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Welcome Terri---I sent you a PM with contact info on myself. Look forward to hearing from you!!

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Welcome, Terri! Glad you jumped in!

Tracy, you're too funny! If I stay swollen much longer, I AM going to name it! Thinking it should be a boy! Ya know men are a pain! LOL!!!!

Best wishes on your apps! I think going back to work is a great idea!

Suzanne, your day sounded nice. Sorry your ass hurts so bad. I loved your play on words with the docs in a row!

Kat, your plan for you trip sounds great!

Angela, you and your son are in my prayers! Lots of best wishes to him on his surgery this week. You can NOT beat yourself up for something that seemed so benign at the time. I don't think I would have thought about it either. Not many elevators in homes! I sure as hell wouldn't know what to do with one! Hugs!


I was sitting in my chair this afternoon and could NOT keep my eyes open. So I didn't! I went to bed and took a nap... for TWO AND A HALF HOURS!!!! Hmmm, think I needed it? I only got up b/c DH was headed out for a soccer game (they won!). I'm still tired. Don't think I'll have a problem sleeping tonight.

Have a great Monday y'all! HUGS!!!

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Welcome, Terri:rapture:

Angela, I will keep your son in my prayers. As a teacher, I also hate high-stakes standardized testing. My feeling is, if you aren't going to make each year important, don't just pin-point certain grades. It puts too much stress on our children. You are correct, however, that this will help him be prepared for next year, IF they pinpoint just his weaknesses and fix those. Will Zach be properly recovered from surgery when summer school begins? You will both stay in my prayers.

Michelle, you needed that rest. For the next couple of weeks, you will continue to be recovering. Take those naps when the urge hits you!!!

Kat, I am glad you decided to go, but just for the day. I agree that it will send a more powerful message than just not showing up. I hope you both have a wonderful time during your trip.

Tracy, I am sending internet hugs.

Suzie, I hope work goes well this morning. Your appointments are today?

Yesterday morning I was reminded that scrambled eggs are the work of the devil. My dh cooked bacon, eggs and smothered potatoes for Breakfast. I ate two strips of bacon, no problem. I ate LESS than one scrambled egg, then proceeded to pb for over 2 hours!!! I was so mad. We were going to my in-laws to see my stepdaughter and grandchildren. lunch was bbq sandwiches from Hi-Ho. These are soooo good. Could I eat any? NO. I was downing liquid ibuprofen and then made black bean Soup to eat for the next 2 days :). Oh, well, maybe it is the sign that I needed to jump start my weight loss with a few days of liquids. Dangit. But, my stepdaugter and her family are moving closer, so that was good news. She seems to be doing much better with her health, so all is good:thumbup:.

I am going to get dressed for summer school:unsure:

Have a good Monday, everyone!

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Welcome Terri. So glad that you have joined us.

Angela. That is such a scary story about your son. Please don't blame yourself foe any of it. It was truly an accident. Math was the one subject that I was very good at, it was everything else that I struggled with. I will keep him in my prayers.

Ok girls, lots of running around and numerous phone calls and this is where we stand right now. The Doc that ordered the test has read the report and is not concerned and has signed off, she however is sending the report to my GP for him to decide if I need to go see a Cardiologist. She said that my valves and arteries looked good. There is a slight diminish in the heart beat but nothing that should be of any concern. She would just like for me to do a quick follow up with a Cardio Doc. In a little bit I will call my GP and talk to the nurse. She has already been informed about what is going on. But I will check with her and see if she can get me in as soon as she can. Not sure I will get all of this done in time for surgery this thursday, looks like it will probably be next week. I'm feeling better already.

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Wow, Haydee is pregnant. How cool. I kinda hope she has a girl that looks just like her. I have always thought she was so pretty. Good Luck to them. I know one thing for sure, he/she will be spoiled rotten :)

Sitting here in a funk, I think I'm still trying to wrap my brain around all that has happened. Looks like I have a real busy day ahead of me tomorrow trying to get my Docs all in a row. This is going to be interesting. Docs in a row, lol

We had a nice quiet day just hubby and I. We were sitting out on the deck enjoying the afternoon and listening to the ball game when a hand shot up over the fence. It was Daniel from down the street. Kat and Tracy know about him. He's 22 years old but has the mind of a 7 year old. Everyone in the neighborhood watches out for him. Well, he was standing there in his bathing shorts and a towel. We allowed him to come in to go swimming and he had a good time. We said we would give him an hour but he got out of the pool after 30 minutes and said he was done. Just in time for my nephew to call and ask if he could bring Abby over to swim. All 3 of them came over and we cooked hot dogs and had chips and fruit. So all in all it was a good day. I'll take it. I hope I was pleasant enough tho, my ass was killing me the whole time and I tried not to show it. sounds like everyone had a great time. sorry about your butt :ihih: :ciappa:

I haven't worked since last Tuesday. I'm going back in tomorrow morning and working a 3 hour shift. I'll work till we get this all figured out.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Hi Jenn.

Hi ya'll...

How is everyone? We had a really busy weekend here.

We had a meeting with the school on Friday for Zach. It turns out that he did not pass his math portion of the TAKS test (State of Texas testing) that he is required to do before being advanced to the ninth grade. He missed it by THREE questions. It really breaks my heart. He is usually an A-B student in all subjects except for math. He generally keeps a low B and on occasion a high C in there. While I understand the importance of Math, I HATE generalized testing. Just hate it. Awww, poor guy. That has to suck! 3 questions!

Zach had a little breakdown on Friday. He was so heartbroken. Through tears, He said "Mom, I tried so hard." That is so sad. I feel so bad for him. Don'tcha wish we could take the sadness away from our kids?

He has one more opportunity to pass...after taking 15 days of summer school. I think the summer school is a blessing in disguise as he really could use in the extra help in math before hitting high school but it doesn't make me feel any better about that stupid test.

We spent the weekend at the bayhouse, mulching, planting and tearing up our pier. We are going to need a new bulkhead sooner rather than later...to the tune of about $8000.00 :frown:. Can you believe hurricane season is already here? :eek:

My band has also been giving me trouble. I had a fill put in back in April. I believe it was .2 or something like that. Not much at all, but it's the same .2 that I keep telling my doctor is too much. He told me, "No, you could use in a fill." We have done this twice already and both times I have had to have it removed. I reluctantly agreed because I haven't been loosing any weight and now I wake up with heartburn several times a week. I think the real problem is that we are eating too late in the evening. I am going to try liquids (again, sigh) hopefully for a few days and see if I can't get things turned around. If not, back to the doctor I go. I have 1.0 and I know i need more. You go to Spivak right?

Also, you guys...I don't want to burden you with any more problems as I know we are all going through our own issues, but would you keep Zach in your prayers for the next two days? It's a long story, but on Christmas Eve last year Zachary had a bad accident with an elevator that is on this new house we bought (a steel cage elevator). The previous owner's wife was terminally ill and used a scooter to get around so they had it put in for her. I saw the pic on FB...looks scary!

On Christmas Eve, we were using it to haul up our gifts, luggage and ice chest to spend what would have been our first night there. Zachary was on the second floor in the elevator and I had used the stairs to carry more stuff up. I remember turning around to talk to him and watching the cable come unwound. He free fell back to the bottom floor.


He ended up having something called compartment compression syndrome and they opened his arm from wrist to elbow to release the pressure. He also severed a muscle and tendon. They had to take two really big pieces of skin from his leg to close his arm when the drainage was complete. He spent 11 days in the hospital.

We have some doctor's appointments tomorrow and he will have his fourth surgery on Tuesday. His surgeon at this point is slowly removing the skin graft and pulling his arm back together to make it look more normal.

I can't describe to you my guilt about the whole thing. In hindsight, even though I rode the elevator with the previous owner when we were getting ready to buy it, we should have had it inspected. We never asked him when the last time he had it inspected was. Who knows, it could have went through Hurricane Ike and still not been checked afterwards. Zach had no business on it...and I had told him to do it.

Anyhow, sorry for my emotional post. I hate that Zach is dealing with so much right now and as a mom, I wish I could make everything ok, you know? I will make sure to say special prayers for all of you AND the doctor.


Hi everyone, I suppose it's time to come out of lurking and introduce myself! I've been reading all of LBT off and on for about a year now and a couple of the ongoing threads caught my attention, mostly because you all seem so nice :)Aha! We've got you fooled! :lol2: Glad you decided to 'come out of the LBT closet! Stick around with us, ok?

My name is Terri, I'm 49 and have been looking into being banded for a year. Of course now that I've decided to to it and want to do it NOW I find out my insurance requires 6 months supervised diet before they'll look at it. And even then no guarantees. ughhhh even though i lost & regained, i would still have the surgery all over again because i know when i get my head back into the right place i will succeed again with this wonderful tool i have to help me.

Kat, I live in Farmington!! I was going to come vote early and introduce myself but time got away from me and it was regular voting day before I knew it lol. I would love to meet you and pick your brain about the band.

I wish I could go see Kat too. Talk about a fantastic friend!!

I've got 2 kids, dd 27 in Phoenix going to law school and ds 22 here and works for us (oilfield), a dh, 3 dogs of ours, 2 dogs of dd's while she's in school, and her cat. It's a regular zoo around here!

So that's about it for me, I just thought it was about time I introduced myself.

Hope all goes well for Haydee. She and Juan have lived together for ages, so it isn't like she has any adapting to married life so to speak. I had not heard. They all removed me from their friends lists....not sure what brought that on....but I am fine with it. their loss, our gain. You know how i feel on this subject...so I wont put it on here except to say, screw it! :tape2: :lol2: Love ya sista!

Suzie---maybe the company helped occupy your mind for awhile today. I woul dhave come by begging pool time too!!! We have contemplated one, but I know nothing about above ground pools, and it would have to be one of those.....is yours in ground?

Kat wouldnt it be great to invade Suzanne one day? Who knows...

Tracy---I know Frank is not thrilled with the idea of you working, but I think a job with the school district would be ideal. Macy would always have you around. When Frank has weekdays off would be the only issue. I was unsure of going back when I went to the eye Dr. (got gossip there!!!) but in the end I did it, because I was afraid Rick was getting laid off and wanted to stash some money, and pay off some bills, which we did. Was well worth it. And if I could work daily the mornings like I did for early voting, I would jump all over that! Well, I need to take this first step so I can reconnect with Tracy. She got lost somewhere the past couple of years and I really miss her.

Looks like we will be in SA a week from tomorrow. Would LOVE to hook up with you! I will have my phone, and will call you! If nothing else, maybe we can swing part way and get together for dinner, or lunch or a beer, or something!!! I will look at Franks schedule and see when he is off. I would love to see again you too!

When Rick got home, we tossed some burgers on the grill. Then my parents come by to check out what all will need to be watered while we are gone, so we tossed on a couple extra! Was nice, had 2 meals with them today!!!

I have gained weight again....5 pounds up! I have to get walking again, or hit my elliptical, SOMETHING to get moving, that is my key. I KNOW it. I keep thinking if I get a dog, I would make myself walk it daily. I for some reason am not worth it to take myself, but would for a dog. Guess that says something......

Well I am going to read for awhile and head off to bed. Taking my Mom to town tomorrow, so will check in at some point, depending on if we go early or late!

Welcome, Terri! Glad you jumped in!

Tracy, you're too funny! If I stay swollen much longer, I AM going to name it! Thinking it should be a boy! Ya know men are a pain! LOL!!!! Congrats, you did the impossible for me today...I actually laughed!! Thank you! :lol::unsure:

Best wishes on your apps! I think going back to work is a great idea!

I even applied for BP. They are hiring entry level and paying well AND i have a few connections there...so I might go back into the oilfield business. I would feel comfortable doing it because its all i know...:blush:

Suzanne, your day sounded nice. Sorry your ass hurts so bad. I loved your play on words with the docs in a row!

Kat, your plan for you trip sounds great!

Angela, you and your son are in my prayers! Lots of best wishes to him on his surgery this week. You can NOT beat yourself up for something that seemed so benign at the time. I don't think I would have thought about it either. Not many elevators in homes! I sure as hell wouldn't know what to do with one! Hugs!


I was sitting in my chair this afternoon and could NOT keep my eyes open. So I didn't! I went to bed and took a nap... for TWO AND A HALF HOURS!!!! Hmmm, think I needed it? I only got up b/c DH was headed out for a soccer game (they won!). I'm still tired. Don't think I'll have a problem sleeping tonight. A nap sounds great right now...:Yawn:

Have a great Monday y'all! HUGS!!!

Welcome, Terri:rapture:

Tracy, I am sending internet hugs. I will take all of these I can get, thanks!!

Suzie, I hope work goes well this morning. Your appointments are today?

Yesterday morning I was reminded that scrambled eggs are the work of the devil. My dh cooked bacon, eggs and smothered potatoes for breakfast. I ate two strips of bacon, no problem. I ate LESS than one scrambled egg, then proceeded to pb for over 2 hours!!! I was so mad. We were going to my in-laws to see my stepdaughter and grandchildren. Lunch was bbq sandwiches from Hi-Ho. These are soooo good. Could I eat any? NO. I was downing liquid ibuprofen and then made black bean Soup to eat for the next 2 days :cursing:. Oh, well, maybe it is the sign that I needed to jump start my weight loss with a few days of liquids. Dangit. See, I wish I was still a model bandster like you. You GO sister! You rock! I would have just kept trying over and over to eat it. I suck!

But, my stepdaugter and her family are moving closer, so that was good news. She seems to be doing much better with her health, so all is good:thumbup:. This is wonderful news!

I am going to get dressed for summer school:unsure:

Have a good Monday, everyone!

Ok girls, lots of running around and numerous phone calls and this is where we stand right now. The Doc that ordered the test has read the report and is not concerned and has signed off, she however is sending the report to my GP for him to decide if I need to go see a Cardiologist. She said that my valves and arteries looked good. There is a slight diminish in the heart beat but nothing that should be of any concern. She would just like for me to do a quick follow up with a Cardio Doc. In a little bit I will call my GP and talk to the nurse. She has already been informed about what is going on. But I will check with her and see if she can get me in as soon as she can. Not sure I will get all of this done in time for surgery this thursday, looks like it will probably be next week. I'm feeling better already. I am so glad. I can tell that you are not as nervous as you were and if you ARE, you sure are hiding it well!!

Love multiquotes....it keeps me from forgetting what I was gonna say to who.

It looks so rainy around here, again. DH is about to get up and go to work.

Macy is becoming more of a mamas girl. She doesn't want to leave my side. I think she is sensing my turmoil and she has been loving on me and kissing on me. What a sweet babygirl. Thank you God for my sweet girl. :smile2:

Hope you all have a great evening!!

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Cardiologist appointment this friday afternoon. Surgery is tenitively set for June 17th. Keep your fingers crossed.

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Love multiquotes....it keeps me from forgetting what I was gonna say to who.

I can't do the multi-quote...I suck!

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Hey y'all~

Just got home from taking Mom to town. We had a good time. My Dad has a school reunion coming up, so she was wanting something new to wear. We bought her a couple of cute things, and I bought her one of her outfits and a totally cool necklace and earring set to go with it for her birthday, which is the 12th. And I will be gone. Always works out that way---Rick said it won't next year, he can guarantee it! LOL

I chatted with Terri, and we are getting together over lunch tomorrow. Sounds like it is gonna be fun! I am hoping her new found excitement can rub off and I can drop the last weight.....again!!

Trying to decide what to take out for dinner. I have hamburger thawed....but we just grilled burgers----not sure what we will have. Suzannes spaghetti sounds kind of good, but I wanted to cook out, not in, it is hot enough!!

Suzie, hope everything pans out for your surgery to be done so soon. I like hearing the only issue with your heart is electro stuff with the beat, that is pretty easy to adjust---usually with meds.

Tracy, you are the Queen of multi posts---I am multi post challenged! I always want to delete parts, and screw it all up!

Bought me a cute pair of capris in Target, light weight denim, which is what I was concerned with was the weight, it is going to be so hot in SA I want thin and lightweight. I like them.....but the other ones I tried on, 2 different pair the 10's fit....the ones I wanted....of course the 10's did not fit, so are a 12.....mind games! Didn't work! I bought them anyway!!!

OK---gotta get some things done! Need to go get the insurance card on the van, we need to replace the windshield before we go. Whooppeee. ....lets spend more money!

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I don't know how to Multi-Quote. :unsure:

How exciting that Kat and Terri will be meeting up. I hope that her enthusiasm does rub off on you and if you have any left over can you spread it our way???? I did tell hubby if I keep going at the rate I'm going that I will be about 8 pounds lighter by my surgery.

I'm working a double shift tomorrow plus older sis has 2 Doc appointments. It will be late before I check in.

Have a great day and make it a good one.

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hmmm not sure if I will be in excitement mode or despair mode tomorrow lol. I swing from one to the another at the blink of an eye.

I can't wait for lunch tomorrow, my first irl meeting of someone from "the internet" ooooooooo:tongue_smilie:. I remember my first chat room experience, I was so scared! And now I'm all growed up and meeting someone for lunch.

Work is crazy and I'm so tired of it being so dang hot. We totally missed out on spring here. From snow to 100+ in 6 weeks. ughhhh And then I saw my first cottonwood flying today, great more allergy headaches.

Hope everyone is having a great evening and thank you all so much for the welcomes.

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Good evening,

Hi Terri. I'm pretty new myself but I really enjoy this group! I hope you and Kat enjoy your lunch tomorrow.

Suzie, woo-hoo! Progress. I know you will be glad when this is all over with.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We found out today that Zachary's surgery is going to be postponed to July 1st. Long, aggravating story there, but the ball was dropped by someone in his office. The surgeon scheduled this surgery a month ago at our last visit. He wanted to see him today before his surgery and we were going to pre-op as well.

After all the confusion, he decided that he had too many surgeries scheduled for tomorrow and would have to put Zach off til Thursday. No go....summer school starts Wednesday and is only 15 days long. I couldn't reach the principal to see if Zach missing a day would fly or not so we had to compromise on a later date.

*sigh* I too will be glad when this is all over with. A glass half full person would be grateful for his health and that this can be fixed even if it takes a little longer...I know. I'm trying to get there!

On a lighter note, after a good little pity party (because the timing was just right for everything going on...and the new surgery date will be right before our vacation), I shook it off and Zach and I went out for lunch and then spent the rest of the afternoon goofing off. It sounds hokey, but I love that he will still grab my hand on occasion and hold it. He is a sweet kid.

Tracy, glad to see you are back! I am not sure I could multi-quote either!!

Have a good evening!


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Awww Terri, you will be excited, even if it is just by the idea that there are options available to you! However, I think all of us here understand the despair....the wondering WTH happened to me!!! You are not alone!

I will probably be in denim capri's and lets see....I think my brown shirt is clean!!!!

Suzie, I am so proud of you! You do so well, just dropping a pound here and there, and you just keep going. I went the other way! LOL---will fix it, but probably not til after this trip! Honestly.....

I just made motel reservations in SA for Sun, Mon, & Tues. We will get into our little place on Friday. See the family that night, and Saturday. Then leave out Sunday morning, go to SA, and will be there for sure the 3 days, then depending, we might stay Wed. Then go back, spend another night, and head out again. We have a couple of stops we want to make on the way home. Will be short and sweet, but will be fun!!! We may stay an extra day or so at the place, we have favorite places we like to go....so we may hang around and hit those. But....we agreed, no days working all day! We will work OUR cattle, and help his Dad with something if need be....but no all dayers! I LOVE it!

I am excited!!

Tracy, now may be THE time to apply with BP. I have no doubt they want this spill stopped as much as anyone else. It is a disaster! My DD got a company email, that told them due to the issues with the oil spill, they would be pushing the Natural Gas side more, they are bringing back some rigs, and looks like it might actually boost business here. How wierd is that? It has always been kind of like the stocks and bonds thing. Stocks go up, bonds go down, bonds go up, stocks come down. Oil is high, gas (natural) is low, Gas is high, oil low.....go figure.

Well I am going to go finish my book I guess, my DD is wanting it to read. See y'all tomorrow!

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Welcome, Terri:rapture:

Angela, I will keep your son in my prayers. As a teacher, I also hate high-stakes standardized testing. My feeling is, if you aren't going to make each year important, don't just pin-point certain grades. It puts too much stress on our children. You are correct, however, that this will help him be prepared for next year, IF they pinpoint just his weaknesses and fix those. Will Zach be properly recovered from surgery when summer school begins? You will both stay in my prayers.

I don't know if this happens where you are, Cindy but here, they are now basically teaching the damn tests. If it has nothing to do with the test, it's probably in moth balls. I hate it!

Michelle, you needed that rest. For the next couple of weeks, you will continue to be recovering. Take those naps when the urge hits you!!!

Will do! :smile2:

Kat, I am glad you decided to go, but just for the day. I agree that it will send a more powerful message than just not showing up. I hope you both have a wonderful time during your trip.


Tracy, I am sending internet hugs.

Me too!

Suzie, I hope work goes well this morning. Your appointments are today?

Yesterday morning I was reminded that scrambled eggs are the work of the devil. My dh cooked bacon, eggs and smothered potatoes for breakfast. I ate two strips of bacon, no problem. I ate LESS than one scrambled egg, then proceeded to pb for over 2 hours!!! I was so mad. We were going to my in-laws to see my stepdaughter and grandchildren. lunch was bbq sandwiches from Hi-Ho. These are soooo good. Could I eat any? NO. I was downing liquid ibuprofen and then made black bean Soup to eat for the next 2 days :ciappa:. Oh, well, maybe it is the sign that I needed to jump start my weight loss with a few days of liquids. Dangit. But, my stepdaugter and her family are moving closer, so that was good news. She seems to be doing much better with her health, so all is good:thumbup:.

Sorry about the egss but great news re: SDD. I'm sure it will be so nice to have her closer.

I am going to get dressed for summer school:unsure:

Have a good Monday, everyone!

Welcome Terri. So glad that you have joined us.

Angela. That is such a scary story about your son. Please don't blame yourself foe any of it. It was truly an accident. Math was the one subject that I was very good at, it was everything else that I struggled with. I will keep him in my prayers.

Ok girls, lots of running around and numerous phone calls and this is where we stand right now. The Doc that ordered the test has read the report and is not concerned and has signed off, she however is sending the report to my GP for him to decide if I need to go see a Cardiologist. She said that my valves and arteries looked good. There is a slight diminish in the heart beat but nothing that should be of any concern. She would just like for me to do a quick follow up with a Cardio Doc. In a little bit I will call my GP and talk to the nurse. She has already been informed about what is going on. But I will check with her and see if she can get me in as soon as she can. Not sure I will get all of this done in time for surgery this thursday, looks like it will probably be next week. I'm feeling better already.

Good news! I like good news. So glad you are feeling better about it all. So scary, I know.

It looks so rainy around here, again. DH is about to get up and go to work.

Macy is becoming more of a mamas girl. She doesn't want to leave my side. I think she is sensing my turmoil and she has been loving on me and kissing on me. What a sweet babygirl. Thank you God for my sweet girl. :blush:

Hope you all have a great evening!!

Awwww, sweet girl! Glad I could make you laugh!


Cardiologist appointment this friday afternoon. Surgery is tenitively set for June 17th. Keep your fingers crossed.

Sounds good! Fingers crossed and prayers being sent!!

I can't do the multi-quote...I suck!

No ya don't. Just need to practice. And I almost ALWAYS preview before I post it.

Hey y'all~

Just got home from taking Mom to town. We had a good time. My Dad has a school reunion coming up, so she was wanting something new to wear. We bought her a couple of cute things, and I bought her one of her outfits and a totally cool necklace and earring set to go with it for her birthday, which is the 12th. And I will be gone. Always works out that way---Rick said it won't next year, he can guarantee it! LOL

Sounds like fun!!

I chatted with Terri, and we are getting together over lunch tomorrow. Sounds like it is gonna be fun! I am hoping her new found excitement can rub off and I can drop the last weight.....again!!

Cool!!! Enjoy!!

Trying to decide what to take out for dinner. I have hamburger thawed....but we just grilled burgers----not sure what we will have. Suzannes spaghetti sounds kind of good, but I wanted to cook out, not in, it is hot enough!!

Take a pot out to the grill!

Suzie, hope everything pans out for your surgery to be done so soon. I like hearing the only issue with your heart is electro stuff with the beat, that is pretty easy to adjust---usually with meds.

Tracy, you are the Queen of multi posts---I am multi post challenged! I always want to delete parts, and screw it all up!

That's why I preview first! Sometimes things get funky and you don't even know it!

Bought me a cute pair of capris in Target, light weight denim, which is what I was concerned with was the weight, it is going to be so hot in SA I want thin and lightweight. I like them.....but the other ones I tried on, 2 different pair the 10's fit....the ones I wanted....of course the 10's did not fit, so are a 12.....mind games! Didn't work! I bought them anyway!!!

Good for you! I bought a couple of dresses at Target tonight. I always have to buy a size up if it's Mossimo's brand. :tape2:

OK---gotta get some things done! Need to go get the insurance card on the van, we need to replace the windshield before we go. Whooppeee. ....lets spend more money!

Ain't that fun! We've got both trucks to smog and register this month. Oh goody!

I don't know how to Multi-Quote. :yikes:

How exciting that Kat and Terri will be meeting up. I hope that her enthusiasm does rub off on you and if you have any left over can you spread it our way???? I did tell hubby if I keep going at the rate I'm going that I will be about 8 pounds lighter by my surgery.

I'm working a double shift tomorrow plus older sis has 2 Doc appointments. It will be late before I check in.

Have a great day and make it a good one.

Sounds like a busy day! :frown:

hmmm not sure if I will be in excitement mode or despair mode tomorrow lol. I swing from one to the another at the blink of an eye.

We all do, even AFTER surgery! Get used to it, Hon! :unsure:

I can't wait for lunch tomorrow, my first irl meeting of someone from "the internet" ooooooooo:tongue_smilie:. I remember my first chat room experience, I was so scared! And now I'm all growed up and meeting someone for lunch.

You is a big girl now!!

Work is crazy and I'm so tired of it being so dang hot. We totally missed out on spring here. From snow to 100+ in 6 weeks. ughhhh And then I saw my first cottonwood flying today, great more allergy headaches.

UGH! Allergies! DD and I both are having problems this year and we usually don't!

Hope everyone is having a great evening and thank you all so much for the welcomes.

Good evening,

Hi Terri. I'm pretty new myself but I really enjoy this group! I hope you and Kat enjoy your lunch tomorrow.

Suzie, woo-hoo! Progress. I know you will be glad when this is all over with.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We found out today that Zachary's surgery is going to be postponed to July 1st. Long, aggravating story there, but the ball was dropped by someone in his office. The surgeon scheduled this surgery a month ago at our last visit. He wanted to see him today before his surgery and we were going to pre-op as well.

After all the confusion, he decided that he had too many surgeries scheduled for tomorrow and would have to put Zach off til Thursday. No go....summer school starts Wednesday and is only 15 days long. I couldn't reach the principal to see if Zach missing a day would fly or not so we had to compromise on a later date.

*sigh* I too will be glad when this is all over with. A glass half full person would be grateful for his health and that this can be fixed even if it takes a little longer...I know. I'm trying to get there!

What a mess! You might find it ends up working out better for some reason. That is what usually happens to me. Hang in there!

On a lighter note, after a good little pity party (because the timing was just right for everything going on...and the new surgery date will be right before our vacation), I shook it off and Zach and I went out for lunch and then spent the rest of the afternoon goofing off. It sounds hokey, but I love that he will still grab my hand on occasion and hold it. He is a sweet kid.


Tracy, glad to see you are back! I am not sure I could multi-quote either!!

Have a good evening!


Awww Terri, you will be excited, even if it is just by the idea that there are options available to you! However, I think all of us here understand the despair....the wondering WTH happened to me!!! You are not alone!

I will probably be in denim capri's and lets see....I think my brown shirt is clean!!!!

Suzie, I am so proud of you! You do so well, just dropping a pound here and there, and you just keep going. I went the other way! LOL---will fix it, but probably not til after this trip! Honestly.....

I just made motel reservations in SA for Sun, Mon, & Tues. We will get into our little place on Friday. See the family that night, and Saturday. Then leave out Sunday morning, go to SA, and will be there for sure the 3 days, then depending, we might stay Wed. Then go back, spend another night, and head out again. We have a couple of stops we want to make on the way home. Will be short and sweet, but will be fun!!! We may stay an extra day or so at the place, we have favorite places we like to go....so we may hang around and hit those. But....we agreed, no days working all day! We will work OUR cattle, and help his Dad with something if need be....but no all dayers! I LOVE it!

WhooHoo!!! I still think CA would've been a good idea! :cursing:

I am excited!!

Tracy, now may be THE time to apply with BP. I have no doubt they want this spill stopped as much as anyone else. It is a disaster! My DD got a company email, that told them due to the issues with the oil spill, they would be pushing the Natural Gas side more, they are bringing back some rigs, and looks like it might actually boost business here. How wierd is that? It has always been kind of like the stocks and bonds thing. Stocks go up, bonds go down, bonds go up, stocks come down. Oil is high, gas (natural) is low, Gas is high, oil low.....go figure.

Well I am going to go finish my book I guess, my DD is wanting it to read. See y'all tomorrow!


Doc was happy. Still not completely closed off inside but it's getting there. Wants to see me again in a couple of months.

Hope y'all have a great night and a fantastic Tuesday!!

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WOW, nobody was home today???

I know I was busy all day. Worked than took Sis to her Docs. Grocery store, took Sis home. Came home for an hour. Took Sis to the Docs and then home. Went back to work.

We have had storms all evening. Lots of lightning, pretty but scary.

I told hubby if I'm up in the morning I will go to the gym with him. We'll just have to see. My butt is really hurting and the hip is too. Seems like the only time I get relief is when I workout. If I go I will ride the bike for a couple of hours and do upper body strength training.

Kat and Terri, did you guys get a chance to meet up? I hope so and that you guys had a great time.

Hi everyone.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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