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Michele, sounds like you guys are finding your way with each other. He's trying to get comfortable with you and all of his employees. I' don't envy him for his job, it's a tough to be boss and friend. You'll both find a good routine and all will be fine before you know it.

We are headed out the door soon. Going to "Lake of the Ozarks" for a huge party. I reserved a room at one of the hoels. Actually it is a suite that sleeps 6. Sis and BIL are going with us and we are taking Doggie. It was the only place we could find that accepted pets. Anyway, my Uncle bought this piece of land and has built it in to a wonderful place for all to enjoy. He bought it 50 years ago and they are holding a celebration this weekend for it. Every year in July has been cousin weekend where all the kids come down and swim, play, eat, swim, boat, fish, swim eat, swim and sleep for the weekend. We have spent so much time time there and just enjoy the tranquility of the place and the enjoyment of a wonderful Uncle. So off we go to visit and enjoy one more time at the Lake.

Have a great weekend and I'll check in when we get back.

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Kat: I am glad to hear the surgery went well.

Suzanne: it sounds like you weekend is going to be a blast! Have a great time.

Michelle: It is good to hear that you and your manager are doing well now. You were excited about getting the job and it mad me sad to hear you weren't happy.

Tracy: I am glad your move went well and it feels like "home".:) No, I don't have any vacation plans. Honestly, I just can't afford it. Alex's fee bill for LSU will be printed on July 19th and is due by Aug 5th. She has the tops scholarship that pays from most of the tuition, but it covers no books or extra fees. Heck, parking alone is $100, then they have technology fees and other such crap. She is taking 6 classes, so the books will be 500-700 dollars. Yeah, I just can't afford a vacation.

Ugh. I am enjoying not having summer school, but I still have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn to take my kids to work (27 miles away). Then I spend my day reading, which I love. I am reading a book a day. Nothing thought provoking or helpful, just "reading for fun".

My dad had bypass last year and hasn't had any problems from it. He has, however, had really bad stomach pains where he couldn't eat solid foods. I told him to go to the doctor that it sounded like gallstones or an ulcer. He had an ultrasound last week and they found gallstones. Then Thursday he had an endoscopy and they found 2 ulcers ( 1 was 3mm) and a lesion on his esophagus. It is bad enough that his tiny little stomach has 2 ulcers, but the lesion has me concerned. It is medium sized, and, from what my brother and I have read, is almost always cancer. He already has to watch out for my mom with the Alzheimer's. He was feeling better than he had in years from losing the weight and now this. I am trying to convince him to let me go with him to the doctor (opposite problem from you Suzanne). He insists he doesn't need me to. I will persist. I know him. He will go and then not tell any of us what they say because he doesn't want to worry anyone. We are going over to his house again today for my mom's birthday. I will insist he let me go. He thinks he is inconveniencing me, even though I don't act like it. Now I am rambling, sorry. Hopefully I will know more by the end of next week.

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Hugs, Cindy. Prayers for your dad AND you kids! I love that you get to read so much! I miss that! Sorry about the funds. College is SO expensive! Definitely try to get used books for Alex. That alone will save you a bundle.

Suzanne, your weekend sounds wonderful! Enjoy!


NOTHING on the agenda for the weekend. Other than some grocery shopping and a load of uniforms to wash. Oh, that's another thing. I wash them and they STILL smell like old burgers! YUCK! Gonna have to figure something out for that.

Yea, I'm okay if there are more days like yesterday than like the previous 3 days. I'm reserving judgment. :)

My friend who works nights and is a shift supervisor (going to be asst. manager) text me last night to say the reason I have so many hours is b/c Del thinks I'm doing a good job. Okay. That's really great but I only want to be part-time! He is supposed to be working on the schedule this weekend so maybe Monday I can kinda see what the next week is shaping up to be. If he's got me there 9-5 every week day, I'm going to ask for Fridays off. I'll need those off when DD starts back to preschool anyway, so might as well do it now. I won't mind M-Th, 9-5 if I can have a weekday off to get stuff done.

Hope y'all have a great day!

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Good morning everyone! Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. Mine is quiet with DH working all weekend. Preop diet is so much better now, guess my body is over the shock of going from 200+ (probably) calories to about 600 lol. I went to preop yesterday for my kidney procedure on Monday. It went very well. Of course I don't meet my anesthesiologist until Monday lol. Everyone was so nice and so helpful. They even helped me get my test run for LB surgery! I was telling them about it and they said it should be no problem in their opinion to have the LB done a week later. And frankly I believe what the nurses say over the docs on this because they deal directly with the patients. But that all depends on nothing serious being found or happening during the procedure. So for now the LB is a go!

Today is my youngests 1st wedding anniversay, can't believe he's been married a year already! Going to try and get some sewing done today, I've got quilt blocks that needed to be finished by today. oops!

Michelle, try plain old white vinegar for the smell! Put about 1 cup into the beginning of your wash cycle after it's filled with Water. Unless you have a front load machine then I now put it in the pre-wash cup. Does wonders for odors and cheap.

Suzanne what wonderful plans you have. I'm sure you'll have a great time.

Cindy I hear you on college! The crap fees are as much as tuition! My DD is in law school and the books are :) !! It's crazy. Prayers for your father. I think you should definitely go with him to the doctor, altho I know he doesn't think you need to. Enjoy reading! I love reading "easy reads". I'm reading James Patterson books right now. I've fallen in love with Alex Cross!!

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I am the BIGGEST ALEX CROSS FAN EVER!!! James Patterson is my man! :) I love anything he writes!

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I'm in the middle of the newest Jonathon Kellerman book---getting a bit of reading time. When the hospital room fills, or what have you, I sneak off to the waiting room, and read!!!

Cindy---I will be praying for your Dad, how scary for all of you. I too would insist on going! I go with my DD to his cardio appt.'s. They are in ABQ, so I drive them down, and when they call him, I just get up too!! LOL

If anyone needs a cheapo vacation, they can come see me!

Terri---so glad things are going well with your pre op. We got my MIL moved to a regular room today---but she had a rough day, she is not feeling well, running some fever---but they are not giving her any respiratory therapy---and she had lung surgery. Does that seem strange to anyone but me? The ICU nurse sat her up for a couple of minutes yesterday, and walked her about 3 steps. But since they moved her, no one had her up. So I questioned her Dr. He was shocked! He rewrote new orders. And tonight they removed her catheter, so she WILL be getting up some!

She has one of the little breathing spirometer things, and she hardly makes it move. It is scary---I see pneumonia hitting her VERY easy.

Her Mom died of pneumonia following a broken hip at 98 years old, so we keep reminding her to breath!

Teh nurse today didn't even hook up her leg inflater thingies---we did!

Rick and I left the hosp. for awhile today, let the others take care of things. We hit an auction for awhile. Bought several hundred dollars worth of cattle fence panels. Well technically we got a few thousand dollars worth, for a few hundred bucks! We bought a tall legal size file cabinet for the garage---and a trailer thing---well a thing he is going to turn into a towable motorcycle trailer. So we get home, open the file cabinet, and it is full! No less than 300 hanging files---and in most of them there are gaskets. The last big auction they had was from a Napa store going out of business. So these files, all have gaskets, and bushings, and O rings etc in them. Out of curiosity I ebayed looking for one at random, it was selling with 3 bids for $6.00 and had 3 days left. I am WAY ahead with my $7.50 file cabinet!!

Anyway---we left there, went and saw his Mom, come back and hit a few hours at the Blues Festival.

Just come home, hit the shower---I am sunburned.....

Rick is on vacation. Not sure what the plan is, will see how his Mom does. His Dad has his surgery next Friday.

Well I am going to go drink a giant glass of ice water---and call it a night!

Will check on all of you tomorrow!


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James Patterson...hmmmm..is that the series with the numbers? I have wanted to try it and I guess I will hit up our public library again. They are used to me reading a lot by now. I was in there 3 days last week, checking out and returning.

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Good morning everyone~

I hope Suzanne is having fun. She truly deserves it after everything she has been through!

Kat-the nurses sound like they need to be reprimanded. I know I can go in the hospital for a hurt toe and they want me to breathe in that thingy you are talking about. I have a filing cabinet too. Mine is right there in bedroom (for lack of somewhere else to stick it). I am a bill filer. Guess it is the office worker in me. :confused:

Cindy-I am sorry about your dad. I know how you feel. My dad was like that too with us. He made it seem like he was inconveniencing us when in reality he did not want us to know the severity of what was wrong to spare our feelings. Well, we got together as a family and gave him a good butt chewing and he realized that it was wrong to do that. When does he go back to the dr?

Michelle-doesnt it feel good to hear that someone appreciates your work? Sometimes that is better than a raise. Just to have someone validate you is important. Congrats! How is dd adjusting to you working...or does she even realize you are? lol

Angela-so much for checking in with us huh? LOL How was vacation? Well, it looks like now that the floods are over we are in for a heat streak. I dont know what i prefer. So, when we gonna get together again? Text me when you can.

Jennifer? You ok sista?

Terri-when is your LB surgery date? I'll bet you are so excited!

Well, guess what....dss is coming over to spend the night. :scared2: Shocking, right? well, he told dh "for some strange reason I miss ya'll". Hmmmm, maybe it is because his b-day is coming up in about 2 weeks? I (we) hate thinking that way but ya know...what else are we supposed to think? Haven't seen or heard anything since like the end of March and now all the sudden he misses us? Too much of a coincidence for me. Oh well, Macy is happy to see him so that is what means the most to me. I just hate that she gets the raw end of the deal. She worships her brother and sister and does not understand why they are not coming to see 'her'. We tell her it is not her fault and that they do miss her...I dont know what else I am supposed to do.


Have a great Sunday everyone :cursing:

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James Patterson...hmmmm..is that the series with the numbers? I have wanted to try it and I guess I will hit up our public library again. They are used to me reading a lot by now. I was in there 3 days last week, checking out and returning.

Oh...that is the Lindsay Boxer series. Those are OK but the Alex Cross books are WAY better. They started out with titles like, Along Came a Spider and Step on a Crack. Get on James Pattersons website and they are in order of what how they were written. I like to read them in order. Mostly because of the characters, his marriages and kids and partners and villains...I like to go consecutive, as to where some people do not care about that. Even if you dont go in order, you will be able to follow it but I tried it that way and found myself wondering how he got to a certain point. There are 2 new ones but I am not paying for hardback. Now, he has several that aren't Alex Cross. Like, Sunday at Tiffanys or The Honeymoon....i love those too. Oh, do not get me started with James Patterson...I can (did) go on & on! I love the 2 and 3 page chapters he writes. Makes for an easy read!

Sorry about the FAN crazed rambling! :confused:

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Oh...that is the Lindsay Boxer series. Those are OK but the Alex Cross books are WAY better. They started out with titles like, Along Came a Spider and Step on a Crack. Get on James Pattersons website and they are in order of what how they were written. I like to read them in order. Mostly because of the characters, his marriages and kids and partners and villains...I like to go consecutive, as to where some people do not care about that. Even if you dont go in order, you will be able to follow it but I tried it that way and found myself wondering how he got to a certain point. There are 2 new ones but I am not paying for hardback. Now, he has several that aren't Alex Cross. Like, Sunday at Tiffanys or The Honeymoon....i love those too. Oh, do not get me started with James Patterson...I can (did) go on & on! I love the 2 and 3 page chapters he writes. Makes for an easy read!

Sorry about the FAN crazed rambling! :confused:

Thanks. I will check it out. I read Sunday at Tiffany's earlier this year.

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Hi guys, we are home and exhausted. What a great time we had. As soon as I go thru the pictures that I took I will post some. Most of everyone spent a lot of time floating in the lake. I was so jealous but it looked like so much fun. Our Uncle was so surprised to see us and I had pictures for him of my parents at his place about 50 years ago. He was so over happy to have them for his collection.

This morning we woke up before my sis and BIL did so we took off and went exploring. We drove over the dam and came back and parked and went shopping in some of the novelty shops there. Didn't buy anything but did see a few cute things I thought would look good out on the deck. So we headed back to the Motel and they are up, showered and dressed and ready to go. We take off and head back a different way. This road was more winding and roller coasting, so it was very hard on the back. I was really glad when we were thru with that section of the hwy.

About 6 years ago hubby and I were driving thru that same spot and there was this Amish place that was selling outdoor furniture. We stoppped to look and ended up buying a 2 seater divided glider for the deck. Love it, Love it, Love it. The most used piece of furniture we own. Hubby and I sit in it all summer long. So we are going by this place and I'm telling my sis about it and she makes a u-turn and we head back to it. We are walking around looking and I see the neatest wood table for out on the deck. It has a tag on it that says $69.00. So I ask her if she thinks that if I offer the guy maybe $55. would he take it. She said it would be worth a try and I asked her if she would ask her hubby to do it. He's one of those guys thats a real good talker. So he goes in and offers the $50. for it and they guys says "Sold". I was so excited I ended up buy a few other things, lol. However, there was this outside tall chair that I went over and sat in and almost couldn't get out of it. I was so relaxed and it fit me so good. They wanted $220. for it. We were thinking that maybe we could talk him down to maybe $190. but right now with our trip coming up I just didn't want to spend that much money. You know they have been there for years so maybe next year we can go back and get it. Then my whole deck will have their furniture on it.

Left there and got to Sedalia and it started pouring down rain on us. For you that have Facebook, I sent a pic there of it. It was kind of scary there for a little while but by the time we got home it cleared up.

I did alot of walking while I was gone. We had doggie with us so that help. But I also did a lot of crappy eating. Junk was mostly what I ate. So I'm not going to WW tomorrow. Now way.

Terri, sounds like things are going well for tomorrow. I will say a prayer for you that things turn out ok. I'm really stoked about your LB surgery. It is going to be so nice having someone on here that will bring back that new feeling to us. It will help remind me what I felt like when I was first banded and how I followed the Docs orders and actually lost weight. Bless you for helping me out. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that all goes well and smoothly.

Michele, so glad to hear what your boss said about you. That should have given you a big laugh and a big relief.

Kat, how's MIL getting along so far? Cool deal on the filing cabinet. Lucky draw.

Cindy, I will keep you Dad in my prayers. I will also say a quick one for you that you continue to have the strength to help him get thru all of this. Good Luck.

Good to be back home.

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I'm home, exhausted. Not sure why....but for some reason, my MIL has attached to me, and wants me to help her, not her DD's. She will eat for me, wants my help getting up, and told me repeatedly today she loves me and is thankful to have me. And she had no pain meds til after 5 today!!! Go figure!!!

Anyway......day spent at the hospital. Then dinner with Rick at Chilis. Now shower & bed.

Terri---I have no idea if you are going to be in the hosp tomorrow or not......call me if you get a chance and ARE---I will be there, and will check on you!

Everyone....I think about things as they happen, and think I need to tell the girls about this!

Oh yeah, Maries son, is swallowing on his own now! He has been up, but lists real bad to the one side---showing muscle weakness---but that can be worked on!

Will check in tomorrow morning. Miss you all----but hey I MUST be there, for some reason....although tomorrow I may be back to my usual Dispicable Me self!!! LOL

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Hey girls!!

We are back. I am pooped. It's 1:00 am and I will certainly be paying for this tomorrow morning when the alarm goes off, lol!

Kat...I will keep your MIL and FIL in my prayers. Keep us posted. I know they are grateful (even if MIL is slow to recognize) for you and Rick being there when they need you.

Cindy...ditto for your dad. I hope it is not cancer. That is very scary stuff. Will you keep us posted as well?

Michelle, hang in there girl! That boss-man sounds like a hoot. I agree with Suzie...you will find a groove that works for you soon and things will smooth out.

Terri, woo-hoo for your surgery! I too am anxious to follow you in your journey. I need a re-boot too (no pressure or anything, k? LOL!)

Tracy, hey momma!! Glad you are all moved in. Love the couch. I did run through my Facebook junk the other day when we popped in but I forgot to post on here. Nice, eh? Sorry!! We had so much on our plate and a short time to get it done.

What is up with all the skeeters around here?? They are big as birds and seem to be immuned to Off. I wanted the rain, but look what it has brought us! That and the ants. Grrr!!!

Suzie, how are you feeling? How far did you drive on your road trip? I imagine that was rough on your incision site. Kuddos for you walking every day!!

Jennifer, I think you got me mixed up with Terri. We own a boat but no motorcycle...lol! How are you?

I am sooooo sore. We have been in Palacios doing some long overdue home repairs.

I have learned in the past 9 days that I am not a:

carpenter/painter/trimmer/primer/mover/tar(er) or plumber. My body aches!! We got so much done but still did not get the floors finished. I did pick out some carpet (a reminant? I think is what it is called. A piece of carpet that was already cut and marked down) and some linolium so it is just a matter of hiring (yep...I am not even going to help with that one, lol!) someone to do it.

We did sneak in some fun. A friend of ours soaked some cherries in Everclear and holy moly! We had a couple of late nights hanging with friends. I really love the people down there.

Well, I need to get some rest. I will be at my REAL job tomorrow (crap...shouldn't I say today?) and I will try to pop in from there.

Have a good one!


Edited by AngelaW

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sorry angela - see what happens when in a rush

Tracy -

I'm ok, better than the other day, I'm sure going to miss him, not really ready to part but we are going to talk every day, HE didn't expect to find me either.

He leaves Saturday am, and is at the new job today and tomorrow, back Wed. So I'm just going to enjoy the week. He changed my life and I'll never be able to repay him for that.

Thanks for being there for me.!

off to work, have a great day all

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Morning Girls, Ugh, back to work. Not liking this right now. Too early in the morning for me. Looks like I got used to sleeping in and being lazy.

Angela, Lake of the Ozarks is about a 3 hour drive from here. Most of it is Hwy driving but when you get down into the Ozark area of it, it is real hilly with lots of twist and turns and ups and downs. Heads are diffenetly bobbing around.

Storms today and the humididty is supposed to be out of control this week. I'm 6 days away from being in the pool. I can hardly wait.

I'll check in later. Have a great day everyone.

Good Luck Terri. Thinking of you.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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