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OMG are you serious about the prices at the circus??? We took Kinsey not long ago, and paid $3 for snowcones or cotton candy---$4 to have her face painted, and $5 for her to ride the elephant---I told Manda it was time to stop everything was going up!!!...3,4,5.....but 12 bucks for ice & koolaid???? WOW!!! I thought everything was more expensive here in the sticks!

Well Mom & Dad decided to close down their yard sale early today, looks like it is going to rain. They make me nutso!!! I love them dearly, but they won't just let people wander through---they want to present a history to every item there.....if I was a customer, they would annoy me into leaving!!! I think many felt the same way!!! LOL

They are without a doubt getting old---it is so apparant in so many ways! Manda come to help, and she and I were shocked by some of it. When someone ask a question, they just talked over one another---no courtesy! So I made fun of them! Figured they didn't realize it! No idea if it will help or make it worse.....made me kinda sad anyway.

So.......we had plans to go to an outdoor production of Oklahoma tonight, but not sure if the weather is going to cooperate or not.......They do these in a natural Sandstone ampitheater---outdoors of course, with natural stone seating---you get padded cushions with backs---it is really pretty....but if it rains...it is also really wet!!

Will check in later---going to get some things done here I have been putting off!!! Imagine that!!??

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I'm home. She is doing well and was discharged this morning. I didn't want to get stuck driving in a lot of rain so I came home today. Yesterday my dad had to take my mom to the ER. She was having a major delusional episode. They did a ct scan and did some tests and her Alzheimer's is in the advanced stage. The doc told us we are looking at 2 years at the most. She isn't retaining anything and he said we should be looking for a home, because she will need it soon. We have a good one, not far from my dad's house, but it is 3,000 per month private pay. Jeez...Well, ladies, I am going to get a shower.

Oh, Kat, that is some scary stuff happening to you right now. Sorry. I hope it gets straightened out soon.

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Cindy, glad you're home! Sorry about your mom.

Tracy, those prices are nuts! How can families afford that?

Kat, I'm sorry about your folks too.

It's sad to watch them age.

Jen, good luck on all the job stuff!

Have a great weekend!

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it was not so nice here either, i'm going to get a chapter or 2 more done, stopping at 6 no matter what! DD is turning 16 next week so we went out driving a little while ago, she is pretty good

I am either going to go for a walk or hop on the elliptical to see how fit i still am.. this is going to be a joke. I'm sure I won't come close to my hour

Kat - it rained all day here too, good thing in a way, I got to study after George left but wanted to do it outside

Tracy - it is nice to be missed, I really miss him too. I hope he has to sublease his house here so i get another 6 months of visits, he keeps me out of trouble, I stopped at the bar last night after my long week, had 2 drinks and came home,

Hi Suzanne - i see you

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Literally morning. Like 1:00 am! I can't sleep.< /p>

Cindy, glad to hear your DD is doing well! That is heart wrenching about your mother.

Kat, glad to hear your spirits are up again! I am still hoping they catch the neighborhood bandit.

Aside from stepping on each other in conversation, your parents sound adorable. A story for each item...that is cute! While it might be annoying to some I would have enjoyed hearing the history.

Tracy, those prices are ridiculous!!!! I think it is a lot of the reason we stay away from major league ball games, the rodeo and other public events now. Who can afford drinks and food at those prices?

I'm not sure about Macy's party yet. I know we have someone coming to lay floor in the next week or two (weekend) in Palacios. I need to check with Mike and get the specifics then get back to you. He has worked the last couple of weekends and if this trend continues I will be the one to drive down and monitor the laying of the floors.

Michelle, I hope work is cutting you some slack now. Things looked like they were getting better on Friday for us (we were limping along...)and then we had a complete system failure at 3:00 pm. I finally left at 7:30 and the managers were still in meetings!!

They were sooooo proud to bring this new system to us. I think it should have been tested a while longer!

How is the dog situation?

Jenn, how did your walking go? I really need to get back out there myself!

Suzie? Where are you? I hope things are ok...

Well guys, I don't want to get too detailed but I drove a couple towns over and helped my dad unpack today. I think I mentioned before that he was moving closer? Anyhow, one of my sister's was acting very rude and bizaar. I found out today from the other siblings that she is bi-polar. I understand that it is a medical issue but sadly, she won't take meds for it. She was pissed that I was even there and wanted to know who invited me and why she wasn't told. Long story there but it really hurt my feelings. I actually wrote her an email and told her so. The other siblings are all in an uproar about her rudeness today.

I hate being in the middle of drama but I didn't create this mess!! I seriously think she belives I am out to take her "daddy" away from her (did I mentioned that she is 28 freaking years old??). No chance...I didn't have a relationship with him for 35 years. I am just trying to get to know the man and build some sort of bond, you know?

Mike told me to be careful from the beginning and not get too emotionally involved. I told him that if I had a choice of running around and not doing things to protect my "feelings" or living and getting hurt on occasion, then I'd take the hurt!

So, here we are. I knew she was a little weird acting the first time I met her but today was really obvious.

Sad stuff.

I am going to try to get to bed!


Edited by AngelaW

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Good Morning

Angela - that is sad. the entire thing. I'm sorry sister is bi-polar. my kids dad, besides being the biggest selfish ass in the entire world, was in a motorcycle accident and has short term memory loss and is bi-polar and my life was a living hell dealing with him for the last few years. YIPEE I"M FREE!!!! lol

sad thing is my kids have no father and unfortunately know him, my dd will never ever give him a chance not now, not in 35 years... Sadly your short version sounds so familiar.

He has a grand son who is 2 years younger than his son and doesn't have anything to do with our child either.

BOY i needed that... I'm so glad I didn't take him back the last time -

Arent you all so proud of me? I am - I've come so far

anyway never made the walk yesterday, neighbor was having a party and i went out to let ds go in the pool and they invited us over...

so here i am this am, going to do a couple chapters and then exercise, a couple more chapters and get some stuff done around here for the week.

hope you all have a great day

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Morning Girls.

Tracy, I'm so glad you mentioned the prices. I was serioulsy thinking aout taking Hubby to the circus next month when it is here. But I think he would have a fit if he saw those prices. I'm still worried about our trip to Disneyland. I was thinking of bringing t-shirts back to my sister and am afraid of how much they will cost.

Yesterday the next door neighbor and her daughter came over to swim. We had such a good time. She brought a bucket of margaita's and we were able to do some serious talking. Hopefully she can come back over today so we can finish our talk. I think it does us both good.

I have to tell you this cute story. You know that I had surgery last month, well. Hubby and I were talking about our trip and I told him that we would be going by Camp Pendelton and that we might stop and take a tour. He wanted to know if it was a Navy base and I told him no that it wasn't. I've known for years that he would like to tour a ship. So I told him as we got closer to San Diego we would see the ships but that I didn't know if we would be able to tour them, not sure if we need to make plans for that. I also told him that he would probably have to take the tour by himself, that I didn't think I would be able to do the tour. So he proceeds to tell me that I probably couldn't go because it is very tight quarters. "Ummm, Did you just call me Fat?" I asked him. He was stunned and stumbling on his words. He said "No". I just mean that with the small hatches and doorways...Again I asked him if he just said I was fat. It was so precious. I told him that what I was saying that he would have to take the tour by himself because I didn't think I was up to climbing the ladders and stairs thru the tour. Not sure if my back would hold up to it. I've been laughing for days about this. He would never say anything to hurt my feelings and he is just stunned by this. I think I'll quit teasing him about it.

Not much going on today. Trying to talk myself into going out for a 30 minute walk. The weather here today is beautiful and I want to enjoy it for the day. Just need to get my butt moving.

Kat, 2 weeks from today?????? I bet you are getting excited.

Jenn, so good to see you posting alot more. I love it and the updates.

Have a great day and enjoy your families.

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i can't believe it, just did 40 mins on the elliptical and could have done more, just have things to do

my legs don't even hurt yipee

i'm going to get on every am since i can leave 30 minutes later... yipee i'm back

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Moving slow! Rick didn't make it in until 3:30 this morning, so I slept light til then!

He has some equipment to repair, so just left to do that, but does not have to go out again now for a month. He really likes that big check coming in once a month, but the hours are killer! He said this week wasn't so bad, he had lots of down time while other companies fixed break downs!! LOL, He was just glad it wasn't them!

I think when I go into town to get him (I have the van with the car being out of commision) we will probably grab some dinner. Nothing major planned.

Leaving in a few to take Manda to Sams Club. She doesn't do enough shopping there to make the card worth its $$$, especially since Mom has one!!

Kinsey will be home Tuesday I guess. He has answered each time she calls, and let Kinsey call and talk to her Mom. And sent her a picture on her phone of Kinsey on some ride somewhere. So she is feeling better about her going.

Bi Polar----makes me sad. My son suffers. I am as I type listening to the TV about it! The studies have shown it is much more genetically predisposed than nature. They were showing a study of identical twins---who as adults had moved in stragecially different paths---and both would end up with the same mental disorders associated with bi polar disease.

I hope in the coming years---they find some medical intervention---that allows the mind to "get" that the meds must be continued. Horrid disease. The difference in our son when he is on a high or a low is remarkable. And in relation to your issues Angela---there is a HUGE jealousy thing in him! We have some of those collage frames and he ALWAYS counts how many times he is in them compared to the other kids etc. So I see thqt being an issue with your new sibling. Just look out for you!

Cindy--glad you are back, and your DSD is doing well followuing surgery. I am so thankful for my hysterectomy!!! Life has been so much better!Teh actual surgery compared to the chemo was a piece of cake! I think a lot of it was mental releif it was all gone.

OK---wierd happening this morning. I have not called DD or my parents or anything---but I was showing Rick some things and when I laid them on the love seat next to the front door, there is something black folded laying there--so I picked it up, as I ask him "what's this?" He says he has no idea---I kinda drop it open, and it is a cape-- like you use for cutting hair. I have one---it is wierd color changing purple like (cheapest one they had!!!). This one is heavy, professional, and black. Actually has some advertising for hair product on it. We have no idea where it come from.....none. It was IN my house. When my family gets in from church, I will call and ask, and if no one claims then I guess I call the cops and the locksmith......nothing else seems disturbed or moved....except my glasses I lost them I think, would LOVE to blame that on someone else!!!

Will let you know of course.

I must be in horrid shape, even when exercising regular, I cannot do 40 minutes on my elliptical without tiring! Of course I AM gonna be 50 in a couple weeks or so! SOOOOOOO hard for me to believe!!! LOL

Better get dressed before Manda shows up. BBL

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wow, did not realize i had been away from here for so long. I read alot and wanted to comment alot but now...ummm, i cant remember everything i wanted to say. LOL

I will post again later when my head is straight.

We had a new Water park open up and we went today with some girl scout families. We had the best time ever! My head still hurts from the sun.

Gotta run :bolt:

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Tracy, so glad you had fun at the Water park. Closest one here is 15 miles away.

Done with the pool for the day. I have the grill going now with chicken on it. Noodles cooking on the stove and green Beans also. Then I'm done for the day. Gotta work in the morning.

Kat, I certainly hope someone from your family accidently left that there. Still creepy though.

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OMG are you serious about the prices at the circus??? We took Kinsey not long ago, and paid $3 for snowcones or cotton candy---$4 to have her face painted, and $5 for her to ride the elephant---I told Manda it was time to stop everything was going up!!!...3,4,5.....but 12 bucks for ice & koolaid???? WOW!!! I thought everything was more expensive here in the sticks!

Yep, just because the cup lights up. There was not ANYTHING under 10 bucks exept drinks in regular cups. Makes it so hard for hard working families!

I'm home. She is doing well and was discharged this morning. I didn't want to get stuck driving in a lot of rain so I came home today. Yesterday my dad had to take my mom to the ER. She was having a major delusional episode. They did a ct scan and did some tests and her Alzheimer's is in the advanced stage. The doc told us we are looking at 2 years at the most. She isn't retaining anything and he said we should be looking for a home, because she will need it soon. We have a good one, not far from my dad's house, but it is 3,000 per month private pay. I am so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you and your family. Many prayers! Glad you made it home safely.

Tracy, those prices are nuts! How can families afford that?

Right?! I hated that I had to tell her no so much but we just had to!

Have a great weekend!

Tracy - it is nice to be missed, I really miss him too. I hope he has to sublease his house here so i get another 6 months of visits, he keeps me out of trouble, I stopped at the bar last night after my long week, had 2 drinks and came home,

Now you will just have to keep yourself out of trouble young lady! :sad:

Hi Suzanne - i see you

Tracy, those prices are ridiculous!!!! I think it is a lot of the reason we stay away from major league ball games, the rodeo and other public events now. Who can afford drinks and food at those prices? Exactly, us too. By the time you buy the tickets you have to make sure you eat before you get there OR ELSE!

I'm not sure about Macy's party yet. I know we have someone coming to lay floor in the next week or two (weekend) in Palacios. I need to check with Mike and get the specifics then get back to you. He has worked the last couple of weekends and if this trend continues I will be the one to drive down and monitor the laying of the floors. Well, I understand if you don't make it. A bunch of screaming wild children is prob not your #1 idea for a Saturday! (mine either, lol)

Well guys, I don't want to get too detailed but I drove a couple towns over and helped my dad unpack today. I think I mentioned before that he was moving closer? Anyhow, one of my sister's was acting very rude and bizaar. I found out today from the other siblings that she is bi-polar. I understand that it is a medical issue but sadly, she won't take meds for it. She was pissed that I was even there and wanted to know who invited me and why she wasn't told. Long story there but it really hurt my feelings. I actually wrote her an email and told her so. The other siblings are all in an uproar about her rudeness today. sorry to hear this! i would be in an uproar too if I were one of your other siblings. That is just not the way to act. I am sorry she hurt your feelings. :smile2:

I hate being in the middle of drama but I didn't create this mess!! I seriously think she belives I am out to take her "daddy" away from her (did I mentioned that she is 28 freaking years old??). No chance...I didn't have a relationship with him for 35 years. I am just trying to get to know the man and build some sort of bond, you know? I understand where you are coming from. You have the RIGHT to have some sort of relationship with him.

Mike told me to be careful from the beginning and not get too emotionally involved. I told him that if I had a choice of running around and not doing things to protect my "feelings" or living and getting hurt on occasion, then I'd take the hurt! reminds me of the movie Steel Magnolias where shelby said "I would take 5 minutes of wonderful over a lifetime of nothing special" :bolt:

So, here we are. I knew she was a little weird acting the first time I met her but today was really obvious.

Sad stuff.

I am going to try to get to bed!


BOY i needed that... I'm so glad I didn't take him back the last time -

Arent you all so proud of me? I am - I've come so far :seeya: me me me...I am very proud of you!

Morning Girls.

Tracy, I'm so glad you mentioned the prices. I was serioulsy thinking aout taking Hubby to the circus next month when it is here. But I think he would have a fit if he saw those prices. I'm still worried about our trip to Disneyland. I was thinking of bringing t-shirts back to my sister and am afraid of how much they will cost. That would be a worry of mine too. I'll bet you can find deals though...they are a year round kind of place but the circus is in town just long enough to rob ya!

I have to tell you this cute story. You know that I had surgery last month, well. Hubby and I were talking about our trip and I told him that we would be going by Camp Pendelton and that we might stop and take a tour. He wanted to know if it was a Navy base and I told him no that it wasn't. I've known for years that he would like to tour a ship. So I told him as we got closer to San Diego we would see the ships but that I didn't know if we would be able to tour them, not sure if we need to make plans for that. I also told him that he would probably have to take the tour by himself, that I didn't think I would be able to do the tour. So he proceeds to tell me that I probably couldn't go because it is very tight quarters. "Ummm, Did you just call me Fat?" I asked him. He was stunned and stumbling on his words. He said "No". I just mean that with the small hatches and doorways...Again I asked him if he just said I was fat. It was so precious. I told him that what I was saying that he would have to take the tour by himself because I didn't think I was up to climbing the ladders and stairs thru the tour. Not sure if my back would hold up to it. I've been laughing for days about this. He would never say anything to hurt my feelings and he is just stunned by this. I think I'll quit teasing him about it. Yeah, if I tease Frank too long for saying something he didn't really mean...he gets upset because he would NEVER hurt me. We both have good husbands!

Not much going on today. Trying to talk myself into going out for a 30 minute walk. The weather here today is beautiful and I want to enjoy it for the day. Just need to get my butt moving.

Kat, 2 weeks from today?????? I bet you are getting excited.

Jenn, so good to see you posting alot more. I love it and the updates. Me too....we missed our Jenn!

Have a great day and enjoy your families.

OK---wierd happening this morning. I have not called DD or my parents or anything---but I was showing Rick some things and when I laid them on the love seat next to the front door, there is something black folded laying there--so I picked it up, as I ask him "what's this?" He says he has no idea---I kinda drop it open, and it is a cape-- like you use for cutting hair. I have one---it is wierd color changing purple like (cheapest one they had!!!). This one is heavy, professional, and black. Actually has some advertising for hair product on it. We have no idea where it come from.....none. It was IN my house. When my family gets in from church, I will call and ask, and if no one claims then I guess I call the cops and the locksmith......nothing else seems disturbed or moved....except my glasses I lost them I think, would LOVE to blame that on someone else!!!

Will let you know of course. :yikes: ROTTWEILER :wink5:

I must be in horrid shape, even when exercising regular, I cannot do 40 minutes on my elliptical without tiring! Of course I AM gonna be 50 in a couple weeks or so! SOOOOOOO hard for me to believe!!! LOL you have gotta be kidding. I would have never thought you were THAT OLD!!!!!!! :lol2: j/j

Better get dressed before Manda shows up. BBL

Have a great night everyone!! :Yawn:

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Morning all

i'm up drinking coffee ready to jump on the elliptical. I have to be in the shower in 45 mins so I might just do 30 mins. I woke up at 3 and should have got out of bed, i just started to fall back asleep when the alarm went off

Kat - I was on FB last night for the first time in a while. LOVE your new Pic, you look incredible and sure don't look like your pushing 50!

OK well just took my last sip of coffee - off to exercise and get ready for work

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Morning. Sitting here drinking my sugar free hot cocoa. Yummy.

Off to work and then home to pick hubby, sis and bil up and head to the hospital to check on the other bil. He's in a regular room now. Sounds like things are going well.

Not sure about swim time today. I may need to lay off for a few days. Getting Water logged.

Have a great day.

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Good morning everyone...

wow, I cut my long fingernails last night and now I feel weird typing. I can go faster. lol

What is on everyones agenda today? Today is a recoup from the weekend day for us.

Have a fantastic day everyone!

Btw....my dsd accepted me and dh back as friends on fb. wow....we were speechless. Hope it isnt because her b-day is next week. Whatever reason, we'll take it and keep praying God works wonders in her life :smile2:

be good everyone! :bolt:

Terri...how are you?

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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