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ahhhh, Bunco nights. I love those.

Ok, I'm drunk while typing this so I will log on later to give you all the details. But the Surgery is a go. Whew. And now 2 margaritas later I'm ready for bed. But I'll let you know about the test later.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, you guys are the best.

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Heehee! Suzanne is drunk posting! LOL!

So very glad surgery is a go! WhooHoo!

Look forward to your sober post later! Heehee!

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Great news Suzanne. Did you have a margarita for moi?

Great news to hear from you too Michelle! :sigh:

My regular dr today told me he wanted me to go to a cardiologist for testing. He said just because I did not have a heart attack does not mean I don't have anything wrong with my heart and it needs to be checked out before something could happen. I agree, so i will make my appt in the morning. I am terrfied.

He also changed my antidepressant so i hope they work good. He changed it to one that is for anxiety AND depression. I will keep my fingers crossed.

Love you ladies :)

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Good evening,

Michelle...woo-hoo on the job!!!!! Good for you!

Suzie, I am so glad surgery is a go. That is excellent news. I hope you are sleeping peacefully tonight.

Tracy...keep us posted on your heart. That is nothing to fool around with. LOL @ your PM'er PMS'ing!!

You guys, life threw me a curve ball last night. My mother called me and asked me if I knew someone by the name of ______. Someone was asking her on Facebook if she knew of me or my sister. I said no, but the last name matches my maiden name so I logged onto mom's facebook and it was my younger half-brother's wife.

Long story short, My parents divorced when I was less than a year old (my older sister and I were their only children). It would take me writing a novel to explain all of what I was told about the situation, but my mother was 16 when she married and my dad suffered from some pretty serious medical issues (he has some brain damage amongst other things).

I haven't seen my dad since I was less than a year old.

When I was 21, I started looking for my real father (and some of his family that I knew the names of. One is famous and NOT in a good way...more on that later) and was finally able to locate him. I learned that we had four half-siblings and we met up for dinner.

It was all so weird...they were all in their teens (my bio sister and I barely in our 20's) and this had really shell-shocked all of us. It was an awkward meeting and after a few follow-up phone calls the whole situation kinda slid under the rug. We lost contact with each other.

Fast forward to yesterday...we are all back in touch again and they want to meet up. I feel blessed. I don't think you can have enough family and friends, but....how do you recover or catch up after 30+ years of not knowing someone? I fear it will be like the last time (my bio sis is way up north so she won't be here...and I haven't told her yet anyways)

After trying to untangle this all for my husband he said I should take a step back and be careful. I think he is afraid I will get hurt.

...I'm going to pray on it. I want to see them again, I do. It's just weird, you know?

Sorry to spill on you guys...I'm just still trying to pick my jaw up off the ground.

Have a good night.


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Great news Suzanne. Did you have a margarita for moi?

Great news to hear from you too Michelle! :sigh:


My regular dr today told me he wanted me to go to a cardiologist for testing. He said just because I did not have a heart attack does not mean I don't have anything wrong with my heart and it needs to be checked out before something could happen. I agree, so i will make my appt in the morning. I am terrfied.

Good for you! And I would be terrified too! Hugs!!

He also changed my antidepressant so i hope they work good. He changed it to one that is for anxiety AND depression. I will keep my fingers crossed.

Fingers crossed that it helps!!

Love you ladies :)

Luv you too!

Good evening,

Michelle...woo-hoo on the job!!!!! Good for you!


Suzie, I am so glad surgery is a go. That is excellent news. I hope you are sleeping peacefully tonight.


Tracy...keep us posted on your heart. That is nothing to fool around with. LOL @ your PM'er PMS'ing!!

Ditto... again!

You guys, life threw me a curve ball last night. My mother called me and asked me if I knew someone by the name of ______. Someone was asking her on Facebook if she knew of me or my sister. I said no, but the last name matches my maiden name so I logged onto mom's facebook and it was my younger half-brother's wife.


Long story short, My parents divorced when I was less than a year old (my older sister and I were their only children). It would take me writing a novel to explain all of what I was told about the situation, but my mother was 16 when she married and my dad suffered from some pretty serious medical issues (he has some brain damage amongst other things).

I haven't seen my dad since I was less than a year old.

When I was 21, I started looking for my real father (and some of his family that I knew the names of. One is famous and NOT in a good way...more on that later) and was finally able to locate him. I learned that we had four half-siblings and we met up for dinner.


It was all so weird...they were all in their teens (my bio sister and I barely in our 20's) and this had really shell-shocked all of us. It was an awkward meeting and after a few follow-up phone calls the whole situation kinda slid under the rug. We lost contact with each other.


Fast forward to yesterday...we are all back in touch again and they want to meet up. I feel blessed. I don't think you can have enough family and friends, but....how do you recover or catch up after 30+ years of not knowing someone? I fear it will be like the last time (my bio sis is way up north so she won't be here...and I haven't told her yet anyways)


I don't think you can. I think you just start from the day you meet them.

After trying to untangle this all for my husband he said I should take a step back and be careful. I think he is afraid I will get hurt.

Not a bad idea. What about just FB'ing it for a bit and get to "know" them that way? Might be wise, esp with a not-in-a-good-way-famous one in the mix. You have yourself and your own family to think about.

...I'm going to pray on it. I want to see them again, I do. It's just weird, you know?

Excellent idea. And it IS weird! Take some time to think about it and just see where it might go.

Sorry to spill on you guys...I'm just still trying to pick my jaw up off the ground.

Spill away. That's what we're here for!

Have a good night.


You too!


Played Bunco tonight. So much fun! It's at my house next month. Scary thought with all the dogs now! LOL!! They'll have to be outside which means they're going to bark. Neighbors will be so happy! UGH! Hopefully it won't be as bad as I think it will be!!!

Hope y'all have a great Wednesday!

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Angela, that is a very intriguing story and I would love to someday sit with you and have you tell me the whole thing. I'm thinking I would probably feel the same way. I would love to see and hear from them but I would be cautious also. Good luck and keep us posted.

Yesterday I was on the phone with the hospital doing my pre-op when all of a sudden there was a screeeeeeech-pop. Hubby and I went to the door and sure enough, once again someone had been rear ended at the corner. We checked to make sure no one was seriously hurt and then went back to what we were doing. Well, my sister comes in and says that it looks like the car of a friend of my next door neighbors. Then she comes in and says that it is my next door neighbor sitting in the grass. So I slip my shoes on and head over the where she is at. By this time you can hear the sirens coming and she is complaining of her back being really sore and you can see a huge bruise on her arm swelling up. Wes was driving and he appeared to be ok but Deb took the brunt of it. They load her up into the ambulance and I turn around to head home and my cousin is standing there. I ask what she is doing and she said that her son Joey was the driver of the car that hit them. I didn't even check on the 2 boys because they were up and moving around and on the phone so I didn't even recognize that it was him. They both didn't have their seatbelts on but Joey was hit in the face by the airbag. As far as I know they were not taken to the hospital. I'll call his Mom today to check on the boys. Looks like both cars are going to be totaled. So I went into the garage and got Water bottles for everyone and made sure they were ok and then headed to the hospital. We were there for about 4 hours when they finally released Deb. We went to the pharmacy to get her meds and some ice cream and I brought her home. The toy-boy is also going to be sore but thank God everyone will be ok. I'll go get her some lunch today and then her 10 year old daughter will be home this evening. I'll either go get dinner for them or fix them something. Poor thing is going to be sore for a week.

Yesterday I had really worked myself up into a frenzy about having this stress test done. They were doing it by chemical and I had heard that it was going to be awful. They had told me the other day that they had new drugs and that it wasn't as bad as it used to have been. That still didn't ease my mind any. But as it turned out, it really wasn't that bad. I kinda thought that it was a little better than being on the treadmill. So they put the drug in and start looking at the monitor when the nurse calls out for the Doc to come in the room. Everyone is worried and asking me how I was feeling. She said my heart is shooting out some unusual fibs. She asked if I could feel it and I really could, weird feeling. Anyway the Doc comes running in and takes a look and said that it was my heart reacting to the meds. Sure enough they watched it and it settled down. All was good after that. We finished the test and he came back in and reviewed all of it. He turned and said that I was a go for surgery. He said he was going to call the head Doc but as far as he was concerned he didn't see any problems. Said the chambers looked good and so did the valves. I asked him about the cyst on the heart and he said it was something that they were not worried about and that they most likely will leave it alone. So that was big sigh of relief for both of us. We took off and headed to a late lunch at our favorite mexican restaurant.

Now I have a day ahead of me of once again getting ready for surgery. I'll be busy all day.

Tracy, please follow up with your Doc about your heart. I really hated all that I have been thru in the last 2 weeks but and son relieved that I did all of it. And none of it hurt. Just a little time consuming. For yours and Franks peace of mind you need to be checked out.

Everyone have a great day and I will check in later.

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Just got home from the gym. I rode the bike for 2 miles and then did arm exercises. Would have loved to have gotten on the treadmill but that ain't happening for awhile.

Now off to get housework started.

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Suzanne. Good Lord! What a day! Glad everyone is "okay" and no one was seriously hurt. Good to hear about your test and that it all looked good. Prayers and good thoughts for tomorrow.


Woke up REALLY tight this AM. I'm sipping, letting it work it's way down, sipping, letting it work it's way down, etc.

Took something for my allergies too and am hoping that will help. I'm all full up and sneezing like crazy!

Not much going on today. DH is changing the brake pads on my truck right now, then DD and I are headed to swim. Later this evening, we'll go to the Farmer's Market at the lake. DH goes back to work tomorrow.

Make it a good one, Ladies! Hugs!

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Suzie, enjoy your day!! I am also glad nobody was hurt. Surgery is tomorrow, right? Thoughts and prayers!!

Michelle, have fun swimming today..and the farmer's market...I am jealous!

I went to bed at midnight last night (chatting with "new" family on FB) and then Zach woke me at three this morning vomiting. UG!! Long day ahead...and I am watching the clock. I need to quit and suck it up!!!

Hi everybody!!!!!!!

Have a good one....


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Angela-so sorry your ds is sick! ;) I would just talk to your new family on FB for a while too. And even maybe by phone? Your dh gives good advice!

Suzanne-let me know (get someone totext me) how the surgery goes tomorrow. Big prayers for you!

Everyone-the new meds are GREAT. Wanna know why? I don't have an appetite :devil_smile: Absolutely nothing sounds good! Ice cream is my weakness and if i had a bowl in fron of me right now i would not eat it. That is HUGE! I slept great last night and i woke up well rested an feeling great this morning. So far so good!

I made my cardiologist appt for June 29th. DH is off and will be able to go with me. I am still scared but i cant dwell on it or my heart starts racing.

I miss Kat!

Have a great day ladies....

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Suzanne, I am so glad you are good to go and hugs and prayers for your surgery.

Tracy, yay on the new meds...no appetite, that rocks!!!

Michelle, I hope the tightness eases up. I hate when I am going through that.

Angela, I hope Zach feels better soon.

Kat, I hope you are having a blast!

Summer school sucked today:sad:

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Tracy, yay on the new meds...no appetite, that rocks!!!

RIGHT??!! I still get hungry and my tummy growls but nothing at all sounds good....and I mean nuttin! :devil_smile:

When is your last day of summer school?

Suzanne....how are you doing? I will say big big prayers for you sista!

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Laundry and phone calls. That's my evening.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. I truly appreciate them. Just need to get this done and back to my somewhat normal life.

I'll check in real quick in the morning and then we are off to the hospital. Tracy, my sis will text you when I get out. I have my phone already preset for her to text people.

Angela, hope your son is feeling better and that you guys get some sleep tonight.

Hi Kat, miss you.

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Suzanne, prayers and thoughts are with you tomorrow. I know you'll be so relieved to have this over with.

Tracy, yay on the meds. Hope they do all they are supposed to for you.

ugh Angela hope your ds is doing better now. I agree with everyone, getting to know them on FB for a bit is good.

Hope Kat is having a wonderful and relaxing vacation.

I've been busy busy lately but can't really tell I'm getting anything done! I'm trying to wean off of my anti-depressants and it's making me rather scatter brained (well MORE is more like it lol). But good news..... surgery is scheduled for July 19. Dh is getting a new bass boat and I'm self-paying surgery lol. Cost wise I'm getting the short end of this stick, but I'm very ok with that as I know I'll get way more out of this than he will with a new boat lol.

Here's wishing everyone a wonderful day tomorrow!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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