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Dang that Rick he can't keep quiet!!! Hehehe:blushing::(:blushing:

ROFL can you imagine me blushing?

What am I good at pray tell??????

You were very good at describing yourself...:P

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:party:Yes, WiFi again.

We are here in Flagstaff. Got here about an hour ago and have been settling in. Big ball game tonight (for us Chiefs fans). But it's good to be off the road for awhile.

I called Kat this morning and told her we are on our way. We should be knocking on Kat and Ricks door sometime tomorrow evening. I sure hope Terri can make it.

T&A. depending on when we get away from Kat will determine when we will be in your neighborhood. You guys are lucky, we plan on spending 2 nights in your area. There's a few things we want to see while there.

We had such a wonderful time so far on our trip and it was hard leaving my brother. But it was so good to see him and the family. We have a list of things we did while there that is about a mile long. I'm pooped and my feet are sore. My blisters have blisters. But it's all good.

Can't wait to get home and comfortable and then I can spend time writing about our adventure. And post pics.

Hello Shar.

Chat with you soon.

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Was good to hear from Suzanne, will be anxious to meet up with her tomorrow!!! YAY!!!!

We went and spent a chunk of change tonight, bought a new wood splitter, a bigger one. One that is more versatile than what we had. And 3 times bigger! Ay yi yi!!! Will be nice, but was not nice to my pocketbook!!!

LOL, Jenn, I just kinda sat here, and looked at myself, and described what was there!! LOL

Will be on the phone with Terri in the morning.

Suzanne, we will probably go grab dinner, then I figured, maybe just hang out in the yard, and talk----unless there is something you want to do. During the day there would be lots we could take in, but at night, not so much around here!!! LOL

See y'all in the morning!

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Howdy! Thanks Jenn and Kat for the descriptions. Kat, you're right; you ladies are gorgeous! And Jenn's right, you're good!

OK, I guess it's my turn.

I'm African-American, though I refer to myself as black, or as a friend of mine in England said, "Maybe you're just a citizen of the world." My hairdresser says my hair is a sable brown, almost black. I have a perm, which for me means straightening it. I wish it would grow, but it doesn't seem to want to cooperate. It's about shoulder length. My eyes are dark brown, but because I have cataracts they have a filmy appearance. The friend of a friend said, "She has really unusual eyes," to which my friend responded, "She's blind, fool!" I thought that was funny. I used to wear dark glasses all the time until someone said, "Take them off, I want to see your face." My family used to make me feel that I had to wear glasses; my friends taught me that it didn't matter to them.

I'm five five, and am solid, but I feel my fat around my stomach. I think I could live with anything if I could just get rid of that. Although I have a perm, I curl my hair for work, or sometimes just wear it in a scrunchy--I have different colors to match my clothes. I do wear dresses sometimes to work, but lately I've been wearing pants more and more because the switchboard is not out where the public can see me. I've been told I have a beautiful smile, and a flawless complexion, probably the only two things I can really be proud of. Since I've lost weight, my hands are smaller, and my fingers really are long and slender, perfect for playing the piano.


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Good Morning ya'll

Debbie - you did a great job too - I am lucky in some ways, I get to wear work boots, jeans and a lime green tshirt to work every single day. The thing that stinks is because I've lost all the weight, I don't have many clothes so when I do want to get dressed like a normal person, I don't have much to wear. I love my western boots, wear them as much as i can.

Kat - holy smokes! that must have been exensive but since you guys cut so much wood, I'm sure you will quickly forget how much it was


Suzanne - nice to see you - hope you are having a good trip

Tracy - I finally found a box that will fit in, going to put in the mail today

Hey all -

I have to go get ready have to leave on time today, I'm meeting my foreman at the trailer in the am so we can ride to the site together, he just bought a new truck and doesn't want to park in lot with all the other cars.

I'm officially a member of the FD - yipee!

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Suzanne, it is good to hear from you. I am glad you are enjoying your trip.

Debbie...mmmm...describe myself. Well, I am 42, so I am starting to wrinkle, but I am told I still look like I am in my mid 30s, so I guess that is good. I have wavy, many times frizzy :thumbup:, dark blond hair, that is past my shoulders. I have big, blueish, green eyes, that I am told are my best feature.(except my dh likes my curves too). I have full lips, a fair completion, and my face is round, always has been, and I guess always will be. :) I am 5' 7" and my body is actually hourglass shaped again, albeit a bit bigger hourglass than 20 years ago, but dang-it, it is an hourglass all the same. I'll take it; it is much better than it was 2 years ago. I am in desperate need of a Tummy Tuck and would love a boob lift, but you could have probably done without that bit of information.:) Sorry for that extra info.

Well ladies, and Plain, I returned to the doctor yesterday morning since I was getting worse, instead of better, and the NP looked at my throat and said "Ouch". Of course, I replied , "uh, yeah, it hurts BAD". The strep spread to the other side of my throat and now both of my ears are infected. So...I am finishing the Zythromax, and I got an antibiotic shot and a steroid shot yesterday. I get up this morning and still feel like crappolla. The steroid shot kept me from sleeping well. OMG, the craziest things would cross my field of vision when I closed my eyes. Strange images and weird neon lights. If I had drugs to go with it, maybe I could have enjoyed it, but I just felt like crap and it kept me from sleeping, so I was quite ticked off. So, here I sit, with not much sleep, having to get ready for another sub in my class today. I have to drive 30 miles to bring the stuff and set it up, because I refuse to leave junk for my kids, it has to be quality work. I am crazy. Then, I will come home and try to rest and then drive 30 miles back this afternoon to tutor an 8th grader, since I am not supposed to be contagious once it is past 24 hours from getting the shot. I am an insane person.:)

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Suzanne, it is good to hear from you. I am glad you are enjoying your trip.

Debbie...mmmm...describe myself. Well, I am 42, so I am starting to wrinkle, but I am told I still look like I am in my mid 30s, so I guess that is good. I have wavy, many times frizzy :thumbup:, dark blond hair, that is past my shoulders. I have big, blueish, green eyes, that I am told are my best feature.(except my dh likes my curves too). I have full lips, a fair completion, and my face is round, always has been, and I guess always will be. :) I am 5' 7" and my body is actually hourglass shaped again, albeit a bit bigger hourglass than 20 years ago, but dang-it, it is an hourglass all the same. I'll take it; it is much better than it was 2 years ago. I am in desperate need of a Tummy Tuck and would love a boob lift, but you could have probably done without that bit of information.:) Sorry for that extra info.

Well ladies, and Plain, I returned to the doctor yesterday morning since I was getting worse, instead of better, and the NP looked at my throat and said "Ouch". Of course, I replied , "uh, yeah, it hurts BAD". The strep spread to the other side of my throat and now both of my ears are infected. So...I am finishing the Zythromax, and I got an antibiotic shot and a steroid shot yesterday. I get up this morning and still feel like crappolla. The steroid shot kept me from sleeping well. OMG, the craziest things would cross my field of vision when I closed my eyes. Strange images and weird neon lights. If I had drugs to go with it, maybe I could have enjoyed it, but I just felt like crap and it kept me from sleeping, so I was quite ticked off. So, here I sit, with not much sleep, having to get ready for another sub in my class today. I have to drive 30 miles to bring the stuff and set it up, because I refuse to leave junk for my kids, it has to be quality work. I am crazy. Then, I will come home and try to rest and then drive 30 miles back this afternoon to tutor an 8th grader, since I am not supposed to be contagious once it is past 24 hours from getting the shot. I am an insane person.:)

That is horrible I hope you feel better!

I thought I was the only one up this early in the am

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Morning girls. Gonna finish our coffee then hit the road again.

Watch out Kat, we are on our way. dinner and your place sounds good to us. We wre going to do a little sight seeing on our way.

Have a great day.

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Cindy, crazy? Maybe, but dedicated? YES! I hope you get to feeling better.

Shar!! I am so sorry I forgot your name. Good morning to you.

Jenn- Lucky you to get to wear boots and jeans every day. Congrats on the FD!

Suzie, I am so excited for you guys...and equally excited to meet you. Keep us posted.

Tracy must be at Wal-mart again :thumbup:. Hehehe...where you at girl?

Kat, take some pics for us. I hope you guys have fun!

Michelle, Plain...and anybody else I missed, hope you are having a great day!

Debbie....let's see, to describe myself: I am 35 years old, 5'7 and for the most part equally porportioned. I have dirty blond hair and blue eyes.

I think my best feature is my smile. I love to laugh!! Also, my mouth tends to outrun my brain so when I catch myself saying something stupid, I just smile in attempt to cover it up. I smile A LOT, lol.

In all seriousness, I get a case of the nerves when I am around others. I used to be a chatty Cathy, but somewhere along the way I apparently lost a bit of confidence. I seem to do well chatting online though!

I had a ginormous (is that a word?) tumor removed from my stomach years ago and my belly is lop-sided. The scar is not straight (it probably has to do with my fat not depositing itself evenly, lol) and I have a muffin top so I am very self-concious of it.

I, like Cindy, would love to have a boob job and have them fix my tummy. I cannot afford it right now!

Gotta get back to work. Have a good one!


Edited by AngelaW
Can't spell, type...NOTHING!! LOL

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Good morning!!! I should be cleaning house for Suzanne to come, but here I am!!! LOL And I know she won't mind!!

Angela, I had a lyphoma (or some such beast) tumor on the left side of my horrid stomach, and when they removed it, they told me they generally come back, well guess what! The left side is a definite muffin top, the right, is nice and flat....grrrrrr

Oh well, it is better than it was!

Cindy---wow, I sure hope my grandkids come into teachers like yourself! Seems like she has a good teacher this year. To be honest I was a little worried, she has taught Middle School/Jr. High for 20 years, and this year went to teaching Kindergarten. I was concerned she would be either too hard, or too lenient....but she has found a way to keep Kinsey challenged even while she teaches the ones who come in not knowing colors or shapes, or anything. So it is working out quite well. Her last name is McKenzie. In preschool, they referred to Kinsey often, as Miss Kinsey, so she calls her teacher Mrs. MissKinsey, rather than Mrs. McKenzie!!! She said don't correct her, it is cute, I might change my name!! LOL

Well, I better hit the shower, I have lunch plans!!! Then dinner plans, I could get used to this!

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Suzanne, I'm so glad you're enjoying your trip! I would love to do something like that some day. Just get in the truck and start driving and figure out where to go as we see things that peak our interest. I know you have a sort of plan but it just sounds like SO much fun!

Kat, you're right - none of would care about the house! Enjoy your new woodsplitter! Mine is about 6'3" and has red hair and is a fireman! Poor DH!

Jen, congrats on being a firefighter now!!! :thumbup:)

Debbie, describing me - hmmmm. I'm short at 5'3" something. I used to say 5'4" but that's fibbing and it just ain't true no matter how I try! LOL! I have short, dark blonde hair, fair skin. A button nose, yes, I said button nose! Blue eyes that I love. I have dark blue eyeliner tattooed on my upper and lower eyelids. I have four piercings in a row in each ear. I have a round face and not great skin. My cheeks and nose tend to be light to dark red, depending on the day. I carry a lot of weight around my middle - abdomen, hips, upper butt. I'm small breasted and wish I could FILL something, preferably a C or D cup but alas, barely a B! LOL!!

Let's see, I have a butterfly tattooed on my left ankle that represents the Risen Christ for me and my toe nails are usually painted. I will wear red or pink but like the unusual colors, I have orange on right now. I use a pretty dark green or dark blue as well. I have nice hands and like to wear several rings but can't much right now. Nails are unpainted and short or long depending on if I've just cut them all off to start over!

I think that's it in a nutshell.

Cindy, I'm so sorry that you still aren't well. You are a very dedicated teacher and you make me proud! I think I've said it before but I sure hope the teachers that DD has through-out her school career are half as dedicated as you and she'll have great teachers!

Angela, I'm like you are, get all full of nerves around people. I'm much better online than in person! I'm very much an introvert. DD is dragging me out! She is so NOT like me in that respect. I'm glad but it makes it hard for me b/c I would rather just stay home.

Hi to Plain, Shar, Tracy and Terri!!!


Having a rough couple of days so haven't felt much like posting. Finally got on FB last night and caught up but then didn't have the energy for here. I've been in a lot of pain and can't get comfortable. If I stay in one position more than a few minutes, I stove up and it hurts, then hurts even more to move. Sunday was a REALLY bad day. I finally gave up and went to bed before 9. I'm trying to not get depressed but it's hard. I don't like what's happening to me and I don't know how to deal with it. Sunday AM I was putting the dishes away from the dishwasher and on the last dinner plate, my arm started to give out and I almost dropped it. DH heard me exclaiming and when he came in to see what was going on, I burst into tears. Anyway, just having a rough time right now.

DD had her very first soccer practice yesterday! And was I a great mama and took lots of pictures, right? NO!!! Forgot the damn camera!!!!! Didn't even occur to me. I was trying to make sure I had enough Snacks and her Water and shoes and and and! UGH! Saturday is her first game and I MUST remember the camera!!!! LOL!! She looked SOOOOOO cute!

I'd better get a move on. Check FB and a couple of other threads and then run financial reports for the council meeting tonight at church. Have a great day!

Suz and Kat and Terri - have FUN!!!!

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Me too.....I'm REALLY shy...............HAH!!!!!!

Just left message for Terri, hoping we can all connect tonight!!!

OK, back to work for me, I am filing....uck

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:drum: :party:I'm only 11 miles :) from Kat and Terri, can you hear :tt2: the excitment in my post?????????? :) :wub: :):thumbup:

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She's here!!!! We chatted on FB for a few minutes, her cell doesn't get service here. Which does not surprise me a bit!

Then I heard from Terri, she is going to be able to meet us, her husband is working, but Rick will be there.

We are meeting at my house at 6 ish----if Suzanne and I can wait! LOL Rick doesn't even get off til 5---barring any problems, which I refuse to allow today!

Kinsey just left, and she was so put out, she wanted to "see" my friend!I laughed at her, she makes like I have no friends!!! I told her she has seen my friends before and she tells me, "yeah but not one from Missouri" so serious---like THEY will be DIFFERENT! Extra arms or something!!! LMAO!

Got moderation issues going on, some smart a$$ woman raising hell. I do not want to deal with her, she just makes me mad, and I have to keep my cool.

I just put my camera in my purse, so I would not forget!

Will be back later!!!!

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Hey all

day from hell... george just called and yelled at me and told me not to let that crazy bitch (sorry) stress me out and I was told have new safety manager and I don't have to put up with it

I was going to do a chapter but you know what, I am going to dry my hair and go to drill night, I get my gear, so I can hear what a fat ass I am getting pants. lol

well I'm glad he is coming to visit me on the 1st, i might even take it off and go meet him for the night at his class. I won't get paid but you know what... i'm going to snap

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