edit...just that you did, lol!! I am sure I still missed some.



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Everyone~thank you so much for all of your concerns. I Will try to answer all of the questions n this paragraph. Did I feel better? Well, physically yes because I no longer had the lump in my throat and my eyes did not sting anymore. Mentally, yes I feel a bit better. I am not taking any meds right now. I want to get through this tough patch I am going through and see how I am. The problems I am having are temporary (or at elast I pray to God they are). If I see that the tears (or the problems) are endless, I will for sure go to the dr and start taking something. The PMS is not helping things :thumbup: I wasn't really having a serious conversation at that particular time but had been not too long before, it was just a high stress day for me. Too much month at the end of the money kind of thing. :blush: I put a couple more applications at the school district yesterday. Keep your fingers crossed!

Angela-I would love to meet you at the track. Only bad thing is you prob will be able to go faster than me. Just when I go shopping my hips start to hurt. But as I lose some of this weight I will be able to pick up speed. You can lap me and we can talk as you pass me up :crying: I just dont wanna drag you down during your exercise, ya know? Macy is going to sleepover for girl scouts tonight, then tomorrow night she is going to my sisters house to spend the night. I will let you know about going to San Leon. Frank is off. I will ttyl about it, k?

Ok, ok, ok, i am tearing up again. I am gonna start taking my celexa or that other one i was taking (can't remember the name of it) again starting today. I know this is not 'normal'.

I will talk to you all later. :thumbup: Thanks!

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Went and visited our new "DD...doggy daughter" in jail today. We also bought a 8X12X6ft high dog run, a large kennel, and stainless steel dog dishes at a yard sale today!

They are still referring to her as Mattie, not sure---she doesn't seem to respond to it...but it is chaos---dogs barking and noise, and smells---we will see when we get her home. We are headed to town to buy her some food, then we will take it over, and they will begin feeding her that, so we don't have "issues" when we get her home!! LOL

Had to take Rick's Mom to the Urgent Care today, she got up, took her pills, and got sick, then her hands went numb, and her head hurt. So rather than call one of us, she calls the DD in Denver, who is convinced she is having a stroke---calls us in a panic so we went out, his other sister is there, and they are all up in the air because her BP is reading 167/142. So...I look at it, and the cuff is upside down, the leads are up under her arm pit damn near! Turn it over, take it and it is like 150/80---still a bit high, but not stroke level. She could talk fine, no face droop, or limp limbs---tingling in her hands, they did lots of checking, ran an EKG, took blood. Said she seems ok, if it returns, to call 911, could be a heart attack. I tend to believe she is having TIA's---mini strokes. She has a blood clotting problem anyway---but I know nothing!! LOL

Anyway, Rick and I are off to Walmart, then to dinner....see ya in awhile.

Tracy---glad you are going to do what it takes to feel better.

This time of year---this year----call your local county court house, and inquire about election workers. Pay is usually really good! It is temporary work, but you see a lot of people for networking. Even if it is election day only---it is a $200.00 boost.

Just a thought.


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Evening all! Last night at work kicked my butt. When I got home this morning I was too tired to move. Not much planned this weekend, just a lot house work. My hubby suggested we go to a fair in Hillsdale, Michigan (about 22 miles from us). But I don't know about all that "fair food". LOL

Everybody have a great weekend. Shar :thumbup:

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Evening all! Last night at work kicked my butt. When I got home this morning I was too tired to move. Not much planned this weekend, just a lot house work. My hubby suggested we go to a fair in Hillsdale, Michigan (about 22 miles from us). But I don't know about all that "fair food". LOL

Everybody have a great weekend. Shar :smile2:

I luckily have never liked fair food. If you go, I hope you have fun.

My family and I are going to the LSU-Tenn game tomorrow. DH got 6 free tickets on the 40 yd line...$300 worth. It will be the first game I have gone to in a few years. DD says her hubby is on cloud 9. He has been wanting tickets so bad and now he gets to go. I am more excited for him than for any of the rest of us. His Christmas tree is even LSU purple and gold...he is a little of a freak:w00t:

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Hi everyone,

Tracy, I had a hysterectomy eight years ago, and afterwards I'd just sit in my office and burst in to tears for no reason. I think I've mentioned that my therapist said she thought my depression was chemical. I started taking Celexa, and may have to for the rest of my life. You have my sympathy; I know what it's like to try to suck it up, and wind up crying anyway. Believe me, I did a lot of that. Huge hugs to you.

Michelle, no voice? I've always wanted that, and have never lost mine. I hope it doesn't hurt, and I hope you're feeling better.

Kat, I missed you too. It's good to hear that everything went well. You seem like a truly kind person and what you and Rick did for that man just confirms that for me.

Suzie, glad all your appointments went well, and glad too that you don't have to have the hernia procedure done right away.

Cindy, those baked Beans do sound yummy, and I've never really been a big fan!

Angela, it's always just a joy to read your posts, no matter what you write. Ok, I'm a little slow. Do you work at Wal-Mart? Is that why you and Tracy have seen each other there?

Jenn, weren't you supposed to have some tlc--was it this weekend, or last? I can't imagine how exhausted you are, but what a great job!

Hey Plain, how's life?

Shar, I think you mentioned rain, or the fact that it was cool in northern Ohio? Like Michelle, I wish we had something like that here. It was pretty hot at the beginning of the week, but I still did my mile walk before work.

It's going to be a pretty quiet weekend for me. I'm going to play again on Sunday at the hospital. I usually play on the first and third Sundays, but my schedule was thrown off because I had other stuff to do, so I'm trying to get back on track.

Hope I didn't miss anyone. Everybody have a good night.


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Feeling a little better. Voice is back and seems fine. No pain. I just think it's b/c I can't breathe thru my nose!

Took Teagan to preschool this AM, came home and crashed on the couch to read yesterda'sy little local paper. After that, I went back to bed! Went and got her, came home and we crashed on the couch again and I dozed off and on all afternoon. I'm really tired.

DD has a game at noon and then we're off to the lake to our favorite place to eat for the last time this season. Sunday is their last day and we won't be able to be there. :( We are ALWAYS there the fist day and the last day of their season.

Family obligations are taking us to the city on Sunday for the entire day. So we can't go. If we get home early enough, we may go anyway but we'll do lunch tomorrow at least.

Debbie, Angela doesn't work at Walmart but she and Tracy seem to run into each other ALL THE TIME while there! I love it! I think that would be fun.

Y'all, I have a copy of one of Debbie's CDs and she plays beautifully. I LOVE piano music and I really enjoy listening to her play. She's on my computer w/my other piano music.

Tracy, I've been thinking about you, hon. Don't worry about whether you have to take meds or not. If you need them, then please take them. Luv ya!

Kat, your MIL is going to accidentally kill herself one of these days. When something like that is happening, why isn't she calling 911? Sheesh! AND the DD in Denver can't DO anything. All is does is freak her out! Of course that might be part of your MIL's agenda, sad to say. She is something else! :smile2:

I'm excited about the puppy for you guys!

Shar, if you go, have fun at the fair!

Cindy, have fun at the game!

Hi Plain!

Where is Terri?

Jenn, have a good weekend!

Take care y'all!

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Good morning everyone~

I did end up taking my Celexa again. I am going through all the 'new user' symptoms again like nausea but i did not cry once yesterday either so that is worth a little nausea i think. :(

I need to go over to some pal talk website and set it up to recieve a message from macy. She is at a girl scout sleepover and they are earning Patches. I will be back in later.

Cindy-enjoy the game :smile2:

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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