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Quick drive by post....

Good news other than Kat being back :bored: Our landlord said to pay July and we can be let out of the lease. SO, we are going apartment hunting and we have seen some good deals. Will let you all know how it goes.

Have a great day!


yay! for your landlord. Good luck finding something. $400 is crazy, like you I wonder what it will be come August??? yikes

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Thank God Tracy!!!!!

Hi Terri...counting down the days?

Welcome home Kat!

Suzie...did you get your walk in?

Good morning Michelle, Cindy, Jennifer and Suzi!

I am covering for a co-worker (day 2) and I am snowed under....be back later!


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I will be back in to chat with y'all in a little while, I am mowing the yard. I think I shoulda opted to bail it--holy smokes it is long!

Rick has been cutting alfalfa, and discing the field for his Dad, seems he is going to be having prostate surgery afterall, his tests were not good. They operate on the 16th----same day we were to leave for a rally, that I guess we won't be attending afterall......and until then, he cannot lift, or pull, or strain in any manner----so guess who has been doing it all, since returning from TX?????

Anyway, I hired my brother to go out and do their yards, and some weed whacking, hope it helps keep Rick from doing it all. His brother will be here next week, but his Mom has already warned us that with his allergies, he won't be able to do much outside----whoopdefriggindo---he has allergies--we ALL do!

Anyway---the temp is going up, and I am less than half through mowing--------bbl!!!

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So since I last posted I have a surgery date of 7/19 (oh wait I think I said that lol), BUT I've also found out I have kidney stones and the urologist wants to do a Lithotripsy (go in and blast those little suckers!) on 7/12. So I called surgeons office to see if he wanted to postpone my LAP-BAND® since it's just a week later. But he was at the conference and I just heard back a little while ago.

But I was thinking postponing would be best because DD is trying to change law schools to Florida and she would have to move between 7/20 and 8/9. So I probably don't need to be driving from AZ to FL (4 days at least ackkkk) so soon.

But she calls this afternoon and because her LSAT score expired in Jan they won't let her transfer. grrrrr she's starting her 2nd year of law school! I understand if she was just now entering but she has good grades and wants to transfer so she can specialize. Idiot red tape rules........

Then not 20 min later my surgeon's office calls and they talked to her and she said no problem on doing the LB surgery a week after the Lithotripsy. So 7/19 it is! Yikes less than a month and I'll be one of you guys! :thumbup: But I do wish I were going to FL instead for DD :(

Hope everyone has a great evening!


What a convoluted mess! Glad it's all worked out, at least surgery-wise. Sorry about DD's transfer.

I'm home....AGAIN!!!!!

I scanned posts, said my Happy Birthdays---had 3 today!!! LOL And now, I am heading to bed. Will tell ya all about it in the AM.

Hugs to all of you!

WhooHoo! HUGS!!

Quick drive by post....

Good news other than Kat being back :smile: Our landlord said to pay July and we can be let out of the lease. SO, we are going apartment hunting and we have seen some good deals. Will let you all know how it goes.

Have a great day!


Great news, Tracy!

I am covering for a co-worker (day 2) and I am snowed under....be back later!


Always hated days like that!! Good luck with it!

I will be back in to chat with y'all in a little while, I am mowing the yard. I think I shoulda opted to bail it--holy smokes it is long!


Rick has been cutting alfalfa, and discing the field for his Dad, seems he is going to be having prostate surgery afterall, his tests were not good. They operate on the 16th----same day we were to leave for a rally, that I guess we won't be attending afterall......and until then, he cannot lift, or pull, or strain in any manner----so guess who has been doing it all, since returning from TX?????

I'm sorry but seems Rick is the "Cinderella" of his family!!! they frickin' treat him like their little slave girl! Dammit!!

Best wishes with your FIL.

Anyway, I hired my brother to go out and do their yards, and some weed whacking, hope it helps keep Rick from doing it all. His brother will be here next week, but his Mom has already warned us that with his allergies, he won't be able to do much outside----whoopdefriggindo---he has allergies--we ALL do!

Good idea to hire your brother. Poor baby (Rick's brother). Take some meds and suck it up!!

Anyway---the temp is going up, and I am less than half through mowing--------bbl!!!

It's hot here too. Yuck!


Got my unfill today. Doc was sorry to see me again. He took out 2.5cc. I'm already feeling better. I see him again around the 15th and we'll start re-filling then. I'm basically dieting until and while refilling. :frown:

DD finished up swim lessons today. She did great! Really hoping my work schedule is such that I can keep her in the next session.

Well, that's all I've got so far! Have a great rest of the day! HUGS!!

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Seems like lately all i do is talk about myself, but here i go again....lol (sorry)

Our main concern was how will we pay rent for July here AND have money for deposits & rent somewhere else....well guess what?! The very first place I had on the list to visit (because I was in love with it) had a special going on, NO RENT FOR JULY!!!! :woot: So we can take our time packing. We are on the first floor (would not have it any other way) but the one we are getting is also pool view :smile: It is 2 bedroom, already has a washer & dryer so we are selling ours. We also have to sell our fridge and lawnmower (that is only 6 months old). Angela? You need a fridge or a lawnmower? and a washer ? If not can you ask around? I just posted the stuff on craigslist, so we will see what happens. I can not believe we are moving again. This time I will PURGE.....i am getting rid of so much stuff it aint funny. I have a queen sized firm memory foam mattress that i am selling too.

I am dealing with the 4 letter word again P-A-C-K. :( Maybe if we sell all this stuff we can hire our movers again. Pretty sad when you know your mover by first name and he is programmed into my cell phone! :lol2:

Kat-sorry ya'll got stuck with all that yard work! That sucks!

Michelle-when does you DD toy story stuff come in? What did your order? I am so glad that you have some relief from your band. Just be very careful :)

Terri-I am so excited for your surgery !! :thumbup:

Angela-do you need any of the stuff I mentioned? Maybe even for your new place?

Suzanne-i know what u mean about this heat. It rained here today and it just made it STEAMY! :bolt:


Cindy-whats up teacher? :frown:

To everyone else i am missing....WHASSUP?

I gotta run and start throwing some stuff away!

Let me try to put the lin for my new apts on here...


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I think we are pretty set up, Tracy. Tell me a little about the mower...hubby makes us carry ours back and forth....THAT I could use!!


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Good Lord, I'm rude!!

Congratulations on all the good news coming your way, Tracy! Those apartments look really nice!!

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I think we are pretty set up, Tracy. Tell me a little about the mower...hubby makes us carry ours back and forth....THAT I could use!!


We are selling it for 120.00. We have only had it 3 months...not 6. It is a regular push mower with one pull start, no priming or anything (I am typing what dh says). If you need to know what size motor he can go look. All I know is it is red, :smile:

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Good Lord, I'm rude!!

Congratulations on all the good news coming your way, Tracy! Those apartments look really nice!!

Its all good...i did not even notice. Thank you. You will be coming over for margaritas, yes? :smile:

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omg angela did you see the path of the tropical depression? Sweet Lord in heaven above....

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Hey girls~

Just went and had dinner with my daughter---she bought even!!! Woo Hoo!!! LOL

Rick is out plowing, so he won't have it all to do tomorrow. He IS treated differently than the other kids---but while it irritates me, I see their health declining so fast lately, that I try not to complain to him too much about the time spent, or how much he does, simply because, #1, they need the help. They should quit farming, but it is all that keeps his Dad going I think. And #2, when that time comes, and it will, for all of us(!!!), but when it comes for them, I want Rick to be comforted by the fact he did all he could. I don't want him saying "I wish I had......". He will know he helped, and he spent time, and he won't have those regrets. His siblings will. His sister here, she spends time with them, she will not have those regrets....she attends Dr's, she takes them shopping, she is there. She does not work, but she is there. It matters too.

Over dinner I explained the new wills to my DD. She was shocked, and saddened. She thinks we are giving up too easily. If there was a common desire to improve things, it would be too early, but, we seem to be the only ones wanting more. So, it is the right thing. She assured me that in the horrible case she were to have to disperse the ADD policy, she would set up education funds for all the grandkids, and if any of our parents are still living, she is to help them.

She says---wow I guess I am grown up, you trust me this much. LOL. yeah. ya think?

Tracy, sounds like things are meant to be, they seem to be falling into place really well for you! A poolside view will be nice....might be noisy tho!

Suzie, how you feeling? The incision site looks sore as hell!!!

Terri---name the time and place!! You come to Aztec last time, I will go to Farmington this time. I am there most days anyway!!!

Cindy---any improvements on the Summer School program?

Suzy--so sorry to hear about the problems with Gia, and the cat as well! Sometimes no matter how much you want to help, or want things to work out, they just don't. People are not always what we want or can accept. Most of us who have been through divorce know this as well! Hoping things work out for all of you...hang in there!!!

Michelle----being mean to Teagan? Shame on you!!! LOL, they learn to push our buttons at a young age, thats for sure! And if she is tired, watch out!! I t will all be good, the lessons are hard to teach, but worth teaching. I am seeing both sides of the coin now in our grown kids---and respect, and behaviour need to be taught young!

Jenn---did you say George spent the night?? Oh the shock!! The shame!!! LOL....Did ya have fun???

Angela--when you see Tracy next....kick her in the butt for me, like I'd care if she was 500 pounds or ORANGE!! Of course I want her happy, and healthy, but that is the only reason it matters!!! I hope you all get together soon, and if you go to Tracy's to hang at the pool drinking Margi's----talk about me!!! LMAO

Think I will go turn off all my irrigation water---the yard has had enough today!!!

Rick is on call, so haveno idea if we will be able to do anything this weekend or if it is all taken up with work and farming. Whatever.....I will roll with it!

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Tracy, that complex looks wonderful. And it sounds like things are falling into place which means it was meant to be. Good Luck.

Kat, I know what you are saying about Rick. I would be the same way. Knowing that I did all I could would be my goal.

Hubby worked out in the yard today. I'm so jealous. But I was able to get a few walks in and some needed dusting. We are working on the laundry now.

Next door neighbors 10 year old daughter is having a swimming party tomorrow over at her dads and has asked me to come. Not sure I'm up to the heat or not being able to lay down for awhile.

I'm thinking about calling the Doc for a fill. I have eaten out of control this last week. Not that I'm hungry. Just that I know I can eat it. I haven't weighed myself since before the surgery and not sure I want to. Cookies and chips have been good frends of mine for a little while. At least get a little fill till my next surgery.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

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Tracy, that cone of "uncertainty" looks a bit intimidating right now. I think the track will change a few more times in the next couple of days...

We might have to take one for the "team". By that I mean if it comes here and keeps the oil from pushing further inland to the marshes and beaches in Louisiana and further east, then bring it on...we can handle a tropical storm. Sheesh, hopefully it will stay a tropical storm. Then again, it could do it's little spinning thing and bring us oil as well. I think it's hugely unknown...and scary. I hate the thought of it dragging that oil up to anyone.

I am pooped! We decided to stay home this weekend. Mike has to work tomorrow. Sadly, Zach knocked into the ceiling fan earlier and dust flew everywhere. Guess you know what I will be doing tomorrow?? Sunday is pending the weather. Depending on the track of that storm, we may race down to Palacios and board up.

Have a good night!


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Tracy, the place looks really nice! Sounds like things are working out really well. I'm so glad! Sounds like a great landlord too. Too bad you can't keep him! BTW, I think it's a great idea for you guys to move and downsize.

Kat, I know but it's SOOOOOO hard!!!! Last night was horrid! Today/night was SO good! I made sure to let her know how it made me feel that we had such a great day. Asked her too if she thought our good days were way better to have than our bad days! She was all, oh yes mama. Bad days are icky! And she's soo funny with her funny smile face and saying and look Nooooo Attitude! It was too frickin' funny!

I agree with you re: the folks. Rick doesn't need any what-ifs or should'ves or any guilt of any kind. He has DONE and I know will continue to DO until it's not needed anymore.

Suzanne, party sounds fun but maybe just let them know you might just pop in for a time instead of showing for the whole thing. They'll understand.

Angela, hope the beach house stays safe.

Actually that goes for you and Tracy. I haven't seen any news or anything so have no idea what is going on but I pray y'all stay safe!!!


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Tracy and Angela, I think y'all will be ok...it has been named Alex and from my experience with my daughter of the same name, it will just be a lot of hot air.

Seriously, we are watching it and praying it just goes away and the does the least amount of damage as possible. The Gulf certainly didn't need this right now.:smile:

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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