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Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)


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Thanks so much everyone!! It is so nice to be home, and I know I should unpack, and begin getting life back to normal, but gonna use the birthday card to put it off a day!!! LOL LOVE IT!

We had a big tent---I mean I could do jumping jacks in it....like I would really exercise!! And a Queen size bed---but my bed felt huge and comfy last night---not to mention my own shower---with no one else in the room!!! Showering at the campground was like high school PE all over again! Women of all sizes and shapes, and WOW the piercings and tattoos---just WOW!

Will get your shirts off to you in the next couple of days Tracy & Jen.

We left here, 3 couples, met up with 2 more couples and a single guy when we got there, which made our camping group. We had other friends who had a room in town, and knew others who were camping with some of their family. The 2 other couples we met both had huge motor homes, and Joe, the single guy had a smaller toy hauler trailer, they all brought Rhino's (like butched out 4 wheelers!)--and we had our golf cart, so we went all over, and had fun at the rally. We went to Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Devils Tower, Deadwood, drove the Needles Highway through Custer State Park. We did lots of riding, and had a really good time. Saw all of our concerts. Kid Rock totally impressed me! We did not get the same spot for him we did for the Doobie Brothers, because the staff was afraid the fence would get broke and they would crush us. But we had a good time anyway. The VIP allowed us backstage, and hor dourves, free bar, and picture ops with the others, not Kid Rock, they banned our cameras back stage with him! Motley Crue was kind of disappointing. And I think it was either a stand in, or that Bob Dylan lip synced his. He had no VIP's, the jumbo tron was not used, he sat on a stool with his head down, and sang, quite well really, but never addressed the crowd, never said anything other than to sing. He did not introduce Kid Rock or anything---very wierd! All the others were up close on multi jumbo tron screens, so something was off with his concert!

We took a tour in Deadwood for Wild Bill Hickock (sp?) The tour guide had my stomach hurting he was so funny! Was a really fun day in Deadwood, and I won a hundred bucks too!!

Felt a bit scary, but we went to the Devils Tower, and watched Disturbed on Friday the 13th!!!! Disturbed is NOT my kind of music, but they had a great show---was fun to watch.

The campground had amazing fireworks shows most nights---totally impressive.

Jason Aldean did a really good show too. Lots of audience involvement, and a wide variety of music---not just country.

The Doobie Brothers were great---they were my HS band of choice---yes I AM 50 today!!!! OLD! LOL They were fun.

Ride up we got wet in Denver, in a huge downpour in rush hour! Ride back was a couple of sprinkles in Colorado, but nothing much---safe and dry.

No bike breakdowns, no accidents. Rick and I almost went down twice! Once going into Deadwood in the stop and go traffic, the guy next to us, dropped his bike. Right into us! Pinned our feet to the pegs---we were both with our right feet on the ground fighting to hold ours up, til someone could help him up and off of us!

Then the Needles hiway is a spiral drive up and down a mountain---literally through it in several areas---I could reach out, and almost touch the wall in the tunnels---only certain size vehicles are allowed on the road----we were in a hairpin 5 mph turn, when 2 guys who had been taking pics stepped out in front of us! Our bike is quiet.....Rick missed them, no one is sure how---we drug pegs---but no one was hurt!

Others had similar things, but no one went down, and no one had problems. One of the couples who trailered in from Utah, had a bike fall over in the trailer, and damage the tank---but she NEVER rode it anyway! She is a new rider, and Sturgis is not for the novice rider!!

6 years ago I went with my DD to her OB appt. and found out I was going to have a granddaughter---the best birthday present EVER!!! And this year on my birthday she started school!

I missed you guys!!!

Cindy, first let me say along with the others, I hope my grandkids encounter teachers like you through their school lives. What a great attitude you have!

I think I would "suggest" that whether it is a school in high demand or not, they should have to meet fire code safety, as well as health dept. safety issues---and that does not sound as tho it does. The school board should supply a row of portapotties if nothing else, and allow students to have Water bottles with them. The expense would be less, than one law suit over it!

The school they are working on is a beautiful building, sorry your son does not get to experience it more.

cwtbt--Bethany---you are dealing with some serious depression right now it sounds like, which will just lead to more of what is depressing you! And EVIL cycle! Been there! As sad as it is, the thing that finally pulled me out of it, was getting sick, and actually losing weight again, and remembering THAT feeling. Wouldn't it be nice if they could band our brains, and correct our habits, and fears, rather than banding our stomachs and expecting us to know how to deal with everything else.

Hang out, let all the feelings out---that will help more than anything. Eveyone here is NOT doing great, many of us struggle. We relate to what you are feeling.

Releasing some of the anger, and fear, and upset over the regain, is one of the best ways to help that I found. Bottling it up, just led me to eat the next cookie or chip.

Meeting a friend for lunch today----then going to dinner with my hubby tonight. YAY!!! Vacation isn't over!! No cooking, no dishes!! LOL

I need to get ready---will be back later!!!

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Kat, it's so good to have you back. It sounds like you had a wonderful except for the two scary incidents. That is weird about Bob Dylan, wonder if it is true that he wasn't even there. Just glad you guys are home safe. Any problems with the house or the people that were doing crazy things before you left?

Yesterday I went to see my Band Doc. I didn't even get to see him. Never did find out why but they rescheduled me for the 29th of Sept. I told them several times that I needed to speak to him about the Hiatal hernia. Well, I did get to see his assistant. She is actually the one that took the 4cc's out of my band 2 months ago. So the first thing they do is put you on the scale. I managed to gain 11 pounds. I was upset about it but not beating myself up. How can you lay in bed for weeks and not snack while watching TV. She told me that typically they see a 40 pound gain in people that went thru what I did. She said I did really good and that it won't take long for me to take that 11 off. She did say that I had been overfilled and she will not allow that to happen again. I did tell her that I felt so much better since the unfill. She gave me a little fill, not sure how much I didn't ask. But I could tell because I wasn't able to eat like crazy since then. She went over the guidelines again and showed me a new thing they have. It's a plate that's smaller than a regular dinner plate. It has these really pretty swirls on it but it also shows your portions. How much Protein, veggies and fruit you should be eating at each meal. We actually talked for about 15 minutes. She really knocked me over the head without beating me up. I love it and am going to use what she talked to me about.

We left there and went to Chili's to meet up with my friend. We sat there for about an hour and a half chatting and had a really good time.

Hubby and I are going to go to the drive-in movies tonight. We are going to go see, yes a hubby movie. The Expandables. That will keep him happy for awhile.

Went Bra hunting this morning. I wish that was so much easier to do. Nothing, so tomorrow I will be back at it again.

Tomorrow is Abagail's first day at "K". So I am going over there to see her off on her very first Bus ride. She was so excited the other day telling me about going to school.

Hope you all have a great day.

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Happy 50th to you, Kat!!! It sounds like you had a good time on your trip.

Suzie, Chilis with friends-I agree, always a good time:thumbup:; Bra-shopping, never good for me:crying:. Good luck hunting tomorrow. Oh, and a drive-in? We don't have any around here. The last one I know of my dh and I went two when we were dating over 20 years ago. Have fun! I think that movie, with all of the action stars in it, will either kick major butt or be a terrible fail. Let me know how you like it.

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Suzie, everyone I have heard that has seen that movie, has said it is much less a macho movie than they thought, that at heart it is about defending what you care about---so hope you BOTH like it!

I was hoping with the limited eating options while gone, I would lose some weight---come home weighing exactly what I did when I left.....grrrrrrrrr.

Will post some pics on FB---maybe here as well, I need to download my cameras first.

Will get envelopes to mail shirts in tomorrow. Tracy, yours is not what I thought it was...I thought it was undefined swirls....and they are more defined than I thought. Note to self, shop BEFORE drinking!!! But I like it anyway---hope you do. The cell service was crappy....so I took a chance!

Kinsey loved her first day of school, but come home with a fever of 102!!! She dropped it FAST with ibuprofin and ice water---now to see if it comes back. Wouldn't you know it??!!

Suzie, I wish I had a band Dr. close to encourage. Mine is kinda snobby, and 6 hours away as well----I mean I KNOW what to do and not to do----but I still have this 30-ish pounds hanging around.........

We are going to dinner tonight, either Olive Garden or Outback, whichever looks less crowded. I love either one!!! My DD and Kinsey brought me roses---sweet things did not make them black!!

Will check in tomorrow!

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Yay, Kat is home!!!

Happy Birthday!!!!

Had Bunco tonight, won 25 bucks!! I had the most Buncos! :(

Have a great night!

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Hey all

Back Yesterday from my Trip with George, I am kinda sad because I think I know that was it - but we had such a great weekend and ZacBrown was amazing, get up and dance concert, great music and sounded amazing.

Kat - still so jealous, some of my guys from work went and boy did I get some stories, but I so want to go next year

Hey all, i'm late for work so I'll check in tonight, or this afternoon since i'm going in before most normal people are out of bed

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Morning Girls. I went to bed at 12:30 and got up at 6am. I'll get my butt moving here soon, have to go catch the School Bus......

Today is Abby's first day in "K". So I'm gonna go pick my nephew up and go over to the Ex's to see Abby off to school. I'll be taking my camera so I will post later.

Hubby and I had a great time last night. One of the reasons we went was becasue the temperature has really dropped here alot. We sat with the windows partially opened and it got a little cool. The movie was ok. Lots of explosions and guns going off. No twists or plots, just go in and kill as many as you can and get out alive. But it was just us being together all by ourselves that meant the most.

There are actually 2 drive-in movies here. The one we went to has four screens and the other has 2 screens. Not sure how much longer they will be around. 3D is taking over and not sure you get as good of effects from drive-in.

Kat, hope Kinsey is feeling better. So you're 50 now. Welcome to my world.

Michelle, congrats on the big win. We play that a couple of times a year at church. I really wish I could find a group and play it more often.

Tracy, I know you're still waiting for the phone to ring and I hope that it rings soon for you. Hang in there. Your time will come. You still getting in the pool?

Terrie. Looks like we will be coming thru there right around the 14th. When we leave my brother's I will give Kat a call and then she can call you. We will be spending the night, so that will give us time to visit.

OK, Off to go dry my hair and get ready for the cheese Wagon, LOL.

Have a great day.

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Good Morning!

Of all days my DD's boss chose yesterday to change their schedule. His wife is a teacher, so he adjusted all their schedules to more closely match hers. Now he wants them to work 7-3. Which for him is easy, his wife gets the kids ready, and takes them when she goes to work, AND he lives 3 miles from work. For Manda that means leaving home at 6 AM. So, she plans to discuss it with him today whether it works or not.....in the meantime, she brought Kinsey here to catch her bus, which she did without issue. She had to cross the street to get on, and she listened very closely and followed the drivers instructions to a T! Hoping she makes the day, I kind of expect to get a call, she did not have fever this morning, but complained of a headache. We decided it would be better to try, not develop the stay home for any reason thing early!!!

She is just going to catch the bus here after school as well. If Manda's hours stay changed, it will only be for an hour or so, because she gets out at 2:30....they staggered the start schedule for this year, and Kinsey catches the bus for Kindergarten at 7:05 AM!!! The high school kids don't start til 9!!! Crazy....I went to get dressed this morning, and she went back to sleep. Manda put her to bed at 8:30. Looks like it will have to be moved up. She also went to sleep yesterday during quiet time.....this kiddo likes to sleep!!! LOL

Laundry is going....boy we had a ton of it! I have bags to unpack and camping totes to organize and put away....and like Kinsey, all I want to do is go back to sleep!!!

We went to Outback for dinner last night. My brother showed up as we were about to leave, and by the time we got to Olive Garden there was a wait, and I wanted to eat before it got late....if I don't....I reflux. We always order a blooming onion, I know they are horrible for you, but we love them!!! And then we share a meal.....Neither one of us was able to finish our part of our dinner.... plus there was half an onion left, half the bread.....how did we used to BOTH eat that much food? ???? I saw a picture of Rick at his sisters on the way home, taken several years ago, and could not believe it was him!! He was so heavy! I honestly do not ever remember "seeing" him that heavy! I know it was in comparison to me...I mean even at that weight, he seemed smaller because I was so much bigger....but OMG I do not remember that! It felt like an out of body experience!!! I see it now, I did not then!!! He has lost 30 pounds since I have been banded.....I see the difference clearly in the picture. Now you would think it would spur me on to lose them myself to see the difference. I ate a cookie for breakfast......I am ashamed of myself!!!

Time to change loads of laundry.....see y'all later!!!

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Ok, She's officially a Big Girl now. Good thing- there were no tears. But I wonder how much sugar she had eaten, she was all hyped up. Too excited. It was funny.






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Jen, glad you had such a wonderful weekend, whether it's the "end" or not, I am glad you enjoyed your time. I think George has been good for you. And maybe the "Plan" was for him to just be passing thru at this time. He's what you needed right now to help heal you and get you on your feet emotionally. Cherish the memories and take the lessons learned. Hugs, my friend!

Kat, bummer about Manda's schedule! Yuck! Sorry Kinsey might be coming down with something. Hopefully it's just passing thru and she's alright. My DD is going to have a shocker next year when she's gotta be at the bus at 7whatever! Actually, mama is too! :smile2: We are not morning people!!!!

Suz, love the pics of Abby's first day!!! She is adorable!! Glad you got to be involved in that!

Tracy, fingers crossed!

Fence guys are back. Stringing fence. It's so close! If they aren't done today, then they will be tomorrow. They've got some sloping to contend with. They spent all day on the front part, yesterday alone! That part includes a gate and a short run UP a hill. Glad they were fooling with it and not me!

DH went in to work this AM for overtime. His engine is gone to Nevada so he's covering the back-up engine. There is a fire 2 counties south of us that they are worried about. Seems with this hot spurt of weather, things are starting to burn. It's been a VERY quiet season so far but things might start hoppin' now as it stays hot and gets dryer. We had such a wet winter.

Hope y'all have a wonderful day!

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Hey Tracy PM me your new address again, I have your Sturgis shirt ready to go, but am concerned I don't have the right address......

Heya Plain---I see you! Hope all is improving in your world!!

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Hiya Kat!! Sounds like you had a great time!! As for my life.....well.....I'm hanging in there.

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Hey Tracy PM me your new address again, I have your Sturgis shirt ready to go, but am concerned I don't have the right address......

Heya Plain---I see you! Hope all is improving in your world!!

HAHA...and I did not even see this. Great minds think alike!

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Hi everyone! Still have not heard anything but I started applying at lots of other places. Lit a fire in me to try to get out of the house. I know it will help me mentally AND physically.

I read everything that you all said BUT, I am under the influence right now (painkillers) and I can not remember what everyone said! Sad, huh? Well, this did not help...we went to the grocery store and i was listening to macy with my head turned and I rammed my knee into a trailer hitch on a truck. Needless to say...it hurt like the dickens....

Have a great night everyone! :smile2:

Jen-thinking of you sista!

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Tracy, when it rains it pours??????? Poor knee, hope it gets to feeling better fast. And don't stress about the job, it will come when you are really ready for it.

I got called into work for the morning. I have to get up at 5:30 to go in and work a 2 hour shift. Oh well, at least I will have the rest of the day off.

Hi everyone.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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