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Nothing like a crappy 3 hour sleep before having to go work for 6 hours. It's gonna be a long day. I was really tired when I hit the bed but the brain went into overtime. Finally got to sleep but kept waking up and the mind would start racing again. So now it's awake when it doesn't want to be. Can't do anything about it now. Looks like a nap is in store for later.

Michelle, glad to hear DD had a great day.

Can't wait to have Kat back full time.

Everyone have a great day. I'll check in when I get home from work.

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Good morning everyone :)

Suzanne-I agree with the band dr too (and kat) You definitely need an unfill for the surgery. I know you must be overwhelmed with everything going on. Feel free to reach out anytime, ok? Love you sista!

Kat-I am an oldtimer? :ohmy: Thanks for reminding me and starting my day out on a positive note! :thumbup:

Angela-Thursday sounds good. Remind me or I will show up Wednesday, lol. You must have needed all that sleep. That sounds heavenly :) About your phone deal at work, sounds like something I would do too! :rolleyes:

Cindy-so when does summer school start? And how long does it last? How did you like the outcome of the biggest loser?

Michelle-so what did your dd get for her birthday? I love how excited they get on special days. :thumbup:

Jenn-you listening? (or reading?) Hope things are going well for you!

Bethany- :thumbup: hi there! How are things with you?

Everyone-I need to go to the girl scouts store this morning. Did not know there was such a thing until now. lol I am getting macys brownie uniform. She has an awards ceremony next week and she is 'bridging' from a daisy to a brownie. They are having the girls walk over a bridge that was built for them and they are going to take off their old blue smocks and have the brown one under it :rolleyes:

Have a great day and i will check in later!

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Tracy: I thought Mike looked amazing, but I thought his choice of clothing was a little off. I hear everyone posting about Kholi and his attitude. I think Kholi had every right to be cocky about what he had done and it seems to be a cultural thing. Remember the cousins a couple of seasons back? I loved them and the way they were boisterous. It sucks for Kholi, because by America not voting for him, it cost him the extra 150K he would've won by beating Mike. :rolleyes:

Summer school is 14 days total: 2 planning, 9 teaching and 3 testing. It pays REALLY well, so I am glad to do it. It is extremely competitive, but some of the veteran teachers didn't want to do it this year, because supervisors did observations last year during summer school. My thinking is, if I am doing my job, it doesn't matter if they come and observe.

ALEX COMES HOME TODAY!!! I miss her so much. It sounds like she had an amazing time. She said WICKED is the best! It gave her chills and actually made her cry during one of the songs. She is ready to come home, though, she misses us all, and most of all, she is almost out of money.:rolleyes:

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LOL Cindy--classic kid for you---their ability to be independent relates heavily on how much $$$ they have!!! It does not change for a few years yet!!!

Well another day partly down. I am so overwhelmed with the amount of things I am in charge of with the precinct I am in, and the others I am supervising....I am a little crazy right now. I do NOT want to end up on the news as the one who screwed up NM's election!!!! There is no possibility of a hanging chad on our votes, but some things go to the County Clerk, others to the secretary of State, another to a judge......some get locked in the machine, others in a locked box. Memory cards go here, count this, keep all Dem's & Rep.'s stubs separate, and all #'s must add up. Provisional ballots....in lieu of absentee ballots....ai-yi-yi, what did I get myself into?

I went and got the key to the firestations today---they are NO help! It is not the firestations themselves I saw, just the Op center, and they have been using the rooms I am scheduled for for storage, and it is a disaster! I am going to have an hour of rearranging before we can even start!

Rick wanted to go to a rally---there is no way. I have bitten off way too much with this. On a positive note, it did lead to a job discussion---but right now the county is in a hiring freeze. BUT that works for me, I would rather wait til summer is over!!!

Anyway....chaos ensues! LOL

Suzie, I can understand why sleep would be hard right now, it is scary to think about this surgery! Sleep as you can, and if you can get a nap--take it!

When do you plan on talking to your sister?

Tracy, yep you are a thread oldtimer, hell you started it!!! LOL

I had no idea there was a GS store either!! I would have looked on line, no idea about that stuff anymore!!! I did have a girl come in and vote who I had in brownies, and she said she still had an old pillow/sitting cushion we made, she uses it to kneel on in her garden!!! I had forgotten all about them!!!

Cindy, I had no idea you only had 9 days to get through to the kids in summer school. When do you do it? Is it one subject or all? That amazes me!

Angela, you and Tracy have fun, take some pics!!!

Bethany---whats on the agenda for the long weekend? I wish I had one!!!

Michelle---I figure with all the festivities this weekend, your DH probably has to work. Mine is on call tonight, then free til Monday. I work 4 hours tomorrow, last early voting day. Sorry you are losing your yarn store....I can feel your sadness over it.....

Well my folks made it to Colorado---big sigh of relief! I better get busy, I have so much to read and plan!

Be back sometime this weekend!

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We used to get our stuff from JC Penney's. They had a section in there where you could go get Boy and Girl Scout stuff. Back then they didn't really have a wide selection. Gosh I would love to go to a store lie that. I bet it would bring back a lot of really good memories.

Swim time. We floated around for about an hour. Loved it.

I sure do miss Jenn alot. Can't wait till she can check in a little more than once a week.

Did you see where Gary Coleman died? He was really young. Not sure yet what happened but he did have kidney problems. Poor thing.

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Kat: I am teaching math only. I am there 7 hours per day with 6 of them being active teaching time. I have to be there at 7:25 and it is a 50 mile drive that takes 1 hr 15 min. to get there. Not fun, but the money is good, so I am there.

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Hi ya'll!

Just a quick check in...

I hope everyone has a safe and fun-filled holiday weekend. We will be all over the place this weekend but not anywhere that I have the internet!

Take care and stay safe!

...and hug a veteran!!


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Well, Alex is home, finally, and she was super excited when I reminded her that tomorrow is the Bayou Country Superfest! We will see Taylor Swift and Keith Urban, and Sunday my son and husband are seeing Brooks and Dunn and Kenny Chesney. It should be a great show. Hopefully, it won't rain on us. It doesn't rain here for two months and it has been raining a little here and there for a week and a half. When is it going to rain in the next 10 days?! ONLY TOMORROW AND SUNDAY!!!! UGH!:rolleyes: Hopefully we won't get too wet and the show should be worth it. Did I mention that I am glad my baby is home?

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Cindy, so glad to hear you DD is home and had a great time. We saw Brooks and Dunn last Sept. They really put on a good show. I would love to see Keith Urban. I have several of his songs on my MP3 player that I listen too when I go walking. I hope the rains hold off till after mignight for you guys. Have a blast.

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I took a muscle relaxer last night and went to bed at 9pm. Woke up at 8am. I'm all refreshed and ready for the weekend.

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Cindy, so glad to hear you DD is home and had a great time. We saw Brooks and Dunn last Sept. They really put on a good show. I would love to see Keith Urban. I have several of his songs on my MP3 player that I listen too when I go walking. I hope the rains hold off till after mignight for you guys. Have a blast.

My DH and I saw them about 5 years ago at the Beau Rivage Casino and it was an incredible show. I would love to see them again, but my son (15) loves them and has never seen them. Since they are breaking up and Josh's birthday is June 5th, this is kind of like a birthday present. The two day ticket thing worked out well for us. Daughter loves Urban and Swift, and son loves B & D and Chesney we all like. Yeah, the rain thing sucks. The hour-by-hour breakdown shows sunshine all day until 6. What time does Urban start singing?....6:20! Doesn't that just suck?!

Suzie, keep us updated about your surgery and I am glad you got a good night's sleep last night.

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Tracy: I thought Mike looked amazing, but I thought his choice of clothing was a little off. I hear everyone posting about Kholi and his attitude. I think Kholi had every right to be cocky about what he had done and it seems to be a cultural thing. Remember the cousins a couple of seasons back? I loved them and the way they were boisterous. It sucks for Kholi, because by America not voting for him, it cost him the extra 150K he would've won by beating Mike. :unsure:

I did not even stop to think about that! He would have WON? Lucky for Mike, right?

Tracy, yep you are a thread oldtimer, hell you started it!!! LOL

I had no idea there was a GS store either!! I would have looked on line, no idea about that stuff anymore!!! I did have a girl come in and vote who I had in brownies, and she said she still had an old pillow/sitting cushion we made, she uses it to kneel on in her garden!!! I had forgotten all about them!!!

How cute that she still has it! That makes me smile :smile2:. Yep, we went to the GS store. OMG...that stuff is expensive! Oh and another thing...i am so glad I started this thread. You ladies are my friends now. Now i feel like I have a new family that likes me for me. I do not have to pretend. That means the world to me, thank you! :wub:

We used to get our stuff from JC Penney's. They had a section in there where you could go get Boy and Girl Scout stuff. Back then they didn't really have a wide selection. Gosh I would love to go to a store lie that. I bet it would bring back a lot of really good memories. It was great going in there and seeing all that stuff! I could seriously go broke! I dropped a hundred dollars on the uniform and still need to buy shoes and socks! At least the meetings do not start up again until September AND she will be able to wear the uniforn for 2 years. :thumbup:

Swim time. We floated around for about an hour. Loved it. I am SO jealous!

I sure do miss Jenn alot. Can't wait till she can check in a little more than once a week. I miss her too. But at least she is working and is happy for the most part.

Did you see where Gary Coleman died? He was really young. Not sure yet what happened but he did have kidney problems. He died of a brain annurism (sp?) :crying:Poor thing.

Hi ya'll!

Just a quick check in...

I hope everyone has a safe and fun-filled holiday weekend. We will be all over the place this weekend but not anywhere that I have the internet! Totally unacceptable. :tt2:

Take care and stay safe! Have a great one too!

...and hug a veteran!!


Well, Alex is home, finally, and she was super excited when I reminded her that tomorrow is the Bayou Country Superfest! We will see Taylor Swift and Keith Urban, woohooo, i wish i was there! I love Taylor Swift even though she flings her hair around too much, lol. and Sunday my son and husband are seeing Brooks and Dunn and Kenny Chesney. It should be a great show. Hopefully, it won't rain on us. It doesn't rain here for two months and it has been raining a little here and there for a week and a half. When is it going to rain in the next 10 days?! ONLY TOMORROW AND SUNDAY!!!! UGH!:w00t: Hopefully we won't get too wet and the show should be worth it. Did I mention that I am glad my baby is home? So what you are trying to say is you are glad she is home? Don't beat around the bush about it! lol :tongue2:

Good morning everyone! I had 2 girls at my house last night. We stayed up until midnight :scared2: They argue like sisters! :blink:

My friend (also the troop leader) asked me yesterday if we are still offering our house as a place to hold the meetings starting September. HECK YEAH! Now i do not have to leave the house to attend a meeting! lol We have that HUGE gameroom that is empty for the mostpart and now it will be able to be used! I am psyched. :cool: I told the leader & one of the co leaders about the bar it has in it and the laughed and said now we wont have to go out anywhere for a drink after the meeting either. lol

On another subject, dh got jealous because our dr hugged me twice at my dr visit. Seriously? :cursing: lol

I need to get off my butt...it is starting to ache. lol There is a hint to get moving, right?

Have a great weekend everyone! Be good to yourselves!

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If I make it through Tuesday, I will be finished with election. I am ready for it to be over. Not thrilled with any of our options in NM. It is sad, thinking who will be the lesser of the evils! Sad but way too true. The 2 candidates, one in each party I think would do the best job, don'thave a chance, one does not have the $$$ to compete with the big names running in the Rep. race, and the other is a Dem., and in this state, and election, that alone is enough to kill her chances. So.....now to see what awaits us!!!

I just PRAY I make it through election day---I am so overwhelmed with some of this. I have a book with 6 small print pages detailing my responsibilities on that day, and that is without any problems----and then when you factor in possible problems, I feel like hyperventilating!!!

Cindy, glad your DD made it home safe and sound. You both took big steps with the trip. Letting go when they grow up is so hard!

Suzie, glad you got some good rest. I hope to sleep well tonight.

Rick bought me this HUGE plant. It is in like a 12-14" planter---larger maybe, I have no idea, it is soooo covered! It is filled with beautiful wave petunias. It measures about 3 feet across with all the foliage and is trailing over the side, we have it on a stool, and it is all blooms. SOOOOOO pretty! I love it! Also bought a hanging plant with dahlias, and vinca, and I don't know what else, the dahlia is budded and ready to bloom, I am soooo curious to what color!!

Yard looks great, hope to get some more work done, but I am happy with it!

We had plans when I got off, but Ricks Dad needed help with a belt on his swather, irritates the Sam Hell out of me! His brother was here for 3 days---but oh hell no, he waits til he leaves, and calls Rick for the dirty work, then they tell EVERYONE, that Tom come in for FIL's Dr. appt. don't bother saying that yes Rick went too, then he spent his entire time off working for us, while Tom went to Rockies baseball games. Nope it is good son Tom, and plain ol' Good ol boy Rick.......grrrrrrrr. Then we have to hear about it from everyone. We used to TELL them when it was son being used this way what all he did, so they knew, with us, we don't brag ourselves up!

DIL told DH that they found a house, only $900.00 a month. They had free rent here. So with free rent, he is going to have to work an additional 450 hours a month for that $2.00 an hour raise, to pay for his house.....and then Lord knows how many more hours to cover utilities he has never had to pay. They are in for such a fricken shock!!!! Of course you can make it work on paper----reality is a different story tho!! Especially the way one of them likes to spend money!

Seriously 450 hours!!! It is a joke of course, but it put it in perspective for us....apparantly not for them. I am just glad we are paid for here. Any job will do us, now that the CS is almost over. It is 3 days away from that check leaving our hands, and it being OVER. I am so relieved, and proud of my husband, he knows it was wrong.....and he did not let the unfairness make it bitter, and resentful....I tried!!! LOL

Well I guess I will call him, it is about time for me to go give his Mom her shot, I was avoiding spending the day out there. I am getting pissed now!!! Wish me luck, and hope Suzannes trick of muttering under her breath works for me............GRRRRRRRRRRR $%(@!!!!!!!!!

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Two weeks ago I had an unfill. This Tuesday I am going in for another unfill. This morning I had a slice of pizza for Breakfast. :cursing: This unfill thing is not working for me. Looks like I'm going to have to get the brain in check.

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Good morning friends~

Going to the movies today with dd to see Shrek Forever After. I am really excited. I love the Shrek movies. I am also excited about having a new Toy Story coming out this summer. :cursing:

I just ate a banana. Really surprised that is finally went down. Band is tight due to stress. I will spare you all the details, just know it has to do with dh exwife, threats of court...yada yada yada. I am beyond tired of it all. I AM NOT going to go to work to pay HIS child support...aint gonna happen. Am I wrong?

Have a great day everyone!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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